HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-19; City Council; Minutes2' existed between the license proposed for the professional group of $20.00 per year, and. that listed for the contractors of $50.00 per year., on the basis that incomes of the 'two groups would not differ greatly. Mr. Claud Fennel, UP. Robert Nelson, and %?. Arnie S,ringer as members of the drafting committee gave a report on the cornmitteels work, and blr. Kenneth Ebright, Mr. Robert Watson and Mr. Art Snyder presented the contractors' viewpoint. Robert Garland was present and wask asked what the cost would be of printing copies of the ordinance for the bene- fit of the pvblic, and. 'ne statad that the,y c,ould be furnished at $84.00, the cost of a page of advertising. Mr. Robert Nelson suggested that several copies be posted in prominent places in town so that people could familiarize themselves with the Ord- inance. The con-can-s.as of opinion was that the ordinance should be tabled, pending further meetings of these two qroups to w0i.k out changes in the disputed Sections 66 and 67. Cmn. Castorena moved that the Ordinance be turned back to the committee with ' I $4 the recommendation that the contractors and the professional KJ men's group meet and discuss the mattes further, and return their q" final recommendations to the .City Attorney as soon as possible. a)L Seconded by Cm. Sutton. Ayes, fouP, nsys, none. Motion carried. c-? Acting Nayor Ede asked. Mr. Robert Garland to publish the fact that there will be a copy of the Ordinance in the City Clerk's offices next week, with the changes in Sections 66 and 67. .=I Cmn. Grober was permitted to withdraw. Cm. Sutton read a proposed resolution that the City clerk request the Santa Fe Railway to provide comrnute:r-- train service to Carlsbad, and move its adoption. Seconded by Cm. Castorena Ayes, three , nays, non "a Resolution passed. \ I Cmn. Sutton moved thaqthe California State Nursery at Davis, California, be written conchrnir,g an offer of trees for City beautification purposes. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, and unani- mously passed. The City Clerk was so directed. City Clerk Haqen reported that he had been approached on the subject of mamhfge licenses by the County Clerk, who said that if the Council approves, he will come up and deputize him for this purpose. Cmn. Sutton proposed. a resolution that the City Clerk be deputized bg the County Clerk, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Ayesi Cmn. Ca?torena, Sutton and Ede. . Nays, none. Cmn. Grober Abssxkt. Resolution passed. T'here being no further busimss to come before the meeting, Cmn. Castorena moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Cm. Sutton. Ayes, three, nays, none. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, $ MTXXITES OF CITY COLT CIL MEETING I August 19, 1952 Neeting called to order by Mayor McClellan at 7:OO OrClock .in the Oilers 9 Room at Twin Inns. Present besides Mayor gi:iellan were Cmn. Lena Suttm, Manuel Castorena, and "eorge Grober, and also City Attg. Bruce Smith. Absent, Cmn. Raymond Ede . Xllinutes of the meeting of August 12, 1952, were read. by City Clerk Hagen, There being no objections or corrections, the rninut.2s s to& approved as resd. City Clerk bgen read the following comunicatlons: Letter of J. C. Perrigo of the office of Auditor and Comptroller 2 tl* of San Diego County requesting certification of assessed valuation to the San Diego County Water Authority. Xeferred to em, Sutton for action. Letter from League of California Cities, signed by Richard Graves, imiting Ca.rlsbad to hecome a mepber of the League, and outlining service charges and terms of membership. City Clerk was requested to give them an estimate of the population and other pertinet information. Bu i crnn Application of H. H. Barter of ?asad.ena for the job of City lding Inspector and Public Works Director. Referred to . Grobercs committee on applications. Mayor &Clellan asked that Mr. Bond' and Col. Gronseth assist on this committee, and th& the committee try to bring in a definite recomednation at next weeks meeting. City Clerk Sagen reported that J. H. Whitman of the County Health Department was in the o"fice , and ststed that the County would like to retain control of inspections under Sections 19, *, 102, 175 and 176 of the Plu@b.ing Code. Referred to Cmn. Grober with the request that he study the situation and bring in a report at the next meeting, Cmn. Castorena read a recommendation of his committee on gutton James, Huston Tucker, Eddie Gastelum and Ben ?paylor, that the following five names be considered for the post of Carlsbad Chief of Police: Guy Woodward, Ward Ratcliff, Howard Tekell, U. Max Palkowski, and L. Settles; and that the salary for the Chief be fixed at $400.00 per month, and for a pakrolman at $300.00 per month, the men to furnish their own unfforms. After discussion, durins which it was brought out that the salaries mentioned compsred generally with those paid ir. other small cities, although a trifle hisher than sohe$ Cmn. Grober noved that intorviews Se arranged by Cmn. Cwtorena, between the five candtd-ates suggested and the City Council sitting as a committee. I Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried. olice matters, consisting of Spence Reese, &ward Oldhqrn, Cmn. Grober reported. an interview with a Nr. Perkins, an applicant for the job of Building Inspector. The matter was re- ferred back to Mr. Grober's committee on applications, Mr. Bond reported that he had no fuj.ther discussion with Mr. Hal Friend in regard to the proposed change in bus routing through Garlsbad, and Eflayor McClellan stated that the City Council of Oceanside had deferred action for the time being. 32s. Beatrice Perkins, 2652 Highland Dr5ve, presented petieions signed by more than 500 citizens in the Highland area protesting the with- drawal of bus service from that area. She cited cases where severe hardship would be imposed by eliminating that area from the schedule, and relayed suggestions of petitioners for solu- tion of the problem without curtailing service, including a zone plan whereby passengers boarding the bus at outlying points would pay ten cents to the downtown area and five cents more to Oceanside. Mr. Aimee Durett also spoke in favor of retaining the Highland Drive service, and &e. A,nie Stringer stated that; most people felt that a utility should serve a majority of people and that he felt the route should be extended rather than cur- tailed, Cm. Castorena moved that the pekitions and the entire matter be referred back to Er. Bond for a further conference with MY. Friend. Seconded by Cm. Grober. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried. llagor McClellan offered to sit in on the conference, the County approving . Mr. Bond stated that there was nothlnp further to report'on the matter of the signal at Elm and Highway 101, City Clerk Hagen read a recommend.ation from th.e Carlsbad Planning Commission that the west end of Ponderibsa Drive in Terramr be vacated. Cm. Castorena moved that the Council imtruct the City Attorney to prepare an order effecting a closing of the area as recommended by the Planning Comissicn. I kc4 rn w 4 0 ==c I I 2 Seconded by Cmn. Grober. Ayes, four, nays, none. blotion carried. The City Clerk was directed to turn the file over to the City Attorney for action. Cmn. Sutton moved that a resolution be passed approving the appointment of members to the Carlsbad Planning Commission for the terns specified as follows: Robert Sutton. ..................... .four years Robert bl. Smith, ................... .three years I. H, eronseth......................two years Arnie Stringer,.. ................... on^ year J, B. Bond............... ......... ..two years Tom S. Acuna,. .............. ... ..me year Cmn. Grober seconded. Ayes, four., nays, none. Motion carried, Mayor McClellan suggested that since the Planning Commission has no office as such, it would be helpful to them if the Council sees fit to delegate the City Clerk to handle the matter of noti- fication of property owners of hearings on rezoning, v2riances, special use permits, etc. Cmn. Castorena moved that the City Clerk be delegated to give proper notification to all property owners within the legal distance, by the most effective means in the judgment of the Planning Commission. Seconded. by Cm. Grober. Chairman Sutton of the Planning Commission stated that the com- mission felt that, due to the shortage of stenographic hlep in the City offices, it would be more economical to give notice by publi- cation in the newspaper, rather than by postcard, The motion was unanimously passed . The matter of gees to be paid by applicants for variances and zoning changes, as provided by ordinance, was discussed, and it was decided that the fee of $10.00 for variance and $25.00 for zone change should be paid by applicaxt upon filing of his application, to be ref'unded if the change request is not granted. City Attorney Smith read proposed Ordinance No. 7010 creating a special gas tax street improvement fund. Cm. Castorena moved that the Ordinance be adopted 'as 'proposed, Seconded, by Cmn. Sutton. Ayes, four, nays , none. Motion carried. City Attorney Smith gave a summary of the City-state agreement regarding maintenance on state highways through C,rlsbad. City Clerk bgen read an explanatory letter from the office of E, E. Wallace, signed by R, L. Reuthel, dated August 12, 1952. Acting Public Works Director Bond~~recommended that the City enter into the agreement. City Clerk Hagen read a proposed resolution of thecity Council approving the agreement with the State regarding such maintenance. Crnn. Sutton moved the adoption of the resolu- tion, seconded by Cmn, Grober. Ayes, four, nays, none. Resolu- tion passed. City Attorney Smith outlined proposed Ordinance No. $3005., busi- ness license tax ordinance, calling attention to changes made in Sections 66 and 67, After a ten-minute recess, Nayor MIcClellan reconvened the Council. Possible exceptions under the Ordi~ance were discussed, such as the Carlsbad Blutual Water Company and Army & Navy Academy as non-profit organizations, and persons doing only part-tim work in 8 professional field such as income tax accountants. The sug- gestion was made that an investigation into the situation at Escondido with reference to their watsr company might be helpful in considering this quektton. Mrs, Zelda Pryor asked for an' interpretation of her status under the Ordinance as an astrologer, ordained minister and counsellor in religious science, objecting to classification as a fortune teller. City Attorney Smith said he would study this mtter, but his offhand opinion was 'that her occupation would come under that clause, Mr, Evans of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company requested and was given .a copy of the Ordinance for study to clarifp his company's position in regard to contractors and sub-contractors hired by them. Cmn. Grobdr a 8.' moved that action on Ordinance XO. 6005 be deferred. until the next meeting of the Council on August 26, 1952. Seconded by Cmn. Suttor,. Ayes, four, nays, none. Motion carried.. Mayor McClellan asked the Council members if they were pre- pared to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution naming the County Assessor and. the County Tax Collector as the assessing and tax collecticg agencies for the City of Carlsbad, explaining that such appointment might facilitate furnishing certification of assessed valuation to the Sari Diego 'County Water Authority 8s the Assessor had. furnishtid this certificate in a number of cases and wss thoroughly familiar with the pro- cedure. Cmn. Castorena moved that the City Attorney be1in- structed to prepare the necessary resolution namirq the County Assessor and the County Tax Collector as the assessing and tax collecting agencies for the City of Carlsbad. Cm. Grober seconded, Ayes, four, nays, none. Hotion carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cm. Grober moved for adjournment. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, meeting adjourned e Respectfully submitted, DlIINUTES 0 F CITY COUNCIL 2JLEETTNG Augmt 26, 1952 Meeting was cal].erj to order bv Mayor n"cCle1lan at 7:OO ofclock P.N. in the Oilers' Room at Twin Inns. Present beside Mayor McClellan were Cm, Ede, Castorena, Sutton and Grober, city Clerk Eagen and City Atty. T. Bruce Smith. Minutes of the meeting of Augmt 19, 1952, were read.. There being no objections OF corrections, they stood approved as read. City Clerk Hagen rezd the following comniunications: Letter from the SanDiego County Water Authority stating that papers in connection with Carlsbad's application were in the hands of the Board of Directors, Application from Harry Edward Jones for job of Building Inspector and Public rdorks Director. Cmn. Grober re,ported. an interview with applicant, stating that another letter giving further information should be received soon. Referred back to Cmn. Grober's committee OK applications. copy of inter-office memo from San Diego Gas & Electric GO. signed by Ed Sherwin, to G. P. Evans, questioning the legality of taxing that company under the business license tax ordinance. Mayor BIcClellan suggested tha act'on be deferred untjl aster in the session when the license tax matter would be taken up. I Letter fromcarlsbad Journal, signed. by Robert Garland, coafirming oral agreement as to rates on legal advertising, Cm. Ede moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a contract for the period remaining in the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1953, emboyding the terms as suggested in the letter from Mr. Garland. Seconded by Cm. Grober. All ayes. Notion carried. Letter from California State Nursery at Davis, California, quoting prices of' trees in quan%ity for city planting programs, and stating that Carlsbad had been placed on mailing list to i.