HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-30; City Council; Minutes4 6.
hyor McCie llan axnounced that the colmcf 1 had be en raque s ted I SI
723- the president of the Sa:.: ";lieso Coxntg division of t,hs League of Calii"om.is. Cities to assist, 211 hostir,g the Cocvention, to 'ae he~e in
Sa.n i>iey;o beginning October 13th, and that tke Secrskary of the Ssn
Di:?go county diaisiol-? had asked. tha% xerzbers attending from hem assist with tracsportatioc to and from Balboa 'ark. Kayor NcClaiian stated tf8t there would be conferecces coverii-.g each class, ad that tila Tu11 agend,a would probably be mailed. each inembe:? if the Dazes were scnt in*
%c pmposed business license tax opdinancs w8s opened f r
clisc:i.lssiol;, kuu'c 30 nex changes X~R? apprcved by the council, ?t vias decidsd to again d.efer the Xatteiq for one v:;:06k, a.nd anyone
;-fishing to make fu:rther protest xas requesterj to avail himself of the op;,o.et?xni.i;;T to TP'" .,d~., the o-i.dinanca at the City of rice and regisber his compl!?lnts wit11 thecity P ~lerk. TII~ city Att,orney
ip/as req~~ev ked to have reai-ly a L"Fna1 ci"+a.ft for first raacjiqg.
There beicfl; 110 fur the^ Susizess to core Sefore th.e Council, Cmn. Grobcr moved for adjournenent, Cm, "u~~oi^:. second.ing, 11x1
,yes, mee bing ad. j ourned
Respectfully submitted ,
-.' . g-&* LJy
hdward <I la gen, ./'' Cit p Clerk
K ;.,l~< Tt'TTT {JlhL m 7 * C3 cI"f:[ cD7x<TCIL I:scTI;< G
September 32, 1952
I:! a+:;ybix3.s called to o-rder by hgor f:LcCleilan at 7:OO p.m, in TI .I
the Oilers' Rocm, ~wiln &ins. .. Presen-i; ~~eslde L:ayor EJcClelIan were
Clm. Sutkon, Castorena, hd.e, City blerk Kagen., Ci.t?- Attorney Smith, Chief pallcowski and x, 9, Ba-rter. Absmt, Cmn. Grober.
L'Znutes of the rri5stLi-1g ok Scptenber 23rd were read anZ
C'ity Clerk Iiagen rezd the fOli07~Tiliq comcmnications:
Letter from California Ei?h,vay pstrol sdvising t~rat they 1n:;ve KO jui>l.sdiction o-w,r traller camping violations under the St:;!;!: %alLh aRd Safety Code, and su-;resting thzt %. Askew be
Letter of sa.n Diego Tjater dutt7grity -i;ea_uestica legal rap
showLng boundaries of ths citz7 of Cai-lsba.d, avd reply f~ov city
Clerk %Zen enc1osiP.g the requesteii' map.
Letter froin Acting Adm3-zistrator s ofr'ice, Cit$ of Oceanside, 1
regardine; use of Ocesnside's police radio sn6. 5 5.~1, offericg to rent certain eq::?.men't at $1.00 per month. The cY ty Clerk i.cm
asked to express sppreciation to tb City of 3ceanstd.e for their co-opzration. * Application of James Jones, 3415 Fifth Avenue, San hiego, .Loor six taxicab parmits.
Application of Yeliow Gal) Compaiiy for fw.r -taxicab Fermits.
Let'ce:~ f:ccrm County of San uiego, Zoad. SectFon, ilsti~g road
iliain tmance cos ts to 8/31 tota llirig $110.25.
Letter om City 02 Sants ljosa ask~ng support for legisla- tive p-roposal to ba iztrodsced at the Lea.pl.ts of CaliforETa Cities' Convention &t San Diego. 't IVSS decided cot to take any action at
./;his time ,
. 4'1
Application of Bernard '. Robinson and George K.,Williams for reclassification of property on State Street from R-3 to C-1. Cmn. .Castorena moved that the apylication berc8ferred to the Plan- ning Commission. Seconded by cm. Ede. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn, Grober absent. &lotion carr5ed.
Recommendation from the Planning Commission that refund be made to Xargaret W. Coats 'Bf her $25.00 deposit, following with- drawal of her request for rezoning. cmn. Ede moved that the rec- ommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and refund made to Miss Coats. Seconded by cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, - motion carried,
Recommendation Crom the Planning Commission that the Council grant the request of IvIarvin Humphregs for variance in side yardsset- back from 10 feet to 7 feet on both north and south sides of property described as a portion of Lots 4 and. 5, B.lock B, Resubdivision of Alles .Avocado Acres.
Recommendation from the P,lanning Commission that the Council grant the mquest of A. L. Navares for varfance in side yard setback -from 5 feet to 3% feet on the north side, and fi-ont yard. setback from 50 feet to 30 feet on' property described as Lot 24, Block.32, Town ofcarlsbad. cmn, Ede moved that the recomend,ations of tke Plan-ing Commission on both the Navares and Humphre'ys requests be adopted and variancd,s granted. Seconded by cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, motion carried. -
-Recommendation .from the Planning Commission that the ..Council grant the request of the City of Carlsbad for special permit to al- low use of the former Catholic Church building at 3075 Harding St. as a City bll and Police Station (not a jail), restricted by Stip- ulations 1 and 2 contained in' the petition submi$ted by Mrs. Ruth Crilly, hm. Ede proposed the following resolutions RESOLVED that the recommendation of the planning Commissiosurregarding the special permit for use of the former Catholic Church building on Harding St. as a City Hall and Police Station be accepted. Four ayes, re$olu-
.tion adopted. ..
No.tice of vacation of portion of west end of Ponderosa Drive in Terramar, posted .in three places by the City Clerk..
Proposed resolution ordering vacation of portion of west end of Ponderosa Drive, and stipulating that proper-restoration work be done. %m. Ede moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by cm. Sutton. Four ayes, resolution adopted. The Public Works Dir- ' ector was requested to report back to the City Council when the sti- pula.ted work .has been done..
Cmn. Czstorena reported that he had had another conference w.ith Father aspar concerning lease of the Church Building by the City, and found Father Kaspar very eager to co-operate. t was arranged that the building could be leased. for $6O.'OO per:mnth, with option to renew for one year at the same rent, also with op- tion to buy at a price to be worked out later on, the expense of plumbing to be t8ken care of by the Church, but any other alterations to be paid for by the city. Father Kasper also offered the use of chairs on a loan ba'sis, and .stated. he could poss-ibly find one or two heaters. cm. Castorena further reported that he had talked with
%s. S-onneman and found *the location of her building very good. but too lglmi~ for all city uses.
After discuss5on of the offer, City 'lerk kgen read a pro- posed lease drawn by the Cit Attorney, between the City of Carlsbad and the Bishop of San qiego hocese, leasing the premises at 3075 Hard.ing Street to the City of'carlsbad for a rental of $540.00 for the 9-month period ending June 30, 1953, and. covering all deta.ils of the verbal agreement. cmn. Ede brought up the point $hat the: lease covered use of the building as a fire station, whereas the .special use permit recommended by the ljlannlng Conmission d.id not. City Attorney Smith stated that the Councll could either accept or
.. '
~ -
reject, but could not change the recommendation of the E'lanr?ing Commission. 'mn. Castorena moved that the City Council approve the terms of the proposed lease, and that the Cit3 'lerk be in- structed to forward the lease to the Bishop of the Sari hego Dio-
ceae, through. Fa'cer Kaspar, for signature. Seconded by 'mn. Eda, Four ayes, motion carried .
cm. Ede moved that the City ClaPk be instructed to ask the Planning Commission to take steps toward the granting of a special
Em. Sutton. Four ages, motian carried. crmft for use of the premlses as a fire station. Seconded by
cmn. Castorena repopted that a radio has been installed
in the Police ,,Chief's. csy, by the Quigley people, at an installa- tion cost of $10.25, at $1.00 per month mntzl; and that a siren had Seen donated by Xr . hdy Carpenter of the ,;Carpenter Garage and. was installed at an installation cost of $8.45, The Citguclerk was requested. to mske a proper expression of appreciLtion to r. Carpenter .
Chief Ealkowski reported that he had written the Federal Communications commission for a permit and was waiting to hear from them.
cm. Castorena stated t'nat it has become very necessary tht the City Council adopt an intoxication ordinance and. a traffic control ordir?_ancej also that the Chief telt it vitally necessary, in order to give the citizens proper around-the-clock protection, to hire anothep police officer. %me Castoraena fur- ther reported tht the Chief would like to organize a Reserve Police Corps.which could later be integrated into the local ,civil defense,
Chief Palkowski explained in detail the plan to organize such a Reserve Co'rps, to consist of 16 men, all volunteers, who would buy their OWE equipment, each of whom woi~ld stard one seven hour watch ever::- fifteent5 day. They would be trained boy high ranking police officials and FBI personnel, and would be OK duty
with a regular officer. He suggested that perhaps some sergice club would be willing to sponsor the equipment so that the 'ity could contr.ol it. Chief Palkowski stated that he had been re- ceiving fine co-operation from the Highway k2tro1, but that an
additiozal ofr'icer was very much needed if adequate protection is to be provided.
After considersble diszussioc, can. Castorena moved that the Police Chief be given authority to invite applications and. begin screening andcoriducting interviews for another officer at a salary of $275.00 per month, on a six-months' probationary period, Seconded b:., cm. zde. cmn. Castorena stated. that tlrR Chief had made a recomnendation that the salary be set at $275.00 per month for a probationary period of six rlonths, at which time it would be increased $12.50 per month, with another increase of $12.50 in another six months. The motion xas unaniaoasly carried.
Cmn Ede moved that the Police Chief be authorized to prh- ceed with the organization of a Reserve Cops, snd that &r. Cast- Or'ena head an ar3visory committee with mernbers to be selected by
him. Seconded by cam. Sutton.. Four ayes, motton carried.
The matter of a traffic ordinance was thoTo1Jghly discussed, and the City Attibrney sug::ssted that one be created to serve the City's own purposes, rather than adopt by reference the County or- i dinance. Cmn. Castorena moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up for the consideration of the council, an intoxication ordinance and also a traffic control ordinance, to be adopted as emergency ordinances, Seconded by cmn. Ede. Four ayes, motion carried.
City Clerk Eager, reported that tho loan agTeement with the Security Trust and SavinFys Ba;:.k for the registration of warrants ' had been approved by the head of the local branch.
Cm. Ede moved that the resolution agreement with the Security Trust tk Savings Bank, which had been previously read, be
adopted, Seconded by cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, motion carried..
After a ten mlnute recess, luayor McClellan reconvened the
Cm. Sutton reported that -the data on the service agreement
Council. '
from the Departent of Public Health was still being rotated among the "Council members .
Cmn, Ede reported that the Auditing Committee had gone over the bills presented last week; and that he had sone over the matter of the salary of the City Attorney with him and in his own mind had reached a decisi'on, but would.like to talk with the other members of t.he Council ,and bring it up again next weak.
byor h'lcCle11an reported. in Cnn?. Grober's absence that a suggestion had been made to determine from the sewer contractor, his cost of resurfacing the streets on which he has been working, and to ask him,, inllieu of replacement, to pay a proportionate share of the cost or" resurfacing the entire width of the street. Cm. Sutton suggested that the contractor might also be asked what he would charge to do the additional work necessary to surface the entire width of 'the street. The Public Works DirecBor was asked. to conduct such an investigation, getting the consent of the Sanitary Board to deal dimctly with the contractor.,
The .business license .tax ordinance was opened for discussion. ?'he City Attorney was asked to clarify Section 62, Paragraph (a) to express the intent of the Council that this Section should apply to businesses in the City of Carlsbad. Several citizens .protested against requiring artists to pty a license, and he distinction between "vo= cation" and "avocation was cliscussed. i t was decided, after len thy discussion, to e.liminate the $1.00 fee faom Sections 63 and 65. 8mn. Ede moved that the proposed draft be revised to eliminate the $1.00 fee in Sections 63 and 65, so that persons under the gross receipts schedule having less than $2500.00 gross income, and professional persons do.ing business in their homes and having less than $1000.00 income, should pay no fee. Seconded by crtm. C.astorena. Four ayes, motion carried.
In Section 43, it was decided to change the fee for each ice
Proposed taxica'o ordinance 6010 was discussed at length. Two applicants for taxicab permits were present, 'fir. Paul Armes,, o er- lating the Silver Circle Transportation Company, ancJ,rdr. W. .T. garman, operator of the Y6llow Cab Company in Oceanside. r. carman stated that he felt one cab day and night would serve Carlsbad adequately . although he had applied for four permits and would render whatever service necessary. Both applicants stated they felt the City c,ouncil should set the rates. Police Chief Palkowski stated that he was primarily interested in screening the applicants thoroughly as to morals and background, but that there would be no delay in the screen- ing prockss as he was ready to move. cm, Ed,e moved that action be deferred on proposed Ordinance 6010 until next week. Cmnn. Castorena seconded. Four ayes, motion carried.
vending machine from $25.00 to $10.00.
c There being no further business to comeL3before the meeting, Cmn, Castorena.moved for ad.journment, Cmn. Sutton seconding. Four ayes, meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted ,
City Clark
50 liIN'JTX3 03' CITY COUKCII, XZ3TIXC: October 7, 1952
*%etir_g called to order at--?:00 p.m. by jzayor j&Clellan, in the Oilers' Room at Twin Inns. 'resent Seside xayor McClellan were
Cmn. ldanuel Castorena, George Grober, Raymond %e, City Clerk Edward Hagen, Public 'Zorks Director a. E. Barter, City Atto-msy ~ruce S~S JG~. Absent, Cm. Lene, Sutton.
1'' iAinutes or" meeting of September 30th we~e read and approved.
City Clerk Hagen road the following communica.tions:
Letter from County Board of Supervisors acknoxledging receipt of certified. copy of Ordinance 1010 transferring duties of tax
assessor and tax collector to County tax assessor&and tax collector;
and enclosing copy of letter from County Counsel cLees making' re- commendations on the subject.
copy of Letter from County Cou.nse1 %Lees to County Board of Su.pcrvisors recormending that effective date of *rd.iname 1010 be detarmir,ed and. that the City of Carlsbad and County of San. Diego enter ir,to an agreement fop fixing compensation for the services oovered. The City Clerk was requested to furnish certi- fication of Ordinance lCl0 Secomicg effective on October 3rd.
Letter from University of California at Berkeley requesting copies of incorporation proceed.ings, for use in a department of their Library which is collecting inforpmation on Government. City Clerk Hage'n was asked to handle the matter.
Endorsement of approval or" Security Trust tc Savings Sank, Carlsbad branch, on copy of Loan Agreement wFth City of Carlsbad.
Letter from San %.ego mater kuttmrity advisinE of postpone- ment of meeting tentatively scheduled for October 8th, to a date to be set later.
Letter from Sal1 %ego Water Authority acknomledging receipt
of letter of September 26th enclosirg legal map or" Carlsbad.
Letter from League of Californga Oities welcoming city of CarlsSad into Lesgue.
htter from State Board of Equalizatidn giving estimate of receipts f-rom liquor license taxes for balmcc of fiscal year.
Letter from Frye tk Smith quoting prices on maps ir- various quantities. byor :ikClellan stated that since there had been rather frequent requests for maps of Ehe City showing the free- way, perhaps orders from pe sons :?esiring the maps would finance the printing. Referred to the Public igorks Director 8or investi- gation.
Letter from Sta.te Employee Retirement office at Sacramento enclosing forms to be filled oxt to become contract.in8 agency, and advising that a representative from their office would be in San ";ego on ~ondsy to particip&te in a program at the League of
California Cities' convention and wo7;ild be available for a con- rerenct. Cm. Ede su?"asted that the City clerk get in touch
with this man when he colnes to the onv vent ion on Monday afternoon.
d?itf financial statement as of September 30th, showing balance on &and in general fund, $389.00, and inLtraffic safety fund, $361 . 00.
Petition of Jose J. Rodriguez and hyes Rodrlguez, husband
and wifs, for reclassification from Zone 3-2 to C-1 of property
described as the westerly seventy feet of Lots 17 and 18, 31ock
41, Town of Carlsbad, lVLap 535. Cmn, Ede moved that the petitiori
be referred to the Plancing Co-mflission. Seconded by cm. Grober. All ayes, mot ion carri3d.
Cnm. Edc reported th.at inasmuch as cmn. Sutton had. not had
opportunity to look over the tentatlve resolution for the appoint- ment and fixirg salary of the City attorney, he wou3.d prefer to