HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-26; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OP MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (Regular Meeting) January 26,2010 2:00 p.m. Room 173A, Faraday Administirative Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue CALL TO ORDER: Chair Shute called the Meeting to order at 2:0^ p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy Cleric, as follows: Present: Shute, Stripe, Canepa. Nayudu, Howard-Jone^, and Becenra. Absent: Cima. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: Minutes from the Meeting held October 19,2009. On a motion by Board Member Stripe the Board approved the Minutes of October 19,2009 as presented. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: IV. AB OMO-50 MINDGRUVE ENDLESS SUMMER CONTRACT Michael Garten, President of Mindgruve came fonvard to address tie Board. Mr. Garten provided an explanation ofthe change to the direct mall component in the agreement. He said that a timing issue with the beginning ofthe summer media campaign caused Mindgmve to use intemet advertising instead of direct mail. | Chairperson Shute clarified that the item before the Board is the approval of a change to the agreement with Mindgruve regarding how funds were spent and no|t for an additional allocation of funds. In response to an inquiry from Board Member Canepa, General Counsel Ron Ball said the Board could develop a contract delegating a staff person to review land work with the contractor. He added that Mindgruve was asking for an amendmerit to Include the scope of the work accomplished. Mr. Ball said that if the board felt that a benefit was provided by the contractor, then the board had the authority to approve an agreement for the work. Board Member Canepa stated he would like to see future changes to agreements that authorize a staff person to permit changes. In response to an inquiry from Board member Stripe. Mr. Garten explained that 56 hours was necessary to expand online advertising. October 19,2009 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 2 ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: On a motion by Chairperson Shute. the Board approved Resolution No. 2010-1. amending the Mindgruve Endless Summer contract to allow payment for items that exceeded tiie not to exceed amounts In certain categories. Shute, Stripe. Canepa, Beccera, and Howard-Jones. None ' None STAFF REPORT: Cheryl Gerhardt provided the staff report and Power Point Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Cleric). Ms. Geriiardt said she wiil continue to send montiily financial updates to tiie board. Vlll. DICSUSSION ITEMS: Update bv VisitCarisbad Sam Ross, Executive Director of VisitCarisbad. came fonvard to address the Board. Mr. Ross provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding tiie DMO bver the p<ist six months (on file in the Office of tiie City Clerk). Mr. Ross said the signage outside of the Visitor Center had been changed. He also told the Board that the DMO had recentiy launched a temporary website while developing its new website. that Mindgruve has go down. He stated the agreement with the San In response to an inquiry from Board Member Stripe, Mr. Ross said indicated that when the new website goes live, the bounce rate will launch ofthe new website was scheduled for February 15,2010. Mr. Ross infomied the Board that the DMO had entered into a new Diego Nortii Convention and Visitors Bureau. Board Member Becera asked how the DMO handles group calls. Mr. Ross responded tiiat he currentiy takes care of them. IX. NEXT MEETING: The date for the next meeting was set for April 29,2010 at 1:00 p.m). ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 26,2010, was adjoumed at 3:00 p.m. SHERRY FREISINGER Deputy Cleri< 2^