HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-26; City Council; Minutes! 0: moved that action on Ordinance NO. 6005 be deferred. until the next meeting of the Council on August 26, 1952. Seconded by Cmn. Suttor,. Ages, four, nays, none. Motior! carried.. Mayor "Wellan asked the Council niembers if they were pre- pared to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution naming the County Assessor and. the County Tax Collector as the assessing and tax collectirg aFencies for the City of Carlsbad, explaining that such appointment might facilitate furnishing certification of assessed valuation to the San Diego County ;?dater Authority as the Assessor had furnished this certificate in a number of cases and wss thoroughly familiar with the pro- cedure. Cmn. Castorena moved that the City Attorney be:in- structed to prepare the necessarg resolution namil-,g the County Assessor and the County Tax Collector as the assessing and tax collecting agencies for the City of Carlsbad. Cmn. Grober seconded. Ages, four, nays, none . Notion carried, There being no further busfness to come before the Council, Cmn. Grober moved for adjownment. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton. All ayes, meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted., / [&y<gk& ward . .agm, ,-. c7,- / City Clerk A XINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL NEXTTNG . August 26, 1952 b1eetin.g was called to order by Diayor kClell.an at 7:OO O'Clock P.M. in the Oilers' Room at Twin Inns. Present beside Mayor McClellan were Cmn. Ede, Castorena, Sutton and Grober, City Clerk Hagen and City Atty, T. Bruce Smith. Ivlinutes of the meeting of Auqmt 19, 1952, were read. There being no objections or corrections, th.ey stood approved as read, City Clerk Hagen read the following cornniunications: Letter from the SanDiego County 'Nater Authority' stating that papers in connection with Car1sbad.fs application were in the hands of the Board of Directors. Application from Xarry Edward Jones for job of Building Inspector and Public viorks uirector. Cmn. C-rober reported. an interview with applicant, stating that another letter giving further information should be received soon. Referred back to Cmn. Grober's committee or- applications. copy of inter-office memo from San Diego Gas & Electric CO. signed by Ed Sherwin, to G. P. Evans, questioning the legality of taxrng that company under the business license tax ordinance. Mayor RIcClellan suggested tha actt"on be ;ieferred until Aster in the session when the license tax matter would be taken up. Letter fromCarlsbad Journal, signed. by Robert Garhnd, confirming oral agreement as to rates on legal advertising. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a contract for the period remaining in the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1953, emboydine; the terms as suggested in the letter from hk. Garland. Seconded by Cm. Grober. All ayes. Notion carried. Letter from California Stste Nursery at Da.vis, Californi'a, quoting prices of trees in quaneity for city plsnting programs, an3 stating that Carlsbad had been placed. on mailing list to I x !a @ 4 3 d -4 I I 2'1 receive their publications. It was decided that, although it would be highly desirable to purchase some trees, the City's financial condition at this time would not permit it. Application of E. H. Cameron for position of chief painter with the Public works Division. City Clerk Hagen was directed to acknow- ledge, informing applicant that no such position existed, Letter from California Taxpayers! Association, signed by J. Roy Holland, reque.sting tax rates and tax budget for 1952-53. City Clerk Eagen was instructed to handle as a routine matter. Letter from Municipal Court of Oceanaide requesting copies of certain ordinances, and to be put on mailing list to receive copies of such future ordinance and resolutions as would be necessary for their purposes. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Clerk be authorized to supply the knicipal Court at Oceanside with copies of any ordinances or resolutions that might be applicable to them, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. .All ayes . Xotion carried. Let.ter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce concerning request of C. H. Patterson that some action be taken to prevent children from digging tunnels into the banks of his' property which borders the Agua I3ediond.a Lagoon, thereby creating the hazard. of cave-ins. ailayor NcClellan suggested that this and similar problems point up the nec- essity of setting up a Parks and Playgrounds Commission as a clearing house for such situations. It wss decided .that since the City has no powers to deal with this problem, a suggestion should be made to tb life guard on d.uty at the lagoon, who is paid jointly by Comniunity Council and school recreation funds, that he give closer supervision to the situation. Cmn. Ede moved that tho City Clerk be instructed. to write the Chamber of Commerce askilzg thst 'they refer the matter to the Community Council %%th.:t'hc. sugge-stioh.. that-. thpg' 'ask Petejr ,Nov&k,, : life guard,,' to-'superv-ise t-he area-more.. closely' for thc::bal.anee ,of *hi-s year : "and: tbt t!Jm City;. w'rrilevnot equipped to assume any liability at this time, will arrange for sonet'qing -next year. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. All ayes . Notion carried . ,- Letter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce regarding insurance prem- ium on the Volunteer Fire Department, adivising that a donation of $100.00 from Lee Ruse Post would be matched by the Chamber, leaving a balance of $63.34 which they suggest Se assumed by the City. Matter referred to Cm. Castorena for study-, and to determine bur legal authority to pay. Memo to the City Cotincil from Public Works Director concerning proposed change in bus routing, stating that in a further interview Nr. Hal Friend had stated that due to the necessity of combinging the Mission Homes and Carlsbad routes in a one-hour schedule, it was im- possible to allow more than ten minutes for the run with.in Carlsbad. Under the circumstances, no expanision of the route could. be considered and it was considered impractical to run alternate routes on a two hour schedule, or to charge higher rates in order to meet operating expenses on an altered schedule. Several suggestions were made as to the possibility of getting someone to start an independent bus service in Carlsbad, btrsses of the Car1sbad:Oceanside Youth Sand and Gospel Tabernacle being mentioned. Mr.'Bond stated he had contacted Homer' Heller but he had shown no interest. Cmn. Ede moved that the Council accept the report and recomxmdations of the Public Works Director, and suggest thqt he c.onvey to IJr. Friend the Council's desire that the existing sche&~.le be maintained as long as possible, and further ascertain whether any other. bus route could be established; and that the report be published in the paper for the information of the general public. Seconded by crm, Castorena. A11 ayes, motion carried. Letter of Yr. Irby of the Department of Public.&alth concernbg inspec'tj-ons on septic tanks and cesspools to be mado by the County on Tuesdays and Thursdays if the Council approves. Leo vfilliams asked that the matter be f'urther considered before action is taken, as delays might' result from two-day-a-week inspections. Art Snyder stated that a plumbing inspector should be available every day in the week, and H. E. Anderson.stated that it was his understanding that the County 30 A would have I man available every day if the Council so desires for about $50.00 per month. Cmn. Ede moved that the matter be referred back to committee for study and recommendation. Seconded by Cmn, Castorma. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen presented a bill from the Division of High= ways for $25.59 as the CityfS share of maintenance of signals and lighting at intersections of Elm and Grand Avenues with Highway 101. Cm, Ede moved that the bill be paid when funds become available, but at the safle time the COUncil keep contact with the Division of Highways in regard to restoring the red and green simals at Elm and Highway 101, Seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All age's , rno tton c arritd . I. City Clerk Hagen read the petition of Margaret vi. Coats of 3229 Valley Street for reclassification from E-2 to R-2 of a por- tion of Tract 123, Carlsbad Lands, and the petition of Carlsbad Mu,tual Water Company for reclassification from R-3 to K-1 of the Northeast 140 feet of Lot 2, Industrial Tract, Map 1743. Cm. Sutton moved that both applications be referred to the Planning Commission, Seconded by Cm, .Ede, All ages, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read a recornendation of the Planning Com- mission that the request of Andrew Barone for variance in side Tntersection to 7 feet 8 inches on the north and 8 feet 9 inches on the south, be granted, Mayor McClellan stated that upon re- ceiving a call from a man who had protested and then had withdrawn his protest, he had made 8 check of the actual d.istance from the forxndation form to the property line and had measured it 5 feet 9 inches on the north and 7 feet 8 inches on the south. It was explained to lfr. Barone that if his present request were granted and then found to be inadequate, it would be necessary. for him to file another re-uest, resulting in considerable delay. Cmn, .Ede moved that the City Counci1,accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the request of Andrew Barone, sub- ject to a careful check by the Building Inspector, and the stip- ;lation that if the measurements are not correct, a new variance must be applied for . Seconded by Cmn. Grober, All ayes. Motion carried . ard setback on property on Elmwood Avenue south of Highland Drive Second reading of Ordinance No. 7010, creating a special gas tax street improaemnt fund, was made by City Clerk Hagen. Cm. Ede moved that the ordinance be adopted. Seconded -by Cmn. Castor- ens, A11 ayes, no noes, motion carried, City Clerk Hagen read a letter from Miss Virginia White ob- jecting to the business license tax ordinance as drawn, raising many points which in her opinion made the ordinance tyrannical and discriminatory, Discussion was postponed until other matters could be heard and. the Council adjourned to a committee of the whole for informal discussion. The matter of the San Diego County Gas & Electric Company letter was again haken up. Mr. Evans was present and explained that his company had no objection to entering into a franchise agreement with the City of Carlsbad, but that the city could obtain its share of fees by applying to the County for its por- tion under the County Franchise, as some cities had preferred to do rather than enter into separate franchise agreements, Me stated that his comlsany was anxdous to have its position clarified . as to whether or not they were included under the gross receipts provision, before any action was taken on the ordinance. City Attorney Smith was asked to study the matter of a f-ranchise, con- sidering that the City has the two alternatives of entering into a franc'hse or accepting its share under the County franchise, and to make a recommendation to the Council, First reading was made by City Clerk Hagen of proposed Ordin- ance No. 1010, transferring duties of assessnent and tax collec- tion to the County of San Diego Assessor and Tax Collector, Cmn, Castorena moved that the Ordinance be tabled until next meeting. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. 3 First reading was made by City Clerk Hagen of proposed Ordinance. No. 7015, an order vacating the Xesterly portion of Ponderosa Drive in Terramay, and setting a heq.ril?p; on same at 7:00,p,m. on September 30, 19F;2, st the re,pulnr meetinw of th.e council, 'mn. Ede movec! that this be considered the first readins, and that Ordinance No, 7015 be tablad vntil the next Council &eting. Cmn, Srober seconded, All ayes, motion carried, After a ten-ninutc recess, Mayor McClellan reconx-ened the Council, Cmn, GL-ober reported. that he had interviewed seaeral'applicants for the job of Duilding Inspector; that Xax Ewald had. stated he was not !ptsrested in a City job but w0ai.d be happy to help out until a man is hired.; and thzt Mr. Nichols was preparing a letter to the Council whicl?. should be received soon. Xagor EJcClellan urged that the corn- nittee com in'witk a recomepdation as soon as possible. Mayor ~~~IcClellan asked tha.t the Council keep in aind the idea of n. a Parks and Playgrounds Commission, whic? cou1.d handle such problems .-.+< Park and. Fish and 3;iild. Life Commissions , '1 City Clerk Hagen reported a call from Xrs. H. E, Capgleman, ; ,(<> as beach matters, playgrounds, and perhaps our relations with State r!-f :- r ., \:: . . I. "* .. TIighwag 101 and Hemlock, that she had been bothered on several occa- sions and her csr broken into, pres~zmably by occu.pants of trailers parked on the beach, and that she could get no assurance of protection from the Sherifi'*s office, Cmn, Ede suggested th.at the City Clerk be directed to contact the Cou.nty Aealth authorities to see if they would. tzke action against illegal parking of trsilers on the beach in violation of sanitary regulations. Cmn. Grober reported that Xr, Bill Carulichael had. requested that a car of unknovm ownership which had. been parked in front of his house for about ten days, be moved, but since? the City has no Police force, no action could be taken. Mayor McClellan suggested that in order to enter into an in- formal discussion on the business license ordinance, a motion would be entertained to resolve .the Council into a comTnittee of the whole, Cmn. Castorena so moved, Cmn. Ede seconding. All. a.yes. Motion carriect. The objections contained in the letter from Kiss Yihite were discussed fully, and. the intention of the Council clarified on mmy poi.nts, but no action was taken. Magor XcClellan reconvened the Council in fomal session, and Cm. Sutton moved for sdjownment, cm. "Jober secondicg, All ayes, Meeting was adjourned, Respectfully su .," &,,rY. war G. Qagen, City Clerk MIXUT3,S CF CI TY COUN C TL TJEETIN G September 2, 1952 - 1dIIec;ting called to order by Xayor McClcllan at 7:OO p,m. in the Oilers' Room at Twin Inns, Nembers prgsent beside Xayor MeClellan, wore Cmn. Lena Sutton, Manuel Castor:ena, George Grober, Raymond Ede, City Clerk Iagen and City Attorney '. Bruce Smith. Minutes of the meeting of August 26, 1952, wewe read and approved, City Clerk Hagen read the following comunications: Letter from Sarlsbad i'fiutual Water Company, zskinp: for any ideas the Cou.nc5.l might have in connection aith an enclosed iettar from E. S, Dulin of the hlin Ranch, BmsaZ1, astrinp: what sllpoort Carlsbad. would Se willing to extend toward the build-ing of a darn-at Bonsall, Letter from Atchison, Topeka & Ssnta Fe Railway, replying to the