HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-09; Building Authority; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CARLSBAD BUILDING AUTHORITY (Special November 9, 1978 3:00 P.M. Engineering Conference Room The meeting was called to order by Chairman Huking at 3:04 P.M. Members present were Chairman- Hukinc Vice Chairman Helton and Secretary Heim. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 5, 1977, were approved as submitted. AUDIT REPORT - Fiscal Year 1977-78. The Audit Report prepared by Wayne Carroll, Certified Public Accountant, was approved as sub- mitted. PAYMENT OF BILLS: The following bills were presented for payment: Wayne Carrol 1 Preparation of Audit Crocker National Bank $260.00 $446.00 Authorization was given the payment of the bill in the amount of $260.00 from Wayne Carroll for preparationoftheAudit. Authorization was given the payment of the.bill in the amount of $446.00 from Crocker National Bank for Trustees Fees for year ended June 30, 1978. Discussion was held relative to the expiration of Mr. Carroll's contract for preparation of the Audit. The Members of the Authority directed that a letter be sent to Mr. Carroll requesting a proposal for the preparation of th.e audit on a three-yearbasis. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: It was agreed that the officers be rotated for calendar year 1979, effective January 1, 1979, as fol 1 ows :. Cha i rman Vice-Chai rman Secretary C. R. Helton Paul Heim L. J. Huking ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 3:16 P.M. Respectfully submitted," ^2^/ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Recording Secretary Huking He 1 ton Heim Huking Helton Heim Huki ng He!ton Hei m Huking He!ton Heim