HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-14; City Council; MinutesI N &c? *' < e* 9 ct I I 5 I I City Clerk hgec read proposed Ordi ance 3001, prohibiting dnnkeness or intoxication in a public place. n- After discussion, cm. Castorena mved the adoptior, of Ordinance 3001. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. Four syes, no nzys, crrm. su ton &bscnt. &lotion carried. City Clerk &;r;tn r5ad proposed ordinance t 6010, yegulating ope-=iztion of taxicabs in the-City of Carlsbad. City Astty. Smith pointed out several changes wki-h had. beeh rnad.e Tollowing confer- ences with interested persons. The draft^ was discussed, section by section, and several furthzr changes adopted in regard to in- surance, numbdr or" passengers to be carried for one fa.re, and arking time on public streets. Cm. Ed*( ~noved the adoption or" grdinanco 6010. Seconded by cm. Castoreha. Four ayes, no nays, 'Jm. Sutton absent. I~otion carried, After a ten minute recess byor TJcC ellan reconvened. the Council. Cmn. Castorena repo-tad that h5.s co6 L ittee, consisting of hUston Tucker, Dutton James, Chief Paikowski and himself, had conducted interviews to secure an additional police oTficer. Two applicants were interviewed, Edwin \Yo Starkweather and Sa, sell Go %alters, both of Escondido. The committee selected %. Wapters, 24 years old, with two years' police work in Escondido and additional trainfng with State polinJr patrolling the highway, and recommended hrs employment. After dis- cussion, Cnm. Castorena moved the adoptiop of a rssolution that Mr. Samsall G. Walters be employed as a police officer for the City of Carlsbad for a probationary period of six period of $12.50 per rnoljlth, and an additipnal raise at the end of the end of the probatlonary of $275.00 per month, with an increase at months, at 8 starting salary soon Shereafter as possible, ployment to begin October 10, i9.52, or as provided by the 61ty; CM- breast badge and head. badge =hick will Se viding all of his own equipment, uniT"orm,l leathep and guns except another six- months of $12.50, to a maximum of $300,00 per month, pro- olution adopted. Crrm, Sutton absent. Res- Sacond3d by Cmn. %de. Four ayes, no nsys, City Attorney Smith asked that an dd-visorg cornnittee be appointed toeassist him with the drafting of a traflfic control ordinance. Cm. Ca torena was requested to head a committ' e to assist the Cit;. Atty, ana wag relieved of his responszbility in connection with fire pro- tection, Cmn. Grober Seir,g appoicted to take over this duty. Cmn. hde moved that Cm. Castoxma Se eqoweyed to act as chairman of a traffic ad$lsory committee, an6 that he also be empowered to choose the members of the committee, the n-irmber eing left to his discretion; and th3.t t'my be requested to study and come back with an early re- commendation on a traffic ordinance. Seconded I by cm. Grober, All ayes, motion carried. There- being no further business to ,come before the meeting, Cmn. Castorena moved for ad-journment, Grober seconding. A11 ayes, meeting adjourned.. cm~ I Respeictfullg submitted, vi i I MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL X+TIBG October 14, 1952 ~ Nectigg called to order Sy JziIzyor dClellan at 7:15 p.m. at the City Hall, 3075 Barding Street. Pres~ent beside $layor Mcciellan were Cmn. Eiaymond Xde, 2dar;uel Castorena, c and Lena Sutton, City Clerk bdward Bagen, public Works Director h. B. Barter, City Treasurer Roy Pace, and City Attorney jmith. Absent, Cmn. Grober. ,. I Minutes of the last meeting were rkad and ar,proved, City Clerk Hager! rea.d the i"oIlowin& communications: I I ~ ~ 5 4. Letter from County Board of Supervisors enclosing f ive copies of agreement fixing coxpensaticn for services covered by Ordinance 1010, witti tile request that all copies be executed and returned.. City Clerk read the agreement, and City Attorney Smith stated thclt no further action would be necessary. copy of letter erom Board of supervisors to County Counsel, regard.ing letter from Xayor JkClellai; asking apportiocment of liquor license fe2s from incorporation date. Copy of letter from Boapd of Supervisors to County Counsel regardicg letter fVom Eayor i\i;cCle:.lan on subject or" appoCtionment of San Dicgo Gas & Electric company tax. Letter from State Department of Eighways enclosing bill for maintenance of traffic lights and signals in the amount of$49.58. Signed copy of gas tax allocation agreement. Recommend attons of Carlsbad Planning Com!!!isslcn ss follows: (1) That tim request of the Flaming Com;!ission for rezoninc tc X-1 ijf Industrial Tract be panted. (2) T'nat the request of Joe 9,. Cockrell, et al, for rszoning of Buencs. Vista Gsrdens snd tke. ectrzcceway thereto f-rom R-4 and C-1 to 3-1 be grer,ted; but -t;l?:lt tke exceptions rsqv;..stsc! be not granted . (3) That the requests of George F. 3. Cailey, irving Cu&nine;s, Harry Stom, and the Flanninq Sommission for rezoninr;: from E-2 to R-1 of the area advertised 3e granted, with the res'crictions as advertised. (4) Tnat Siiss G-retchen Tuthill be a5-Lrise6 that permission would be granted her to have the trees adjacent to her property trimmed, or tht the City of Carisbad will do the work at her ex- pense. hn. Edc moved. that a hesrina be set on the 28th or" October at 7:30 p.m. at the City Ball, 3075 Bardlng Street, on the appli- cstion of the Carlsbad htual Water Company for rezonifig a portion of xot 2, Industrial Tract, and on the application .of the Planning Commission for Tezoning 6P the remainder of the Industrial Tract and the easterly 100 feet of tha Santa Fe Railway Fight-of-way adjoining, to X-1. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Cm+. Ede aoved timt the recormendation of the Plmr>ing com- mission for rezoning of' Puena Vista Gardens be adopted, apd. a hearing be set for 7:45 p.m. on 9ctobtr 28th at the City Hall, 3075 Aarding Street, on .the applicstion of Joe B. hckrell, et al. Cmn. Sutton seco1=ded. A11 ayes, motion carried. During discussion on the recommendation of the Plannine; Coin- mission in regard to thc applicatiocs of George F. N. Dailey, Irvilng Cummings, and Harry Stone and the request of the Planning Commission for rezoning to R-1 or" an area which includes these prop- erties, as advertised, it was brought out t'hat it would be incon- s is tant to make minimum frontage requirements in the R-1 area in question, unless sirnil;? restrictions were placed upon all other R-1 areas, but thst the City Council cou.1d not revise the recom- mendation of .the Flanzing Coqzission and mst eithe-r accept it ec toto or reject it. Cmn. ';de move? that the recommendation of the PlanniEg 'Jornrnission be ticcepted and.. that a hearing be set at 8:OO p.m. on October 28th r,t tile City Jkll, 3075 %rd.' 1ng Street, on the reques ts of George 3. X. DLiley, lrving Cumminp, Harry Stone, and the F1mnir-g Commission, for rezoning tk area adver- tised. Secozded by cm. Castorena, .:Ayes, %nn. Sutton, Castorena, Ede, Nays, Gayor ivicCleiiar,. &sent Cxm. G~ober. 2:Iayor LLcClellan gave as reason fol: his 6.issentinz vote his reluctance to prescribe minimum. f'7ontage :?:stri.~tl~~,~l~ in the preseot casc::wkich would not be applicable to all R-1 areas. sotion ca.rried. I I 2 a TF e? 3 =.E I I ~ ~ .s I In the Tuthill tree natter, Cm. Cdstorena reminded the Council that figures submitted to the Council by %. J. E. Bond cmtained ar? estimated cost of' $60.00 pe~? tree for trimqing, Cmn, Ede moved that the matter be referred to the Public Works Director to secure an estimate of the cost of trirrhing the trees adjoining the Tuthill property, and then conSru3t wi~th IGiss Tuthill to see if she would be willing to pay for the work.^ Seconded by cmn. Casto~ena. A11 ayes, motion carried, ~ Crm. Edc read a proposed resolution' to appoint T. Bruce Smith as City Attorney and fix his salary. Cgn?~. Sutton suggested that since it is possible that the work load o'f City business may taper off within a few months, the term of the resolution should be changed from the period ending June 30th, 1953, t~o April mth, 1953, the Council approving the change. crrm, Ede r~eread the resolution, as follows: TJIEEREAS, T. BRUCE SXITB has been ac~ting as City Attorney of the City of CarlsSad since its incorporation on July 16, 1952, at a salary of $300.00 pe~r month plus nileage and. $50 for each Coui--t appearance, and as this texporary agreement expir2s on October 6, 195?, BE IT FTaT?X3 RESOLED that T. Bi.uck Sxith be appointed as City AttoFne3- or" the City or' ?ar~lsbsd for the period ending April 30, 195.3, st b salsrg of %300.00 per month, such salary to include all neesssar' Terms and materials which will be supplied. by the City lttorney. It is also understood that the City Attorney wi-11 supply his own stenographic services, including such reasonable services which may be needed by the Council members in transcribing letters, and he will also make use of his own car for City business in normal routine without extra charge for mile- age. The City Attorney will be allowed an additional sum for Court Appearances for the City in the amount of $50. per day. Cm. Sutton moved the adoption of the resolution, %m.. Castorena seconding. Four ayes, Cmn. Grober absent^. Motion carried. , Cmn, Edc reported that the liabilitk insurance policy has been received, and that the property damage limits had. been raised from $10,000.00~:.to $25,000.00 at an add.itiona1: cost of only 754, cmn, Castorena reported that his traffic cornzittee was working and would probably have a report ready fo,r the next meeting. Mr.. Barter reported that Idr. Byrl Phelps had agrsed to send up a set of pbans of the sewers, and also to' get an opinion from th attorney as to the legality of the:.contractor paying a share of the rapaving cost in lieu of res toring the trench area. % . Barter also stated that the contractor was to be zskea what his charge would be to repave &he entire wid.th of tb streets' Corn up for the sewers. The question of liability insurenee for protection of the County was brought up by @r. Barter, and the City Clerk was requested to ask the insurance agent who wrote the policy to add an endorsement naming the County as an add.itiona1 assured . Nayor EdcClellan proposed that the C:ouncil give some attention to the adoption of a minimum floor area requirement, since no such provision is contabed in the present zoning ordinance, .:He.:;sug$ested that the requirement that prevai.led prior' to incorporation, of 650 square feet except for a defined area in 'svhich the minimum was 360 square feet, be established. City Attorne Smith stated that this could properly be done by an amendment to 8 rdinance 8005. Cmn, Castorena moved that €he City Attornky be instructed to draft an Ordinance amdnding Ordinance 8005, to present to the Council at its next meeting, establishing ninimum floor area re quiremmts in the City of Carlsbad. of 650 squsre feet, and. 360 square feet in a specific area, as contained in the county ordinance aprilicable befo-e incorporation. Seconded by can, Sutton. All ayes, motion. carried, Mayor McClellan stated that it was brought out at the League of 33 Cities' convention that the State Subdivision and Kap Act provides that a subdivfsion n;ap nay not be accepted by the City unless streets are constructed according to the standrads of the City, and he sugG gested that the Council ask the Director o'f Public Works to work out standards for new street construction, fo? council considera- tion. ibr. aarter was so requested. Cmn. Ede offered a resolution that the City ofcarlsbad go on record as favoring the rejaction of. the EfldLa5.n sponsored Proposi- tion 10 at the November 4th election, and call upon the people of the City to vote "Eo on the Proposition, for the reason that the passage of this proposition would prevent the League of California Cities from representing the cities of California before legisla- tive bodies at Sacramento, as a people's lobby expressing the wishes of the citizens of all of the 308 member cities, Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of the resolution, ~mn. Sutton seconding. Four ayes, no nays , Cm . Grobdr;'. absent . IGot ior carried. After a ten minute recess, '+layor IdcCleLlar! reconveneal the Council. Proposed Ordinance 601?5, a business license Ordinance was read in full. Cm. Castorqa :noved the adoption of the Ordi- nance. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. our ayes, RO nays, Cm, Grober absent. Rotior; carried. - The number of copies of the Ordinance whfck would be re- quired was discussed, and it w8.s decided to have 100 copies printed. Mayor 1VicClellan stzted that some business men and firms are willing and even eager to pay license fees for the last quarter of this year and. the entire year of 1953 at this time, and lkr. Garland of the Carlsbad Journal was requested to add 1953 forms to those already on order. City Clerk Hagen reported thst.:-,dfforts were continuing to secure stenogrzphic help and that an interview with a secretary was sche'duled for tb next day. Cm. Castorena reported that a ceremony had been set for Tuesday, the 21st, at 7 oTclock to dedicate the new City Ball, and ' that Father' Kaspar would offer a blessing at that time. The press representatives present were asked to extend an invitation to the public through items in their newspapers. \ fl lhere being no further business to comb before the Council, cm. Castorena moved for zdjournment. Seconded by cm. Sutton, All ayes, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~Amg?yL ward . agen, City Clerk MINUTES OF CITY COUl?CIL XE3TI!SG October 21, 1952 Before the Council Meeting was called. to order cm. Castorena expressed his thanks and appreciation to the people of the City of carlsbad who hhve helped in estzblishing our City all, Father ,I Kaspar gave his' blessing at this tim. Tim Keene, Comander of the American Legion of Oceanside was introduced. "rs. Louise Waibel of the Ladies Auxiliary presented the City of Carlsbad with the A% rican Flag and !dayor XcClellan made his acceptance speech. He: also expressed his appreciation for the co-operation and help that various people in the City of Carls- bad have done in quipping our City Offices. co1, Gronseth was asked to report who donated the counci1 Table andcother pieces of furniture. It wzs told that through the kindness of no~ Pace, members of the Rotary Club and Col.one1 Gronseth the hall was equipped