HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-16; City Council; Minutes3 8. SU~v~it,:)~H~f OF D-j-SCTJSST3N i3.3 ?!rjST::.F3S ~,1''~~3E TAX DRI;DT$$JCCE (Council Keeting of Septtmber 9, 1952) The petition of a number of sub-contractors protesting pap mant; of the same fee for bot3 general'and sub-contractors was read by Cm. Ed,e md discussed. at length by the Council, with many sug- gestions from contractors present. The petition contair,ed. tb rccomrlxmdation thst the license fee for sub-contractors be lowered .' from $50.00 to $35.00; or in lieu thereof, that the fse for general con tractors be raised to provide a d.Lff'srentisl between the two groups . It, was unanimo~;lsIy agreed by the Council that thg fee for sub-contractors sho:zld remain st $SO,OO, a.nd ti-at, $SO,OO per year should be charged general contrsctors; and that the possibility of negotiating an agreement with Oceansids as to reciprocal pactf Lees should be fully explored, It was ag:rsed by the Council thst all license fees should. be payable annualiy, based on the calendar year. The auestion of exemption under Section 65 of professional people operating from their homes and not employing other persons WRS discussed and several suggast.ions made to provide a maximum gross ir,come under which no license vtould be req.uired, cm. Sutton stated that :;ire Anderson of the Municipal License Tax Associction hqd. advised that th9 City A$torney of Fontana had placed the f'ig- ure at $SOO.OC, which the Council felt was much too low and set at @,C)OO.OO. CiQ Attorney Smith sugyested. 3b.t the classi2ica- tion or merchandise sales cou-ld bo coversd by placins a floor on the gross receipts schedule (Section 67) under which no fee would be chargeable . It was i.J-ng.nimOllsly a,greed by. the Council that a bracket snould be added in the Gross Receipts Schedule as follows: $000.00 to $2,500.00, no fee; and that persons so cla.ssifled should file a~ affidavit claimkg exemption, and pay a minirnum registra- tion fee of $1.00, It was decided by the 'Council (except Cmn. Grober, who had been excused) that a wheel tax shoald be apPlicd. on wholesale f,pllcks of+ $10.00 pnvr vehicle per yoar. (Section 64.) 'ac b'ImT.JTES 0 F CITY -CK)UNCLL MESTIK G Septeirber 16, 1952 Meeting called to ord.er by Nayor KcClell.an at 7:15 ~.m. ir- Oi1apsf Boom at Twin Inns. Present beside Xqor XCCLCllan were Cm. Ede, Castorena, Grober, and. Sutton, City Cle-rk: &%en, City Treasurer Pace, and City Atty. Smith. 1vlinut:s of mec?tine, of September 9th were read and apnroved. City Clerk %gen mad the following communicRtions: Letter from League of California Cities clayifying for'mer letter in regard to annual dues. Cm. Ede moved that; application be mads to the League of CE:lifo-?nia Cities for meTnberSbip for calendar year ending December 31, 1952, with no dues paysble for this year. Seconded by Cm. Sutton. 811. ayes, mot ion carried , Letter froin Coronado Tofice and Firemen's Assoelation an- nouncing Ball to be given Frida.37, September 19tb, and Leag_ze of Cali-fornia Cities f dinner on same night, Letter from Silver Circle Transportation Compa.ny, signed bg Paul E. Armes, mouesting permission to operate a taxicab busi- ness in the City of Carlsbad., City Clerk &Zen was directed to s.ckr!owledP;e:, Sut it wss decided to darer action until the City has proper 7,icensing authority and Folice Department. Recommendation of Carlsbad Planning Commission for approval of application of Callen h. Eargett for zone vazsis.n.ce on property at 1301 Pine Avmue. Cm* Ede mo~eil khat variance in. sid.e yzr6 setback from 10' to 7: 3e grmted. Cullen E, hwgett, in accordance with the rzcommcndation of the Flanning Gomxission. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. All a.yres, Eotiorl car-ried. City Cle& Xagen wiis re- wes ted to so notify Mr. IIargett. I 3.3 ka w < 3 4 I I io f 'a ,. .. Petition of Irving Cummings and Ruth S, Cummings, and Iiarry J. and Marcsret C. Stone, for reclassification 2rom Zone E-2 to zone R-1 of PortToxs of Trscts 236 and 237, Thum Land.s, Map 1681. Petition of Vi. J. Bowman for reclassification from Zone R-2 to Zone C-1 of the South half of Block 7, Carlsbad Townsite. Cm. Ede moved that the Petition of Irving Cummings and Ruth 3. Cumrr,ings, and Harry J. Stone and Margaret C. Stone, for reclassification of property from E-2 to R-1, and the petition of via J. Bowman for re- classification from 3-2 to C-ly be referred. to the Planning Com- mission. Seconded by Can. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Letter of application of Norman Lindell of Lemon Grove to serve on the Carlsbad Police Force. The Council approved referral of the application to Cm. CastorenaTs committee on police matters. Cmn. Ede presented for Council approval a choice of two in- surmce policies, covering cars which might be operated by the City Clerk or other employee of the City, street and sidewalk liability, any buildings which the City might be usir,g, and policemen and other municipal employees, one for~$25,000.00 and $50,000.00 at a rate of - $320.23, and the othar for $50,000.00 and $100,000.00, writken by Hartford Accident hdamnity Company through the agency of C. J. Fennel. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. All ayes, rnotion carried. Cm. Ed.e further stated that it will be the policy of the Council to spread thr: writing of insurance among 1,ocal agencies, and when other policies are to be secured, other agents who are qualified to write that type of insur- ance will be given the oppcrtunity to write them. L City Clerk Hagen read a proposed. resolution rzgarding loan to the City of Carlsbad from the Security Trust & Savinzs Bank of San Diego, Carlsbad Branch, of the amount of $2,000.00, with irterest at 5% par annum; and also an opinion from the City Attorney as to author- ity of the City to enter into such Financial arrangements. &fayor & Clellan asked approval of the Council to refer the fraft back to Cm, Edc with the request t'mt he submit it to the Bank for consideration and approval. There being no ob Section, it was so referred. City Clerk Hagen reported that Everts & Esenoff have set up a set of books for the City. Tagor McClellan asked that a monthly summary of obligations incurmd be presented for the Council's consideration. Chn. Castorena gave a detailed report of the interviews of applicants for Police Chief which took place on Septenber 13, with members of the Council, City Attorney Smith, and Lieutenant Lukehart of tkbe San Diego Police Department present. Six applicants were in- terviewid, with.U. Xax Palkowski of Escondido being the unanimous choice of the Council. Cmn. Castorena moved that Mr. U. Max Pal- kowski be engaged as Police Chief for the City of Carlsbad, for a probationary period ending June 30, 1953, at a salary of $400.00 per month, plus mileage for use of his car, all equipment to be furnished by him except breast badge and cap insSrgnia; and that his employment begin immediately or as soon as he is available for duty. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motlon carried. A suggestion was made that the State retirement plan be mad.e availeble to city employees such as Police Chief and Nayor EcCleilan stated that the Council would con- sider t'.?e matter very s'hortly. Cm. Castorena also sugpsted that letters of appreciation be written the other applicants, and was asked by Mayor McClellan to do SO. Cmn. Castorena reported that he had. contacted Father Anthony Kasper as to the possibility of securing the old Catholic Church for use as City offices, and had beec advised that it could probably be made available at a rental of about $40.00 to $50.00 per month. Mayor McClellan explained that present quarters in the Forestry Station were not adequate for the City's growing needs and that the Church building would provide a space of appToximately 24 x 45 feet, plus an addition in the rear of approximately -12 X 16 feet. The City' Attorney was asked what steps would be necessary to make thise use of the building in an X-2 zone, and stated that police and fire Sta- tions require C-1 zoning, and application should be made to the Planning Commission for a special use permit for a limited time. 40- Mayor McClellan suggested that Councilman Ede work with Cm. Castorena on the matter and see what could be negotiated in the way of' exact rental, term of the aprangement, whether the City would take the building as is and make it appropriate for City use, option for renewal, etc. Cinn. Castorena moved that the Council request the Planning Commission, on its own initiative, to hold a hearing for the puppose of considering the panting OS a special permit for the use of the property owned by the Bishop of' t-he San Diego Diocese, lying on the west side of Harding Street, between Elm and Oak Avenues, as City offices. Seconded by Cum. Eds. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Grober reported that Xr. E. C. Kentner had offered to the Council the use of 40 or 50 chairs which he had stored on the third floor of the Twin Inns Building; and had also suggested that the Council put a sign on the door of the Oilers' Room to identify it as its meeting place. Cm. Grober gave a detailed report cn the metwg between himself and I&. Fennel, and Mr. Philip Groff of Sacramento, on the development of Buena Vista Lagoon. &? stated that Mr. Groff was very much impressed and very enthusiastic over the entire proposi'tion and stated that he would be back in the near future to see what the State might have to pay to obtain the approximately 125 acres which would have to be purchased to complete the program. Nr. Fennel also stated that Mr. Groff seemed vary optimistic and could see no un- surmountable obstacles to impede the program. Cmn. Grober was re- quested to continue with this matter, 2nd the City Clerk was re- quested to address a letter of appreciation to E&. Groff. Cmn. Grober also suggested that a letter of appreciat.ion be . addressed to Mr. Joseph Hester, whose application had been consid- ered for the job of Building Inspector, and he wns aSked to do so, NT. Barter reported that he had ordered blueprints of drawings obtained from the County Engineerts offices, pertai-nir-g to street profiles and-elevations, at an estimated cost of' $40.00; 'also that he had discussed with Xr. Vincanz the matter of tb State beach and the agreement between the State and County for its maintenance, and the possibility of turning the beach area over to Cnrlsbad under an agreement . Mr. Fennel sug7ested that it might be very helpful to Mr. Groff if some aerial maps and photographs of the Buena Vista Lagoon could be made availsble to him. Nayor hkC1ella-n stated that they wovld probably be available but would have to be paid for. cnh?. Grober volunteered to investigate and see if such maps are available. and Nayor &Clellan stated that the situation points up the need for a Parks and Recreatior, Commission to handle t'hese and similar problems. Cm, Ede moved that t'he City Atty. be requested to sup- ply the Council with information as to the settir;g up of a Parks and Playgrounds Comzission. Seconded by cmn. Grober. All ayes, mot ion carried. The uestion of trailers parked along the beahhiwas discussed, The question was raised by Cmn, Sutton as to tb necessity of continuing with weekly meetings, and, after, BTscussion, it was decided that for the time being, the Council should continue: to meet each Tuesday evening. I After a ten-minute recess, Mayor hClellan reconvened the Council. TQe GbkycClerk read a letter from Robert Welson regarding the proposed wheel tax, and giving conpsrable schedules from various cities for the Council's consideration, There being no objection, the Council resolved itself into m committee bf the whole for the purpose of informally discussing the Business License Tax Ordinance. City Attorney Smith read the changes made since the last meeting, upon recommendations from the Council. Additional changes were discussed., several being 4 approved by the Council (see surflnapy attached.,) Mayor McCle.tlan r3con-Ten.ed the Council in formal session. There: being no furthsr isusiness to cox Sefore the Council, Cmn. Sutton moved for adjournmnt, Cum. E4.e secondi-r,g. All ayes, motion carried and the meetins was adjo1.xrned. Respectfally submitted, STJ,Q;,:ARY O F cTIA>: GxS "jj BuSIl{ESS T;liC, jl,I mS3 :x2 >.$ AS F.ECOMTimESD BY CGUNCII; 1;GZ:TIFG OF .::$ - September 16, 1952 ,l ' 4 - " '. .. : .;J ?!r In Section 18, it was dscidc: to elinhate the pequiranent. fop a permit from any grogp or sponsoring orga-mixation. In Section 37 -it was agreed. to char,ge the rate from $5.00 par bfll-iard taSle or devfse to $7.50 per table ner ye.7~. In Section 63, it was decided. t;o elilnlnate the filin? or" an affidavit, and require only a statement, setking forth the bracket of income. !v!IIXTJTZS OF CITY COUNCIL XX:ETING Septembe~~ 1952 " Keeting called to order bg Kayor KcClellan at 7:lO p.m. in tb Oilers' XOOM, Twin Inns. Minutes of the meeting of September 16th were read and approved. I he regular order of business was interr- upted to pe-rrnit swearing in of TJ. ?:ax Falkowski as Police Chief. Fictures of the ceremony were takm by press photographers, and the Chief and his f ai.-:ily welcomed to Carlsbad 537 Council rncnbers anG. visitors present. Fl City Clerk Xagen rezd the following communications: Letter Prom the City of Oceansida enclosing copy of Resolution 1991 urging an ezrly adjudLcatFcm 02 the Santq Bai.p;arita water suit. It was decided to simply file t'i1-e letter. Letter f-rom the San diego Gas & Electric Cornpzny cg5.vicE inform- ation as to the total numbep of miles of gtis and electric lines lo- cated or. bot3 public and private property within the corporate limits of Carlsbztl, as of July lE, i952, and other i1:fonmation pertaining to franchise agreement. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Attorney be dip- ected to msnt with the Cognty Counsel in ragard to this matter. Sscond.ed. by cm. Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried. Applicstion of Howard R. %ller for cosition as City administra- L Liv* officer. The city Clerk was directed-to acknov:ledge, advising Xr. Fuller i;hr.*t no such office is beicg considered at this time. Letter from Stqtr: Board of Equalization at Sacrainento regarciing Carlsbaci's proportion of earnip.gs from alcoholic licTnse fecs for the current year. Citg Ati 3. Smith w::s asked to icvestigate tkis nattsr ar+ ststed '?e ~07116 try to do so whe? in San Diem on 3'::edr-esday; other- wise it would be ref'er:red to Xr. SroSer fo~. similar action. later in t5e week . Letter from Gretcher: 'Jht11i1.1. rsquestlc_g trtrr.ing or toping of eucalyptus tress iz front of her property on State Street, It was decided to :%fer the letter to the FlanrLng Comission vuith tk request 'ch8.t they investiga.te. and. nake 8 recornmmdation to tb Council.