HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-18; City Council; Minutes14
NcClellan was read rega.rdiEg our proposal to the sewer contractor to pay us a certzin sun of money in lieu of restoration of streets which he has da.mged by his exca.vations. Copies of this letter
are being sent to %. J, 5, Bood-body, Attorney,- Barber and. Breeden Corltrs ctors , ’$+ Bgr1 Phelps, District Engineer and City Attorney Eruce Smith.
Letter to Car1sba.J iikxt:>al 3ater Cornpa~y from Cmn. ’utton, chairman of the’?la.ter Conntttee was read by City Clerk Fegen, asking for pertinet facts regs.?diEg the water situation such as:
(1) he present vj;joter lev31 2.s co;?;p.:red witin. the water
level of last year at this time, and other previous years. (2) Thc salt cortent of the wells in thg Sac ‘his Rey aasin and. the other wells. (3) Th9 increased use of vmter in 8rezs in the upper basin,
Crn. Castorena reported th.t the Trafric Ordinance has
been prepared and will bz rezd in ifull next Council %etIng.
L-L discussion took place regarding the speed limit through
the L;ity of Carlsbad. Cm. Castorcna stated. that the Los Angeles
Times has published th2 trernendcus rate of accidects alzd deaths
that has occurred in San uisgo County,
Chief kalkowski will xcite a letter to E. 3. Wallace, San aisco Uistr3.ct Engineer requesting th3.t 8 survey be mde of Carls- bad to reduce spes$. from Terrama-c Subdivision to city Limit Bound-
ary to 35 miles per hour.
rl 1here being no fwther business to corn before thc meeting, Cm. Sutton moved for adjournment. Seconded. by Cmn, Castomma.
All ayes. Koticn carried.
Respectfully submitted,
*. ~
L, 5 &5g@- City dward Clerk ,
F -I,,SII\J UT-:,S OF c ITY COV~ c 11, ?;;E3TiIG
November 18, 1952
The meeting was called to ord.er at 7:OO p.m. by &yor %Clellan. Those pmsent besides Mayor McClellar? were Cmn, Cast- orena, Ede, kttm, Grober, Zity ‘lerk Eagen, Dircdtor of Public
Jzorks Barter, City Attorney Bruce i3 mith and Chief Palkowski.
The minutes of the last meeting were read. and approved,
Mayor McClell-an stiter? that h. Arthur Snyder loaned the
City council the use of his gavel to be used at the meetin.++.
City C1.3rk Haeen rezd tne fol.lowing cornrunications:
Agreement between the City of 0ceansid.e and the City or”
Carlsbad for th.e use of the Oceanside Jail and. Cormmication faci- lities and. the rzntnl of the $otorola Receiver. fiesolution 1998 approving agmement with the City of Carlsbad relating to use of Jail snd. communica.tlon system si\;ned. by H. Tom Wright, ldayor of
the City of Oceanside and J-ohn H, Landes, City %erk oLn Oceanside.
Letter from Arthur Snyd.er asking the procedure of kPiIrming
and removing a tree in front of his property 8t Grand Avenue and Xadison Strest.
Letter from Board 02 Superviso’rs, ounty of San Diego in=
I”ormir?g us that a Dostc.;rd had been received from i:irs . G, E. (Beatrice Vi.) Griffin, of 306 Olive Avenue, Ca:rlsbal. reqpesting informtion r?gardir_g burnixlg of weeds which are a firo hazard on her property,
?4 x*g TF e 3
Letter from Carlsbad Volunteer Fire Department signed. by Huston fi. Tucker, Fire Chief and Lou G, Haff, Assistant Fire Chief outlining the status of their Organization in regards to fire pro- tection for the City of Carlsbad,
A hearing was held on the apclication of W, J, Bowman for re- zoning his property dcscribed as south Half of Block 7, carlsbad Townsite from fi-2 to H-4 as recornended by the Planning'commission.
Cmn. Ede moved the above described a plication of it. J, Bowman be granted as recommended by the planning 8 ommission and instructions be given the City Attorney to draw up an Ordinance accomplishing the change. Seconded by cmn. Sutton, All ayes. i'dotion carried,
Ci Manos to Port ion
.ty Clerk Hagen read the application of Carl 2~ Natalie D.
of Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands from R-1 to E-2, to permit the
const-ruction of a duplex. Cmn, Ede moved we refer this application to the Planning Commission for their recommend.ation. Seconded. by
Cmn. Castorma. A11 ayes, Motion carried.
rezone property located at 952 blm Street and described as:
Agreement and Resolution Eo, 1998 between the City of Oceanside and the City of Carlsbad relating to the use of the Oceansid6~Jail:. and communication facilities and the rental of Motorola receiver was discussed. Cmn. Castorena moved this Agreement and Zesolution be referred to the City Attorney for further study and to report back to the City Council with his recomendation, Seconded by cmn. Ede, A11 ayes . Motion carried.
Nr, Arthur SnydeYs letter regarding the removal of a tree and trimming of trees on his property at Grand and Eadison Streets was
discussed, Cm. Ede moved we refer .bo Snyder's letter to the Planning Dommiss.ion for their recomendation instructing them to report back to the next City Council Ueeting on Novernber 25, 1952, Seconded by
Cmn, Grober, A11 ayes. Motion carried,
Fire Chief Tucker stated that, the Volunteer Fire Department will vwrn the weeds off of Mrs. Griffin s lot for her as per her request.
Letter from the Carlsbad Voluntt%er Fire Department was discussed.
Cm, Ede moved that we aut:m-rlze the City Attorney to work with the Fire protection Committee to prepare a Resolution authorizing an agree- nent to consist of items the City Council may work OK at thg present time until they hear from the Board of Pacific Fire Underwritcrs. Seconded. Sy Cm, Castomma. All ayes. Motion carried,
Mayor McCletllan asked City Atto-meg Bruce Smfth to cor,r$act the three Assemblymen from this District and ask them to support Yenator
Kra.ft when the bill is introduced to the Legislation regarding tk tidelands to the City of Carlsbad.
cmri, Grober suggested a notFce be published in the CarlsSad Journal regarding the .torn up conditi0n.s of the streets and stgte that the City does not bve the cmtract with the sewer contractors, Cmn, Grober will handle the matter.
A discussion took place regarding the! Health Departrent Service Agreement, Cm. Ede moved the proposed agreement with tho Co-anty of San Diego for services of the Coxnty Health Department be referred
i to the City Attorney for his stud.y and recomend.ation. Seconded by
: Cmn. hatton. All ayes. btim carried.
A hearing was held on tk applicstion of James Jones for a Certificate .of Public Convenience and Necessity. City Clerk Hagen read the application, Letter from Chief Pallcowski was read informing us of the results of his investigation on the character and moral back- ground of this individual, whereas his investigation revealed nothing
derogatory, Discussion followed., Can. xde moved the adoption of a resolution aut'norFzing the- issuance of a Certificate of public con- veniencrs and Necessity to l'~, James Jones, Seconded. by cm. Grober. 5 ayes, No nays. lvlotion carried.
After a ten minute recess, Idayor 1JicClellan reconvened the Council,
Tentative Subdivision Map of Palm vista submitted by Gallinger
Constmction Company, purchaser of the Cummines property of Tract
236 lying westerly of the freeway was discussed briefly. Tenta- tive map wss referred to Mr. Barter to sub:nit to the Planning Corn-
iylr. Darrall Welch, representative of the Lion's Club pre- sented Pilayor McClellan with a gavel for his use. Mr. Arthur Snyder su gested ,his gavel may be used by the Chairman of the Planning E ormnission.
Cmn. Sutton reported on the meeting th,::t was held with the
San 34arcos Water Cornnittee. It W~S reported tn8.t they are very enthusiastic about fo-rming an Irrigation District Committee.
City Attorney B-mce Smith reported that he had a conference
with wlr. Potter of Realty Tax Service Company regarding deter-
mining the assessed valucltion of the City of Carlsbad, Estimated cost will be approximately $1,000.00 on a cost plus basis. Mr.
Potter stated that they will bill us for services which we may pay at our convenience.
A discussion took place regarding becoming a member of the
%tropolitan Water Authority. Bruce Smith stgted that we furnish the Water Authority with the assessed valuztior. of the City of
Carlsbad which will determine an annexation fee to the Authority. Discussion followed. It was sugL7ested that we have a meetIrg with
*he Council of Oceanside to discuss Cbnnocting with .kh.--OBaansidc pipe which carries the Colorado River Water.
City Attorney Bruce Smith will write the County Auditor
requesting an estimaBe provided by the staff to determine the
assessed valuation of the City of Carlsbad.
Cmn. Sutton reportec! that a Harbor Comnit.tee is being formed to consist of k. %alters, member of the Chamber of Commerce, %. Evans representative of the San Uiego Gas ac %ectric Company, Allan belfy a private individual and a representative of the Sportsmen s Club.
Cum. Castorena reported that in. ord.er for our police officers to be covered by False'Arrest Insurance and Assault and Battery Insurance they may join the Peace Officers Organization which Chief Palkowski is already a member of. Nembership fee is $2.50 er year and the premium for insurance coverage is $7.00 per year. kn. Castorena moved that our police officers belong to this Organization and as soon as the Peace Officers Organization secure the False Arrest and Assault and Batter Insurance to the City will reimburse them. Seconded by Cm, Grober. 5 ayes. 30 nays.
XOtion carried.
Discussion took place on the franchise tax of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company which is being presently paid to the County of 'San Diego. Cmn. Ede moved City Attorney Smith be author ized-,.to enter into preliminary discussion with the Counsel of the San %go Gas a Llectric Co. regardbg steps that may be taken in case the County does not refund the amount of franchise collected
within the City to the City of Carlsbad. Seconded by Cm-. Sutton. All ayss. Notion carried.
bo Barter reported that Anderson a Robinson will donate a 'I heater to the City aall which needs repairir^g at an estimzted cost of $75.00. (h~. Grober moved the payment of $75.00 be; authorized for repairs on the heater plus cost of installation as recornended
by Mr. Barter. Seconded by Cmn, Ede. A11 ayes. Ldotioc carried.
b. Barter outlined work that should be completed on the City Hall at an estimsted cost of $125.00. cmn. Castorena moved the work be done as outlined by ar. Barter at an es timated' cost of $125.00. Seconded by Gm. Ede. "11 ayes . !vlOtior. carria3d.
Nayor McClellan stated that a conference should be held with Bressi 8c Bevanda, Mr. Barter, City Attorney Smith and hfmself
"A . +'
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r@ -a.
r:::fl;ard.ine; the Agya Eedioxda Est~ary. brrs. Amburgeg was instructed. to make arrange-nts with the above mentione8 persons and. arrive at a meeting date,
A discussion took place regarding the resurfacing of tfne streets. City Clel-k Hagen read 8 letter from Byrl D. Phelps addressed to
fdayor kClellan wherein he forwarded a letter he had received from h?. William X. Brovm, Attorney for the Contractors Bar:.:er i;c Breoden.
Cmn. Sutton movsd that the City Atto-mey, mayor McClellan and. yr, Gro'oer be authorized to have a conference with the Attorney and members of the Ca-rlsbad Sanitary District on the var;o~..s ratters that hzve arisen, Seconded by cmn. Ede. All ayes. Notion carried,
XaTor McClellan reported thz t t her& rill be a meeting of tho +ague of California Cities at El Cajon, Nov@mbel- 21, 1952 at 6:30
p.m. IGviembers of the City council are in-ritsd to attend.
City Clerk Ragen stztecl thzt proposed Ordinance 110. 9008, changing zong of auena Vista Gardens and a portio= of Seaside bnds from Zones
R-4 and C-1 to Zone R-1 has been prepared, Cm. Ed9 moved the reading. of Ordinance No. 9008 be tabled until November 25, 1952 ,Council Xleeting. Beconded by cmn. Sutton, 5 ayes. No nays. hlotion carried.
City Clerk Hacen state? that proposed. Ordinance No. 9009,
esta.blishing and. -regulating the uses of -property ir zone A-la has
been prepared. Cmn. Eds moved the r@adir!g of 0rd.inance No. 9009 be tabled. until lqovernber 25, 1952 vo~ncil Xesting. Sedonded by Cmn. Gastorena. 5 ay2s. No nays. ivlotion carried.
proposed Ordinance No. 3005 rogulatlng 'c-raffic upon the public streets was discussed. cmn. Castorena moved tha.t proposed. Ordinance
110. 3005 bc referred back to the City Attorney with instructiocs to insert traffic mgulations regard.ing ths pcs€irLg of' stop signs on all straets intsrsectlrg iSighland Drive and the posting of a stop sign at Chestnut and E1 CamFno Real in proposed Ordinance 140. 3005, Seconded by cum. Grober. All ayss. iviotion carried.
There being no further 'uminess to come before tke meeting, Cmn. Grober moved for adjournernent. Secmdsd by 'mn. CaRto_rena.
All ayss. MeetLng adjourned.
'k,qxct%J.1ly subxittad,
.Z&qJ/ &/ &p?" zc/x.z/t.
ci . Ha.gsn,
City Clerk
I, lhe meeting was called. to order by Ji1a-yo-r %cClellan at 7:OO p.m. Those present besides Mayor McCLellsn were Cmn. Cmtomna, Ede, Sutton,
City ~larl: 'rIag;ren, Director of Public Xorks, H. E. Barter, City G-tty. smith, Chief Palkowski. Absent Cm. GrOber.
The rninu!-.cs of the last xeeting were read and. avproved.
City Clerk Bagen read ths following comnications:
Letter from Lea,gue of Ca1ifo:mia Cities aclmowledging our letter
rt:F;apd.inE; minixurn floor area requiremnts wherein thsy stated. they ape
sending zoni:-e; ordinances from various cities. It was sgggested thst this matter be referred. to the Planning Conmission as -1;hey are making
x study of this pubjact,
Letter from Board Of Pire 'nderwriters of th.0 Pacific g.ckjjow-
ledging our lettm of TJovsiber 4, 1952 which WES referred to them by the Pacific Fire Ratir,g Bureau, regzrding fire inspection for the
City. of Carlsbad.
Lctter from Carlsbad Gutual 'j"iater Company E.ckr;.owled ging Cm. Sut ton s letter raquestirlg pertinet informat ion regarding the water 1