HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-16; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: July 16, 2009 TIME OF MEETING: 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Room 173A, Faraday Administrative Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue CALL TO ORDER: Chair Shute called the Meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy Clerk, as follows: Present Shute, Stripe, Canepa, Becerra and Cima. Absent: Howard-Jones. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: Minutes from the Special Meeting held May 5, 2009. Minutes from the Regular Meeting held May 19, 2009. Board Member Cima announced he would abstain from approving the Minutes due to his absence from the meetings. Board Member Nayudu requested the Minutes of May 19, 2009 be amended to reflect that the new marketing brochure is replacing the rack card. On a motion by Board Member Stripe the Board approved the Minutes of May 5, 2009 as presented and the Minutes of May 19, 2009 as amended. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: STAFF REPORT: 1) Financial Update Staff Liaison Cheryl Gerhardt gave the financial staff report and PowerPoint Presentation (Exhibit 1 to Minutes). Ms. Gerhardt highlighted the ending balances in the 2008-09 fiscal budget of the CTBID. She then provided a comparison ofthe two fiscal years, 2008-2009. She also highlighted and reviewed the 2009-10 budget for the Board. She said that the revenue to the CTBID was approximately $20,000 more than estimated. Board Member Canepa asked about the CTBID's contingency account fund balance. Ms. Gerhardt responded that there is currently approximately $90,000 available but by the end of the fiscal year it is anticipated that the balance will be approximately $31,000. The Board concurred to review its ongoing agreements against CTBID revenues received during a fall meeting, stating it would have an improved indication based on revenues received over the peak months to be able to be able to determine if it could continue the agreements. Ill 11 July 16, 2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 2 2) Introduction of Jeff Perry, General Manager of the Crossings at Carisbad Jeff Perry, General Manager ofthe Crossings at Carisbad Golf Course, explained that the Crossings had been working on the Endless Summer Campaign. Deputy City Manager Cynthia Haas, announced she was transitioning in for Jim Elliott as the ex-officio member (non-voting) of the Board, appointed by the City Manager. AB 07-09-46 CTBID GRANT REQUESTS Mrs. Gerhardt provided a brief background on the grant program. Lynn Flanagan, representing the Carisbad Marathon, said that the Marathon was on track for a successful event. She added that corporate sponsorship is below anticipated projections and that entry fees might have to make up the difference. Joni Miringoff, representing ArtSplash came fon/vard to address the Board. Ms. Miringoff provided the Board with a highlight of activities that would be taking place during the event. She added that ArtSplash is working with Mindgruve on marketing a package for attendees to the event. In response to an inquiry from Board Member Nayudu , Chad Robley President of Mindgruve, said that the website for ArtSplash would coordinate with the Endless Summer marketing campaign. Board Member Cima stated he would like to see grant recipients be required to provide exposure to VisitCarisbad with their marketing and advertising materials. Board Membe Canepa moved to award the grants to the Carlsbad Marathon and ArtSplash without requirements. The motion failed. In response to an inquiry fromBoard Member Cima, Ms. Flanagan and Ms. Miringoff said that databases of attendees to their event that lived out the area could be provided to VisitCarisbad ifthe information was not used for profitable gain. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Cima, the Board approved Resolution No. 2009-6. as amended, allocating funding in the amount of $10,000 to In Motion Events for the 2010 Carisbad Marathon in accordance with the CTBID Guidelines, and on condition that In Motion Events works with VisitCarisbad promoting Carisbad tourism; and, allocating funding in the amount of $7,200 to Artsplash for Artsplash 2009, in accordance with the CTBID Guidelines, and on condition that Artsplash works with VisitCarisbad promoting Carlsbad tourism AYES: Shute, Stripe, Canepa, Beccera, and Howard-Jones. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Ill l] July 16, 2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 3 Vii. AB 07-09-47 REPORT FROM MINDGRUVE: Reint Reinders from Reint Reinders &Associates gave the report and PowerPoint Presentation on Phase I ofthe Endless Summer Campaign by Mindgruve. (Exhibit 2 to Minutes.) Mr. Reinders suggested that any future grant request to the CTBID be reviewed and recommended through VisitCarisbad. Mr. Reinders stated that Mindgruve will be returning to the Board in the future to discuss further revenue tools. Mr. Reinders additionally explained the analysis of the Endless Summer Campaign. The Board accepted the report from Mindgruve. VIII. DICSUSSION ITEMS: Mr. Reinders informed the Board that the deadline to create a new VisitCarisbad website is February 1, 2010. He added that the VisitCarisbad Board is currently reviewing proposals. IX. NEXT MEETING: The date for the next meeting was set for October 15, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of July 16, 2009 was adjourned at 2:25 p.m. r SHEf?RY FR^I^INGER Depirty Clerk