HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-23; City Council; Minutes4. approved by the Council (see summary attached.) ?dayor McClellan rsconvened the Council in formal session. There being no further business to corn before the council, Cmn. Sutton moved for adjournment, Cm. Ede seconding& All ayes, motion carried and the meeting was adjourned, I Respectfully submitted, Q CY STJdMARY OF CXMGES I3 BUSIEESS TAX LICENSE AS RECOK’83iD3D BY COUNCIL IGETITG OF q4 September 16, 1952 3 4 - 3 In Section 18, it was dscided to elimfnate the requirement for a permit from any group or sponsoring orgamization. In Section 37 it was agreed to change the rate from $5.00 per billiard table or dzvice to $7.50 per table per yegr, In Section 63, it was decided to eliminate the filinE of an affidavit, and require only a statement setting forth the bracket of income. I? MINUT33 OF CITY !7JUNCIL MEETTN G September .23, 1952 - Piieeting called to order by Kayor NcClellan at 7:lO p.m. in the Oilers’ Boom, Twin Inns. Minutes of the meeting of September 16th were read and approved, The regular order of business was interr- upted to permit swearing in of U. hlax Palkowski as Police Chief , Pictures of the ceremony were takm by press photographers, and the Chief and his fmily welcomed to CaPlsbad by Council members and visitors present . City Clerk Bagen read the following comnications: Letter from the City of Oceanside enclosing copy of Resolution 1981 urging an early adjudication of’ the Santa Kargarita water suit. It was decided to simply file the letter. I Letter from the San diego Gas & Xlectric Company giving inform- ation as to the tots1 number of miles of gas and electric lhes lo- cated on both public and priva’te property within the corporate limits of Carlsbad, as of July 16, 1952, and other ir,fommtion peytaining to frsnchise agreement, Cmn. Ede moved that the City Attorney be dir- ected to meet with the County Counsel in regard to this matter. Seconded by Cm. Grober. 811 ayes, motion carried, Application of Howard R. Fuller for posltion as City administra- tive officer. The City Clerk was directed to acknowledge, advising l’dr. Fuller that no such office is beicg considered at this time. Letter from State Board of Equalization at Sacramnto regarding Carlsbadfs proportion of earnbgs from alcoholic license fees for the current year. City At:-y. Smith WZS asked to investigate tkis “matter and. stated :?e wol11d try to do so wheF rin San Diego on Ifledr-esday; other- wise it would be referred to Kr. GroSer fo:c similar action later in the week. Letter from Gretcher, Tuthill requesting trimxing or top-oing of eucalyptus trees in front of her property on State Street. It was that they investigate and make a recornendation to the Council, . decided. to Yefer the letter to the Planning Conmission with the request 4.2 Letter from Mary Nasland, Clerk in County Supervisors' office, aeknowledping receipt of copy of Ordinance 1010 transferring duties of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector to the County Assessor and County Tax Collector. Mayor &Clellan stated that two copies of assessor's maps of the City of Carlsbad, using parcel numbers icstead of legal descriptions, were being prepared by the County and the city office vmuld receive two sets of these maps. Letter from San Diego Water Authority advising that the Board of Directors had grsnted Carlsbadls request for annexatlon, subject to terms and conditions to is iorked out later; and set- ting up a tentative meeting for Wednesday, October 8th, at 11 a.m. in the County Auditor's office, which it was suggested the City Attorney attend. Cum. Ede movld that the City Attorney be author- ized to mset with Counscl for the San Diego Water Authority, Counsel for the Jhtropolitan 'Yater District, and the County Auditor, in the Auditor's office on VJednesday, October 8th, at 11 a.m. Sec- onded by Cmn. Grober. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Ede further moved that that portion of tha letter concerning requirements of the bond counsel be referred to the City'Attorney for such action as he deems nec-;ssary. S?conded by illrs. Sutton. All ayes, notion carried. Cm. Sutton stated that San Dieguito had been asked for a confsrence to consider the possibility of having a joint aqueduct, The Council discussed means of acquaintin3 the public with steps necessary to semi-e water and preparing voters for an election on the issue through the assistance of citizen advisory committees. The matter was referred to Cmn. Sutton with the sug- gestion that some action be initiated as soon as possible. Letter from the County Surveyor's office, enclosing copias of Ordinances B199 hew Series and 1205 New Series, regarding traffic controls . Letter from State Division of Highways, enclosing fully exe- cuted copy of the maintenance agreement. No action was required, Recommendation of the Planning Commission thst the petition of Carlsbad Mutual Water Company for reclassification from R-3 to 11-1 of the nort'neast 140 feet of Lot 2, Industrial Tract, Xap 1743, be granted. Cm. %de lnoved that the recommendation of the . PlanAin Comissi.?n be accepted, and that a hearing be set on the 7th of 8 ctober at 8:OO p.m. in the Oilers' Room to consider sxch application. .Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, Motion carried. Zeconunendation of the Planning Commission thst the petition of Irving Cumings for reclassification from E-2 to R-2 of a por- tion of Tract 236, Thum Lands, lying westerly of California Div- ision of Highwaysf freeway right-of-way; and the request of the Plannins Commission upon its own initiation for rezoning to R-2 . of the puoperty described as all of Tract 231 of Thum Lands, and all that portion of Tract 236, Thum Lands, lying westerly of Calif- ornia State Highway XI-SD-2BY also that portion of Sectiog 1, T. 12 S., 3. 5 W., lying between Tract 231 and the presently zoned E-2 area, and also the easterly 100 feet of the Santa Fe Railway righ.t-of-way adjoinrng, be granted. Cmn. Ede mved that a public hearing be held on October 7th st 8:15 p.m. in the Oilers' Room to consider the above request for reclassificatior,. Seconded by Cm. Grober. All ayes, motion camied. Jaqueth, regarding allocation to Carlsbad of $72,000 in State finds I on a matching bssis, explaining procedure to be followed in se- curing the funds, and te-rms and restrictions regapding its use, and enolosing application foms. It was decided to defer action until Mr. Bell, Los Angeles represantative, had contacted the Couf:,cil. Letter from State Department of Finance, signed Sy E. H, Letter from County Board of' Supervisors proposing that the County traffic ordinances remain In force untLl they are superseded by proper city ordina-ces. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the Council d.irect the City Attorney to .draw up the proper ordin- ances adopting the County Cjrdinances by reference, depending upon I 4 I x an .\+ 4 e - py 4ir' l his findings as to their mcessity, for the COnsidfX'atiOn Of the Council at its next meting, Seconded bg Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. cm. Castorena ;?loved that Folice Chief Pslkowski be pecriuested to investigate the pendlng applications for taxicab cOnCeSsionS and mke recommendations to the Council, and that the City At'copneY be requzsted to study regulatory types of ord.inances and to draw up a tentative draft, after his investiga.tion, for the consideration of the Council. Seconded by Cm. Ede. Paul Armzs, one of the applicants was present aid: requested permission to begin taxi service at once, on a tezporary basis until regulator ordinafices a,re passed by the Council. The council felt that no such tentative arrangements should be made, and Chief .Palkowski stated that ?E felt it ver$ important that all applicants be carefully screened, The motion was unanimously passed. T'he City clerk was requested to write a memo to the City Attorney ad the Chief of Police covering the abom instmctions, so that a pro- posed draft could be preseated to the Council by next week if possible. Cmn. Castorena reported' that Chief 'Falkowski had obtained the Ian of a typewriter, 6p.d of fingerprinting equipment, loaned by Chester Troan for use as long as 1lecess8ry. % stated. that the Chief. felt it- necessary to have the cgr equipped with siren and two-way transmitter as soon as possible, and that he had been icformd that the Quigley people could make the radio instzllation for $125 .OO. After considerable discussion as to the possibility of using Oceanside's rad.io, jail faci- lities and services of the matron, it was moved by Cmn. Castorana that the Council open negotia-tiorls with the 0ceansid.e City Council, for the use of their transmitter, and discuss hot;sing of prisoners in the Ocean- side Jail. Seconded by Cm. Ede, A11 ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Castorena moved that the City Council authorize the pur&hase and installation by Chief Palkowski, after inves+,igating all possibilitie of a police siren. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. All ayes, motion carried. Nayor XcClellan announced. that Mr. R. L. Beuthel had requeFted that the Council members meet wit3 him on Wednesday (24th) at 2:OO p.m. in regard to classification of Carlsbad. streets for the purpose of defining their eligibility for- construction funds from gas tax allo- cation. Public Works Director Barter reported that $693.00 had been sat as an estimated expenditure for road. maictenance for October, represent- ing one-ninth of the monies. that should be received until the end of the fiscal year. He stated there would probably be some bills from the County for the months of August and September, but thzt he did r?ot expect them to be large, Nr.. Barter also reported some violations of building and zoning ordinances, mentioning spec.ifically the case of Jules Landas of 3132 Jefforson, who was erecting a building in violation of the Codes, without first obtsining a building permit. % read a. propose6 letter drafted by the City Attorney, setti38 oxt penalties ?Or violations. The council suggested tbt Hr. Barter contact Xr. Land-es persenally and attmpt to get the matter straightened out on a voluntaq basis; and if he does not respond, to send the letter. I City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Department of public Iiealth, signed by Dr. Askew, enclosing copy of revised proposed ser- vice agreement and other data, and urging that the Council give at= tention to the matter not later than October 10th. After a short recess, Xayor McClellaE. reconvened tb Council. Cmn. Sutton surrmarized the pproposed. service agreemekt and stated that it was nGixapplicable to several items covered by present City City ordinances, including food scoring 2nd condemning of fish, and that inspections for such services would icvofve an extra charge. City Attorney Smith sugcested. that they may have.:intended. to provide for food scoring and that their intentions should be determined. 1t.wz.s decides to defer action on the matter for a Xeek and. rotate th-e dsta furnisile-? among the Couneil members for -study. 44 Cmn, Castorena gave a detailed report on negotiations to secure use of the former Catholic Church Building as City offices, as a result of which the Bishbp of the San Diego Diocese had set a mi.nimum rental of $60.00 per month for a le~se on a year-to-year basis, based on the fiscal year, with option of renewal. He further stated that he had been informed that the Bishop and Father Kaspar were very much in= berested in establishing a school and already have the site, and that the maximum time that this buildins woz2-d be available for city use would probably be two years. He expressed the opinion that the Church building would be ideal for the Police Department, as the small ad.jition st the rear could be used for bringing i?.? prisoners unobtrusively. Cmn. Castorena also reported that Ih. Fatske had called him and stated that he was prepared to build a building for the City and was resdy to negoticte. hfr. Barter reported that he had asked lGr* Robinson of Ander- son tc Robinson for a bid on plumbing and some heating units to be installed in the Church building, and that &. Robinson, after an examination, was very hopeful that he could save the city consider- able expense, and Mr. Anderson was of the same opinion. Mrs. Jane Sonneman suggested that a building owned by 'her on State Street might be ma.de available if the Council members were interested, at a rental of a'?out $65.00 per month; that little or no remodelirg would be required, that there were four separate offices in the b~il-ding, and the plumbing was sewer-connected, Cmn. Ede suggested that, the cornittee explore the possibilities of both build.ings and find out wha t would be involved in the way of re= modeling exgense, etc., and consult the Police Chief as to his wishes and ideas, Em. Ruth Crilly stated that her back yard was across the alley ,from the church property and that ahe would cbject to noisy or drunken prisoners being brought in at all hours of the night. &layor n'ICClellm stated that the Tlanning Commission had set a hear- ing on September 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the Oilersf Room to consider the request for a special use permit, at which time any protests against issuance of the permit would be heard. Chief of Police discussed the above with Xrs. Crilly. Cmn. Sutton and Crober were appoEnted to assist on the corn- mittee, replacing Cmn. Ede who was excused from serving. Cmn. Ede moved. that the committee be given authority to neg- otiate and conclude, subject to the approval of the Council, a temporary lease on suitable quaptors for a City Hall and Police headquaTt,>:?s, to be brought back to the City Council at the next meeting, subject, however, to results of the hearing to be held by the Planning Commission on September 30th. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Mayor %Clellan asked the cornittee to cops'llt with the City Clerk and the public Works Dir- ector as negotiations progress. Cm. Grober reported that he had written the letters he wag - cmn. Ede statid that the Finance Committee had nothing to re- requested to write . port; but asked that the City 'lerk take the proposed loan agree- ment to the bank for approval, City Clerk Hag7;e.r: reported that' there were bills totalling $183.46 to be audited by the Auditing Com:.:ittee. Cmn, Casztorena brought up the question of setting a definite date upon which City employees should receive their pay, and the first day of the month vias discussed and agreed upon. Nayor 2cClellan proposed thgt the agreement with the City Atto-rney covering salary be extended. Cm, Ede moved to extend for one month, until October 6th, the agreement covering salary of the City Attorney, usin2 the Sam bQsis of $300.00 per month mtleage and court appearances. Becondcsd by Cmn. Sutton, all ays, motion carpied . I 74 k:$ %+ < 3 rt I I 41 The question of securing awial maps to be furnished the State was discussed, an.3 the matter v?as referred to Cm. Grobsr for his attention, with the request thgt he report at a future Council Meeting, After discussion on a point of .order, Cmn. Ede moved the adop- tion of a resolution to .accept the employment and setting of the salary of the City Attorney as a substitution for the motion alreqdy ad.opt'ed.. Seconded by Cmn. Castorella. 811 ayes, motion carried, IE the matter of the employment of Police chief 'if. Nax Pal- kowski, cmn. Castorena proposed. the folloviing resolution: WTHEREAS, at the Council meeting of September LGth, it was moved that the Chty Council employ ?!k. U. fJax Falkowski as Police Chief for the City of Carl'sbad for a probationary period ending June 30, 1953 at a salary of $400.00 per month, pius mileage for use of his car, all equiprn3nt to be' furnished by him except breast badge and cap insagnia; and that his employment begin immediately or as soon as he is available for duty, TFERZFORE, BE IT RZSOI?JED that Mr. Palkowski be employed pur- suant to the above conditions at a s83ar-y of $400,00 per month. Seconds( by crnn. Ed.e. A11 ayes, resolution adopted. City Clerk &.gen reported that ke had ordered the insurance policy authorized by the Council and had Seen informed that it should be in his hands by 2'rida.y. Ee furthsr reported that State Compensation In- 'surmce on six City employees, includ-i-ng four policemn, would amount to $319.83 annually, and that Cmn. might 5e added at a cost of $2.00 e~ch per year, I* also stated that I&?. XcInernsy would proba'oiy be in sometime durlng the week to discuss the matter further. Uembers of the Council expressed their willingness to pwsonally pay the $2.60 fee for coverage, cmn. Ed.e moved that the tit:; Clerk be empowered to arpanp;e with -the State Compensation Insurance Division a police covering'the number of employees anticipated at this time, and also the Council members at $2.00 each, fi they wish, each member to pay his own fees. Seconded by Crnn. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk was also requested. to inquire into the provision of the State Retirement Fund. City Attomley Smith was asked about procedure for setting up a Parks and Flaygrounds Comissioc, and stated that although there: is no express authority'in the Code covering such proced.ure, the Council may appoint any advisory bod-y, entitltng it Sy an appropriate name, for ihe pur~ose of' advising the Council; or that the matter could be handled very adequately 337 the Planning Commission by the setting up of 8 committee for Recreational Planning. Cam. Grober was appointed to study this matter with. the City Attorney and repo.rt the results of such study to the City Council. The CounciI approved 2 proposal to call another mee ting with the Sanitary Board, the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company and the Citizens' Xkter Committee, after conferring with fdr. Bell, to consider again the matter of the best possible ?IS@ of the State .f'unds available to the City. It was proposed that a meeting be arranged between the Oceanside City council and the Carlsbad City Cou-ci1, for the purpose of dis- cussing numerous common problems , It was decide3 that :Jayor ?IC- Clellan and City Cierk bgen shmld arrange the meeting probably 8 l-mcheon me?ting with each member of the CarlsSad City eouncil host- ing one of the Oceanside mexbers. The City Clekk stated that a request had come in from Xr, Irby that a letter be written to Dr. Askew as to whether Car1sba.d was faced with any problems arisin from trsiler canping, the information to'be used. in a survey of the 'ounQ 8reas with the idea in mind 03 initiating legislation on the part of the Board of Supervisors relat- ir,g to sanitary problems, The Director of Public Works was requested to make a brief report on tms sub@ect, and the City Clerk asked to write Dr. Askew a letter based OE such report. 4 6: Mayor XcClellan announced that the council had been requested by the president of the Sari 'fern County division of the League of California Cities to assist in hostir,g the Convention, to be held in San Diego Seginning October 13th, and that t'm Secretary of the San Dim-go County division had asked that members attending from here assist with transportation to and f-rom Balboa 'ark. Xayor Mcclelian stated that there would be conferences coverirg each class, and that the full agenda would probably be mailed each nember if the names were ,ent in, The proposed business license tax ordinance was opened f r discussion, Sut no new changes were approved by the council. ft was decided to again defer the mattxi? for one week, and anyone wishing to make fwther protest was requested to avail himself' of the opportuni-by to read the ordinance at the City office and register hLs compl2ints with thecity Clerk, The City Attorney was requested to have ready a final draft for first reading. There bei-g no further business to core 'oefore the Council, Cmn. Grobcr moved for adjournement, cm, "uttoc. seconding. All ayes, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, /: g&J* Xdward tf . gen, .I city Clerk bI3XUTES C3' CITY COUNCIL i:IECTIXG September 30, 1952 b2ting called. to order by :\'layor IZcCLellan at ~:oO p.m. in the Oilers' Room, Twin Inns. Present beside blagor hClel1m- acre Cmn. Sutton, Castorena, 5de Smith, Chief palkowski and H. 3. Berter. Absent, Cnm. Grober. _. Y Citg Clerk Sagen, City Attorney Minutes of the meeting of September 23rd were read an8 aoproved, City Clerk Hagen read the followirig communications: Letter from California J2ighvay Pat-rol advislng that they have no, jupisdiction over trailer camping..violations under the State %alth and Safety Code, and suzmsting that Dr. Askew be contacted. Letter of San Diego '[:ater AutbGrity requestir?g legal nap showing boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, ar.d reply from City Clerk EIagen enclosir_g the requestec: map. Letter f-rom Acting Administrator s office, City of *ceansidc, t regard-ing use oI" Oceanside's police radio and jail, offering to rent certair, eqzinrnent at $1.00 per math. The city Clerk was asked to express appreciation to the City of Oceanscde for their co-opera tion. ._ c Application of James Jones, 3415 Fifth Avenue, San uiego, for six taxic8.b permits . Application of Yellow Cab Company for four taxicab permits, Letter f-rom county of San uiego, Road Seetior*, iistirg road maintenance costs to 8/3f totalling $110.25. Letter from City of Santa sosa asking support for legisla- tive proposal to be i.-r,trod ced at the League of California Cities' Convention At San Diego. 't was decided not .to take any action at this tirw , I