HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-17; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: February 17, 2009 TIME OF MEETING: 9:00 a.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chair Shute called the Meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as follows: Present: Shute, Stripe, Cima and Becerra. Absent: Canepa and Howard-Jones. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Board Member Stripe, the minutes of the following meeting were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 22, 2008 CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Chair Shute, the Board affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Item No. IV as follows: AYES: Shute, Stripe, Cima and Becerra. NOES: None. ABSENT: Canepa and Howard-Jones. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. IV. CTBID GRANT RECIPIENT REPORT. The Board received the report from ArtSplash on results from use of CTBID Grant Funds. Board Member Howard-Jones arrived at the Meeting at 9:07 a.m. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: V. STAFF REPORT Staff Liaison Cheryl Gerhardt presented the Financial Update Report and reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation (Exhibit 1 attached to Minutes). In response to an inquiry from Board Member Stripe, Ms. Gerhardt confirmed that the occupancy rate for November and December had decreased in comparison to the previous year. February 17,2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 2 Ms. Gerhard! also reviewed the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue history. She further explained that the TOT had also decreased since September, 2008. Board Member Stripe requested that staff prepare a slide relating to occupancy rates as a metric in the future. Ms. Gerhardt concluded the presentation by reviewing the 2008/2009 Fiscal Year Budget. She explained that the CTBID has $230,000 in unbudgeted reserve funds. In response to Board Member Cima, Ms. Gerhardt stated that the $230,000 of unbudgeted reserves is approximately 21% of the CTBID total budget. Board Member Cima requested that staff obtain a forecast throughout the end of 2009 regarding the revenues of the hotels in Carlsbad. The Board received the Report. VI. DISCUSSION: 1) Report from Mindgruve, Inc. regarding the status of the marketing and advertising campaign regarding tourism in Carlsbad. Mindgruve, Inc. Account Manager Laura Hartman presented a PowerPoint Presentation (Exhibit 2 attached to Minutes). Ms. Hartman gave an overview of the marketing and advertising campaign. The overview included the: • Project Timeline • Project Status Report • Proposed changes to visitcarlsbad.com Ms. Hartman explained that Mindgruve staff had performed an audit of the website visitcarlsbad.com and identified areas of needed improvements such as better use of internal linking for ease in navigation. Board Member Cima confirmed that visitors to the visitcarlsbad.com site would be directed to an external website to purchase items such as Legoland tickets. In conclusion Ms. Hartman stated that Mindguve, Inc. has partnered with RUF Strategic Solutions, a destination marketing research company, to analyze the existing database of visitors to the visitcarlsbad.com website. She further explained that the data gathered will assist Mindgruve, Inc. with identifying potential visitors to Carlsbad. In response to an inquiry from Board Member Cima, Ms. Hartman confirmed that the data gathered by RUF Strategic Solutions would be shared with the hoteliers. In response to an inquiry from Board Member Becerra, Ms. Hartman stated that the owner of the domain name visitcarlsbad.com is the Carlsbad Visitor's Buereau. February 17,2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 3 2) Update from CCVB on Executive Director Recruitment Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Representative Nancy Nayudu came forward to address the Board. Ms. Nayudu explained that the Bureau is considering the transition to becoming a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO). Ms. Nayudu also reviewed the job description for the future Executive Director of the DMO. In response to Board Member Becerra, Ms. Nayudu explained that there are currently 12 members on the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Board. Board Member Becerra suggested that perhaps five individuals from various tourist serving industries sit on the Board rather than the CTBID Board Members. Board Member Stripe commented that he thought the DMO Board would consist of CTBID Board Members. Ms. Nayudu also explained that since the CTBID Board is an advisory board that does not meet often, the DMO Board would be structured in such a way to meet often and would work with the CTBID. Ms. Nayudu stated that the CCVB is working on establishing the makeup of the DMO Board. Mr. Stripe suggested that perhaps paying a membership fee to serve on the DMO would be a way to help defray Board costs. Deputy City Manager Jim Elliott explained that the City is experiencing a time of change and that perhaps the CTBID Board may want to think about what should be included in the DMO by-laws. In conclusion, he stated that the CTBID is the directing body and that the DMO's function would be to implement the goals of the CTBID Board. VII. AB Report from Reint Reinders & Associates (RR&A1: To receive report from Reint Reinders & Associates, discuss recommendations and direct staff appropriately. Mr. Reinders came forward to address the Board. He explained that the visitcarlsbad.com website is where the various tourist destinations in Carlsbad have the opportunity to display their destinations. He also commented that there is a need to have all participants active behind the "brand" of Carlsbad to allow for a position on the internet. Mr. Reinders also suggested that there be a team in place to work with the CTBID as the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau transitions to the Destination Marketing Organization. In response to an inquiry from Board Member Stripe, a representative from Mindgruve - Chad Robley, explained that the range for executing the visitcarlsbad.com website as currently proposed could cost from $4,000 to $5,000 per month. February 17, 2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 4 Board Member Stripe confirmed that Mr. Reinders would provide a timeline regarding the implementation of the website improvements in the near future. ACTION: On a motion by Chair Shute, the Board adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2009-1. authorizing the Chairperson to enter into an agreement for Professional Services with Reint Reinders & Associates. Shute, Stripe, Cima, Howard-Jones and Becerra. NOES: None. ABSENT: Canepa. VIII. NEXT MEETING: The date for the next meeting will be decided. Agenda topics to include: 1. Mindgruve Report The Board did not select their next meeting date; however, agreed to meet when action items must be considered. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Special Meeting of February 17,2009 was adjourned at 10:21 a.m. SHEILA R. COBIANf CMC Deputy City Clerk \J>