HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-28; City Council; Minutest a2 The Council authorized Cm. Grober to give written instructions for matters on public works to our Public Works Director or in the absence of cmn. Grober, ifiayor McClellan would fill in. In the absence of Mr. Barter, Cm. Grober will help out, City Clerk Hagen read Resolution regarding tb appropriated funds for allotment under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, wherein %-. Barter, Public TfJorks Director of Carls"7ad is desimated as the author- ized agent for the City and which the City submitting apalica.tion to Director of Finance requesting $10,000.00 for prepaying plans for "Water Pipe Line for Colorado River Yater." Discussion regarding this Resolution took place, cmn. Ede moved the adoption of this Resolution. Seconded by cm". Grober. A11 a,yes, motion carried, I City Clerk Hagen read proposed Ordinance 8006, prescribing total floor area of dwellings in the City of Carlsbad. After discussion, Cm. Ca torena noved Ordinance be taSled until thexaeeting of October 28, 1952. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. A11 ayes. hlotior? carried. Lq t$+. 3 't w8.s suggested that the first meeticg of each month we will have d a report on the total amount of permits issued and value of construc- LQ City clsrk Hagen reported that since the Citg of Carlsbad was incorporated on July 16, 1952 th value of construction is $724,000.00. tion kayor McClellar! sugpsted that pe haps the fraftsman at the Water Company might consider changing our maps for us when zoning changes are made c It was also suggested that a letter to '%. Beuthel of the Div- ision of Highways be written by City Clerk Hagen regarding street signs for our city limit boundaries. I Robert Sutton, Chairman of the Planning Connissi'on reported 'that an error in the advertisemeht on the application of Joe 3. Cockrell, el at regaTding rezoning of Buena Vista Gardens and the entrance way thereto from C-1 and R-4 to R-1.- Motion was made by cm. Castorena that we reschidule the heari-ng to be sot before the council on and also readvertise. Seconded by cm. Sutton. A11 ayes, motion carried. A\ overnbar 4, 1952 at 7:30 p.m. st the City,Ball at 36375 Harding Street There being no furthgr business to c0.m before the meeting, Cmn. ca torena moved for adjou-mment. Seconded by cm. Grober. All ages, m&tTng adjou-med. Respectfully submitted, r. 4&& ?d&ard G. Hagen, City Clerk 'i MIIL'UTES OF THE CITY OF CASLSBAD COUNCIL XEETING ! October 28, 1952 I The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by idayor McClellan, at the City Hall located. at 3075 Harding Street. Thme present beside Mayor McClellan were cm. Ede, Caqtorena, Sutton, Grober, City Clerk Hagen, Public Vvorks Director 3. H. Barter, Chief of Police Max Pal- kowski and City Attorney Bruce Smith, Roll was called and the minutes were read. The .minutes stood . approved as corrected. City Clerk Hagen read the following comunieatlor-s: Letter from y. H. Sexton, Coun'ty Clerk, County of San Ijiego, Board of Supervisors wherein they enclosed a copy of sieJned agree- ment for compensation services covered. under Ordinance 1010, for assessing and collecting taxes in tk City of Carlsbad. 8 Letter from Department of Public Health, J. B. Askew, Dir- ector of Public Health inviting the Mayor, Councilmen, AdMnistra- tive Officers to attend a meeting regarding the changes and effec- tive date of the proposed. service agreement. Ldtter from Senator Fred H. Kraft informing the City Council that the next General Session of the Legislature will convene on January 5, 1953. Division of Highways, E. E. Wallace, District EnEineer ac- knowledging receipt of our letter concerning drainage conditions in the Agua Hedionda Estuary. Letter from Ray 11 . tk Esther 9. Iialsey, principal owners with- in Buena Vista Gardens, includinz the 40 foot roadway, stating they art3 interested in.deeding this roadway to the City of Carls- bad. Administrative Officer, Franklin W. %lleg, City of ocean- side, acknowledging receipt of our letter wherein we requested the use of the Oceanside jail, coramnicatim system and rental of one Kotorola Radio Receiver. Reco&e.ndations of Carlsbad's Planning Commission are as follows : (1) That the request of W. J. Bowman for rezoning from R-2 to c-1 be denied, recommended rezoning to ii-4 instead. (2) That the rcq.j.est of Olive Heisler & J. R. Barter for zone variance be granted. (3) That the request of Shannon J. Dyer, Frank lk Betty Small, buyer, for zone variance be grmted. (4) That the request of the City of Carlsbad for a conditional permit for the use of the laassd property at 3075 Harding Street for tke purpose of granting use of the building and area as a fire station be granted. (5) That Miss Gretchen Tuthill be advised that permission would be granted her to have th eucalyptus tree at Skyline Drive removed at her own expense. A hesring was held B.or reclassification of property on the application of tlae Carlsbad Mutual Water Company for rezoning a portion of- Lot 2, Industrial Tract, and on the applic.:ttion of the Planning cormTission for rezoning of the.remainder of the Indust- rial tract^ and the easterly 100 feet of the Sants Fe Railway right- of-way adjoining to X-1. Cm. &de moved the adoptim as recom- mended by the Planning Commisslom. to rezone the Industrial Tract to 1h-l as set forth in the advertisement. Seconded by cm. Grober. All ayes, motion carried. Mr. Butts requested legal advise on the reducticn:.bf his2 lot area caused by cutting through of the fresway, City Atty. Bruce Smith suggested I%?, Butts come to his office regarding this matter. Ordinance 8006 which was tabled at the October 21, 1952 Council meeting was read by Cityclerk Hagen, prescribing minimum total floor area of dwellings in the City of Carlsbad. Crrm. Cast- orena moved for the adoption of Ordinance 8006. Seconded by cmn. Ede. Befole voting upon adoption of' said Ordinance a discussion took place. The questi,-n was brought up by &?so Jane Sonneman if this minimum total floor area included. attached -garages. I>iscuss- ion followed regarding the interpretation of this Ordinance. C99nd Fennel1 suggested that cocsideration be given regarding guest houses under this O~dinance. Cmn, Castorena withdrew his motion which was formally made. cmn. Ede withdrew his second to the rnotim. cmn. Ede moved that this Ordinance be referred to the I .Q 0 $4 < 3 c I I 6 Planning Commission for further study with the sugyestion that they can call for any assistance that they may need to draw up the "r- dinance so that it will be applicable and understandable, with special consideration be given to tk interpretation of house area requirements, attached garagss, attached apartments and guest houses, Seconded by Cmn, Grober. All ayes, motion carried. A Iiarry J. for rgcl hearing was held on applications of Irving ik Ruth Cumrnings, .assific.ation of propert?? to be rezoned from E-2 to R=l. Approval was recommended by the Planning commission provided no lot in t'his area has a froLtage less than 75' upon a 6edicated high- way and no dwelling be constructed .on any lot in .this are2 not abut- ting on a street so dedicated. 6c Nargaret c. Stone and George F. N, 8c Josephine Dailey Mayor McClellan stated it is not good planning practice to mks frontage restrictions on this practical R-1 area unless the rest of the R-1 zones be a.rplicable to this restriction. Nr, Claud Fennel1 spoke regarding this matter and asked. why this zoning should stop at the freeway and not' take in all the front part of Carlsbad. Discussion followed, 'm. 3d.e moved we refer this mztter to the Planning Commission with the rccom-endation that they study this 75' frontage situation and give it plenty of publicity so that everyone concerned will have a chance to be at the meeting for discussion regarding the minimum lot f-rontage requirement. Seconded by %m. Castorma. 811 ayes. Liiotion carried. Jila-yor blcClellan asked City Clerk IYasen and vity Attorney Smith P to ?repare an Ordinance for reclassification of propertg as requested .by rving Curnmings from E-2 to 8-2 of aportion of Tract 236,.Thurn Lands, lying westerly of California .Division of Highways freeway right- of-way; also request or" the Plannicg Cornmisston upon -i.ts own initia- tion for r,:.zonir_g to R-2 of allpropertg bounded by the freeway-, Santa Fe Tracks, Tamarack and Hagnofia Streets, not owned by 'roing Cummings, and also that included in the rqquest initiated by the Planning Com- nission described as all of Tract 231 of Thum Lands, and all that Portion of Tract, 236, Thum Lands, lying westerly of California State Highway XI-SD-23, also thst portion of Section 1, T, 12 S., R 5 vt., lying between Tract 231 and the presently zoned E-2 area, and also the-easterly 100 feet of the Santa Fe Railway right-of-wsy adjoining for consideration at the next meeting. bir. vi, D, Cannon spoke regarding subdivision, Terramar 'nit #4, and asked. what the decision was of the Planning Cornmi$Sion, % also inquired. where the tentative map is that he submitted to the Planning Commission that was to be revised to conform to the require- ments. Discussion followed. It was stated .that the Planning Cow mfssion will take some action on this Katter as socn as the recommended .requirements are made on the map. The communication from J. B. Askew, Uirector of Public Iiealth was discussed. lbyor KcClellan stated that he would like son;e of the Council merbers to attend this meeting with him. fkfr, Askew con- tacted IiTayor McCls11ac by telephone and told hi= that the meeting will be held on PJo-.ern?er 13, 1952 at 2:00 p.m. The communication from Senator Kraft was discussed regarding legi3llation matters we would like brought up before the General Session of the Legislature which will convene on January 5, 1953. Discussion followed., The subject was brought up of transferring tide lands to the City. cm, Sutton.moved we write Senator Kraft and ask him to bring up the matter before the General Session of transferring tide lands to the City of Carlsbad such tidelands the state may own with- ir, our City boundaries, Seconded by cmn. Grober. A11 ayes. liiotion carried . Letter from Division of- Highways ac'rnow1ed.ging our letter re- garding the Agua kdionda Estuary was discussed. h?n, Ede suggested. iklr, Barter contact the contractor Bressi dc Bevanda 2nd discuss this matter with him. Letter from Ray E. tk Esther H, Halsey, principaf owners within Buena Vista Gardens, including the 40 foot roadway requesting the 62. procedure for the City to take over the deeding of the streets. bo Barter reported the condition of the streets ir, this area to be in fair condition. cm. Ed? movnd this be referred. to the Plan- ning commission, along with the request that the City Attorney start proceedinss to look icto the matter or what it would involve. Director of Public Works to investigate the matter. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes. blotion carried. City Clerk Hagen will acknowledge the letter. After a' ten ninute ~ecess, &yor Dlfcclellan reconvened the Council Meeting. Letter from Fpanklin W. Lilley, Administrative Officer, City of Oceanside was discussed wherein thqr s tatad that the matter was referred to the Administrative Officer and Chief of' Police for the purpose of arriving at the terms of the agreement for the use of the' Oceanside jail, comnunication systemKakd rental of one Motorola Radio Receiver, at which time tk City Attorney will pre- pare the actual agreement. .o action was necessary at this time. 1\1 Request for zoae change from vi. J. Bowman from R-2 to '-1 which was denied by the Planning Commission and instead recomended. t.his zone be changed to an 8-4. Discussion took place. Cnm. %tton moved that we refer this matter back to the Planning Com- mission for readvertising as proposed change from R-2 to B-P. Seconded by cmn. Grober. A11 ayes. Motion carried. zo~e variance from Olive €I?&isler & J. R, Barter was dis- cussed,. Cm. gde moved that the recommendation of the Plann.ing Commission to olive Heisler and J. R. Barter for fmnt yard set back from 50' to 33' and. reduction of side yard set back from 10' to 5' be granted. Seconded by crrm. Castorena. , All ayes. ?;lotion carried. Application of Fra& and Betty Small, prospective buyer on property located in the 2'700 block of Roosevelt, requested re- duction of rear yard set back from 25' to 12s' as he wants to build four duplexes and a triplex which totzls 11 units. cm. Castorena moved that request of variance of Frank and Betty Small as recommended by the Planning wornmission be granted. Seconded by cmn. %de, *ll ayes. ikiot ion carried. 0 Cm, Castorena moved that the application from the Cit-y .of Carlsbad for a-:conditional pe-,mit for use of ppoperty at 3075 RsPding Strest as 8 ?ire st2 tion when required be spproved as ' recommended by the Planning Comission. Seconded by cm, Grober. All ages. uotion carried. Crrm. Ede rr.oved that psrmission be granted Lliss Gretchen Tut- hill to remove a tree at Skyline Drive as recoy:yended by the Plan- ning Corrxnission at her own expense. SecoRded by cm. Castorena, All ayes , notion carried. City Clerk Hagen.was asked if he has received an answ- er re- garding Carlsbsd's Lisbility Policy. ?e ststed he contacted "I. McLeas and has not heard fron him regarding this matter as yet, Cxn. Ed-e subaitted the followhg tentative budget from October I, 1952 to June 30, 1953. ES TI?&;!. TED EXPEXDITURES : Salaries : Chief of Police @ $400. per month B1d.g. Inspector @ $300, per month City Attorney @ $300. per month patrolman (2 @275, 8c $287.50 per month Stenogrsphe? @ $200. per month Office expense, phone, foms, etc. Kfile2,gSe: (Buildirg Inspector, etc.) Streat maintenance $3,600. 2,700. 2,700. 2,512. 1,800. 900 . 500 0 15,600. I 6 I 4 3 :r" c 3 x I -City Ha11 rental @ $60, per month $450 . Insurance , bonds 1,500. Printing, public ord.inar!ces , notices, etc. 1,500. Traffic signal maintensnee @ $49.58 450 . police Department (equip.) 5,500. Retirement, pensions, social security 1,000. 8 39,102. EXPECTED RECEIPTS : Build.ing permits Business licen es In lieu taxes Tauto) Liquor lice ses Frsnchises ?gas -and phone coo) State ,gasoline tax Variace applications Traffic Safety Fwd (fines) $ 1,350. 2,500. 1 , 400. 15,600 . 300. 21,000. 1,500. 2,000. - $45,650. The following. discussio'n took place regarding this tents tiire budget: It was stated that office expense, phone, etc. would be approx- imately $100 per month. 2giileage for Building Inspector was cigured at 106 per mile. Rant for the City Hall d.oes not have to be paid until the last of June, 195.3, Discussion of insurance and bonds totaling $1,500. took place snd it wasstated. t:hat the false arrest insurance ~as included in tbLs fi,gure and perhaps it will cove^ the insurance or, the fire tmck at a future date. Total amount for printing ordinances, public notices, etc., to date is $540.00, It was suggested. that we consider buying our OWE police car as it would be more economical. It was estimated that one completely equipped with two radios, sirens, etc., would. cost apcroximatelg q.$2,400.00. T It was told that withholdi-sl-g tax in the amount Of$53.61 has been withheld so far fr~om salaries, but that the amount witbheld is part of the salaries of the employees. .. I Mayor IdcClellac asked. if we will need additional help in the Police Department. Cm. Castorena stated that 2% is very nec- essary to ,have one more additioml p&rolman at least by the fiz>st of the year. Chief Pslkowski stated that at present we are not in a position to render 24 hour service with just two patrolmen. If we had. one more additional officer we could give "around the clock" protection to the poeple of the City of Carlsbad, He also stated we could get along indefinitely with the two patrolmen we now have as long as Califo-mia Highway Patrol continues to cover accidents for us. At present we just have an oral agreement with them concerninK this matter. Cm. Ed&, City Clerk Edward G. Kagen, and City Treasurer Roy, pace will meet and discuss wages which should be established for them. cmn, Castorena, Cmn. Ede and Chief Pzlkowski will meet and' come to some agreement on tke definite amount of mil.eage which should be paid Chief Palkowski. Mayor McClellan asked Col. Hasen to prepare.an estimate of the needs for the Iffice whereas we could get a general idea of office expenses. t was .sugEested that the County Purchasing De- partment has desks available for approximately $10.00 and. $fg;~o. per desk. ' cmn. Ed.e reported that our expected receipt in the amount of $45,650. would cover estimated expenditures till the last of June 1953. Bo action was required at- this time. Cm. Ede will submit a final form of budget to be coF.sidered for adoption as soon as possible. ; 4 cmn, Castorena stated that Calvin Gabriel, Business Manager of the high schhol district has a thee year old typewriten? for sale . hn. Grober was asked for his report on fire protection and public works. He stated there will be a meeting October 29, 1952 regarding fire protection, and it was suggested we send a letter to Fire Underweiters and have them give us a survey on what has to be done before we can tabaction. Cm, Castorena reported those on the Traffic Com;r.ittr?e are: Cy Perkins, lied Robinson, Arnie Stringer, Dutton James, Chief Yalkowski, Bruce Smith and himself, This cornittee will make a complete study of traffic conditions ir order to draw up a Traffic Ordinance for consideration of\the City council, 'm. Caqtorena listed a few things that the Traffic Ordinances consists of which are as follows: 1, Two hour prkirzg tize limit in the busimss area. 2. Safety zones in front of the post office to be established 3. Loading and unloading 20~8s for buses. 4. Loading" and unloading merchandise on State Street and for public safety. to make use of the alleys for this purpose. It was zeported that Ocean Street is a narrow Street and quite congested. t was requested that something should be done to reduce traffic through there and it 'was recornended thzt a 15 nile per hour zone should be established. Chief Palkowski will take a drive through the City and determine where stop signs should be erected and safety zones, speed. zones and etc. should be, The question was brought up of no parking on the streets be- tween the hours of 2 a.m. md 4 a .ma It was stated that there should not b a law of this sort in the City as many do not hzve park%ig-.facilities. Discussiorz WGS held on how im ortant it is to slow 'the traffic down on the highway, and that ghief Palkowski should exercise every hossible way to enforce the speed limi-t through the City to, at least 35 mjles per hour. I Chief Palkowski stated 'that there is goi.ng to be a meeting on Movember 5, 1952 of the heads of the Law Enforcement Departments at the Carlsbad Hotel. It was suggested a resolution to reduce speed on tke hi,ghway through Carlsbad be adopted to be read by Chief at this, meeting. Cm. Castorena moved that our Chief of Police, Ifiax Palkowski be empowered to exhaust every possible means to reduce the speed limit on Highway 101 through C arlsbad. Seconded by cm. Ede . All ayes. Motion carried. Cmn. Sutton had nothing to report on wter at this tire, b?. Barter report2:d that he has received estimates on trim- ming tb trees at Grand and State Streets. Mr. Lzng gsve an est- imate of $175.00 and &. Lyle D. Henderson gave an estimate of $150.00 which will include 12 cuts onthe two trees. It was also reported that Mr. A,t Snyder's informal application for removing the trees on Xadison and Grand, which he will pay for the expepse himself was estimated b? &. Lane at $150.00 and bir. %,d.erson s bid. was $180. %-. ane s bid included taking mt the roots,. Mr. Barter will check on how much ldr, Lane will reduce his bid by not .a taking the roots out . A4 1 &ayor McClellan stated that we should set up some kind of procedure of hanling these tree matters . bir. Barter is going to, visit xiss Tuthill as he has two bids and she is welcome to use them in triming her trees at her own expense. blr. Bartey will check with the power company and see if they will trim the tree limbs that are hanging on the power lines. Ifir, Barter also reported that he has received an estimate from %J. Williams for filling the sump bles at the corner of Pine and Lincoln, They will be four feet in diameter to be filled. wTth rock wit?; conePete slab with iron pipes to act as a riud trap, 6 2nd. t'nc tops would be grsted.. 9stimate to be $235.00 for two . holes to go down 24 feet and. 12 ip.ch or 14 irich pipe through a cut to mke a distance of 250 feet to rrsilroad. track. ho gction wa.s taken at thls tirile. Stgps will be t:d.ken for temporary pUmpin.g ir, CI?SB of heavy rain. It 18s stated there is also a similar pro- blem at hIad.ison and Grsnd and. also one at Roosevclt Setween Grand and Laguna . .- byor McClel1z.n asked wht should be clcne for tree trimming, tree removing, etc. %m. &de sugzested if trees. are on Cit:; pro- erty the matter should g3 to the Planning Conmission If not on 'it, proporty the matter be referred to b?. Sarter. It was su fcested that a committee Se established for this prpose, yhe &ty Attorney will outline the procedures that we open to us in this m.tter of handlins .. tree trimning and. tree removing, etc, "? itiayor ivlcclellar, asked Mr. Barter to outliv-e the interview they ..:J had with "'r. Breed.en and IJr* Ba-rbar, sewer contmctors. They took 3 a trip around the ay0a where the sewers h.ad beer_ laid, Three things .?! were called. to his attention, which are the piles of dirt around J + an6 the matter of resurfacing the streets were discussed with the ,ai the man holes; the streets are covere3. from side to side with dirt contractor. of our City c ouncil Xeetings, which will be two rzgulzr meetings on th2 first and third Tuesdays of the mopLth starting at 7:O.O p.m. Cmn. Ed3 moved this Ordinance be tabled until our next Comcil Tiesting on lbovembtr 4, 1952. Seconded by cm, Castorsna. All ayes. Motion ca~ried. Ordina ,ce 1008 w2.s read regarding the time of meeting dates A cwd from the Army at Camp Roberts was read by 'ity blerk HaZen informin3 us tkst a resident of Carlsbad. just returned from overseas Korean du+,g, stzting that Pvt. 1st Glass Rafael li ernandez will be on a thirty day 1e;;ve beginning OctoSer 27, 1952. Cmn. hde suggested we write him a letter expressing our appreciation of his service rsnderacl and to welcone him back to the City, Mayor McCleflan spoke pegarcling the Proclamtion of USO-PAL 2h-Y. The Council had EO objectior_s to this and stated that, no action ivss Eecessap3- from the Council 5s the Uayor is the ope that :fly pro- claim the d.ay. Thers beirig no furtl-r busizess to come before tlhs meeting, Cmn. sutton moved for adjournment. Seconded by Cm". Grober. A11 ayes. xes t ing ad. joumsd. Zespectf'ully sub:nittad, , &,w/g&+A&k /' b. war .%sen City clerk , KI~.~U':!'~:S 0 P CITY CO TJ!J CIL FJZZTIN G November 4, 1952 The meeting was called to order at Z:OO p.m. at the City Ea11 located at 3075 Harding Street. Theroll wss called and the minutes of the last meeting wwbre read. Present besides Mayor McClellan were Cmn. Sutton, Castorenay Ede, City Clerk &.!Ten, E. E. Barter. . Absent: Cmn. Grober. City Clerk Hagen rea.6 the minutes of the last meting, ahich were approved as read. City Clerk I-Iagen r3ad tk following comnmnicstions: Letter from Bertram KLe-is, Jr., County of San Diego, Office of the County Counsel, regarding public liability 3.n.d. property damage insurance for the maintenance of the streets in the City of Carlsbad.