HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-02; City Council; Minutes-. 8 I, Q n e rf 3 r3: I City Clerk Hagen stated tkt Ordinance 9010 an ordinance changing zone in the southerly half of Block 7 in the City of. Carls- bad from R-2 to R-4 has been prepared. cm. Ede moved th? first reading be tabled until next meeting. Seconded Sy Cmn. Castorena, ~ll ayes. Motion carried. Cmn, Castomna moved that Ordinance 3005 regulating traffic upon the public streets be referred back to the City Attorney to be dram up as an emergency ordinance. Seconded by cmn. dde. A11 ayes. &lot ion carried. . Discussion took place raga-rding state parks. %, Barter stated that he spoke with IGr. Hupp, 1,spcctor of the? Colclnty Road Depa.rtment and he seemed quite anxious to turn the stat.e parks over to the City. Discussion took place regarding parking on the ocean sidd of Ocean Street, Mayor McClellzn suggested. we find out what right we have and then determine if we want to block paoklng on the ocean side of 0 cean S tree t . city Atty. Smith will obtain a copy of the lease of the State! Parks, for the City Council. hire Barter reported that there is a hole under t'9e street at Ocean and Pine Streets which is very dangerous to vehicles traversing over this street. l~r,. Barter wss asked to outline his intended program for next month, There? bking no further business to corm before the meeting, Cmn, Castorma moved for adjournment, Seconded by cxm, Sutton, All ayes. Iklotion carried. Respectfully submitted, $ KII\TUTES 0 F THE CITY COUNC IL IJEETI NG December 2, 1952 Before the meeting was cslled to order, City Clerk Hagen swore in Richard Elvin Kolb, Lewis Anderson ~di,tchell, Sylvester : Lawrence Porte%, Wallace D2smarais Rossall, Robert B. Nelson, and William Thomas Maynes as Reserve officers. Cmn'. Castor.ena presented they with their identification cards and badges. Tho meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Mayor McClellan. Those present beside lviagor McClellan were cmn. Castorena, Ede, Sutton, Grober, City Clark Hagen, H, E-I. Barter, Bruce Smith and Chief Idax Palkowski . Minutes of the last meetir!g stood approved. as corrected. City Clerk €lager, read the following communications: Letter from Department of Finance, Local Alloca.tFon Division, I Albert 11. Baker, Assistant Chief regard-iig our application submitted for "Water Pips Line to Aqued.uct, fl Letter from Divisioi? of Highways, E. E. Wallace, District Engineer, acknowledging our letter of fSove&ber 25, 1952 regsrdiEg ar! eroding bank north of Pine Avenue in Czrlsbad. Letter from Senator Fred H. Kraft informifig us that the Joint Fact-Finding Committee and the Sen:> te Interim Committee on Highways are going to have a meeting. Jr., Deputy infomniIzg us that the boundaries of the City of Ca-rlsbad Letter from Cotjnty ofSan Diego, Count>- Counsel, Bertram McLees, entirely encloses the territory of the Carlsbad Sanitapy District. 92. ,- City Clerk Hagen read proposed letter to the Joint Committee on Agriculture & Livestock Problems of the Califo-mia State Legis- lature rzgarding feeding of garbage to hogs. Carlsbad Police Department Monthly Rep.ort was read, for the month of November, Recornmemati-on of the Tree Committee of the Planning Commission regarding A. B. Snyder's request to trim two trees and remove another is as follows: It was unanimously agreed to recommend tb.::the City Council that Mr. Snyder's request be granted and that he be asked to remove the entire tree and crown to prevent a growth of sprouts, Also that when his building operations are completed that he plant a Plumosa Palm at least 6 fe3t in height in the vicinity of the tree he is to remove, Letter from Department of Finance was discussed. The matter wag referred back to Mr. Barter to prepare his reply. Letter from Divisior, of Highways was discussed, regarding the erosion problem. Ikiayor &Clellan reported that the contractor on the sewer job has excess dirt for the back fill, and that mat- erial will be avzilable shortly. Letter from Seaator &raft was discussed. cm. Ede moved the City Clerk write Senator Kraft requesting time for the City and that City Atty. Eruce Smith and Chief of Folice kax Palkowski attend the proposed meeting to discuss various problem. Seconded by CIlln, Castorena. A11 ayes, motion carried. Letter from Bertram bLses, Jr., regarding the merger of the Carlsbad Sanitary Djistrict with the City of Carlsbad. Cmn. dde moved thak the City Attorney be authorized to proceed. with this matter, and to obtsir 211 information possible and to determine what OUI' stzndirig actually is in this case and the process the I City must go through to establish our position with the Sanitary District. Seconded by-cmn. Castorena. A11 ayes. Rotion carried. The Tree Committee.'~ recomxmdation was discusseg regarding A. R. Ynyder's trees. lrir. Snyder stated that lie didn t think it necessary to plant a Flumosa Paln &is there are alrcsdy three trees on the 70' lot, which makes it very shady. cmn. Ede moved that the recommendstion of the tree cornnittee be followed. and that permis- sion be granted in accordance with the request. Seconded by Cm. Sutton, A11 ayes, motion csrried. City Clsrk Hagen read proposed Ordinance 9008 changing zone. of Buena Vista Gardens, and a portton of Lot I, Section 1, Tovm- ship 12 South, Eange 5 Vest, From zones 2-4 and (3-1 to R-1 zolze. cmn. Castorena moved the E doption of Ordinance 9008. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. 5 ayes, no nays, motion carried. City Clerk Eagen read proposed Ordinance 9010, changing zoxe of the sout'k half of Block 7, Carlsbad Townsite from 3-2 to R-4. Cmn. Ede moved tk adoption of this Ordinance. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. 5 ayes, no nays, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen reported that OrdinaEce 9011 has be5n pre- pared, and ordinance changing zone of Lots 23 and 24 of Seaside Lands from R-3 to c-1. ~mn, Castorma moved that Ordinance 9011 be tabled. until next Council meeting on December 16, 1952. ' Seconded by Cm. Grober. 5 ayes, no nays, motion carried. After a ten minute recess, Xayor McClellan reconvened. the Council. Mr. Sainty asked the procedure he is to follow in obtaining a zone change Kayor hkClellan sue;,g?sted "r . Sainty see Go1 . Hagec regarding this matter, rernaip2ng ., in an advisory capzcity. Em. de moved the adoption Discussion took place regarding the..Carlsbad Sanitary Board id; 6 of a resolution requesting that the Carlsbad Sanitary Board remain in an advisory capacity until some definite arrangement has been made. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, In addition, it was suggested. that it be orally requested that they handle aEy emergency that should arise in accordance with their judgement and that we will help thrn in ev,wy way possible. 5 ayes, no nays, rn0tir.n carried. I Discussion took place regarding col. Fkgen to act as adminis- trative officer in the interest of improvicg the opsratiEg mthods, C'm, Ede moved that City ktty. Smith be asked to prepare a report regarding the ad.ministrative duties and t5e proced?..re that is to be followed in appointing an ad.ministrative officer. Seconded by cmn. Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried. Cm. .Castorma suggested that ca.rd rooms 2n tb City of Carlsbad should be investigated., It was suggested. that Chief Palkowaki and the City Attorney investigate and make a study of the card rooms and report back to the Council,. 23 x9 4 be hired as soon as poss.ible, inasmuch as the holiday season is appro- 3 aching which is a critcal time and recommended that a patrolman be d hired to start work on iffonday, December 22, 1952 for a 6 month proba- tion period as a starting sg-lary of $275.00 per month. Discussion followed, Chief Palkowski reported that a concentrated drive will be on durir,g the holiday seassn and xtated that adequate coverage in the , interest of safety can not be given wit% just ollte patrolman. and him- sElf. ,Discussion took plsce of hsving .sufficient funds to pay the patrolman if he is employec'. IJapor McClellan suggested there be an adjou-med meeting on Friday, December 5, 1952, at 7:30 pim. to .discuss the hiring of a patrolman. e! Cmn. Castorena 2.1~0 reported that an additional patrolman should City Clerk Bagen mad.e a rough estimate that approximately 65% of the business licecse fess have been paid for the last quarter of 1952. I Cmn. Sutton stated that the krbor Comr5ttee corxisted of: C . C. %alters of the Chamber of Comxerce, G. Paul1 Evans of the Gas Company, Allan Kelly, Cal J. Young of. the Sportmen's Club and lklr, William Stromberg, - Health Service Agreement was discussed. It was 'suggested City Clerk.Eagen contact the Health Office regarding this and have a report prepared by next council rrieeting. Cmn. Grobey reported that the?& .will b'? a meeting of the 'Fire Erotection Cornittee on December 8th. &!ayor kIcClellan suggested the Advisory Comxittee of the'Fire Protection Committee p?el=are a report of the specific items needed and. t'm cost of each in order for tho Council to actwpon it, cxn, Grober also reported. that bhere will be a mbeti.ng of all the Contractors Thursday, December 4, 1952 at 7:OO p.m. in the Oilers Room at Twin 1,ns to discuss the reLations of the! City with the Contractors, I &?e Barter 'reportFd that the! ditches on Xonroe, Chestnut and Basswood Streets are being cleaned by the City and the County will blade the unfinished. streets and repair holes in the paveme,nt. blr. Barter W~S asked how heavy the demands are of his job, lYh?. Barter stated that request for inspections are rather heavy and immediate service is giver, theae requests .which makes it rather dif- ficult to devote much t?me to the Public WoFks Department which requires approxim3 telg 40 to 50% of his time, Dil??, Barter also reported t.ht the ditches on Tarflarack Avenue, Chinquapin Avenue, Buena Vis.ta Avenue and Pize Avenue are goir-g to be cleaned , 3.4. * City Clerk Hagen read proposed Ordinance 3C05 which was drawn up as an emergency ordinance regul.ting traffic upon th public streets. cm. Sutton moved t3e ac?option of this Ordina-nce. Seconded by cm. Ede, 5 ayes, no nays , motion carried. Mayor McClel.lan pointed out that the letter from Claus Oesterwinter was printed in the Cceanside-Blade Tribune md it was suggested a copy be sent to him. There being PO furt'ller business to came before the neetirg, Cmn. Castorena moved for adjournment until the adjourned meetir:g on Friday, December 5, 1952 at 7:30 p.m. at t'ne.City Hall. Seconded. by cmn. Grober. A11 ayes, meeting adj ourr?ed. R espec tfully submitted, Edward G . Ragen, City Clerk "J-MTXS OF DETING OF CARLSEFAD CITY COUNCIL (ADJOmED F'ROM 12/2) December 5, 1952 The meeting :was called to order at 7:35 p. m. by byor &Clellan. Tbse present beside Ma or Mcclellan were Cmn. Castorma, Ede, Sutton, and Grober, City Clerk Len, H. H. Barter, civ Attorney Smith, Chief Palkowski. City Clerk Hagen read Financial Statement as of Decenber 3, 1952. Z?Kscussion followed. It was recomendedthat the time that the Public Works Officer spends on streets, ete., should, if possible, be billed against the "Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Pund". It was also recomnended that the City Clerk submit the Financial Statement each month showing the balance of the preceding month and collections of the current month and the month under discussion and the new balance. I It was pointed out that at prcWnt $1,450.00 is needed for sal- aries. The Council stated that they are willing .to procure an addi- tional policeman but simply cannot see how they would be able to pay him at present. Therefore, it was decided that an additional policeman would not be hired on December 22, 1952, as previously requested. City Clerk Hagen was asked approximately how many contractors had paid their license fees and it was recommended that the City Clerk be directed to bill those contractors including those in Oceanside who work in Carlsbad for th,e last quarter of 1952. The resolution regarding the use of Oceanside jail facilities and conmnulications was approved by the Council as negotiqted, The resolu- tion was directed by Cmn. Castorena, seconded by Cmn. Ede, A11 ayes, no nags, motion carried. The City Clerk was directed to write to the Highway Engineer,' E. E. Wallace, regarding the blinker at Elm aa Highway 101 as it is costing us money and not serving any purpose. City Attorney Smith discussed the Sanitary District and stated that the County Counsel has stated that Mr. Brown of the Sanitary District wishes to have the matter taken into court in order to have declaratory relief with the City of Carlsbad, accepting the suit as defendent in a friendly suit. The City Attorney conferred with the County Counsel and'decided to accept suit fop declaratory relief regarding the transfer of Sanlo targ District functions and funds to the City of Carlsbad and author- izing City Attorney to accept service in name of the City. This was moved by Cmn. Ede. Seconded by ,Cm. Grober. All ages, no nays, motion carried. cm. Grober gave gist of the meet'ing witk the conlhctors re- garding Building inspections which was held at the Oilerst Room at the Twin Inns at 7 p. m. on December 4, 1952. He stated that m, Barter