HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-30; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesCARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT
November 30, 2006
1:00 p.m.
1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173A
Carlsbad, CA
I. CALL TO ORDER: 1:05 p.m.
Chairperson April Shute called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Madame Chair took roll call and all seven Directors were present. Director
Vallas arrived at 1:10 p.m.
Mr. Cima made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stripe, to approve the minutes of the
August 31, 2006 meeting.
Mrs. Gerhardt stated she will provide a brief staff report at each Board meeting
to update the Board members on financial activity that has transpired since the
previous meeting. She reviewed the CTBID assessment revenue from February
through October, 2006. The average occupancy rate was 64.3%, which is
slightly ahead of the forecasted 60% occupancy. The revenue as of 11/21/06 is
$304,906, which includes July through October 2006 collections. Mr. Canepa
shared there may be a shortfall in projected revenue, as the slow season is the
winter months.
Mr. Elliott suggested that the Board members consider extending the contracts
to June 30, 2007 instead of March 31, 2007.
Mr. Stripe made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cima, to approve extension of the
contracts with Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau (CCVB) and San Diego
North Convention & Visitors Bureau (SDNCVB) to June 30, 2007.
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November 30, 2006
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1. Discuss follow-up with both Bureaus relative to success measurement
Mrs. Gerhardt provided a report on her performance measure meetings with the
following people:
Cami Mattson, CEO SDNCVB; Stephanie Colby-Aburto, Dir. of Sales, SDNCVB;
Barbara Bovee, Dir. of Marketing, SDNCVB; Kurt Burkhart, Executive Director,
CCVB; Rob Sapp, Regional Dir. of Marketing, Four Seasons Aviara; Jeffrey
Homad, Dir. of Sales & Marketing, La Costa Resort & Spa; Tim Stripe, Board
Vice-Chair; Robert Moore, GM, Hilton Garden Inn
A) Services of the San Diego North CVB include:
• Provide contracted sales which includes group sales, frequent
independent travelers/vacation packages
• Assist some of the smaller hotels getting set up with Internet
• Represent the North San Diego region, with ten public contracts and 200
SDNCVB Current Measure = Visitor Spending:
• Measured based on contracts
• Includes hotel, food and beverage, entertainment and can be at the hotel
property as well as within the region
• Calculated based on standard costs
• Reported when the contract is signed rather than when actual stay occurs
• Confidentiality and availability of data are some of the reasons they do
not track and report actuals
Possible Measures:
• Actual group revenue consumed
• Cost per room night
B) Services of the Carlsbad CVB include:
• Operate the visitor center in Downtown Carlsbad
• Provide Public Relations and direct marketing of Carlsbad
CCVB Current Measures:
• Number of inquires received through the visitor center, 800 number, e-
mail, website, and business reply leads
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November 30, 2006
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• Value of earned media
• Currently they do not do any visitor profiling or conversion studies which
they like to do if additional funding were available
Possible Measures:
• Cost per inquiry
• Trend analysis of inquiries
C) Other Considerations:
• Visitor spending outside property is probably irrelevant for CTBID
• Who gets credit for the lead?
• Quarterly reports instead of bi-annual would be more timely information
• For groups staying at many hotels, list the names of the hotels for that
• Show new business separately from repeat business
• Airline packages should be able to tell us by zip code who stayed at our
hotels, room nights, rates, and hotels which may be useful visitor profile
• Internet consolidators should show what hotels they represent
• Internet seems to be one of the most important mediums used in travel
research and bookings as opposed to print media
• Value of SDNCVB and CCVB to the downtown hotels? It may be
beneficial to call the downtown hotels to get their input on both
• There are ways to track Internet and phone call bookings
After discussion, the Board members decided on measures for SDNCVB and
CCVB work efforts. There will be a trial period to see if the measures are
working for the Board. Adjustments may be made later if the proposed >
measures don't provide the desired information. For SDNCVB the measures are
focused on the CTBID's cost per room night booked. For CCVB the measures
focus on activity (numbers of contacts, referrals, inquiries, etc.) Ms. Mattson and
Mr. Burkhart shared comments and agreed to the trial period and which
measures on which to focus.
2. Discuss funding for the City Visitor Information Center
Mrs. Gerhardt highlighted details of the Visitor Center Budget which is $272,190.
Mr. Kurt Burkhardt, Executive Director of the CCVB, introduced Patrick Fearn,
Chair, and Nancy Nayudu, Chair-Elect.
Mr. Burkhardt distributed a handout that provided a brief overview and
discussion on the pending funding request to the City of Carlsbad to support the
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November 30, 2006
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Visitor Information Center. He provided a brief chronology of the CTBID, City
funding and TOT collections from 1990-2006, and Industry Survey results. The
funding request will be made in January 2007 to the City Council. Mr. Burkhardt
requested the CTBID Board of Directors' support of the CCVB to re-engage the
partnership to support all operational costs associated with the Visitor
Information Center. They are requesting that the City of Carlsbad fund the
Visitor Information Center.
Mr. Patrick Fearn reiterated Mr. Burkhardt's request and thanked the Board
members for their time.
Mr. Canepa expressed concern that he does not want the City Council to raise
the TOT fee.
3. Discuss programs, policies, and work plans and the future direction of the
Mr. Robert Cima introduced and distributed a proposal from The Wright Group, a
San Francisco-area market and research study company. They provide
research and find innovative solutions to marketing strategy and branding
problems through the use of qualitative research and brainstorming. They
would help the CTBID identify why people choose Carlsbad as a destination,
why people choose neighboring communities as destinations ("neighboring" may
include cities such as Laguna Beach), with conclusions designed to help
Carlsbad better compete. Mr. Cima reviewed the handout with the Board
Several Board members shared favorable comments about this concept.
General Counsel Ronald Ball suggested that staff incorporate these ideas into a
Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to solicit bids from other interested parties.
Staff will report their results and findings at the next meeting.
Mr. Stripe made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cima, to approve placing this item
on the next meeting agenda.
Action: Staff will provide the Board with alternatives for seeking an independent
marketing company to conduct the study proposed today. Staff will determine if
the study, as proposed, would be a sole source contract, or will require
preparation and circulation of an RFP. Staff will also make appropriate
recommendation to the Board.
Action: A possible meeting will be scheduled with Mr. Cima, Mrs. Gerhardt, Mr.
Ball and Mr. Elliott to discuss the RFP in more detail.
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November 30, 2006
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The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2007, from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m. in Faraday Room 173B.
Ms. Nancy Nayudu, owner of the Pelican Cove Inn, requested the Board's support for
the City Council to re-engage in its partnership role with the Carlsbad CVB and provide
monies needed to cover all operational expenses for the Visitor Information Center.
Additional money would also be expended to further the promotion and marketing
efforts of the CCVB.
Mr. Burkhardt invited the Board members to the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on
Sunday, December 3, 2006, near the Sonoma Valley Market in downtown Carlsbad.
Chairperson April Shute adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheryl Keller
Recording Secretary