HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-19; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: May 19, 2009 TIME OF MEETING: 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Room 173B, Faraday Administrative Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Stripe called the Meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy Clerk, as follows: Present: Stripe, Canepa. Nayudu and Becerra. Absent Shute, Cima and Howard-Jones. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Board Member Becerra, the minutes ofthe following meeting were approved as presented: Minutes ofthe Special Meeting held February 17, 2009. AYES: STRIPE, CANEPA, BECERRA NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NAYUDU DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: AB05-09-43 - ADOPT 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT. Staff liaison Cheryl Gerhardt provided the staff report and PowerPoint Presentation on the CTBID annual budget (Exhibit 1 to Minutes). She explained that the report must contain any proposed changes to the boundaries ofthe District, estimated costs of proposed activities, a method and basis for levying assessments, and any changes, surpluses or deficiencies to be carried fonvard into the next fiscal year. She added that final approval of tiie CTBID budget will be presented to City Council before the end of June 2009. At the request of Board Member Nayudu, the Board concurred to discuss approval ofthe budget at the end of the meeting. AB05-09-44 ~ APPROVE CONTRACT WITH CARLSBAD DESTINATION MARKETING ORGANIZATION. Katheryn Shimo Kawasaki representing Reint Reinders & Associates, provided the report on the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO). She explained that the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CcVB) Board will vote on amended bylaws on May 20, 2009. She added that the Carisbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau will remain the legal name of the organization, but a DBA iicense has been requested for "VisitCarisbad" as the new name of the Bureau. Ms. Kawasaki also introduced Sam Ross who was selected as the new Executive Director for VisitCarisbad. May 19,2009 Carisbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 2 Ms. Kawasaki reviewed the PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit 2 to Minutes) regarding funding for the marketing program for VisitCarisbad. General Council Ron Ball clarified that Resolution 2009-4 stated that the Board of Directors of the Carisbad Convention and Visitors Bureau cannot be changed without the approval of the CTBID Board. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Canepa. the Board approved Resolution No. 2009-4. authorizing the Chairperson to execute an agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. AYES: Stripe, Canepa, Beccera, Nayudu NOES: None ABSTAIN: None AB05-09^ - APPROVE CONTRACT WITH REINT REINDERS AND ASSOCIATES (RR&A). Ms. Kawasaki explained that RR&A would like to continue to: 1. Develop tourism strategies with the Visitors' Bureau. 2. Monitor and assist with the execution of the plan and make adjustinent recommendations as deemed necessary. 3. Monitor obligations that Mindgruve has with the CTBID. 4. Woric with the new executive director to develop leadership with the DMO. in response to an inquiry by Board Member Canepa, Ms. Kawasaki stated the intent of RR&A is to assist an organization as required and then allow the organization to be dependent upon itself. Board Member Becen-a asked ifthe contract requirements could be completed in a six month timeframe. Ms. Kawasaki responded that it would be difficult to accomplish all the requirements within six months. Board Member Becerra recommended that the Board consider approving a six month agreement with RR&A, with the option to extend the agreement if needed. Board Member Canepa stated he was concerned about future revenue and the budget and was also in favor of a six month agreement with RR&A. Vice Chair Stripe asked Ms. Kawasaki to explain the opportunities ofthe Destination Marketing Association International(DMAI). May 19, 2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 3 Ms. Kawaski stated she was the Managing Director of EmpowerMINT, a virtual online meeting and convention planning maricetplace targeted to event and meeting planners through DMOs. She explained that EmpowerMINT is part ofthe DMAI and this program provides assistance with commission-free, group sales offers that couid be found by the meeting planners looking for a Southern California destination with enough rooms, special offers and space with its nationwide database. In response to an inquiry by Vice Chair Stripe, Ms. Kawaski said Carlsbad could be positioned in the DMAI quickly and RR&A would like to get representation on the database within the first three months of the fiscal year which begins in July. Board Member Nayudu asked if EmpowerMINT costs were embedded in RR&A's proposed budget. Ms. Kawasaki responded that these costs were budgeted in subscription and mariceting costs. Discussion ensued between board members regarding approving either a six month or one year agreement with RR&A. Generai Council Ron Ball clarified for the CTBID Board that if it chooses to approve a six month agreement, the scope of services should be revised to state what is capable to be accomplished within that timeframe. He added that the Board could require RR&A to report back at any interval it deems appropriate, and if not satisfied with the work completed to date, it could tenninate the agreement and pay for services rendered. Board Member Becerra stated he withdrew his recommendation to approve a six month agreement. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Becerra, the Board approved Resolution No. 2009-5. authorizing the Chairperson to execute Amendment No. 4 to extend and amend the agreement with Reint Reinders & Associates. AYES: Stripe, Canepa, Beccera, Nayudu NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Marie Erickson, of San Dlego North Convention and Visitors Bureau, came fonvard to address the Board. Mr. Erickson stated he represented the group maricet for many years and would like his company to be able to participate in the group mariceting portion ofthe budget. He asked the Board to reconsider its eariier decision. May 19.2009 Carisbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 4 ADDiTiONAL DISCUSSION: AB05-09-43 - ADOPT 2009-10 ANNUAL REPORT: In response to an inquiry from Board Member Canepa, General Council Ron Ball said that if the DMO budget was revised, the revisions must be presented to the CTBID Board for approval. He also verified that a 30-day cancellation clause was in the agreement with RR&A. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Nayudu. the Board approved Resolution No. 2009-3. approving the Annual CTBID Report. AYES: Stripe, Canepa, Beccera, Nayudu NOES: None ABSTAIN: None DISCUSSION ITEM: 1) Marketing Campaign update by Mindgruve Chad Robley, and Laura Hartman from Mindgruve reviewed Phase One ofthe Endless Summer Campaign. (Exhibit 3 to the Minutes) In response to an inquiry from Board Member Nayudu, Laura Hartman said the new brochure was not replacing the current visitor guide and rack card. Vice Chair Stripe asked to have the Endless Summer Campaign presentation emailed to the Board. Vlll. NEXT MEETING: The date for the next meeting was set for July 16, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2009 was adjoumed at 2:35 p.m. SHERRY FREISINGER Deputy Clerk