HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-21; City Council; Minutes56.
Citizs' conventior_ that the Stete Subdivisfon a.nd Kap Act provides that a subdivision Kap my not be accepted by the City unless streets are constructed according to the stand.rads of the City, and. he sugi:
gested that tho Council ask the Director of Public Viorks to work out standards for new st-reet constractioc, fo? council considera- tion. iw. barter wa.s so reqJ$stcd.
Cm. Ede offered a ?l.esolution thz,t the City ofCarlsbad go on record 2s favorirt? the rejnction of the 1dC.Lain sponsored. Proposi- tion LO at the NovenQer 4th election, and call upon the people of the City to vots No on the Froposition, for the reason that the passage of this proposition would prevent the League of California Cities from representing the clties of California before legisla- tive bodies at Sacramento, as a people's lobby expressing the wishes of the citizens of all of the 308 menber cities, Crrm. Ede mm-ed the adoption of the resoluti.cn, cm. Sutton seconding, Four a.yes , no nays , cm. Grober" absent. !iot io^ carried,
After a ten minute recess, i$laTor &icCle>.lan reconvened the Council. proposed Ordinance EOC5, a. business license Ord-inance
was rezd in full. cm. Castorep Yrioved the sdoption of the Ordi- nance. Secondsd by cm. Ede. our ayes, EO nays, %nn. Grober absent. h:otio~ carried, -
The number of copies of the Ordinance tvhick would be re- quired was discussed, and it was d.ecided to have 100 copies printed..
Ihyor McClellan. stzted that some busir?ess men and fims are willing and even eager to p2y license fees for the last quarter of
this year and. the sntire year of 1953 at this time, and %. Garland of the Carlsbad Jou.ma1 vas requested. to add 1953 forms to those alresdy on order.
city Clerk Hagen rcportec: that efforts were continuing to secure stenogr::plni c help and that an interview with a secretary
ms schedul3d. for the next day.
Cmn. Castorena reported that a ceremony had been set for Tuasd.ay, the 21st, at 7 o'clock to dedicate the new City Ball, and that Father Kaspar would offer a blessing at that tirce. The press representatives present were asked to extend an invitation to the public through items in their newspapers. \
II ihere beicg no further business to corsb before the co~xnci_l,
Cmn. Cas torena moved for ~c3 journment. Secondsd. by cm. Sutton,
All ayes, meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
/.x7 qj&-jyiJ/gh2$! L?Wj8&
Edwa rd (2: Ha gen ,' / City Clerk i
Before the Council Xeeting was called. to order cm. Castorena
expressed his thanks and appreciation to the people of the City of Cai-lsbad who h&vz helped ir; establishing our City &ll, Fs.ther
Kaspar ggva his' blessing at this tixe ,
Tim Kezr,e, Comqander of tke Americm Legion of 0ceansid.e XP.S
introduced . '"rs . Louise 'Jaibel of the Ladies Auxili.ary presented tho City of C:!.rlsSad with the A52 ricac Flag and Ehgor IdcClellan
made his acceptance speech. He also expressed his ap1-.ireciation for thc co-operation and help that various people in the Cit:? of Ca~1.s-
bad have done in quipping our Citg Offices. co1. Gmnseth was
asked to report who donate< the counc51 Table and,.other pieces of fumiture. It was told that tb~ough the kindness of n~y Face, members of the Rotary Club and Colonel Gronseth t9ac hall was squipped
LJ3 33, < 3 =z
with the furniture, and Vercel Tolles stained acd. finished. the Council T'able for us.
The meeting was then 'called to order at 7:30 p.m. by ivIayor McClsllan in the City @a11 at 3075 Earding Street, Those present
besides were Cmn, Ede,-.,Castorexa, Grober, Sutton, City Clerk Hagen, Public ugorks Director h. H. aarter, City Atty. Bruce hith and Chief Palkowski. Roll was called and the minutes of the last neetine; were read, The minutes stood approved 'as reBd.
The City Clerk read the following cormunications:
A lctter from the San Diego juater AuthoaLty advising us that ...
the Lketropolitan Water District has recently by formal resolution. estabiishad its nethod of determining the amounts of amexation fees cha-fgeable against annexing zreas, k copy of the Resolution 4133 concerning this matter was read.
A letter to lily, Claud. J. Fennel1 from &mey & Barney of San Liego re arding the naming of the County of San Diego on the City of Czrlsbad s Comprehensive Liabifi ty Poli cy as ad.d.itionz1 insured. $-
A bid for the franehise on the Scavenger Service of the 'it7 of Carlsbad was received from Miguel Acuna now livlng in San Pablo, California and at one time a long-time resident of the City of Carls-
A formal request to F, vi. Lilley, Administrative Officer of Oceanside to enter into an agreement for the jail facilities, conmni- cation facilities m-d the use of Motorola Radio Receiver.
a petition for Reclassification of Property from Alton and It2argare-t v. Gladden, of 335 Oak Avenue for rezoning Portion of Tract 99 of Carlsbad Lands for the purpose of. providing morel-ho?.Jsing facil- ities in this area.
Application for zone variance was received from fi. Id, Gibson and. Hattie Gibson, of 3360 Garfield, 1-ocated on the westerly side of Lincoln and 133 1/3 feet vest of Chestnut. It was decided. that this application be referred to the Plqnning Commission.
Calvin 3. Young, Secretary of the Sportsmen's Club spoke regardin.g the Agua fiedionda Estuary. A proposed draft to the Distr4ict Engineer, Division of Highways was read by the CitJT Clerk, stating thst the construction of the freeway across the Agua Hedionda Estuary is causing the mouth of the cstuarg- to close, and that ianediate steps for the removal of the temporary fill be tsken, so that normal scouring ac- tion at tb mouth of the estuary will be resumed. A discussion fol- lowed. cm. sde moved the letter be sent to'::the District Engineer and copies to Bressi Ilc Bevanda, San Diego Gas and Electric Go,, Oceanside-Carlsbad Sportsmen's Club, and to Division of Highways, Sacramento. %conded. by cm, Grober, A11 ayes, motion carried..
Cm. %tton was called upon for her report on water and it was stated that there wzs no report at this time.
Cm. Castoren,a reported that the Traffic Ordinance will be
ready two weeks from tonight for the gove&ep 4th CouncI.1 Meeting. Mayor McClc11an suggested. a preliminary draft of the Ordinance be
presented to the Council st least one week before the meeting.
Agreement for the rental of Oceanside jail facilities, communf- .cation facilities and fdIotorola radio receiver was discussed. cm. Castorena moved that the letter as written 'be sent to Oceanside City Council,. Seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn. Grober had nothing def ini te to report OE public works and f i-re protection at this time.
Cmn.'Ede reported that next meeting he would have a definite budget to submit to the Council, which will include estimted income
and-es tim ted exp" anses
The communication from Barney & Barney regarding the City of
Carlsbadrs Liability Policy regarding the County of San Diego as eo-insured for road repair work was discussed.
em, Castorena brought up the subject of False Arrest In- surance. The fact was mentioned that only four cities in- the County of San ui@go have this type of insuaance. cmn, Castorma and Chief Palkowski will investigate the matter.
Miguel Acuna's bid for the franchise on the Scavenger Ser- Tyice for the City of Carlsbad was discussed. cmn. Grober suggested
a letter be written to Acuna sdvising him that we are not consid- ering a contract at this time. % also 'suggested that we contact other cities and inquire about their rnet'zod of trash collection.
If was moved by cm-. Castorena that Alton tc lvlargaret v. Gladden s pekition for reclassification of property be referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by 'm. Ede. All ayes. hotion carried.
Cm. Ede moved that a rgsolution be adopted thanking the Ladies Auxiliary of the Amrican Legion of Oceanside for the Amer- ican Flag which they presented to the City. Seconded by emf'* C;astorena. All ayes, Motion carried.
Cmn, Ede moved that a resolution be adopted to thank cole Gronseth, Roy Pace, members of Rotary Clu3 for the furniture which they donated to the City. Seconded by cmn. Castorena. A11 ayes.
&otion carried
NPS. Virginfa Amburgey, the newly employed secretary was
' Public Works Director, H. H. Barter reported that the County
has declined to handle any work until the liability insurance pro-
blem is straightened out. It was suggested that the City Clerk contact Bb. Verne 0, Gehringer, Purchasing Department, County of
San Diego regarding this matter.
Bir. Barter reported that a reprssentative from EIr. €fuppts-..,' office, tree surgeon, was'in and looked at the trees at the comer of Grand and State Streets. The estimated cost to thoroughly trim the eucalyptus trees would be $250.00 to $300.00 and $200.00 addi- tional to carry off the limbs. The problem of the telephone and power lines interferring with tM triming dii? the trees was brought up, as the: representative said they would handicap him in doing his work. k?. Barter suggested we contact other tree sur- geBnasi~-:0ceans€de as part of the cost is the expensive transpor- tation. &. Garland of the Jou.rnal suggested we check with the Power i;ompany as it is believed they have a contract with the Davy tree surgeons, and perhaps an agreement could be mzde w9th the Gas Company and Light Company, whereas the City cohld pa additlonal fee and perhaps have the job done at less cost. Er. Barter will pursue the matter further.
It wax reported that a set of plans was received from Bryl
Phelps for the sewers that are now being installed.
kr. ltliilliarns is to give an estimate on fillFng sump holes at
the corner of Pine and Lincoln.
%. Barter also reported that he took a count of the signs on Highway 101 from the North slough. It was reported that there are 85 signs of some kind or another, most of them advertising the nmes of place of business between there and Acacia Street. There are 30 signs from there on to the City Boundary, which are
by National advertising companies. The names of those advertising companies Seing: National Advertising Company, Sampsm and sup- erior. There am 13 Foster tk Kleiser signs.
A dismssion took place on various widths of roads to be picked out from the County Stmdards of COnStPUCtiOn regarding
resurfacing of streets.
TIE Council authorized Cm. Grober to give written instruptlocs
for mtters on public works to our Public Works Director or in the absence of cum. Grober, i+iayor XcClell.an would fill in. In the absence of Mr. Barter, Cmn. Grober will help out,
City Clerk Hagan read fiesolutim rogzrding the appropriated funds for allotment under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, $Jherein %. Barter, Public VJorks Dirsctor of Carls'?ad is desippated as the author- ized agent for the Citg and whick the City submitting apr,licatlon to Director of Finance requesting $~O,OOO.OO for preparing plans for
"Watsr Pipe Line for Colorado River Yiater." Discussion regarding this rksolution took pis-ce. Cmn. %de move6 the arloptior? of this Zcsolution. Seconded by Crm. Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried.
City Clerk Hagen read proposed. Ordinance 8006, prescribing total floor 2res. of dwellings in the Cit:; of Carlsbad. After discussLon, Cm. Ca-torena moved Ordinance be ta?!l@d. until the .mesting of October
28, 1952. Seconded by Cm. Grober. All ayes. l>Aotior? carried.
:, .'! .A, .
>.a City Cl#r:rk Hzgen reported that since the Citg of Carlsbad WES
cx a report on the total amount of psrrrklts issued and value of construc-
$.=P \+ incorporated on July 16, 1952 t'm value of construction is $724,000.00.
.;; It was suggested tkt the first meetlrg of each month we will have
lilayor McClel-lap suggested that ps haps the fraftsrnan at the %ater Company might; consider changin:n; OUT maps for us vhen zonin,? changss are made.
It was also suggested that 8 letter to 'qir. Beuthel of the Div-
isior of Iiighwags be writtm by City Clerk Ea,gen regardkg street si,vs for our city limit boundaries.
fiobert Sutton, Chairman of the Planning Comnission reported 'that an error in ths advertisement on the application of Joe B. Cockrell, el at r::;Ta-r3ing r3zoning of Buena Vista Gardens and tho entrance wag thereto from C-1 and R-4 to R-1: Xoti-n was nade by cmn. Castorena
that we reschedule the hsari-l?g to Se s:ct before the Council on
and also readvertise. Seconded by c-rrm. Sutton. A11 ayes, motion carried .
14 ovsmber 4, 1952 at 7:30 p.m. at the City,Hall at 3075 &rd.ing Street
I1 lhre being no further busLness tc come befors the meeting,
Cmn. Cg torena moved for ad.jou-mment. Seconded by cmO Grober. All ayes, rn"etii-i?g adjou-med.
Respectfully submitted,
/I l &)&/ ,g,&y ..dl 37
-E&v-a-i.d G. Hagen, City Clerk 'i;
October 28, 1952
The lmotixg was called to ord-er at 7:15 p.m. by kiayor IJcClellan,
at the City Hall located at 3075 Hard.inp; Street. Thcs e ?resent beside Mayor h2cClellan were Cmn. Zde, Caqtorena, Sutton, Grober, City Clerk Bagen, Public Yjorks Director 3. E. Barter, Chief of Police hx Pal-
kowiiski and City Attorney Eruce Smith.
Roll was called snd the minutes were read. The minutes stood approved as corrected.
City Clerk Hagen read the following comuni?atfor,s:
Lette-r f:rorn y. H. Sexton, County Clerk, County of San Liiego, 2oard of Supervisors whsrein they enclosed a copy of signed. agmo- ment for compensation services covered under Ordinance 1010, for
assessing and collecting taxes im tk City of Carlsbad.