HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-16; City Council; Minutes8
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answered satisfactorily practically all of the questions that were di- rec8ed to him. Cm, Grobs stated that four or ftQe of the contractors came up to him after the meeting and stated that it was a wonderful meeting and were quite satisfied with' &e outcorn , All volunteered' to help in any way they can. The Mayor asked if they were frank and Cmn. Grober abated they were.
Cmn. Castorena stated that Mr. Barterfs three months' probationary period was up this date, Decenber 5, 1952. Bdr, Barter stated that the job was worth $400.00 per month and that he had accepted $300.00 per month to start but, while he hew tke status of the treasury, he felt that inasmuch as the Council had agreed or €ginall.$ to, an increase at the end of his probationary period that he was entitled to sme increase. He reported that he works from 8:OO a, m. to 5:OO p. m. or later, with 20 minutes out for lunch. He has attended class in San Diego-at 6:3O in the morning on plumbing inspections. Ee has been quite busy.
hyor IfilcClellan stated he felt that the building end. of the posi- tion that Mr. Barter. holds has the first priority. Mr. Barger stated he would take $350.00 per month for the next mntln, December, and after that $400.00 per month, and then later amended his statement that he would take $350.00 for the next three months, December, January and February and then $400.00 per month thereafter.
Cmn. Grober moved that a resolution be adopked that for the next three months from December 1, 1952 to February 28, 1953, Mr. Barter re- ceive salary of $350.00 per mnth. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, no nays, motion carried.
The letter of Miss Virginia White published in the Carlsbad Journal edition of D.ecember 4, 1952, was discussed. Cmn. S,tton stated that whatever is best should be done for Carlsbad and discusse&he enlargement of the Water Committee which was to meet Saturday, December 6, 1952, Mayor PcClellan stated that the whole matter is one of issue and not personality. Cm. Ede stated there is no council action necessary at present with regard to the letter. The letter is chiefly statement of other outside persons and not members of the Council. There should be no answer to, the letter but facts as best as we can procure them be given publicity. It was recommended to enlarge tlm Water Board for future increased dfscussions. Cmn. Sutton was asked to discuss the matter with the Water Committee and return with her recommenc3ation.
The Csty Clerk recommended that ths b%ll of Carl Entenmann & Son in the amount of $117.16 be paid, as the people who furnished the badges and aap pieces for 'the Reserve Police, as the money has been collected, The above was moved by Cm. Castorena and seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ips, motion carried.
There.being no further business to come before the meeting, Cnp2. Grober maed for adjournment. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton, All ayes, motion carried.
Res ectf'ull submitted
"""I""~~~..""-"~.l.."""~~..-"- < MINUTES OF hBETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL
I. '
Decexaber 16, 1952
hating called to order by Maya- McClellan at 7:lO p. mr in the City Hall, 3075 Harding Street . Present were Councilmen Castorena, Sutton, Ede, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, Police Chief Palkowski, and City Attorney Smith. Absent t Councilman -Grober.
The minutes of the meeting of December 2nd, and of the adjourned
metkg of December 5th, were read, and approved as corrected.
City Clerk Hagen reviewed the notice setting for hearing at.7:30 p. rn. ..the application of Alton A. and &rgaret V, Gladden for rezoning from I$-2 to I%-3. of a portion of Tract 99, and the request of the Planning Commission far rezoning from R-2 to C-1 of a portion of Tract 98, Carlsbad Lands, as described in ths advertisement. cfty Clerk Hagen also
read the recommendation of the Planning Commission that reclassification be granted. Councilman Ede moved that the recommendation.of the Plan- 'ning Commission be adopted, Councilman Castorena seconding * Four ayes, no nays, Councilman. Grober absent . Hotion carried.
City Clerk Hagen read the foilowing communications:
Letter'fron James Jones requesting a cab stakd in front.of his office at 2946 State Street, attaching written consent of Lo F,Baird and Jane Sonlaeman. Attorney Smith reviewed the section of the ordin- ance applying and axso refreshed the Council on the matter of license fees. Councilman Ede proposed the adoption of a resolution that Mr. Jones be granted a taxi stand in front 0.f his office at 2946 State Street. for one taxicab, following. the pr0ViSiOns of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Sutton. Four .ayes, no nays, Councilman Grober absent . Resolution adopted.
Twodetters from the City of Chico asking assignment of State funds under Chapter 20, Statates of 1946, and 'Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, in event Carlsbad is..unabls to match and apply for these funds prior to expirat ion date . I_
Letter from the City of Carlsbad to the City of Chic0 inf'ormi'ng them that application has already been made for a portion of the funds.
Letter from the Mate Iliivision of Highways, San Diego, asking for the number of miles of traversible city- streets in Carl.sbad, and reply of the City of Carlsbad that there' are 33.7 miles in the main part of Carlsbad and .75 miles in Terramar.
Leteer from the Director of Fublic Works of San Diego Courity re- garding st'udy made of the Agua Hedionda situation, and letter from the City of Carlsbad asking for copies of the study.
.Le.tter from Ray N. and Esther Halsey offering dedication to the City of Carlsbad for private road from Laguna Drive through Buena Vjsta Gardens,' siaed by nine other users of the road. City Attorney Smith stated that there are no legal requirements in this matter, and sug- gested it be referred to the Planning Commission merely, for advisory action. Councilman Ede moved that the matter be referred to the Plan-' ning. Commission, and also to the Director of Public Wo,ks for his study, and brought back to the Council for action by January 6th, if possible, ,Seconded by Councilma Castoraa. All ayes, motion carried.
eli$fbility ,for protected classification, stating that an inspector will call at Carlsbad sbrtly 'to make a survey. _L .L
Letter from Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific regarding;
Letter from Kay Dieter Tangermann of Ramburg, Germany, expressing
8 great desire to come to California and asking for suggestions as to how it can be accomplished. The City Clerk was requested to make a courteous reply to .Miss Tangeqmann.
Letter 'from League of California Cities regarding legislative hearbg as to feeding of raw garbage 'to hogs, etc,
ment have been received. Letter from Kr. Landes stating that returned copies of the agree-
Four memos to the City Council from the Planning Commission, as follows :
Recommendation that the requests of Gallinger Construction Company, San Diego, for variances in front yard setback from 20 feet to 10 feet on 8 lots, and reduction of rear yard from 25 feet to 15 3%et .on 19 lots, all in Palm Vista Tract, be granted, provided no public heaping ts necessary. City Attorney Smith stated that it would be necessary to hold a hearing, and the request was referred back to the Planning Commission.
Recommendation that the application of Carl and Natalie Blianos for reclassification from R-1 to R-2 of a portion of Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands , be granted.
Recommendation that the request of Claud and Gretchen Heltm for variance in lot area from 6000 square feet to 5750 square feet on four lots described as Lot.1, Block R, Palisades No. 2, per Map 1803, be
Q 0 e e a
Recormnendation that the application of Irvhg Cuxmings and Ruth Cmn s and Hamy JO Stme and Margaret Stone for I?eclas8€ficatiori of a port $ on of Tracts 236 and 237, Thum Lands, and of George F. No Dailey- and Josejphine Dailey of a portion of Tract 240, Thum Lands, be granted, and that the property .described be designated as R-lA, with a minimum lot frontage of 75 feet abutting on a dedicated street."
Application ,of Mrs. Tess' Guidotti for reduction of rear yard setback on property located at 2705,Madison Street, Carlsbad.
Letter from the Chief Administrative Of.fice of the County Health Department enclosing seven copies of Public Health agreement, asking ' that all copies be executed ,by the Citr and returned not later 'than Decexber 23rd, and stating that cerf:ified copies of' the resolution should be attached to at least three copies.
Letter'from the office of the Auditor and Comptroller to the City Attorney, regarding cost of obtawing inforniation and documents request-
Letter Prom Kathryn T. Niehous 'to the City Attorney, stating that she is in camplete accord with and would support legislation regarding tidelands to be inlfroduced by Senator Kraft.
Public Works Director B arter reported .on the plan for improvement of Tyler Street, stattng that he.had asked t-he paving contractor for an estimate of the cost but had not yet received it. He stated that he had talked to Mr. Moreno and they had discussed the possibility of de- claring a bond issue. Mrs. BBargaret Freeman was present and stated that there was 'an increased amount of traffic on Tyler Street- recent-ly, and discuss'ion brought out the fact that many omerst fences were outside the property li'ne and would have to be moved; that more thqn half the property owners on the street had signed the petit€on,- and that Mr. Moreno is willing to do some more work on it. The matker was referred back to- BIT. Barter with the request that he ask the City Ateorney to explore the procedure, and that lie eo% in with a complete report at the next meeting on January 6th.
myor McClellan stated. that the Volunteer Firemen were. rneetfng and dssi-red to know the Councills action on their letter, and were most in- 'terested in getting their agreement with the City dram up. City Clerk Hagen reviewed the lettes? from the Volunteer Firemen dated Rovehber 13th, outlining nine proposals which they wisbd the agreement to cover. The letter was discussed point by point, with emphasis on the fact 'that the insurance on ths equipment will expire on January 3, 1953. City Attorney
Smith stated that -the City could not expend any money on fire calls out- side the City limits, such as calls to Xorth Carlsbad, and that it would
' be necessary to work out Some sort of an apportionment of costs so the City would pay only those incurred within the City limits. The' sugges- tion was made that it might be possible for the Volunteer Fire &$part- ment to continue the insurance now in force by bbder for a short time, Mayor NcClellan proposed that a meeting be arranged between at least two members of the Council and the City Attorney, and members appointed from the Firements group, sometime during the wee-end following Christmas, either the 26th or 87th of December. Max Ewald, who had just come from the Firemencs meeting, was asked to relay the suggestion to the Firemen and ask that they arrange such 8 meeting.
After a ten-minu- recess, myor McClellan :reconvened the Council meeting ,
Referring back-to the Manos application, Councilman Ede moved that a hearing. be set an the application of Carl and Natalie &nos for re- zoning 8 portion of Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands, from El-1 to R-2, at 7230 p. m. on Jmuary 6, 1953-, at the'City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Sutton. All ayes, motion carried.
On the application of Claud and Grethhen HeIton, Councilman Ede moved that the recommendation of the Planning Conhnissim be accepted,
and-that reduction in lot area from 6000 square feet to 5750 square-feet
be granted. Councilman Castorena seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
Councilman .Ca&rena moved that a hearing be set at 7:45 p. m. on January 6, 1953, at the City Ral1,'on the Cumirgs-Stone application, and a hearing be set at 8:OO p. m. on tb same date on the Dailey application, as per recommendations of the Planning Commission. Seconded
9 8'-
by Councilman Ede, . All ayes, motion carried,
Couslcilman Ede moved the waiving of reading of proposed Ordinance
9009 establishing Zone R-1A; that this 'be considered first reading and that the ordinance be tabled until January 6, 1953. Councilman Sutton seconded. - Four ayes, no nays, Councilman Grober absent. Motion carried.
The city clerk read proposed Ordinance 9011, changing zone of Lots 23 and 24, Seas.ide Lands, from R-3 to C-1. Councilman Castorena moved that proposed Ordlnance 9011 be adopted. Secanded by Council- , man Ede. Four ayes, no nays, Councilman Grober absent, Motion carri8d.
Councilman Sutton offered a resolution accepting the agreement for Public Health services 'to be furnished by. the County of San Diego to the City of Carlsbad, and authorizing its execution, Seconded by Councilman Ede. Four ayes, no nap, Councilman Grober absent. Reso- lution adopted..
Regarding the letter to the City Attorney quoting fees on the determination of assessed valuation for the information of the Metro- politan Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority, Councilman Rtton reported. that it was the recommend.ation of the Water ' Advisory Comm3.ttee that the Citg Attorney proceed with the preparation of the documents requested, Councilman Ede moved that the City Attor- ney be authorized to proceed with the drawing up of a contract with the Realty Tax Service' for the purpose of deterniining the informtion requested by the San Diego County V?ater Authority and the Eetropolitan Water District. Seconded by Councilman Castorena.^ All ayes, motion carried.
Councilman Sutton reported on the meeting of the Water Committee on Deceniber 13th, in which sub-committees were set up for the purpose of acqualnting the public -with the facts in the water situation. '
Councilman Sutton also reported that the Karbor Committee met 'on December 10th; and that the San Diego Gas & Electric Company expects to do a great deal of dredging and will draw on that water for their generators, benefitting the harbor. Sm stated that Wm, Stromberg., a member of the Sportsmen's Club, stressed that there would be a great dernana for the harbor and that a considerable. amunt of money could be expected from its use by small boats, based m the regular
rate of $1.35 per foot for the length of the boat, per month.
Mayor McClellan reported that he had asked Chief Palkowski to accompany him to the meeting of the San Diego County Nayors, and sug- gested that the Chief make a report on the mee"cne;'. Chief Palkowski ' stated that while the primary concern of the weting seemed to be re- duction of traffic fatalities within the City of San Diego, an execu- tive commfttee of four members was appointed, including one from the County level, Dean &well, and that Jamary 15th had been set for an all-day meeting to explore every possibility of arousing the.genera1 public as to how traffic fatalities can be reduced..
Chief Palkowski also reported'that he had talked to George Lackey regarding a police car; that a four-door Ford Sedan with heavy-duty clutch, f'ully equipped, with siren, would cost $2625.,00. He stated that the type of siren in question was slightly more expensive than the uonventfonal type, but that it can be converted into a 1oud.speaker by flipping a switch; that the siren in use now does not meet with specifications and bas been- rejected by Sacramento.
The need for another policeman during the crihi9al holiday period was brought bp by Councilman Castorena, Chief Palkowski stated hewas doubtful of getting a reserve patrolman for that week. as all of them are employed full time. The possibility of getting a different re- serve each da.y was discussed, Councilman Castorena proposed the adop- tion of a resolution that if at all possible, an additional patrolman be engaged to assist on a temporary basis during tb Christmas week: end, through the New Year week-end, at a pro-rated beginning patrol-
man's salary. Seconded by Councilman Ede, Four ayes, no nays, councilman Grober absent, Resolution adopted.
Councilman Ede reported that Eiiagor %cClellan had *t wikh a
representative of the League of California Cities and learned that the City would soon receive some of the in lieu taxes on new cars,
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He also reported that the City Clerk had drawn up an allocation scale for the traffic safety fund, and also given some thought to allocation of the Special Gas Tax Street. Improvement Fund. City Clerk bgen read the figures referred to, and also reported that 78 business licenses had been paid. for this yea? and 25 or 30 weye paid for 1953. He stated that there were approximately 50 more to come in for this year.
Councilman Ede also reported that he had discussed with the City Clerk his duties as City Clerk and City Administr.ator, and that he felt that his duties as City Clerk take about half his time. Councilman
Ede stated that cn this basis he had' prepaped a resoluteon setting the
salary of the City Clerk at $L50,00 per month, and making the present City Clerk City Administrator at $150,00 per mon.th, subject to an in- crease 5n salary as increase. of his duties warrm ts. City Attorney Smith. read an opinion on the matter. Councilman me proposed the adoption of a resolution fixing the salRry of the city Clerk at $150.00 per month, plus a certatn amount to be assigned. to him for his minis- terial duties, which amount is set tentatively at '$150,00 per month, first payment being due on January I, 1953, payable only as funds be- come available above currently contracted bills; h-nd'that the City At- torney draw up a resolution embodyin these -terms, which would corn within the provisions of the Code. Eeconded by Councilman Castorena, Four ayes, no nays, Councilmm Grober absent, Resolution adopted.
Mr. Barter reported that two requests had come in for help along the ditching of the streets, one on Park Avenue and one on Olive Drive; that in both .cases the ground had been opened. for cultivation and the water had washed down the road and stopped up culverts, but that both were now cleaned. out, the Park Avenue job requiring .plowing a ditch 1000 long. He suggested- t.hat when building permits are issued, culvert or driveway permits should be taken out at the same time so the work can be controlled. Mayor fikClellan stated he felt the Coun- cil would be glad. to receive recommendations on that matter if it is practical for the City to issue encroachment permits and handle restor- ation work. Nr. Barter was asked. to make a recammendation on thfs matter at the next Council meeting.
There being no furtbr business to come'before the Council, Gouncilman Cas torena nioved for adjournment,, Councilman Sutton second- ing, All ayes, meeting adjourned.
Res ectfully submitted, 4 ,. I, .~WZ&J/&d&@i&/
0 HAW itgf Clerk, ..
January 6, 1953 -
Meeting called to order by Mayor &Clellan at 7:05 p. m, at the City Hall, 3075 brdine; Street. Present besides bkgor &Clellan were Cmn. Castorena, Sutton, Ede, Grober, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, city Attorney Smith, and. Police Chief Palkowski,
Minutes of the meeting Of' December 16, 1952, were read and approved.
City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence:
Letter from State Cornptrollerts office enclosing printed form in- dicating Carlsbadts share of %tor Vehicle License Tax as $2506.52, which has, already been received.
Letter from office of T. H. Sexton enclo,sing two copies of the Public Health agreement, fully signed.
Letter from Lewis R,Chase suggesting simplification of present handling of encroachment permits to save contractorst time.
Police report for December, 1952,
Two letters signed by U. hlax Palkowski, Police Chief; one regard- ing premium on false arrest inguFance, $14.00, covering Ch.ief Palkowski and Officer Wolters; and the'other listing wages due bVm, T, Maynes for