HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-21; City Council; Minutes5; ..Voting: Cmn. Sutton - aye Cmn, Castorena - aye Cmn. Grober - aye Cmn. Me - aye Mayor McClellan - aye. I Q &&uy& 1 -t B %&i$&!! Motion carried. Inasmuch as the Oilers, Room is in use each &!onday night, the Council was unable to use said place on Monday, July 21, 1952. 1% was.+herefor- mover! hy Cmn Castorena, seconded by Cmn Ede, that the Council at 9:30 O'Clock p.m. adjourn to meet Eonday, July 21, 1952, at 7:OO OtClock p.m. at the office of the South Coast Land Company on Route 101. Motion carried. Respectful y submitted, dwar am city. Clerk -i + 'V ., d L. k-, "4 The Coumil met at 7:30 OtClock p.m. Monday, July 21, 1952, at z the office of the South Coast Land Company on Route 101. Present: Mayor XcClellan, Cmn, Sutton, Cmn. Castorena, Cmn. Ede, City Clerk Hagen, City Attorney Smith. Absent: I Can Grober . The City Clerk was directed to read the main points of the minutes of the two preceding meetings. The City Clerk did SO. Mr. Claude Helton, Chairman of the Contractor's group, stated they had originally recom,ended to adopt the County Building Code, but they had changed their ninds, that while the County Code was easiest: and simplest, there were so many Ordinances to track down that in the end it would have taken much time, so after discussion the Committee had recommended the Uniform Building Code, and while 0 the Uniform Building Code had fire zoning which did not exist as such in Carlsbad, he believes that fire zone three could be used probably for the entire area. Col. I. H. Gronseth, the Building . Inspector, stated that he believes the City should adopt two fire zones inasmuch as business, motels, and hotels should be in a different zone From homes. After discussion regarding fire zo~es, it was decided to leave the code--.as it was, at least temporarily. The City Attorney stated that he believes that the agricultural type of buildings, such as barns, chicken h.ouses, etc., should be left out, otherwise the expense would hurt people unnecessarily in complying with the Uniform Building Code. Mayor McClellan stated that he thought effective immediately we could exclude the agricul- tural type of buildings. Col; Gronseth reminded the Council that the attitude toward the agricultural people was to be as easy as possible on them, in other words, to incur no unecessary expenses on them. Mr. Robert Watson stated that he believes that all work should be required to have it ready Tuesday, July 22, 1952, at which time he believed the Council could enact the Uniform Building Code Ordinance. I The relationship between our Building Inspector and the County Building Inspector's Departmnt was discussed, Cole Gronseth stated that some permits issued had not been started, hence the County has not rendered service ill those cases. Mayor McClellan- stated that it will be necessary to pass an ordinance for the validation of spections wder conditions tht existed. Mr. Gronseth stated that some people have extended their permits by paying a fine. After further discussion, Cmn, Ede moved, Cmn. Sutton seconded, the following resolution: > these county permits and for our Building Inspector to complete in- 6 Be it resolved, that the City Council validate all building permits, plumbing and electrical permits issuedby the County of San Diego in the incorporated area of Carlsbad prior to July 16, 1952; and authorize the Building Inspector to complete all in= spections relative to these permits according to the San Diego County Codes pertainhg thereto. Voting: Cxm. Ede - aye Cmn. Sutton - aye Cmn, Castorena = aye Mayor McClellan - aye Councilman Grober absent. Motion carried. Mayor McCle11an stated that Mr. Bird, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, said they would issue orders to the permit section to require them to give the City of Carlsbad copies of the necessary permits ar,d that we would also get the house number books. The adopt ion of a piUbing code was then discussed. Nr. Art Snyder stated that the plumbers recommended the San Diego Plumbing; Code be ad-opted and that we do our inspe,c.l;ing via our own Building' Inspector, After further discussion, it was mooed by Cmn. Sutton and seconded by Cmn. Castorena as follows: Be it resolved, that the San Diego County Rules aEd Repula- tions regarding the Plumbing Code be adcpted for the City of Carlsbad and that the Building Inspector of the City of Carlsbad make these necessary building inspecti0n.s. I Voting: Cmn. Ede - aye cmn. Sutton - aye Cm. Castorena - aye Mayor McClellan - aye Cm, Grober absent. Motion carried. The electrical code was discussed and following thia dis- cussion it was moved by Cmn. Ede, seconded by Cmn. Sutton, that the City Atty. be instructed to draw up an ordinance for the adop- tion of' the 1951 Wational Electrical %ode with the foilowing ex- ceptions: (These exceptions were read by the City Attorney) Voting: Cnm. Ede - aye cmn. Sutton - aye Cmn. Castorena = aye Mayor McClellan - aye. r Cm. Grober absent. Motion carried. Cmn. Sutton spoke regarding the County Sanitary Ordinances. She stated that the County Counsel, !VIP, dclees, and 3r. Bird, Chairman of the Supervisors, had agreed that the County could. render the necessary sanitary inspection service inasmuch as they had already collected the license fees for the calendar, year and that their additional fees would only be the fees charged by the City of Carlsbad of businesses requiring to take out new Dermits, that we also should validate the licenses already taken out. Cm, Sutton then read various County Ordinances numbers and the subject matters of same. After further discussion it was moved by Cmn. Sutton, seconded by Cmn. me, as follows: z : -". 71 Resolved, that the City of Carlsbad validate any licenses issued by the Courxty Health Department. until. the end of the calendar year 1952 (except plumbing); that the. City authorize an agreement be drawn up with San Diego County for services of the Health Officer and the fees be such fees from new licenses; that the City Attorney draw up an ordinance adopting the provisions of San Diego County Ordinances,. numbers 161 (XS) , 40 (8s) , 178, 299, 821 (NS) , 447 (NS), 145, 302, 300, for the use of the City of Carls- bad . I Voting: All ayes . Cmn. Grober absent, Motion carried. The City Clerk read the letter of the City Attorney regarding the bonding of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. After dis- follows : '. cussion it was moved by Cmn, We, seconded by Cmn. Suttm, as a t+ sum of $5,000.00 and the City Trezsurer of the City of t Carlsbad for the sum of $25,000.00. L7 z Voting: Resolved, that the City Atty. draw up an ordinance for bonding the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad for the n Cm, Sutton - aye Cmn, Bde - aye Cmn. Castorena 9 aye Mayor McClellan - aye Cmn. Grober absent. Motion carried. I The matter of negotiating a short term agreement with San Diego Courlty for supervision, maintenance and construction of roads wag discussed. Subsequently Cmn. Ede moved and Cm, Sutton seconded the following resolution: - Resolved, that the City of Carlsbad authorize the conclusion of a short term agreement with the County of San Diego for the continuation of road maintenance within the City of Carlsbad and continuation for permit and1hspection of en- croachment on public streets s Voting: Cmn. Sutton - aye Cmn, Ede - aye Cmn, Castorena - aye Mayor McClellan - aye Cmn. Grober absent, Motion carried. The City Clerk swore in I. H. Gronseth as City Building In- spector * The Council adjourned at 1O:OO OcClock p,m, to Beet again at its regular meeting at 7:OO OfClock p.m. on July 22, 1952, at the Oilers' Room, Twin Inns, CarlsSad, California. I Respectfully submitted, I. &!fA7&5<y war . Ha@ City Clerk b