HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-05; City Council; MinutesI:,
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He stated that the committee felt that $400.00 for the Chief and $300.00 for his assistant would be 'a living wage, considering that they must supply their awn uniforms. Regarding transporta- tion, he said there are two alternatives. The City can purchase a new car, radio-equipped, for about #2,700.00. The other alter- native would be that the person interested in the Chief job could furnish his own car and receive mileage from the City for its use.
Cmn. Castorena stated that the committee felt it would be wise to start out with two men and build up the force as rapidly as cir- cumstances would permit. & stated that another meeting wogld be held next londay evening. Mayor PdcClallan appointed Cnm. Ede to work &ith the committee on the police matter,
Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of Ordinance 7005, prescribing regulations for permits for Toad encroachments. Seconded by: Cmn. Castorena. Ayes, four, Nays, none. Cmn. Grober absent. Motion carried,
There being no further business to come before the Council, a motion for adjournment was made by Cmn. Sutton, seconded by
Cmn. Castorena.
Respectfully subrni tted,
The meeting was called to order by Mayor XcClellan at 7:lO p.m. in the Oilers' Room at .Win Inns. Answering roll call by City Blerk Hagen were Mayor McClellan, Cm. Raymond Ede, Manuel Castorena, kna ktton, and George Grober. Also present, City llkeasurer W. Roy Pace and City Attorney T. Bruce Smith.
Minutes of the Council meeting of July 29th were read by City Clerk Hagen. There being no objections, the minutes stood approved as read.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from State Senator Fred R. Kraft concerning introduction of legislation amending present laws pro- viding for allocation of funds to cities. The matter was referred to Councilman Ede for his attention, with the suggestion that Fon- tana be contacted to ascertain what action they are taking.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from Ona H. Will-iams, Carlsbad, applying for a variance on her property on Walnut S-&met to make possible a sale of a portion thereof. Mayor KcClellan suggested
that the matter go over until it could be studied by Mr. Bond.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from Dale E. Scott, 2958 Madison Street, Carlsbad, apnly3ng for the Dosition of Public Works Director, Cm. Ede recomerlded that after proper acknowledgement, the appli- cation be referred to Mr. Grober s committee on applications.
City Clerk hgen read a letter from Joseph Y. Hester, Box 544, Carlsbad, applying for the position of Building Inspector. The lette~ was referred to Mr. Prober's committee for study and acgion.,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Com- merce, signed by Robert gelson, President, Pigting a number of pro- jects initiated by the Chamber but now falling within the juris- diction of the City council. City Clerk Hagen. reported that he had alresdy received the files in these matters, and Mayor IJcClellan suggested that they be kept in open file for the time being.
City Clerk Eagen read a letter from R. E. Burgess of the Kaiser- Fraser Agency in-Oceanside, ofgering a 1952 Henry J. Corsair Sedan at invoice cost, for use as a police car. The letter, together with
5 6-
descriptive brochure enclosed, was referred to Cm. Castorena.
City Clerk been stated he had received a phons call from Mrs, Craig of 2754 Jefferson, Carlsbad, recently moved here from Ocean- side, complaining that she Eound garbage on her lawn each morning, apparently dumped there during the night. Cmn. Castorena suggested that since no police force exists in Carlsbad at the present time,
obviously var,dalism, 1
. the Sheriff's office be asked to assist in the matter sirce it is
City Clerk Hagen reported that one of the County Sanitary in- spectors had called on him and stated that the City should ob- tain the necessary -forms for inspection of apartment houses, hotels, etc., to comply with Section 15, Chapter 251, State Busing Act as amended in 1951, dealing with venting of heaters, etc. &I stated that while such inspection is at present being done by the County, they would much prefer that the cTtg take it over as soon as possible. hgor McClsllan suggested that the City Clerk contact Dr. Askew of the County Health Department to further clarify the matter,
City Clerk Fagen read a letter from Claud Helton.containing
a recommendation from the contractors that a fee of $50.00 be charged .for a contrFctor's license, and that reciprocal agree- ments be made with other cities. The letter was referred to Cmn, Ede for study of his committee on occupational licenses .
Col, Gronseth was recognized and stated that he had had a request for a plumbing permit, but was ad.vised by a plumber present at the time that he could not grant the permit unless the applicant first took an examination, sir?_ce he was not a li- censed plumber, On the grounds that many other phases of build- ing are equally as important as plumbing, yet require no examin- ation before securing a permit, Col. Cronseth recommended that this provision be stricken from the plumbing code. Mr. Art Snyder, a licensed plumber, was recognized and objected, stating that any home builder can get a permit to install plunibeng after pass- ing the examination, which is not a difficult one, and that such
a provision should. remain in the code. Mayor McClellan pointed out that the plumbing code has already been passed and any fur- ther action would have to be amendatory.
Cmn. Ede reported that on next Monday morning, the llth, at 1O:OO OtClock in the City Hall Office, there will be a meeting with municipal accountants from Everts ik Esenoff, at whi'ch tine they will bring samples of books and will probably set up the City's bookkeeping and account system. He stated that this firm
handles the municipal accounts of Coronado and other California
Cities and it would seem advisable to have them set up the system for Carlsbad, as it would be in keeping with the Stete rewire- ments and facilitate the naking out of State reports,
Cm. Ede reported that he had talked with Xr. A. L, butherland of the Security Trust and Savings Bank regarding issuance of warrants, and that Mr. Sutherland. wishes to hccve some sort of opinion from County Counsel McLees on the pending Court action before he is willing to issue warrants. City Attorney Sml:.th reported that he had written Mr. PcCees concerr,ine; the matter.
City Attorney Smith, reporting on the recomendations of the committee on licenh%ng, stated that every effort had been made to keep the set-up as simple 8.s possible, with each business man in the city computing his own tax based upon gross receipts, according to a sliding schedule, tentatively fixed as follows:
$25,000. to $50,000, ..........$ 30,OO
50,000. to 1OOyOOO. .......... 40.00
100,000, to 200,000. .......... 50.00
with a maximum license fee of $200.00. Attorney Smith stated that there will be a few exceptions, based on the need for special regulation of such occupations such as peddlers, solicitors, out-of-town businesses, etc. He reported that an ordinance was being drafted at this time. ~.
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Cm. Ede said that the Committee had worked very hard, and had read-various ordinances and studied the situation very thor- oughly, inasmuch as this particular ordinance cannot be passed by reference but mst be adapted to coriditions in our own corn- .mni ty .
Cmn. Ed0 suggested that it would be well for the contractorst committee .to send a representative to the next meeting of the license committee so that they would get the over-all picture and see how thefr licenses might compare with others recommended by
%he Commit tee
Can. Ede reported that Mr. Xartin Anderson's office had been asked for a little more clarification as to whether Carlsbad would
be eligible for its share of the gas tax in October, or would have to wait for the next quarter's allocation. He Stated that %r. Beuthel of the Division of Highways feels that because the city
V~QS not bcorporated until July, it would not be eligible for the October allocation, but Xr. &lerson indicsted that it would be. Cm. Ede stated that he had asked Mr. Anderson to give the Council. his views in wrfting,
and him
Cmn. Grober reported that in the matter of restoring the "Sto?"
''Go" signals at Elm and Highway 101, Mr. Wallace had referred to Mr. West, who stated that he would shortly make a thorough study of the situation. Mr. Wallace stated that if Mr. West re- turned a fsvorable report, there was no reason why the signal s.hould not be restored.
Cmn. Grober reported that he had. interviewed several of the applicants for the position of Building Inspector, with the follow- ing result s :
Mr. c'. A, Anthony stated that he was nmemployed and pro- bably would be for the next five or six months, and could not take a part-tine job at this time, but appreciated the consideration of the Council in his behalf,
Mr. Joseph Hester stated that he would take the job, until the City wes able to pay more, at $150.00 per month, with 104 per mile for mileage if he had to go to San Diego. He w0l.z ld like to have the job.
Mr. Ohanneson said that he would be very happy to take the job on an.hou.rly basis at whatever the City could afford to pay. Mr. Ohanneson was recognized and. stated that he owns his own business and could arrallge tc devote whatever tirne.was necessary to the job. He stated that he would accept it on an hourly rate on the basis of the time act- ually required; and that he would take it as a permanent job rather thm as a temporary one.
Cm. Grober reported that he had. talked with Mr. Claude &bb of the Department of Public Works in San Diego, concerning the trimming of trees, and Mr. Rubb had requested that he be mitten
a letter and would ther rrepare an estiaate on the cost of trim- ming. cm. Grober stated that he had written the letter but had not put it in the mail.
Mayor McClellan asked if the committee on applications was prepared to make a recommendation at this time. Cmn. Ede suggested
that before any recommendstion was made, Mr. Bond and Col. Gronseth should sit in with the committee, Col, C-ronseth was recognized and asked that the Council take .some action as soon as possible to relieve him of the job of Building Inspector. Cmn. Ede then stated that a reuommendstion could be made at the next regular Council
NIayor McClellan suggested that the matter of trim?ing trees be turned over to Mr. Bond for this further action.
Cmn. Castorena reported. that his committee on police matters had held a meeti.ng at the Carlsbad Hotel at 8:OO OtClock pim,
I 8:.
Monday, with all members present except one. They discussed the offer of Mr. Chester Troan, volunteering his services in setting up police protectlon in Carlsbad and assisting with the adninis- tration, training, etc,, which offer included puttins at the disposal of the city his identification laboratory and services. Cmn, Castorena reported that it %as the feeling of the committee that Carlsbad would be very fortunate to have a man of Mr. Troan's ability to help in screening applications for Chief and setting
take advantage of his offer and recommended to the Council that Ur. Troan's offer be accepted for the period of one year, without compensation.
.up the machinery of a police department, snd it was decided to
Cmn. Castorena also ststed that Ward Ratcliff', who was pre-
sent at the committee meeting, suggested. that col. Massie from Ca.mp Pendleton be contacted, as he felt certaic that Col. Massie would eo-operate with Carlsbad as he was doing with Oceanside by assigning a Military Policeman to ride with the patrolman at night, since the aajority of traffic accidents and police problems in this area involve military p3rsonnel. & felt thst Col, Massie would also co-operate iE the handling of crowds, parades, etc, Mr, fiatcliffe also sugrested that the committee investigate fully some sort or a retirement plan, and the stake retirement plan was discussed, The committee felt that an ade- quate retirement plan would be an inducement to get the right sort of =en for the police department,
cmn. Ede stated that Mr. Troan had volunteered to act as Police Chief for ope year without compensation but the committee felt that under SUC? circumstances, with an actirp chief it would be very difficult to get a good man to corn and and serve as a patrolman for a year. During the discussion the term "commission- er" was used, and City Attorney Smith stated that the commission type of government is not permissible for sixth clam cities and therefore the term "police comnissioner" could not be used. He sugeested that a police cornmissinn might be established with UP. Troan as chairman, but he could not assume a commissionerfs function or authority, merely actin$ in an advisory capacity, perhaps making recommendations to the council. Cmn. Ede added that a suggestion was made by Ward Ratcliff that inasmuch as Carlsbad has a considerable portion of state highway to patrol, an ordinance should be enacted by the council covering such oper- ations, rather than relying entioel on the Penal Code or the State Vehicle Code, City Attorney smith explained the limita- tions of the City's authority in this respect and stated that such operations would have to be carried out under a traffic survey, results of which would be evaluated and reported to the
Sea te Highway Department.
A proposed resolution drafted by the committee was read by Councilman Castopena, covering the essential points of the com- mittee's findings , cmn. Sutton suggested a slight change in wording relative to the term of employment of Mr, Troan, the Council approving addition of the words "not to exceed one year, It blayor &Slellan suggested that other Susiness 'be taken up whiz8
Cmn. Ede and Castorena were re-drafting their resolution to cover this change ,
City Clerk Hagen reported that he ha3 called. Mr. 3,uthel of the Division of Highways in r gard to establishing a 35 mile per hour speed limit through Terramar, and had been advised that since Terramarts frontage on Highway 101 was approximately a quarter mile, he thought it doubtfil that any action might be taken as by the time motorists had slowed down to the speed limit they would have passed through the zone, but that a study would be made of the conditions .
City Clerk Hagen reported that all necessary documents had been forwarded to the County Water Authority in San Uiego,
It was suggested that the appreciation of the Council be expressed to Claud Helton and L. v. Simrnons for the attraotivs
signs at the City Clerkfs office,
$4 K9 T9 .L"c, 3
Cmn. Castorena moved the adoption of the resolution, as revised, regarding the employment of Mr. Troan. Cmn. Grober seconded. Mr. Robert Gapland was recognized and stated that if the matter was not too urgent, he would like to see action de- ferred on it until f'urtLt_sr investigation could be made, as he thought it Unwise to confer the power to choose Carlsbad's police chief upon IW. Troan. Other- objections were made from the floor by Bliss Virginia White, Mr. 8obert Sutton and Cole Gronseth, After further discussion of the matter, Cmn. Grober withdrew his
seconding of the motion. Cm. Ede seconded the motion, explain- ing that @re Troan's position would be merely advisory .and not one of authority. Mayor NcClellan stated that he was a little concerned about the wording'of the resolution, lest the Council do something by implication which was not intended, Cm. Ede stated that there would be .another meeting of the committee on police matters at the Carlsbad Hotel next Monday evening, at
8:OO Ofclock p.m., and suggested that anyone interested miqht attend.
Cmn. Sutton moved that the resolution be tabled for, a .week, Seconded by Cmn, Grober. Ayes , Cmn. r-rober, AlicClellan and Sutton. Nays, cm. Castorena and Ede. Eotion carrfed,
Ur. J. B. Bond, Acting Director of Public works, .reported that he had examined the request for change in routing of the Ocean- side Muni.cipa1 Bus line through Carlsbad, made b-y petiti.on be-ring seventy signatures, and had talked with Mr. Friend, transportation
manager, about the possibility of changing to the proposed routing which would include areas on Tamarack, Chinquapin and Garfield Streets not now served, IW. Friend stated khat at present the bus line was just about paying expenses, and it was not possible at this time to run more than one schedule to Carlsbad. The present bus makes one half-hour trip to the Mission Housing in Oceanside, coming to Carlsbad in the second half hour. He stated that he believed that more people would be served if' the suggested. route were adopted, and that he is willing to follow the wishes of the Council in the matter,; that work on the freeway presented some difficulty on the present route and a chance may have to be made in the near future on tbt account. Mr. Bond stated that in driv- ing over the, proposea route he was convinced that it would serve mm people than the present one. Mr. Roy Pace was recognized and stated he believed it would be unfair to take the bus route away from the many people who now depended upon it to get to their places of employment; thst before any sup;Sestinn was made by the Council a thorough study as to possible enlargement of the route should be maae. Cmn, Sut ton sug:'::ested that the possibility of combining the two routes be explored, or. making alternate sche- dxles to serve one route on one trip, the otheu, on the next ,trip.
Cmn, Grober moved that the matter be tabled for the time beingsand referred back to Mr. Bond for mrther study. Seconded by Cxm. Sutton, Ayes, five, nags, none. Motion carried.
Mr. Bond reported that he ha6 discussed with Mr. Walter Glines, the matter of .ttrimming the eucalyptus trees in front of the school, as referred to the Council by the Board of hpervisors.. bh?. Glines stated that in view of the City's financial Situation, he believed ti matter could be deferred for the tize being.
Mr. bond reported that he had investigated the request of a number of residents of Terramar, owning adjoining property, th& a portion of the west end of Ponderosa Drive be vacated and, after examing the area, he had decided that it was probably a weed menace and being used for parking taailers, etc, % recommended that a vacation order be made . Nr. Tad Fahl was recognized and stated that in his opinion the matter was fairly urgent and that
it would serve the best interests of everyone concerned. to have it squared off and lined up with the rest of the PrOPertY; th3 t he could see no basis for any objection, as the ho Parcels of land
adjoining on two sides belbng to OneJ Owner.
cm. Ede moved that this matter be left to the Planning Corn- mission which is to be named soon. Cntn. Grober seconded. Ayes~ five, nays, none, hlotion carried. In response to an inquiry
by Tad Pahl as to how long this Would be, Mayor McClellan stated
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that the Planning Cornmission will be set up inmediately after the zoning ordinance is passed; that the matter probably would be acted upon in two weeks.
City Attorney Smith read proposed Ordinance No. 1005, es- tablishing administrative procedure of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. Cmn. Ede moved the ordinance be adopted. Cm. Castorena seconded. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried..
After a five-minute recess, Mayor McClellan reconvened the Council. City clerk Hagen read proposed Ordinance No. 9005, a zoning ordinance. Nayor McClellan made explanatory remarks concerning ownership of the land described in the ordinance, pointing out thst the first parcel belonged to John Poindexter
and W~S beinp charped in classification unon recommendation of the citizen's advisory committee. The second description covered land owned by Mr. Archbold and was be:z?g changed from C-1 to R-4 merely to permit FHA insurance of financing on an apartment house. The third description covers land owned by
C. J. Fennel, et al, being changed from E-2 to R-1. He, stated that in adopting this ordinance, the Council would merely be following the recommendations of the County PbWning Commission. Cmn . Sutton moved the adoption of the ordinance, Cmn. Grober seconding. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried.
City Atty. Smith read proposed Ordinance No. 5005, estab- lishing standards for the public health for the City of Carls- bad, Cm. Ede moved that Ordinance No. 5005 be adopted., Cm. Gastorena seconding. Motion carried.
Mayor McClellan asked the City Clerk to find out whether house numbers are being assigned when building permits are issued.
City Clark Hagen presented a bill for stenographic services due hlrs. Annabelle Tinberg for July, amounting to $56.00, and stated that 8 month's salary, amounting to $300,00, would be I due City Attorney y. Bruce Smith on Aueust 6th. cmn. Ede moved
that these two payroll items be paid when funds are avkilable from which they may properly be paid. Seconded by cmn. Grober. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried.
Cmn. Ede moved that the Council properly authorize the City
Treasurer, City Clerk and Mayor to make ar-angements with the Security Trust & Savinqs Bank for the issuance of warrants, con- tingent upon the bank's approval. Seconded by Cm. Sutton. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried.
Mayor McClellan requested that the Council consider the per- sonnel of a Planning Commission, as there are many matters coming up for attention and he felt it should be set up as .quickly as possible. Mayor McClellan also requested that a Mayor pro-tem be chosen to preside at the next regular meeting on August 12th, as he would not be present. Cm. Castopena moved that Cmn. Ede act as Mayor pro-tem for the meeting of August 12th. Seconded by cmn. Sutton. Ayes, Cmn. Sutton, Castorena, McClellan and Grober., Nays, Cmn. Ede. Motion carried.
Mr. Art Snyder was recognized and stated that he believed that one of the contractors should meet with the conmittee selecting the Building Inspector, as the contractors are vitally interested and should be represented. Mayor McClellaz pointed out that the contractor's com.mittee had acted in an advisory capacity on the adoption of the codes and had made some recommendations in the matter of a Building Inspector, and that while this help was extremely valuable, the selection itself was the responsibility
of the Council. Committee and could not be delegated, although they would probably be very happy to consider any recommendations the contractors might have. Mr. Robert Watson was recognized and
stated that the contractors wanted to be certain thst a man was chosen who was well qualified and would not harass builders with silly objections over unnecessary details, etc. Mr. Tad Pahl suggested that the Council Committee pick two or three men, sub-
mitting the names to the contractors, and if any great entagonism
existed against any of them, his name could be eliminated and one of the others chosen,
Cmn. Grober moved to adjourn thissessfon until Wednesday afternoon st 5:OO OrClock p.m. in the Oilers? Room. Secocded bv
Cum. Ede. Ayes, five, nays, none. Rotion carried.
Rsgpectfullg submitted , ,&Aa!’’&?&deb
war ”T*. Ragen i/ .-
City Clerk 1
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A*.)+ ‘.$ The meeting was called to ord.er by Mayor XcClellan at 5:OO <<:c OtClock p.m. in the Oilers’ Room a.t the Twin Inns. Present were
<-:*,’, Mayor b!cClellan., Cmn.. Ede, Sutton, Gro5er, and City Clerk Bagen, . ,*
” c -L Cmn. Gastorena was absent.
The matter of rnembe-ship for the Planpins Commission was dis- cussed at length and the following members were tentatively agreed upon as the citizens of CarlsSad who sh.ould serve: I. H. Gronseth, R.obert McKee. Smith, Mr . fiobert Sutton and Xr. J. a. Sond. Kayor
C. D. ILjlcZlellan was desipa.ted as the Council member to serve on the Planning Commissim.
The Building Inspector, Col. I. H. Gronseth., stated that Ordinance No. 8010, Section 6 (e) (1) had an evident error in that no fee existed for outlets. The Council took note of this possible error,
There being no further business to come- befo-re th.e Council, it was moved by Cmn. Ede, seconded by Cm-. CrroSer, th.:lt the Council ad.journ, A11 in favor, no objectiocs, the meeting was adjourned,
at 6:OO o’clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted ,
Meeting was called to order by Mayor pro-tern Ede at 7:05 p.*. in the Oilersf Room at the Twin Inns, Carlsba.d., California. Answer- ing roll call by City Clerk &gen were Council members Raymond Ede,
iWmel Castorena, Lena Sutton, and George Grober. Absent: Mayor
C. D. kkClellan. Also present, City Atty. T. Bruce Smith.
City Clerk Hagen. There being no objections or correcti.c~v, the minutes stood approved as read. Acting h:agor Ede asked if there were any urgent matters to taken up befo‘re poe,eeding with the reg- ular order of business; there being none, City‘lerk Hage~. was asked to read the Correspondence, which was as follows:
Ivl\nutes of the Council meeting of August 5, 1952, were read by
Letter from San Diego County ir”1ater Authority acknowledginq receipt of letter of Augnst 5, 1952, enclosing certain described documents ,
Letter from R. B. Luckenback, Civision of Hiqhways, concerning establishing of a zone of controlled. spee3 at Terramar.
Lettier frox Lawrence E. Orrett, Carlsbad., protestin? chan.ge of bus route and citing his reaeons therefor.