HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-07; City Council; MinutesJ I.:n<'JT'I-:S GI;! ZITY COI.JllCI:I:, ~~~X'i?~~~j'~ October 7, 19.52
lcleetirg called to order at; -7:OO p.m. by Xayor ~kClelSan, in
the Oilers' Room at; Twin Inns. 'resent 3esj.de.- !b.y.or XcClel.lan were Cmn. KanGel Castorma, !7eorge Grober, .Raymond %e, City Clerk
E:dwa.rd. aagen, Public Viorks Director d. H. Earter, City Attonley
- ~rucc 31~1. tl~. A'osent, cnm . Lene Sutton.
liLirnAtc!s or" meetir:g of September 30th we~e read and. ~~fn~oved.
City Clark: Bager; read the fo1lowing commu.nicat!ons :
Letter fro3 County Board of Suprvisors acknowledging receipt
of certified copy of Ordinance 1010 transferring duties of tax
~SS~YSGT znd. tax collector to County tax assessor znc? tax collector; .nd enclosing COp:j of letter from County counsel c&es rriakirqf re- commendations 311 the subject.
I)& '.
copy of Letter frorr? Counk:; Counsel. i"cLaas to 'Jou.ntg Eoard of s~.!pervisors recommm~irlg .that effective date of 'rd~~ance 1010
be detgrm:inad an6 that tlm C?%y of Carlsbad and. county of San
Diego en te? j.1: to an agreement; foi? fixing colnpansation fora the . services covered. The Git;g clerk was requested to finish certi- I'ic:;.t;ion of 0rd.inance lC,l@ Secomi.ng effective on Octobela Srd.
Lettei. from TJniversity 'of California st, Berkeley ~equesting coplss of incorporation proc@ed.ings, for use in a department of the5.r L~-~~~a:vy which is collecting j:nfomation on Government. City Clerk Iiapn was asked io handle the matter.
Endorsement; of a!q!roval of Security Trust k Savings Sank,
Ca.rl.sbad. branch, on Cop:[ of Loen Agreement with City of Carlsbad..
Letter from Sari L'iego ~iatei7 Au.t;harI.ty advisin:7; of postponc- ".
mnt c! r ;i?ecting tcntative.1-y sc'rreifulecl fop Octobcr 8th, to a d.ste to he set later.
Letter from Sai-I. %ego 'i'iater Authority acimoaled~ing ,receipt or lettar of September 26th enclosirp l?pl map of Carlsbad.
Let1;er f?Iorn League of ca1iro:mAa Oities welcominp; city of
Carls'nnd int. 0 League. %-
Letter rraom State Eo3rd of Equalizatian giving astinlate '01" receipts frorr. liquor license .taxes for balmce of fiscal ye8r.
Letter from Frp k Smith quotin!? pi2ices on maps ir_ -fal4ous qu::>ntities. kyor XcClellan stated that since there had been rather Creauent Fequests for maps of fhe City showing the fmc-
viay, pe:rhaps o~d.ers from pe so11.s :?t?sij?ing the maps would finance
tlw printing. Xeferrad to thc Public JdorJks Director Cor in.vesti- gabioq.
Letter from state Emplo,yee Retirement office at Sacrarntmto
er~c:losi.~lg fornls to be filled out to hccome contractins. agency,
~ncl advis3.ng thst a representative from their office would be in San 9ee:o on ~~ondq to psrticip:itc in a prot7r::m at thg Leti%ue of
Califorfiia Cit;ies' Co1.-ivC)ntion and wou1d. be available fDp a con- .~e!rp?:nce:. Cum. Eda suy-ested that the City Clerk get in touch
Lliith this inan Vih.el? he Conies to the Co?:1T,iel?.tiol1 011 ?donday a.ftg?i2rlGon,
~yief financial statement as cf September .Xoth, showing b&lan ce on Lami in general fund, $389.00, and in,ltraffic safety fund , $361.00.
Petition of Jose J. Eodrig;uez and Reyes Rod.r'lguez, hu-sI--and
2nd wifa, for reclas;?ification from Zol-;e 3-2 to C-1 of pi>opeptg
d.csci?ibc?d as .i;het westerly seventy feet of Loi;s 17 and 18, 3locl.C: 41, -ow-! of Carlsbzcl., hiap 555. Cnm. Zde moved that ,~;h.e pe,tit.i.r_rn
be rafer:reG to tha PlanKing Commission. 3ecorl.dcd by Cnm. Grober. All ayes , mot ion carricd.
elm. Edc reported. tl?a-t inasmuch as cmn. Sutton had. not had.
oprortunity to look over tile tentative resol.ntion. for the appoint- n:ent sncl fixii.3 salsr-y of the City Attorney, 1x5 wo-~~Id pi2cfer to
' 'VL
have the~matter deferred until next week.
Cm. Ede further reported that the Auditing Committee had
approved the following Wills for payment:
ul From Gener a1 Fund :
Col, Gronseth, mileage ............ $40.80
lSodney Stokes Company ............. 13.78 Cress Stationery Store ............. 42.53 pacific Tele. a Tele. co, .......... 58.18
C rlsbap Hardware Co. .......... . 8. G. -agen, Postage an'd'e$velopes 10.72 3.97 Building Code Publishing co. .......... 13.48 ......
*$m3xc From Traffic Safety Fund:
Division of Highways, traffic lights and signals, maintenance ............ $ 2.5.59
County of San Diego, lights and signals ... 23.99 - 49 58"
Cnm. Ede stated it was the recomfnendation of the Auditing Committee that these bills be psid when fjlnds are available.
CityTc;lerk bgen ststed that on the,3lst of this month the bill from Hartford Insurance Company for $6150.00, premium on bonds of City Clgrk and City Treasurer, would become, due; also that he had taken out the State Conipensation Insurance on city employees, amounting 60 $250.00, which would become payable approximately 20 days from
c tober 3rd.
: Cmn. Grober moved that the items due Col, Gronseth, Cress Sta- tionery, Building Code Publishing Company, Carlsbad Hardware. and Edward G. Hagen be paid. from the General. fund, Seconded. by cmn. Ede,
All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn, Ede moved that the bills from- the Division of Highways and the Count of San Oiego for the operation of traffic signals be paid from the 8raffic Safety Fund. Seconded by cmn, Grober. All ayes, mot ion carried..
In thecabsence of Cmn. Sutton, Mayor McClelian reported on the conference held. with the directors of the Carlsbad jI'htual VJater Co, the directors of the Public Utility District, directors of the Carls- bad Sanitary District, and several memlers of the Citizens' Water Ad.visory Lommittee, in which consid-eration was given to the wisest course to follow in theuuse of the State funds allocated to Carlsbad under Chapter 47, StLtutes of 1944, iE the amount of $10,800.00, for
an engineering study of Public Viorks projects. % stated that con- sideration was given to all of the Fublic Works projects for which the funds would. be eligible, and to the fact that it appears possible that the State may, upon application, pay more than half and. possibly all of the cost of the ,engineering study, of a method of connecting to the Co1orad.o River Aqueduct. After d.iscussion, hm. Ede moved that the 'ublic works Director be requested to prepare a tentative appli- cation, with supporting data, to the state Allocation Board for pay- ment of all the sosts for an engineering study for a connecting pipe- line to the San iego vJa.ter Authority aqueduct, for the consideration of the Council. 'Secofided by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried..
I Cmn. Ede moved. that a &solution be adopted thanking the local
ersonnel of the Forestry Station and l%. James Fenlon, head of the givision of Forestry for this area, for their co-operation and help in permittin use of their building by the City. Seconded by cm. Castorma. 211 aye.s,, resolution adopted .
City Clerk Hagen read proposed Ordinance 1007, estaSlish.ing place of meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, amd?.pepealing Section
1 ('c) of "rdinance 1007. cmn. Ede moved the ad.option of Ord.inance
1007. Seconded by cmn. Grober. Four aye,s, no nays, cmn. Sutton absent . biot ion carried , /
Cm. Ede moved that a resolution bq adopted thanking fi$. E. Go Kentmr for the use of the hilers Room as a meeting place for the City Council, Seconded by'cmn. Castorena, Four ayes, no nays, %m. Sutton absent, motion car-pied,
jib. Barter reported that he had talked to "r. Erecden, sewer
contractor for the Sanitarg District, in regard to repaving the full
width of the street, rather. than zerely Testoring the tmnch arza,
and that Xr. Breed.en was agreeable but sugtyested that &, By;l
Phelps, engineer $or t'he County, be asked for his opinion. r.
Barter stated that lti~. Phelps, had.expresse+ doubt thbt such a pro-
cedure would cozplg with. the provisions of the 1911 Improvement Act.
Mr. Barter stated that he had requested the::coi?tractor to
close up the ditches as rapidly as possible, as the number of open ditches was serfou.sly obstmcting :travel.
Mr. Barter also reported that the City :la11 had been moved,
and suggested that &?e, %lton sncj Andemon & Ro3i:son should. be thanked for their asslstapce. ':e stated. that %?. L eo ~fi~illiams wss
going to 5e asked. to dig the cesspool.
lflr. Barter further reported that he had talked to Tad pahl in connection wit? work to be done following the vacating of a portion of Por,derosa Drive in Terramar and had explained what would be necessary, and was expecting a call to approve the rough grading in a day or two.
Er . Barter reported that Xr. Terry of the County Roed Depart-
ment had redommended gepaving Nonroe Street and cleaning all of the gutters, but that since the County men were paid $18 to $20 per day for this work, he would recommend that the et:)- ?lire three
laborers to clear the weeds out of the gutters. % stated that he had an appointment w%th %. Terry to look over itionroe Street
on Friday, and that, if agreeable to the council, he would make
arrangements for th5 laborers .
After some discussion, cm. GroSer moved that the Girector of PuSlic Works be authorized to employ labor for the clearing
of the gutters of CarlsSad streets. Seconded by cmn. Etle. All ayes, motion carried.
&layor kclellan asked Er. Barter to ascertain who had appl-
ied for the permft for the sewer work, the Sanitary "Doard or the cor,tractor, and to coztinue to izvestigate the possibility of cssh pa7ynent by the cortmctor in lieu of restoration work.
The City Clerk was asked. to thark the persons who assisted
naterially in noving the City P111.
The need for additional desks was discussed, and suggestions
made that the County Property Department might cnnate or loan the items needed, an6 that the Reclamation and Sal-srage Of-yicer at Camp' Pendleton should be contacted to see if sonething could be worked out there.
ldlr. Barter reported that the Sar: Diego ,Gas cc Llectric Go. had taken out two. building permits, one for $6,000.00 and one for $400,000.00, the .fees for the two perrnfts amounting to $260,
li Ihe praoposed servic'e agreement with the County Health Depart- I mnt was yeviewed an3 discusse.:. Cmn. Bde moved that the City Clerk write the County of Sar, Diem Department of public %alth ststing that the City of CtirlsSad. is in agreement with the broad aspects of their proposal. Seconded by cum. Caqtorcna. A11 ayes, moticn carried.
The business license tax o-ldinance, as revised, was dis- cussed. cm. Castorana moved thet this cons,tikate the first reading of proposed Ordinance 6005, to be r&sd in full on Tuesday,
October 14th. Spconded. by cmn. &3c. Four ayes, no nays, 'm.
Suttor: absent, lyiotlon carried.
City Clerk %p~ read proposed. Ordinance 3001, proh.ibiting dTw-keness or intoxication in a public place. After discucsiori, Cm. Castorenst xoved the a3.opticn of Om7.inanca 30G1. Seconded by ~ml. Gro-oer. Four sgos , no nays, Crrm. Su.tton ~las3nt. lbtion c2 ppie(j.
Cit;! Clerk Ha:r,an rzad proposed Ordinance 6010, re'platine;
op:::y~~~L-tor~ of 'isxicabs i:.: the City of carlsbad.. City AttJ'. Smith
pointed out several cho.nges wki?h had. been macle ~ol1.owi.n~ confer-
eric3s with Inter.=sted parsons. The draft was d.iscussed, section
13y section, and several r"u?th.=r changes a6opted. in Tsgard .to in- surance, nunbiir or" passzsgcrs to bs carried for one Psre , and psrking $inla on public strccts. Cm. Edo moved the adoption or" L)l-dinar.ce 6010, Seconded by 'hn. (hstorana. Fol~~ ayes , 110 nays,
0 .,nul. SutLon atzsent,. il,l Lotion carried.
-!rter a" tan minute recess !:1agor &Clc1.lan reconvened. tlz Council.
Cmm. Castorma pporte6 ,,that h%s committee, consisting of fjuston Tucker, Dutton Jamss , Chief Palkocvski and himsel-f , had. conducted.
iritc-rviavis to secl.~re an ad(ii tima1 pol.ice officer. Two applicants were
inl;erviewed,,,%dvJin w. StaIIkweather and Samsell S. i:;olters, both of Sscondido, lha committee selected %a. Walters, 24 yesrs old, with two years' police work in Escondido artd additional training with Sta.te poli.=e potrolling tha highway, and recommended his etnployment. Aftor dis- cuss.I.on, Cnw. Castorma moved the :;doption of a r.tsolution that Idr. Sam~elI i;. lNaltaiq3 be employed as a polix off'icer for the City of
Carlsbad for a probati.onary peTior? of six months, at a starti.n$ salary of $275.09 per mon'i,':1, with an increase ai; the end of the prohatiogary
peviod of $12.50 per month, and an additional raise a'i i;he end of another six months of $12.50, to a mzximm of $300.00 pgr month, pro- viding a11 o.? his own eauipmcnt, uuii'orm, leathexi and guns except bx2east Sadgc and befit? hnd.ge vi1.li.c';; will -5e provided by the City; em-
ployma~ni; :;c) Segin October LO, 1952, or. 8s soon -tklcxaPt;ar as possiT>le,
Se c'cndc.:d by Cmn . Ed.3. Fo7z.r ayss , no nzgs, Cmn. Sutt;on absen.t. L~Les- olwt ion adopted . 7-
C-it;y iittom~eg Smi ti-1 asl.(~(? that ar, a3visor-y co.mnit-tee be: appo:lnt;edd to,ss sist l~irll wlt'ri -t;l!.c d:raftin.,y of a traffic control ordinance, Cmn.
Sa torena was ~equautecl to head a. comm.j_i;i;ee to avsis t the Zit;=. .At-ty.
nu8 walg relieved. of his ci3spons4bility in connection witti fizle pro-
t;tctl.on, Clm. Weber 3eil:g appo'i.?.tcd to tske over this d.uty. Cmn.
hd,e move~j that Cm. Castomna be errqowe!i?:.:d. to act as chairman of a
I;raff'ic ad.v?soI-y committee, and. that 13.- v also be empowered to choose
the n1e;ilbers of the committee, the 1mrnber being left to his d.lscretion;
an4 I;'h:.t they Se requested to study and coma back wit5 an asrly re-
catntrisnclatFon on a Cra.ffic ordinance. Eeconded by elm. Grober. All
ayes, rnotim camied.
Theilet- be%i?E no ftli7tlli:P business to come before the neetine,
Cm. Castorma moved for; adjoulrnrnent, cmn. Gi-obar seconding. A11
ayes , me: 4 t ing ad jou YX ed .
Respectfully submfttcd,
,.... &y&& .. $&; 1 ; /""",, I ,~,
Eclwan5 - Lagen, -
city Clerk
MINTJ'TES OF C I T4T C OVWC IL I,Z%TIN G October 14, 1952
id~~tf$.y~.g cal.lad. to ord=:i? by hyor NcClellan at 7: 15 p.m. at .r;h2 ~;j--t;~- "all, 3075 zapding Street. Pr&sent Sesidr: Jdayor KcCie'llan
were Crin.~. I-!aymonrl Edc, ilanuel Castore,ria, and Lena Sutton, City Clerk
dd.v;,gpd H.zc;cyl " Y public Works Eirector h. E. Barter , City TrcasiliqeT
Roy Fscc , arid City A'ttorney ilmith. Absent, Cmn. SroSer.
Xillutes of the: last rm(.:ti.ng ~e~e resid a1-12 approved.
Cit-r *Y Clark .%ger: i-ea.'fi ti?@ ?03.lo-i~~ing comrrurzications.: