HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-12; City Council; MinutesI
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existea' against any of them, his name could be eliminated and one of the others chosen.
Cmn. Grober moved to adjourn thissassion until Wednesday afternoon at 5:OO O'Clock p.m. in the Oilers? Room, Seconded by cm. Ede. Ayes, five, nays, none. Motion carried.
ResDectfull submitted,
The meeting was called to order by Mayor McClellan at 5:OO OfClock p.m. in the Oilers' Room at the Twin InFs. Present were Mayor McClellan, Cmn.. Ede, Sutton, Gpober, and 'ity Clerk Bagen. Cmn. Castorena was absent.
The matter of membership for the Planning Commission was dis- cussed at length and the following members were tentatively agreed upon as the citizens of Garlsbad who should servei I. H. Gronseth,
Robert McKee Smith, Mr. Hobert Sutton and Mr. J. . Bond. Mayor C. Do McClellzln was designated as the Council member. to serve
on the Planning Commission.
The Building Inspector, Col. I, H. Gronseth, stated that Ordinance No. 8010, Section 6 (e) (1) had an evident error in that no fee existed for outlets. The Council took note of this possible error.
There being no further business to come : befo:re the Council, it was moved by Cm. Ede, seconded by Cm, Grober, th.at the Council adjourn, All in favor, no objections, the meeting w.as adjourned, at 6:OO otClock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Meeting was called to order by Mayor pro-tern Ede at 7:05 p.@. in the Oilers? Room at the Twin Inns, Carlsbad, California. Answer- ing roll call by City Clerk Hagan were Council members Raymond Ede, Mahue,l Castorena, Lena Sutton, and George Grober. Absent: Mayor
C, D.. McClellan. Also present, City Atty. To Bruce Smith.
City 'lerk Hagen. There being no objections or correcti.c:-;s, the minutes stood approved as read. Acting Mayor Ede asked if there were any urgent matters to taken up beforce proceeding with the reg- ular order of' business; there being none, City'lerk Hagen was asked to read the brrespondence, which was as follows:
M$tutes of the Council meeting of August 5, 1952, were rezd by
Letter from San Diego County Water Authority acknowledging receipt of letter of August 5, 1952, enclosing certain described documents .
Letter from R. B. Luckenback, Division of Highways, concerr,ing establishing of a zone of controlled speed at Terramar.
Letter from Lawrence E. Orrett, Carlsbad, protesting change of bus routs and citing his reaeons therefor.
2 2.
Public Works Director Bond was aked to repor't on the bus matter and stated that he had again conferred with Mr, Frfend, ,I
who had stated that after a thorough study of the matter it had been decided to take the matter up with the Oceanside Cfty council at this week's meeting. If the proposed change met with the Councflls approval, it would be put into effect on Monday, August 18, 1952. Discussion brought out the fact thst a nunber of pro- tests had been received by residents on Highland Avenue, khat the change in routing would work a hardship on them. In view of this fact, the suggestiM was made that the Oceanside City Council be contacted before their meeting Wednesday evening and requested to table the matter until further study could be made. Cm. Sutton offered a resolution that this be done, seconded by Cnm. Castorena. Ayes, four, nays, none. Resolution passed, and the City Clerk was instructed to contact the Oceanside City Councfl immed.ihtely so that the matter could come before their meeting Wednesday evenicg, Ausust 13, 1952.
Mr. R. L, Beuthel of San Diego, assistant to Mr. Wallace, of the Division of Highways, was introduced by Acting Mayor Ede and explained in great detail the use of the gas tax allocation and what steps were necessary to obtain it. He stated that on the basis of 5/86 per gallon per capita, Carlsbad's estimated allocation for the period ending June 30, 1953, would be $15,600.
this being for three quarters of the fiscal year since the City was incorporated too late to receive the July quarter alloca- tion. MY. Beuthel explained that the first step is to create a special gas tax street improvement fund, and displayed a Sam- ple ordin.ance used by other cities with the suggestion that. this workding be followed. Two certified. copies of this Ordfnance are to be sent to hlr. Beuthel, one to be placed on file and one sent to Sacramem.to, He stated that 40% of the estimated revenue could be spent for road maintenance, ahdtddfined maintenance as repairing and keeping in service, but not providing for better- ment of streets, He submitted a project statement and copies of an agreement called a City-Strte Maintenance Agreement, to be signed by the Public Works Director, as well as a letter of
explanation, and asked that f4.nal actior be taken by resolution as soon as possible. Mr. Beuthel was asked if, in view of the fact that the City must help mainta4n the traffic lights at Grand Avenue and Elm Streets, the Council could have any voice in the matter of restoring the red and green lishts at the Elm Street inkersection. He stated that the state's policy would be based on the accident record at that point, which dur- ing the eight months the blinking signal had been in operation
was verp favorable, A long discussion arose, with many citizens voicing the opinion that the blinker was a definite traffic hazard, in spite of the record, and Mr. Beuthel stated that he would report to Er. Wallace the substance of this discussion, but could not give any assurance as to what action would be taken .
Mr. Robert Nelson volunteered to serve on a committee to be appointed by the Councll, to make a study of this traffic prob- lem and report its findings to Mr. Wallace, bir. J. O. Bond, Public Works Director, was. appointed to head such a committee. Mr. - Bouthe1 was asked about the Terramar speed zone matter and stated that he was familiary with the matter and the correspondence rel- ative to it, but thst it was being handled by Mr. Luckenbach's office. He was also asked about the possibility of the State
maintaining Highway 101 through Carlsbad as a scenic highway, but said it was against the general policy and he could think of no instance where this was beirg done.
City Clerk IEagen read a letter from the Security Trust & Savings Bank thanking the City of Carlsbad for opening an ac- count at the bank.
A letter was read by the City Clerk from the Department of
Finance, Sacranento, sipned by MP, Jacqueth, Chief of the Local Allocation Division, concerning allocati.on of funds to cities, Acting Mayor Ede stated that advice had been received that a
bill under which Carlsbad would receive @72,000,00 from the
Christmas Tree find was on the Governor tg desk, awaiting signa-
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ture. City Attomey Smith explained that this was a "matched
fund" proposition under which the City would have to match the
funds received from the State, and that any finds which are not expended or applied for by June 30 of next year would revert to the. general fund. % stated that Carlsbad could receive any part of the fund which could be matched, to provide for approved pro- jects such as public works, public buildings, parks, stc. Swg- gestions were made that it could be used for fire hydrants, a pipeline which would be required soon, or possibly a sewage dis- posal plant. City Attorney Smith stated i~ answer to a questlon that since labor was a proper part of the cost of a public buiEding, it could be considered toward the fund. The Council was asked by Acting Mayor Ede to consider the question of. raising the $72,000.00 matching fund.
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Division of Fhrbskm at La Mesa extending the agreement to house the Carlsbad FiTe truck at the local Forestry station.
relative to gas tax money for the October quarter. City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Comptroller's office
A letter was read from the League of California Cities, con- taining an invitation to a dinner to be given at Chula Vista on Firday 8
City Clerk Hagen reported that the dead seal on the beach had been removed at a cost of $6.50. Cm. Castorena moved that this bill be paid, seconded by cmn. Grober. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried..
City Clerk Hagen read a letter from Helms' Bakeries, enclosing plans for a building which they propose to erect at Grand Avenue and Washington Btreets in Carlsbad, reauestinz a letter from the City Council permitting the erection of such. a buildiEg to be used in the re,tail distribution of their baked goods. Cmn. Castorena suggested that the matter be rgferred to the Planning Commission, but the Euilding Inspector,. '01. Gronseth, stated that in, his opinion this would not be necessary as the tyne of business and building is permithd on the location specified, that he had already communicated with the Helms' peo-ple and told them the building would be permitted. Discussion brought out the viewpoint generally that the building and business would be an asset to Wrlsbad, since mope business means added payroll and it was felt that most of the drivers working out of this point would establish homes here. Claud Fennel was recognized as a spokesman for the Helrrsr people and described the building as a proper one for a C-l zone, 55 feet by 90 feet, which would be used as a distributipa point out of which the route men would work on a consignment basis, making do0.r to door sales of their products. Dick Ohanneson stated that a, similar application w8s made by the Helms' Bakeries to the Oceanside City Council which was turned down %pr a C-1 zom, with the recommendation that it be located in an N-1 zone.
Cmn. Sutton offered a resolution that the City Clerk be instructed to write Helmsf Bakeries that their proposition is accepted. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. Ayes, Cmn. Ede, Castorena, and Sutton. nays, Cmn. Grober. Carried.
.After a five-minute recess, Mayor pro-tern Ede re-convend.ed the .Council. Mr. J., B. Bond, Acting Public Works Director, sub- mitted a Public Works budget for the consideration of the Council, stating that in his opinion 8 great many of the items listed can be postponed, as followd:
Cleaning out paved chutes.. ......................... .$ 750, Repairs to Jefferson St. along Buena Vista Lagoon..,. 1650.
Blading ESutters... ................................... 1000. Cleaning ditches.......... ........................... 1200. Repaving Roosevelt St. between Grand and Walnut.. .... 1000. Reworking 2.3 miles of Highland Drive............ .... 5750.
Repai.rs to st. psving on 1400 ft. on Monroe & other streets...............................~...... 9000.
2 4.
Blading shoulders. .................................. 500. Maintaining traffic signal lights.. ................ 1200. (Upon checking with Mr. Beuthel's figures, this was brought down to $500,00) Tree Pruning. ...................................... 2400.
Mr . Bond stated that the only item, in his opinion, that would have to be taken cme of in the next two or three mnths ia the street paving, at a cost of about $3,000.00,
Cmn. Castorena moved, seconded by cmn. Grober, to approve
the budget submitted by Nr. Bond, totalling $24,450.00 as com- pared to $42,000.00 which the county spent last year, and that the county be authorized to do the proposed work, Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried.
The City Clerk reported that Mayor McClellan had gone down
to see Dr. Askew about the matter of inspection of apartment house and hotels dealing with venting of heaters, and that the matter had been cleared up.
Cmn. Castorena offered a resolution that the City Council of Carlsbad extend to Mr. Chester Troan of Oceanside its thanks and gratitude for his most generous offer to ass.ist the City of Carlsbad in the organization of its Police Department. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried.. Cmn. Ca,torena reported that his committee had a meeting tentatively set up for next Monday evening,. at either the Carlsbad Hotye1 or the Oilers' Room, to discuss and prepare a recommendation to the Council in the selection of a police chief.
Acting Nayor Ede reported that there was nothing further from the Security Bank, and other financial matters had been
covered, so his committee had nothing to report.
City Clerk Eagen reported that at the meeting held Monday morning with the municipal accountants from Everts & Esenoff,
some sample fomns were shown but no books set up. On building permit forms, he recommended that the County forms, to which
the people were accustomed, be adopted by the City, changing the heading. Col. Gronseth stated that he was at present using forms from the County and the supply was rapidly diminishing, and he asked that a new supply, using the same form except for the heading, be ordered printed immediately, The City Clerk was so instructed.
City Attorney Smith read. proposed. Ordinance ROO 1006, amending Ordinance No. 1005, to establish a Planning Commission of nine members instead of seven, Can. Sutton moved its adoption, Cmn, Castorena seconding. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried. City ikfktormey Smith stated that Xayor McClellan could a.ppoint the two new members at any time, subject to the approval of the Council at its next regular meeting.
City Attorney Smith resd a proposed resolution reparding the agreement with the County on road maintenance. g explained that the matter of having encroachment and public works permits for this area issued by the City cac be handled by appointing
the County Road Foreman as Deputy Public Works Director, with the fees to be turned over to the County, Cm. Grober moved the resolution be adopted as read. Seconded by Cm, Sgtton. Ayes, four, nays, none . Motion carried.
City Attorney Smfth stated that he had prepared a proposed Ordinance No. 6005, which is a business license tax ordinance embracing every business in the City of Carlsbad. lib. Smith
stated that five days must elapse after the first reading of
the 34 page document before the Council may approve it, and 30 days thereafter before it can take force and effect. A long diswsston followed, developing that the contractors felt that a discrepancy existed between their recommendations to the mm- mittee and the proposed draft, principally in the matter of re- ciprocal fees to be charged out of town contractors and 'sub-
contractors. They also felt that too great a differantail
existed between the license proposed for the professtonal group of $20.00 per year, and that listed for the contractors of $50.00 per year., on the basis tha. t incomes of the two groups would not differ greatly. Mr. Claud Fennel, k?. 3obert Nelson, and h. Arnig S,ringer as nernbers of the drafting committee gave a report on the cornrr5tteeTs work, and fvlr. Kenneth Ebright, Mr, Robert Watsdn and Mr. Art Snyder presented the contractorsf viewpoint. Robert Garland. was present and wask asked what the cost would be of printlng copies of the ordinance for the bene- fit of' the public, and he stated that the:? couId. be flzmi-shed.
at $84.00, the cost of a psge of adve.rtisJ.ng. Mr. Robert xelson suggested that several copies be posted. in prominent places in
town so that psople could familiarize themselvss with the Ord- inance. The con-census of opinion was that the ordinance should be tabled, pendins further meetings of these two qroups to wo7.k out changes'in the d.isputed Secti.ons 66 and 6'7. Cm. Castorona moved that the Ordinance be turned back to the. committee with '
> "5
\ .-. the recommendation that the contractors and the professional
. ;: men's group meet and discuss the matter further, and return their
4 final recommendations to the .City Attorney as soon as possible. c, Seconded by Cm. Sutton, Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried.
..- Acting ?Jayor Ed.e asked Nr. Robert Garland to publish the fact
,.. ,.-:
.-+' -.* that there will be a copy of the Ordinance in the City Clerk's office next week, with the changes in Sections 66 and 67.
Cmn. Grober was pernittsd to withdraw.
Cmn. Sutkon read. a proposed resolutim that the City Clerk request the Santa Ye Railway to provide commuter train service to Carlsbad, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Cm.. Castorena Ayes, three, nags, non6.. Resolution passed.
Cm. Sutton moved that. ..the CaliPornia State Nursery at Davis, CalTfornia, be written concemin.3 an offer of trees for City Seautification purposes. Seconded bg Cmn. Castorena, and unani- mously passed. The City Clem was so directed.
City Clerk Fawn reported that he had been approached on the subject of mal:,-iage: licenses by the County Clerk, who said that
if the Council approves, he will come up and. deputize him for this purpose. Cmn. Sutton proposed a resolution that the City Clerk be depatized by the County Clerk. Secocded by Cmn. Castorena. Ayes. Cm. CaZtopena, Sutton and %de. . Nays, none. Cmn. Cirober Absent. Resolution passed.
There being no further busimss to come before the meeting, Crnn. Caetorena moved that the Testing be adjourned, seconded by
Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, three, nays, none. Meeting ad2owrmed..
Respectfully submitted,
August 19, 1952 -
hleeting called to order by Mayor IdcClellan at 7:OO OtClock
p.m. in the 97 lersf Room at Twin Inns. Present besid-es Mayor liicclellan were em. Lena Suttaq ldanuel Castorena, and ''eorge
Grober, and also City Att-y. Bruce Smith. Absent, Cmn. Raymond Ede .
Minutss of the meeting of Aucgust 12, 1952, were read. by City Clerk Ilapen. There being no objections or corrections, th.e minut2s
stocd approved as re2d.
City Clerk Hagen read the following cormnun1cat;ons:
Letter of J. C. Perrigo of the office of Aud.itor and Comptroller