HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-17; Building Authority; MinutesMINUTES *. Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CARLSBAD BUILDING AUTHORITY (Special Meeting) 'December 17, 1981 3:00 P.M. Council Chambers MEMBERS The meeting was called to order by Chairman Heim at 3:08 p..m.. Members present were: Chairman Heim, Vice Chairman Brown and Secretary Helton.- APPROVAL OP THE MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 10, 1980, were approved as submitted. AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81: Discussion of the Audit reflected a desire by the Authority to have the prior year's figures shown on the same page for com- parative purposes. The Audit Report for fiscal year 1980-81 prepared by Wayne Carroll of Diehl, Evans and Company, was approved as submitted. PAYMENT OF BILLS: The following bils were presented for payment: Diehl, Evans and Company for preparation of Audit $285.00 Crocker National Bank $508.45 Authorization was given the payment of the bill in the amount of $285.00 from the Auditor for preparation of the Audit. Authorization was given the payment of the bill in the amount of $508.45 from Crocker National Bank for Trustees Fees for the year ended June 30, 1981. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: In accordance with previous agreements by the Authority members, the rotation of the members through the offices results in the officers for the 1982 calendar year as follows: Chairman, Mr. Brown; Vice Chairman, Mr. Helton; and Secretary, Mr. Heim. ELECTION OF AUDIT FIRM: The Clerk introduced Mr. Jim Elliott, the City's Finance Direct- or, to the Authority and explained that Mr. Elliott could re-, o spond to questions regarding audit preparation and firms. . Elliott addressed the Authority and explained some changes in the law and the effect of those changes on the form of future audits. He referenced the three proposals, and reported on the audit prepared by Conrad and Associates for the City, and previous audits prepared by Diehl, Evans and Company through Mr. Wayne Carroll. Following brief discussion by the Authority of the three propos- als submitted, the Authority determined to accept the proposal submitted by Diehl, Evans and Company for preparation of the audit for the next three fiscal years. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, eX-*2-v»-7 THA L. RAUTENKRANZ L Recording Secretary Heim Brown Helton Heim Brown Helton Heim Brown Helton Heim Brown Helton Heim Brown Helton X