HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-29; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: April 29, 2010 TIME OF MEETING: 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Room 173A, Faraday Administrative Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue CALL TO ORDER: Board Member Canepa as Acting Chair, called the Meeting to order at 1:11 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy Clerk, as follows: Present: Canepa, Nayudu Howard-Jones, Becerra, McCormick Absent: Stripe, Cima. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: Minutes ofthe Meeting held January 26,2010. City Attorney Ron Ball clarified Item No. IV. AB 01-10-50 Mindgruve Endless Summer Contract, stating that changes in the contract could be made by a staff person if identified within the scope of the contract that did not include additional funds or change the scope of the work to be perfonned without board approval. On a motion by Board Member Nayudu the Board approved the Minutes of January 26, 2010, with Board Member McCormick abstaining. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Nayudu, the Board affinned tiie action of Consent Item AB 04-10-51 as follows: AYES: Canepa, Beccera, and Howarcl-Jones, McCksrmick, Nayudu. NOES: None ABSENT: Stripe, Cima. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: The Board waived the reading of the text of all Resolutions at this Meeting. AB 4-10-51 APPROVAL OF VISITCARLSBAD BOARD MEMBER AB 4-10-52 CARLSBAD MARATHON FINAL REPORT This item was pulled for discussion. April 29, 2010 Carlsbad Tourism Business improvement District Board Page 2 DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: AB 4-10-52 CARLSBAD MARATHON FINAL REPORT Staff Liaison Cheryl Gerhardt provided a brief explanation of tiie final report from In Motion stating that the organization received a $10,000 grant for advertising from the Board but only used a portion of the funds. City Attomey Ron Ball suggested that additional clarification be incorporated tn future marketing/promotion grant requests from In Motion. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member McCormick, appn^ved the final report from In Motion on the use of the CTBiD grant funds. AYES: Canepa, Beccera, and Howard-Jones, McCormick, Nayudu. NOES: None ABSENT: Stripe, Cima. REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: PRESENTATION BY CARLSBAD COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Kristina Ray, Communications Manager for the city, gave a brief report and video presentation from UTUBE that highlighted VisitCarisbad during the Ladies Pro Golf Association Toumament recentiy held at the La Costa Spa and Resort. AB 04-10-53 ELECTION OF OFFICERS Acting Chair Canepa asked General Counsel Ball to explain the election of Board Chair. Mr. Ball provided a brief explanation and infonned the Board that it cx3uld determine the tenn of the Chairperson. Acting Chair Canepa suggested that an interim Chair and vice Chair be appointed to the end of the year. Boartl Member Nayudu suggested that the temis of ChairA/ice Chair be staggered. Mr. Ball suggested that the Board follow the mles/regulations in Exhibit 1. Board Member Nayudu motioned to use Exhibit 1 in electing officers ofthe board. The motion was seconded by Board Member Becerra. The Board noted that the current Vice Chair, Tim Stripe, was not present at the meeting. Mr, Ball recommended the Boartf amend Exhibit 1 to reflect a Vice Chair or Acting Chair. April 29, 2010 Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 3 ACTION: On a motkjn by Board Member Board Member Nayudu the Board approved amending Exhibit 1, the Process of Election Officers, to reflect a Vice chair or Acting Chair. AYES: Canepa, Beccera, and Howard-Jones, McCormick, Nayudu. NOES: None ABSENT: Stripe, Cima. The Board concurred to table the Election of Officers to the May 18 meeting. STAFF REPORT: Cheryl Gerhardt provided the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (on flle in the Office of the City Cleric). Ms. Gerhardt asked the Board for direction with the grant timeline. The Board concun-ed to direct staff to include time for a review of grant applications received by VisitCarisbad in the timeline. In response to an inquiry from Acting Chair Canepa, Ms. Geriiardt said that the VisitCarisbad contract encompassed most ofthe Board's budget. Mr. Canepa asked If VisitCarisbad had a contingency budget Sam Ross, Executive Director of VisitCarisbad stated the oi^anization did not have contingency funds. Discussion ensued regarding the cun-ent and potential amount of reserve funds for CTBID. In response to an inquiry fn^m General Counsel Ball, Ms. Gerhardt said the CTBID reserve funds should be at least on month's payment to VisitCarisbad or $100,000. AB 04-10-54VISIT CARLSBAD PROPOSAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Executive Director Sam Ross fnDm VisitCarisbad came fonA/ard to give a presentation and request for the FY2011 budget from the Board with a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office ofthe City Cleric). In response to an inquiry from Board Member McConnick, Mr. Ross said VisitCarisbad employed three full time staff members and one part-time staff member. Acting Chair Canepa asked what the CTBID revenue projection was for Fiscal Year 2011. Mr. Gerhardt replied that a 3% increase was projected for Fiscal Year or $800,000. April 29, 2010 Carisbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board Page 4 Ms. Gerhardt reviewed the CTBID budget and said that after expenditures, it was anticipated that there would be $2,000 remaining for the reserve fund. Board Member Becen^a asked if the CTBID Board was required to meet the financial obligations in the VisitCarisbad agreement if the Board's revenue projections are not met. Ms. Gerhardt stated that the contract with VisitCarisbad contains a clause that permits the Board to amend the agreement if revenue projections are not met. ACTION: On a motion by Board Member Becerra, the Board directed Ms. Gerhardt to include the requested budget amount fn^m VisitCarisbad in the annual CTBID budget request to the City; and. to prepare a contract for approval by the AYES: Shute, Stripe, Canepa, Beccera, and Howard-Jones. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None NEXT MEETING: The date for the next meeting was set for May 18, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 29,2010 was adjoumed at 2:51 p.m. SHERRY FREISINGER Deputy Clerk