HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-29; City Council; Minutes41
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IUMtfT’SS OF CITY C(jU‘HCT1: ivfEETIgG July 29, 1952
Daeeting called to order by Mayor McClellan at 7:OO p.m. in the Oilers’ Room at the Twin Inns. Answering roll call by City Clerk Edward Bagen were Council members George ‘Grober, Manuel Castorena, Lena Sutton, Raymond Ed@; also present, City Tpeasurer
W. Roy Pace and City Attorney T, Bruce Smith.
Minutes of the Council meeting of July 22nd were read by City Clerk hgen. There being no objections or correctloris, the minutes stood approved as read. Councilman Ede suggested that
ing t e Councilfs sincere appreciation of the valuable assistance rendered by various citizens and groups, both before and since the date of incorporation, should be sent to each person or group named in the resolution, and the City Clerk was so instructed,
a COTg of‘ th.e resolution passed at the July 22nd meeting, express-
Mayor .bkClellan suggested that as a courtesy to a number of citizens who had appeared to present matters to the Council, regular Council business be postponed until such citizens could be heard. City clerk Hagen read a letter signed by A. W. Pahl, Jr., asking
that the Council take appropriate action to secure a 35 mfle per hour speed. limit zone through Terramar, stating that at present the risk from speeding kraffic to homeowners and their children
in that tract was very great. Mr. Pahl was reco,@.zed and ampli- fied his written remarks by stating that r&ny.~~~--?toni!s ori%:oth
sides of the highway were being completed and occupled, adding to the urgency of the matter. City Clerk reported that he had. written Mr. J. P, Parmelee of the Auto Club on the matter, which letter had not been sent pending approval of the Council. After dis- cussion of the matter, Councilman Ede proposed a resolution that the City Clerk get in touch with Mr. Beuthel of the DivfsiOn Of
Highways rela+€ve to postirg sims at Terramar desi€Pating it $s a 35 mile-per-hour zone. Secorded by Councilman Sutton. ~eSOlU- tion passed by unanimous vote, directing City Clerk Hagen to make, such contact by telephone, due to the urgency of the matter.
City Clerk Hagen read a communication from Xr. Osenburg, Division of Highways, to the effect tbt dFiv8waJrs in T~~amar Units & and #2 did not cozform to specifications regarding side-
walks and guttering. No official action-wss take? on the matter
at this time.
lvir. Evans of the San Diego Gas C?C Electric Company was rec- omized and spoke briefly in regard to change in gas and electri- city rztes for which the City of Carlsbad is now elipible, stating that the rate change would be made effective on all meter readings taken on or after August 16, 1952. As an example, he sta.ted that the maximum reduction to a eonsuner using 200 kelowatt hours per month would b8 42 cents, the amount on gas being a little greater.
City Clerk Hagen stated that he -had called the Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Company in regard to possible reduction of rates, but was informed that no such policy existed in regard to their services .
City Attorney Smith read a resolution appointing Mr. J. B, Bond as Acting public Works Director, Councilman Sutton moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Grober. Ayes, five, nays, none. Resolution passed. The matter of Mr. Osenburg’s complaint regardhg the Terramar driveways wax referred to &fro Bond to be taken up with the State Division of Highways.
City Clerk Hagen read copy of letter from Mr. Gronseth, City Building Inspector, to Mr. M. L. Stookey, advising him that pro- posed construction of a shed to be attached to his dwelling did. not comply with the Code in several respects, and that approval of the Council would have to be secured before construction could proceed. Xr. Gronseth was recognized and advised that in further violation, a trailer on said property was being used as living quarters .
City Clerk Ragen read a letter from George Kraft, Jr. , con- taining a propos’al that the Sanitary Disposal service which he
has been operating in Carlsbad for the past three years be con- tinued as 8 city service, and submitting a bid for such disposal service. After discussion, the letter was referred to Council- man Grober for his study and action.
City Clerk Hagen read. a letter from the County Board of Supervisors setting out a comnication received from Walter L. Glines, District Superintendent of Carlsbad Elementary School, requesting that the eucalyptus trees ir_ front of the school grounds be trimmed before the reopening of school on September lo. .Mayor h1cClellan suggested that the matter be referred to the
Director of Public Works for study, in order to ascertain. what the cost of such trimming would be and determine whether it could be considered by the Council.
City Clerk wager! read a letter from Jarnss S. Dean, Director of Finance of the State Department of Finance, containing infor- mation concerning allocation of funds by Stete under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, and Chspter 20, Statutes of 1946. The letter stated that before f'urds could be allotted it would be necessary that our Senator or Representative in the Assembly introduce legislation amending Chapters 47 and 20, I)urin,E discussion of the matter, Councilman Sutton reported that she had been advised that it would cost approximately $905.00 to have a special census taken to ascertain the amount of assistance for which Carlsbad would be eligible; and Councilman Ede reported that according to figures from the County Registpar's office, the number of regis-
tered voters in Carlsbad is 2321, Mayor TcClellan stated that a practical estirmte of the population would. be three times this
figure. After discussion, Councilman Ede proposed a resolution that the Council authorize the City Clerk to write a letter, over the signature of the Mayor, to Assemblymen Kraft and Cloyed, requesting that they initiate legislatioc for the proper arnend- Eents to Chapters 47 and 20. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, five, nays, none, Resolution passed.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter written by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce advising that the Chamber will continue its contract with the San Diego Gas and Electric Company for service
on ten street lamps at a cost of $35.50 per month, until its expiration date, March 1, 1953, suggesting that the City assume responsibility from and after that date, After dishssion, the matter was referred to Zr. Grober for act'ior! by the Public Works Commit tee ,
City Clerk Ragen read copy of a letter written by R. B. Welson, President of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, to E, G. Kenter as Chairman of the Public Utility-District, suggesting that the matter of fire and State Compensation insurance ooverir?g the Volunteer Fire Department, be referred to the City Council, Ruston Tucker was recognized as a spokesman for the Volunteer Fire Department, stating that the department intended to operate as it had in the past, secondary to the State Foresty Service, in the entire area bcluding h'orth Carlsbad, as they felt an obligation to North Carlsbad citizens for their efforts and con- tributions on behalf of the Department. He stated that an agree- ment was ir_ force with tk State Forestry Service to house the equipment until September 15, 1952, at which time they would look to the City to house the equipment,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the County Board of Supervisors regardkg applicatim from B. F. Binkley of Oceanside for variance in setback on property in Patterson's Addition to the Town of' Carlsbad. MY. Gronseth, Building Inspector, reparted that a building permit had been issued, and recommended that the Council approve such issuance. Councilman Ede moved that the Council approve the issuance of a building permit to B, F, Binkley, seconded by Cm. Grober. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried. Clerk Hagen read a letter from h?. C, A. Anthony setting
out his experience in the construction field and qualifications for tb job of City Building Inspector. Pdiayor McClellan suggested
that a committee be appointed to tabulate and examine this and other applications and to report to the Council. Councilman Ede
moved that such a committee be set up, with Cmn. Grober as
chairman, to investigate and tabulate all applications for City Building Inspector and also for Director of Public Works, and to refer their findings to the Council for consideration. Second.ed
by Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried. \
Clerk Hagen read a letter from Twin Inns regarding the traffic lights on Highway 101 at Elm Street, Cmn, Grober reported that he had had a preliminmy discussion of this matter with MY. Wallace of the Highway Department, and had the assurance of Mr. Wallace that someone would be sent down here immediately to check into the matter. Cmn. Grober expressed confidence thRt the situation would be taken care of imixediately and "Stop" and "Go1' lights restored in place of the blinking signal. The matter was referred to Cmn. Grober for action. I
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City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the office of Governor Warren to Robert Nelson, President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, expressing regret at his inability to attend inaugura- tion ceremonies at Carlsbad on July 19th.
City Clerk bgen read a letter from Dick Ohanneson outlining his experience and qualifications as an applicant for the job of City kilding Inspector. Cxm. Grober stated that he had called Mr. Ohanneson regarding cornpensatLon, and that, the applicant had stated he would take the job at a very nominal fee to begin with, in view of the circumstances, with the Compensation to be increased as the City's financial situation improved. Mr. Gronseth was rec- ognized and stated that in his opinion a maximum of three hours per working day would be required for proper discharge of the duties of Building Inspector, and suggested that compensation might be arranged. on a time basis ratkr than on monthly salary. The, application was referred to Xr. Grober's corn-ittee on applications, and Mayor HcClellan requested Cmn. Ede to assist on that Committee.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the office of Thomas Kuchel regarding licensing, fees, etc., and enclosing a printed sheet of the City of Inglewoodts licensing system. The matter was referred to Cmn. Ede for study and recommendations. of his commit tee ,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the County Board of Super- visors regarding the agreement on road maintenance, etc. Mayor %Clellan suggested that. the Director of Public Works be requested to study this matter and make a recommendation to the Council as to a. further agreement with the County Road Department,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the County Board of Super- visors regarding the agreement with the County on health services. Mayor McClellan stated that since ?ction has been tsken in this matter, no further action on the part of the Council is required.
Cmn, Ede moved that the bonds for City Clerk and City Treaswrer
be approved as submitted, The bonds are as follows:
Edward Hagen, City Clerk. ......................... .$5,000.00
W'. Roy Pace, City Treasurer. ...................... .$25,000.00
Dated 7-16-52, expiring 4-10-54
Dated 7-16-52, expiring 4-10-54.
Motion seconded by Cm. Castorena, Ayes, five,:nays, none. Motion carried, The question of a binder was raised, and Mayor McClellan asked the City %rk to obtzin a written confirmation that the binder is in force .
The matter of the Petrie recuest for re-rovting of citjr buses was brought up for action and the matter was referred t.0 the Director of Public Works for action.
Cm. Sutton reported that her committee, with the exc,eption of Mr. Kentner, who was abseRt, was unanimous in feelir-g that appli- cation should be made as a city, rather than as an Irrigation Dis- trict, to the San Diego Water Authority. b. Smith, City Attorney read a resolution relative to application for membership in t?B
Sari Diego fr'kter Authority. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of the
e .4.
resolution, cm. Grober seconded. Ayes, five, nays, none. &IOthn
carried .
,After a five-minute recess, Mayor McClellan again called the meeting to order. City Atty. Smith read proposed Ordinance 8005, adopting a building code. After discussion regarding the inclu- sion of Section 3 amending Article 103 of the Uniform Building Code, relative to farm buildings, Cmn. Sutton noved the ad-option of the Ordinance. Seconded by Cm. Grober. Ayes, Cmn. Grober, Castorena, and Sutton and Mayor McClellan, Hap, Cmn. Ede. Motion carried, Cmn. Ede stated as his objection the inclusion of Section 3 amending Article 103, Uniform Building Code.
City Atty. Smith read proposed Ordinance 8010 adopting; an electrical code. Mr. Evans of the Sar? Diego Gas & Electric Co, was recognized and raised the question of whether the code covered. inspection of' large electrical energy-producing plants containing high-voltage installations. Mr. Louis Gaus, elec%ri- cal contractor, was recognized and offered the opinion that in- stallations of this nature were covered by the State Industrial Accident Commission. Cmn. Ede moved that the Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Ayes, five. Nays, none, Motion carried ,
Atty. Smith read proposed Ordinance 8015 providing for the plumbing code. Cum. Grober stated that the Courty authorities will continue to inspect the food markets, restaurants, etc. Inspection of plumbing dl1 be done by the City Inspectop, Cmn, Grober moved that Ordinance 8015 be adopted as read, Cm. Ed8 seconding. Ayes, five. Nays, none. Motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance 7005, placing in force the County Ordinance regarding encroachments upon public streets,' pipe lines, etc.,
was read, Mr. Evans was recognizw3. and inuuired whether the Ordinance covered the setting of light poles, etc. j and explained
that any delay in the operations of his company in installing gas and electric servJ.ce might mean great hardship on consumism. City Atty. Smith stated that the proposed Ordinance would not change the procedure under which such operations had been carried on under County ordinance. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Council validste all permits issued prior to July 16th by the County Road Department for encroachments under Sections 989 (New Series)
1012 (?Jew Series) and 1098 (New Series) . Seconded by Cmn, Sutton. Ayes , five Rays, none . Motion carried ,
The matter of the cost of printing extra copies of public notices was discussed. Ivlayor McClellan suggested that it would be a good public service to have available S few copies of' ordinances covering building, electric and plumbing codes. Mr. Garland of the Carlsbad Journal was present and was asked for
a price on such extra copies, and stated tlat they could be fur- nished for five cents per copy. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Clerk be directed to get 100 copies of Ordinance 8010 (Electri- cal Code) and five each of Ordinance 8005 (Wilding Code) and Ordinance 8015 (Plumbfng Code), to be made available to the public
. at 811 amount sufficient to cover the cost of printing. Seconded. by cmn. Sutton. Ayes, five. nags, Bone. Xotion carried.
Mayor McClellan stated that he had had a telephone call from F. W. Wright, an inspector from the State Board of Dry Cleaners, asking that before issuing a license to any dry cleaner, he be required to display his State license, 8s it would help them enforce their licensing. Mr. Louis Gaus was recogniz<?d and suggested. that the sane procedure should be followed in licens- ing electricians.
Cm. Castorena reported that his committee had met to dis- cuss the matter of police protection; that they were of the opinion that to begin with, a chief and a patrolman would be sufficient. % stated the committee also felt that in order to get good police protection, it wo,zld be necessary to pay about
$700.00 per month for the two men; that in a study of comparable cities they found that $360.00 to $400,00 for the Chief and from $260.00 to $300.00 for a patrolman were the usual salaries,
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He stated that the committee Telt that $400.00 for the Chief and $300.00 for his assistant would be a living vaze, considering that they must supply their own uniforms. Regarding transporta- tion, he said there are two alternatives. The City can purchase a new car, radio-equipped, for about $2,700.00, The other alter- native would be that the person interested in the Chief job could furnish his own car and receive mileage from the City for its use.
Cmn, Castorena stated that the committee felt it would be wise to start out with two men and build up the force as ranidly as cir- cumstances would permit. b stated that another meeting wo?.:ld be held next Mond.ay evening. Nayor ?4cClellan appointed Cmn. Ede to work with the committee on the police matter.
Cmn, Ede moved. the adoption of Ordinance 7005, prescribing regulations for permits for road encroachments, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Ayes, four, Nap, none, Cmn, Grober absent. Xotion carried .
72 There being no further business to come before the Council,
I. Y a motion for adjournment was made by Cm. Sutton, seconded by
,* Cmn. Castorena.
.L Respectfully submitted t
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August 5, 1952
The meeting was called to ordgr by Mayor XcClellan at 7:lO porn, in the Oilers' Room at Tffin Inns, Answering roll call by City 8le:pk. Hagen were Mayor ?IcClellan, Cm. Raymond Ed.e, 7danuel Castorena, Lena Yutton, and George Grober. Also present, City Treasurer W. Roy Pace and City Attorney T. Bmrce Smith,
Minutes of the Council lneeting of July 29th were read by City Clerk Hagen, There being no objectiorx, the minutss stood approved as read.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from State Senat.or Fred K. Kraft concerning introduction of legislation amending present laws pro- viding for allocation of funds to cities. The matter was referred to Councilman Ede for his attention, with the suggestion that Fori- tana be contacted to ascertain what; action they are taking.
City Clerk Ragen read a letter from Ona E, Williams, Carlsbad, applying for a variance or? her property on Walnut SlCreet to make possible a sale of a portion thereof. Xayor McClellan suggested that the matter go over until it could be studied by Mr. Bond,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from Dale E. Scott, 2958 Kadison Street, Carlsbad, aDnly!nq for t??s Dosition of Public Works Director, Crm. Ede reconmended that after proper acknowledgement, the appli- cation be referred to Nr. Grober s conmittee on applications.
City Clerk Fagen read 8 letter from Joseph Y. Hester, Box 544, Carlsbad, applying for the position of Building Inspector, The lette was referred to Mr. Fpober's committee for study and ack,ion.,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Csrlsbad Chamber of Con- merce, signed. by Robert Nelson, President, IistiEg a number of pro- jects initia.ted. by the Chamber but now fal1in.g within the juris- diction of the City Council. City Clerk Fagen reported that he had QlreCJdy received the files in these matters, and Mayor XcClellan suggested that they be kept in open file for the time being,
City Clerk 5ae;en read a letter from R. E, Bureess of the Kaiser-
Fraser Agency in Oceanside, offering a 1952 Henry J. Corsair Sed.an
at invoice cost, for use as a police car. The letter, together with