HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-06; City Council; MinutesL, existed against any of' them, his name could be eliminated and one of the others chosen. Cmn. Grober moved to adjourn thissession until Wednesday afternoon at 5:OO O'Clock p.m. in the Oilsrs? Room. Secorded by Cmn. Ede. "yes, five, nays, none. T!lotion carried. Hespectfully submitted, ..&p 1 @L$?&g&& h war 1; . Hagen ;;k"-" City Clerk i I 'f, KChTUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COTJXCIL. "/ AuwsS 1952 "" " - P < 4 The meeting was called to order by Mayor McClellan at 5:OO OfClock p.m. in the Oilers' Room at the Twin Inns. Present were Magor XcClallan., Cm.. Ede, Sutton, Groher, and City Clerk Hagen. Cmn. Castorena was absent . The matter of membeTship for the Flaming Commission was dis- cussed 8.t length and the following members w8re tentatively a$reod upon 3s the citizens of Carlsbad who sh.ould serve. I. H. Gronseth, R,otrert McKee. Smith, Mr. fiobert Sutton and Mr. J. ij. Sond. Nayor C. D. McClellan was desi-ated as the Council member to serve on the Planning Commission, The Building Inspector, Col. I. H. Gronseth., stated that Ordinance No. 8010, Section 6 (e) (1) had an evident error in that no fee existed for outlets. The Council took note of this possible error. There being no further business tc? come. beforre th.e Council, it was moved by Cmn. Ede, seconded by Cm. Crober, thet the Council ad.journ. All in favor, no objectiors, the meeting was adjourned, at 6:OO o'Clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, 6L~9Eo$p&44jy% dwar awn 9 City Clerk &. MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 12, 1952 - - Meeting was called to order by Mayor pro-tern Ede at 7:05 p.m. in the Oilers? Room at the Twin Inns, Carlsbad, California. Answer- ing roll. call by City Clerk Hagen were Council members Raymond Ede, klahuel Castorena, Lena Sutton, and George Grober. Absent: Mayor C. D,. McClellan. Also present, City Atty. T. Bruce Smith. 1vI:nutes of the Council meeting of August 5, 1952, were read by City Clerk Hagen. There being no objections or correcti.cr:s, the minutes stood approved as read. Acting Magor Ede asked if there were any urgent matters to taken up befoye proceeding with the reg- ular order of' business; there being none, City'lerk Hagen. was asked to read the ccrrespondence, which was as follows: ,' Letter from San Diego County Water Authcrity acknowledginz receipt of letter of August 5, 1952, enclosinK certain described documents . Letter from R. B. Luckenback, Division of HiThways, concerning esteblishing of a zone of controlled. speed at Terramar. Letter from Lawrence E. Orrett, Carlsbad, protesting ch.an.ge of bus route and citing his reasons therefor. ~~