HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-03; City Council; Minutes9 MILTTES- OF X3ETIKG 0'1" CAXLSBAD CITY COtXCIL February 3, 1953 - Meeting called to order by Rayor NcClellan at 7:OO p. m. at the City 'fIal1, 3075 FIrding Street, Carlsbad, Califomla. Present besides Mayor XcCle11an were Councilmen Czstorena, Ede and Sutton, City Clerk &gen, Public Yi'or~~s Director Barter . Absent, 801-mcLlinail C-ro'oer. lliinutes of the meting of Zanuary 20th were read and approved.. I. :id l-Q y$ < L.3 r; I I- City Cle-rk Hage-n read the following correspondence: Letter from Carlsbad ktual Kater Company, suggesting a joint meeting between the City Council and the Directors of the Carlsbad Ivlutual .Nater Conpany to dtscuss fire ppevention facilities. City Clerk Eagen announced that the -T?ater Eoapd was meeting on Wednesday at Z p. m. and had invited the Council members to meet with them at 2 p. m. UT- gency of getting action on the matter of installing fire hydrants was emphasized, to take adva-ntage of present vvzter improvement plans, and specifications recommend.ed by XP. Colton of the Fire Underwriter*s Boar?d were presented to the members and discussed. ld;l,yo~ &Clellan an- nounced that there was urgent nee6 of' having another meeting with the Sanitary Board, aad that one had been set up for Frid.ay night at 7:30 p. m. , at which Xr. Byrl Phelps would be present. -H, suggested that the present Council meeting might be adjourned until Friday evening at 7:30, and in the meantime, any member who could attend the Wednesday meeting of tb Water Board should d.c so and bring a report to the ad- journed meeting, to which members agreed. Letter from the Division of FTi&wags, signed by %r. Zeuthel, ad.?; vising that the signal a.t Elm and Highway 101 will continue as a flashing signal but that the City will be reliever3 0.f the expense of operati0.n as of January kt, 1953,- although maintenance costs will continue to be charged against the City. Letter from Chanber of Comlerce, dated. July 23rd, regar43ng three- year contract .with the San Ciego Gas Zc Electric C0;Ypany cover5ng straet lighting, which expires March 1, 1953, was reviewed by City Clerk ;$&en. The Chamber's sugges6ion that the City take over the payment of the $35.50 per month cost was d-iscussed, and also other alternatives such as the Tormation of a street iaprovement district to take care of main- tenance of street lights and fire hydrants, or the formtion of a street lighting district, to include the downtown area and also Roosevelt Street. The City Clerk wzs asked to prepare a Resolution, to be brought up at the'next meeting of the Council, authorizing the taking over of this expense on a month-to-month basis, The City Clerk was also ask& to inquire whether the City will hzve any obligation as to the lights on the freeway when it is open&. byor fdcclailan swgested tkst people in'the business district and adjacent to t'm business district be asked to communicate with the City office .as to their wishes in the matter of a 1ighting""district. Letter from the Chamber or" Commerce offering to turn Over tba trash cans tothe City, and drawing attention to the fact that they need re-painting. cmn. SuttOn suggested that the words "City of Carlsbad" should be shncilled. on the cans, Cm. Ede moved that t& City accept the offer of the Carlsbad Chamber of' Commerce of thg trash cans. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried, Letter from the Automobile Club of Southern California, advising that they would. install the thirteen signs rsquested, ,City Clerk Bj'gen reported that those signs had 'oeen pronptly installed.. Letter from t'h County of San Cisgo, signed by T, M, Hee;e;land, advising that 10 copies of the Urban Services study had been forwarded. City Clerk ilagan Edvised that these had been received, Letter from the State Compensation Fund, recommending that a Disaster Council be set up and the Reserve policemen' registered in the . pprogram, End advising that a representative would be in Carlsbad within the next few weeks to dLscu-ss the situation further. Letter Tron the County of 3an Giego, signed by Xr. Colquhoon, enclosing .check for.$15.35.57, balance of deposit made by Bayber & i3reedon to guarantee restoration of the City a-treets. Nr. KCC1ellan suggested ,that action be. deferred on this matter until Friday evening, when the engineer for the Sanitary Djstrict will be present, at which :o 0 time it can be discussed. I Letter f'ron the Board of Supervisors, County or San Diego, enclos- ing four copies of Supplementary Agreement; for Services of Cowty Road Eepartment, approved hr the Board of Sup=rvIsors on Jenuary 27,. 1953, acconpanied by Pour certified copies of a Resolution adopted by them * on the ssme date. It was agreed. that authority for execution of this agreement had been given by 2esolukion passed by the Covncil on Janu- ary 6, 1953. Copy of letter from Byrl Phelps to 2. Xalsey, with copy to Bar- ber k Breed.en, Coatractors, advising that he will see to it that re- storation work on the streets in Buena Vista Gardens is completed ac- corsing to contract. Letter from County Eeaith Department, signed by Dr. Askew, asking that further Realth Permit applications be held. pending a visit from a member of khe County S taFf. Letter from the State &using. Co.mission inviting City officLals to a Conference on &using to be held at Gssion Inn, City of River- side, on February 19th. City Clerk read the recom.?eodation of the Tlanning Commission that the variances asked by T'loyd Vi. zohnston be grant6d. Cmn. Sde moved that the request of ?loyd 'de Johns'ton for variances be granted, as per the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Secorded by Carl. Cas- torena, All ages, motion carried. City Clerk &gen read the request of B. F, Binkl.ey that action on ' his application for variance be suspended until further notice; also applications for reclEssification from 3-1 to E-2, signed by Binkley and otheys, covering lands in Sunnyslope Tract, Mp. :+Clel.lan ex- plained detai1.s brought out at the ?lannir,g Commission hearing on Xy* 3inklsyts application for variance. Cm. &e moved that the applica- tions for reclassification be referred to the Planning Commission; and that action on the request for variance be suspended. Seconded by Cm. Cgstorena. lzr* Einkley was p-resent and stkited that other applications wepe bsing colnpleted and there would be a tota.1 of 16 signaturss of owners in the area, All ayes, motion capj?ied. Ilr City Clerk Eagen read the recomrriendation of the Planning Cornis- sion tht the request of Mrs. Tress Guidotti for variance be granted, and also drawing t'm Councilts attention to Section 15.10 of Ordin- ance 9005 as a possible salution of hirs. hlidotti's problem.., City Clerk Hagen read this section, dealing ~12th non-conforming buildings, and Cmn. Castorma moved that the ratter be rerepred to the City At- tOPneJ7 for interpretation of Section 15.10, and that &&e Building In- spector then confer ivith hin?. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carrLed. Giaud Xeiton was present and reported 'chat a building permit was being taken out to add approximately 1200 square feet to the bullcling which is to house the Carlsbad f3oys' Club, with practica1i.y all work and. materials to be donated., a.rid asked that the City waive the permit fees. Cmn. Ede moved that all of t;'rLe permit fees in the rrtatter of the Boys' Club be waived by the City, Seconded by Cmn, -Sastorer~a. A11 ay5s , motlon casried. City Clerk Bagen read the recommendatioll of ikc. Planning Commission thzt the request of Xiliard Eayrnore for variance be granted, prooId.ed that the garage be built with a 6-inch concrete brick fire wall, rein- forced with steel. EP. Eartes explained the neeC for the rire wall, with buildings on the two adjoining properties less than 3 r'ee.t apart. Chair-msn Sutton of the Planning Commission was present md pointed out discrepancies betrieen -the facts presented at the Plannix Commission hearing and inforrr,a';ion gained by a persorLal inspection, After dis- cussion, Cm. -7 aoe moved tht thls matter be deferred, and that the Building Inspector mske a study of it, checking distanc6fr, overhang, eke., and. report back at the. next meeting. Secor.d.eiJ. by WS. Sutton. All ayes, motion carrieci. City C1ei.k Hager, rea? memoraEdum f%on the Flaming Comrzission Oil the appiictition of Robert Cutler fo-r special use permit to allow opera- $ion of a venetian blind clesning business at .his residence, 2984 TV1ad.i- son Stree-i;, in an 11-3 zone, Kr. Cutler's explanatory letter, accompanFed by letters of' consent from four neighbors, were read. Opi?=lior! Of the I 33 3 .e ?$ cr: a e l I lr City Attorney giving intergretation of "h0.m occupations" was read and. discussed, and Xagor XcCleiLan supplied. CetaS.1~ broagh-L out at the Planning Co:;.rr!ission heming. Cm, Castorena moved that 'chis matter be refe-rred back to the City Attorney for re-stud.$, Seconderr' by Cm, SU'GtoE, All ayes , XGtiOrL Ca?l?iE?6 . gar BY-2 was City Clerk %gen read a letter from the DTvision of Ri@mia.ys re- 'ding excsss parcel of land fOrinrP3Q ovme6 by Gwen .%ltcn and acquix?d the State, half OB which was -used by the freeway. The City Clerk instructed. to write 8 letter advising khat a bu-ilding permit wou.ld be gracted on thTs parcel, but calling attention to ths ract that front yard, side yard and rear ~ard requirements would havs to be complhed -fJi t;, , After a 15i-mimte. recess, &yo? XcClellan mcoqvened. the Council, C-ity Clerk Hagen read the Police Report Tor jsnuary, listbg a tokl of 81 cases handLed. Cm. Cas'corena recomeneed that bids be irwited for servicing or" a1 City-owned equipment, an? moved. that the City, S-ttorney be instructed. to prepare the necessary documents for inviting oids for %he rmintenance, gas, oil and servicing of all City-owned equiplent, Seconded by Cm-. Xde . All ayes, mottog carried. Cmc~, Castorena state6 that it was de- sfred to give local peopie pi-iority on .this busiEess if they can Irr_a.n?ile it. Sm. Castorena announced that 8 tentaklve ?..ate fop the ceremony tilm9ng over the Fire equipment to the eft? had been set - Vednesday, the 18th - and t'mt he was to meet wi-kln. the FiTe Department next Tuesday to fo-mulate plans. Crm. Castorena stressed the need for an additional patrolman, due to increasing volume of the wo&. Chief Pallrowski was asked for his cormnents as to number o? calls received daily, and other deta.ils or" the WOT~, End stated that approxi;mtely 25 phoce calls and inqu5:ries requir ing attentLon were received daily; that d-iiring January, 16 arrests were made, several of which will go to trial, some haein~ jury trlals, which CG~S-CLLW considerable time, md. that with two men t'riere isnf t time to make, propsr follow-ups on cases xS;-el"e this should be done. He also stated that it takes about five hou:.?s to $fork a fataiitg, comting the hquiries and invesilgations, etc. Ee stated that there should be a man available in the bovmtown area 2. t all times, working paX"KLng viola- tions and. ot'ner violations of the traFEic ordinacce. Cm-. Gastorena stated i1.e felt it ver3 important to have a. nan doing foot wo& In the downtown area, shaking d-oors, etc,, as a deterrent to buPglaries. Chier" Faikowski also staked tmt the Highway Pztrol is anxious to get ?Id of this 4-mile stretch of highway as %hey are needed in the u11- incorporated. areas, and that their help cannot be counted on too strong- ly frozi now on. The question of f'uads fop Gay-rient of another salwy was discussefi %horowPhly, an6 it was decided that with t'ne payment of another install- ment of in lieu taxes it woulC: be possible to hire another patrolman begimiag Fkbruh2y. is-th. Cmn. Castorena offered a Resolution that, be- ginning February 15th, an additional police officer be hired a.t the ap- proved rate, with a six-months' probationary pertod, as set forth in ' previous Pesolutions . Secondeg by cmn, -7 &ne. Four ayes, Cm, C;rober absent, Zesolution adopted. Ck-ief Pallcowski reported that he 'had been inforrred by the teie- phone company that for the time being telephone service could not be furnished him at his rim residence in Terramar, due to already over- loaded lines, but that he had been given a high priority anE would re- ceive service at the earliest possible mmect. It was agree6 that as an interh measure, t'ne Council woult! aut$orize a taxi run to the C;hieffc home in ai einergency , leaving it to the judgmen'~ of' the patrolman as to the necessity; acd meanwhile, every pressure would be brought to bea~ on 'the telephone company to prov5d.e the earliest possible service. The matte-r of a Civil 3eT"ense set-up to provide insurancs or! the Reserve police officers was discussed at conslderable length. Ctn. Castorena explained. two alternatives; (1) that the City could either contract with the Co~riiy for continued regula: ion by the County, in which case whoever would head the Civil Defsnse here vgoulj. be simply a Chief Warden; OF (2) the City could Set up its own Civil Defense Organ- ization which pvould be tied i;p directly with the Federal and State 0 2 Civil Defense. Xe stated that he had a complete zap Of tvhat would be suitable for Carlsbad, and tht it would depend. won the Council*s vrisl?,ea whether a 10ca.l set-up is made or a tie-up with the County; tbt it would be the Council*s responsibility to set up a. head, which would be either the Xayor or the City Administrator. Asked for' his pecoim.endatio:2, Crrtn . Castorena stated he would like to set it up as a City unit, and explained that the only utliity vdlic'r_ weald. become the City13 responsibilitg \iiiould be the We.ter Company, s-ince the other utilities are set up within themselves. em. Ede recommended tht the Couilcil approve the setting up of a City G'ivil Cef'ense systam' and that Cmn. Castorens explore it further and cone in v5th an outiine plan. cmn. Castorena was a'sked to work with t'm City Clerk on the matter, who was requested to.comunicate with the State compensation officials and inrcrm them that it is hoped to organize a disaster set-up as soon as possible. City Clerk I&gen read .proposed OrdiEance 9013, rezoning a portion of Lot 240, Thni La.nlJs, fron E-2 to X-lA. CrrG. %de moved. the adoption ol" Ordinance 9013, Cmn. Castorena seconding. All ayes, motion carried. bir. Barter was asked about extending the grid numbering system to Terrcamar and stated that he did. not have the grid and .would have to go .to San Diego to get it. The progress Of the Hzlsey dedication was discussed, but it was brought OU~; that the deed has not y$t been prepsred and offered, Mr. Barter Peportec' that the Ben Tavlor Titter is awaiting pre- papation of the legal description. The Gallinger Palm Vista Tina1 plan was discussed, arid iir. Barter reported that the engineer, KT . Phelps, has complied with all the re- quirements, including running the water line in a loop. The Zity Clerk was directed to prepare a form of agreement stipulating tb awioun'i; of bond a% specifying the amount to be chapged for inspection, and advise them what the Su5division Or6 inance noulS require in the way of filing Fees, etc., since ths map cannot be approved until a bond is filed., agreein<T to restore the streets. ldr. Barter reported that Leo NillFams had asked $800.00 to put do-m two holes, 40 fset deep, putting in z20n,k, with concrete at 'the top to protect it, and an iron grating. ks against this figupe, the tentative estimate for constructing catch basins and a drainage line to carry drainage dom Oak Avenue, is $2000.OG. X?. Barter stated that if the Council is interested In either method he would get a tighter estimte. Xayor XcCleSlan suggested that, the matter be de- ferred. until it cou2.d be determined whether it can be fitted into any construction plan w'hich is eligible Tor gas tax street iqwovernent finds Kayor cC1elia.n reported. a conversation with ;dr. Beuthel wherein la he had asked for an early meethe ragarding classification of Cfty streets, and that Xr. Beuthel had set as the ear-liest date F,byaapy 25th at 2 p. m, This d.ate was discussed and the City C13rk requested to write 7Gr. 3euthe1 confirming the date, time and place of fleeting, i. e ., February 25th at 2 p. in. at the City i-Iali . 3 1. YLL?. Bapter g~w as an estimated cost of the Tyler Stree-L improve- ment, $7195.00 for 1400 linear :?set. Iie wss asked..to co-nsult further with jilr. Blo-rena as to the feeling of' residents down t'nere and come in with a detailed report at the next meeting, xr. Barter also reported that the C,unty of San Di_ego has notified the City that Paragraph 2 is now eliminated from the agreement dealing with road work, and. that 'ne was of the opinion, after talking with san Diego Gas 6c Elec%ric officials, %hat it would be wise to follow the same procedure and charge the same rates as were in operation under the County. He was requested to work with the City Clerk on administlaat procedure, ' City Clerk Zagen sumnarized proposed Ordinance 9015, and Cw. CastOrelX moved that -this be considered first reading, and that tile Ordinance be tabled until the next meeting on February 17th. Seconded by Cm. Suttm-. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk read p-loposed Ordinance 9014, changhg zone of portions of Tracts 236 and 237 of Thum Lands, Cmn.Castorena moved the adoption of Ordinance 9014. .Second.ed by Cmn. 3utton, A11 ayes, motion carreed, 1 City Clerl; 1.-%sen yes4 Dccposed OrdSl?ance SOi.5, dec2a'l-+li'lg 5-ntention t,o 17aca.te a p:Jio$ion ., , of Ocean Street, Cnm. Ede moved the a~30pti.0~1 of Cy*d.lriarlce 7078, ~ecfc,fid~?t~ 'q+'.~m-'. 's~.t;i;on* AII ayes, motion car1-iec-l. ' City 3~,i-~~ ~~~~iei~~~~~ p:?cpose:l ~rj~~~~nce E015, regulating and 1s.- cerlsj-ng card rooms Ln th.e Cit-.: of Carlsb.5.. Cmn. Casko~ena moved that proposeti Cpllinsr.ilce 6015 be f~!&t'kr bahlgd to the next ceethg, Secocded 3y Clml,%de. A3-1 ayes j rnottorl ca?rit?d. 1. Ci(;g C1ei.k EagsT -r;eporteri that he h.ad ordered the i"i:pe siren, and lisi,.J LEvesblgatef. the cost cf the telsphcne service to soG3d. the alarm, vi~liC11 IS $1~.00 for the fEStallEf;~GL~i afid, $5.35 nwuthig. After ciiscv-ssion in the rcatter of Djsas-ter reli;r" , Cyp, u~.st~p~,a r. ZI~-CG!-; that the City Attorcey be instrwked. to prepare the necesszry Ordinance, tis be schmitted. to the St2,te Disaster Council LOOP accrer;ita- tion into the Federal set-up. Semrdad by Crib Ede. All ayes, alof;ic;-r? cayy'ies, T'qe City ZLez% 7ia.s as>;ed to hve the ZFty &+,torney para;13ar1e ~~ffi~ien.f; copies for zil rneTbn,-rs of the Council, %3$ %.yo:r JkcllelIm x-eporte?. that he had rece5~:ssd a telephone call -. : .;. finom X?. Jenxllngs rege'rding Lr7-e boxfid.ary between 2s~isbad rid 3-1.e City :, r?. v...'-3 :.T. L1 -.I. of Ccoanside. j'poii Ln-testigation it TjlJas rou~~,fi t.'rL:it 3. li.tt7.8 strip of' \.*, i -- '"? i:md or ei"' lying ..,__ nl..I..- along St. bialo Beach is not wtthln th.e ~0~-p0~75:te 'aouxdaries ~-,IL~P <,LC> . ~LS>O~ XCGlel.Iai2 st~.t& th2.t he 124 tolf! .tk;_t. W,ter *T W,"f --A. A-athority OffTce t72at C~P~SIX~. was riot ~~i~~p~~~e~ in tkris baycel or ?-sad ai1c-j fC1.L l;h& it sho~ld ppopekJy be 8. part 0; rJceassCde; sac!. .k5G.b 11e fi?lt the 'fiat.ec Authorftg were sat isf is<. and. t'~e re gould be no delay 0 n t h3 -t a c count . an n- ,*,3y~p :>~ici71~11~:~ 2.1~~ s.:ri;i:ounced .t:i%t 8. "eqcest had come i'r<jcl tl% 1;igh S chooi Si~str5c.t' kc ga~e & f;elz.ili:il repressntbtlve or? the School I~~s$-ri~ S-lurlg CoiTt:lLt, ks. The Council 5g ccrnmox Ccns,1:n~ authorize6 khe Ma JOT -t.o nmne .a cftfzen to YepFeseEt the ZOI.LOLTIC~~_ on this cor.~.i!itli;eo. hx,ouirlceaent ;-Jas maGe of ';he f~~thco~~ing ~5~5% of the Chestmobile 1- LO !:a~";s;3~rj, an3 request of' the Ccmt;? Cspartment of ?ubl?c fiealth i'or help frol? the City in securi_rlg co-op6i-stian of tkte Cornmnit,g for this $i?DgE'&ill. Y'%L~L hetrig no fui_?tb,era Fvusinese to cow bsfore the ~eetiny, Srmi. Cs.s.t~-r,ena moae.3. .t.:s adjouTn t~ 7:Lv Fr~c~3.9 e.r+zcins, a+, the p.:-!--* L L b'uv " "alb . Sec~~ded 303 CL~LC;.S~~. a11 8728, MatLsLi c;~.PYT~~, rles c?ct.?u.ll>- subnitted, 7.i /z&g6/f;<+?kb xDyjJAi,2 G. iI;AAGTJTy -""""""_"""""- """""- bIIlvij'j'GS OF $i3JC~~.:7.~3ij i+i>LnLi*r G GF ~$i~~,~~.>> C ZT'Ef I,." ,J !.Tb IL "'""C"~~ nATT\ m. - - Febl-uar.;F 6 J 1955 - .LL.J.~ 1- riLe>ci;LljG P~S ca.ile6. ti, GL'!?.~L~ k:. " !.<-3v~r -.icZl.o11arL .' .l a'i 7:30 pb TI. Piassent besides the '~iagor ;Ne:'e Cou11Cilin.&1 2?.<?, Su-hkoi? ai-,.<. Cas-torena, Si-ober, f- wity Clepk T~BSC~, ai<. Fablic %o&s Gimctor E,art;sr, ;i'dsent, Go.rmcilma~1 Ths Inst;:l~lat;iori ~f fire h-yd.rz~~ts ;,vas t;?_e oiqi_gLIial su9-iect of the :.::c;&iing. i:i.ty Cl$:a!< Zz~erl re-0~ r Lty? thet Mr. Tr-~gg;, n;anager of bile ,2:lrlsb~..d l*iuut;lc;l. !!xi;atsr Corqany, had sa66 arrangerneni;s tbht X?. Sinas;' of the Fire V~de~;i:~I~~i;te~S of tje Pacific wcvlld be x3eking iirith tl?Sril at i p, G. oil uac3.nesG.ay, t7:e ll'~;? ol Feb-rua:-y, ?:rid. khat thc~ hoped to get rmw coniL;,?i:e Fnfovraat ior: ~ega-r;llIi:g tk ?-ilS?&LlFA!:iGK DI" Pire !IJr.jpari tu. -1 J- ,, ;;~;JS dec252f-j ti ~OT.~DO cj 1s 2~~s ion of .. le i~~~t~~ j zj- ki:ou.&?L -F;?l<+ps v;;;:\= sevc;.r.nl q~~~-~~~.;!.~~ i1-1 ~.~m:~~~L~~L -L'clt> ;,u~;?L:c~>. ::,':;is - -' 'I: ,,~~~~~&~<, cy),;. i;&se ;;.e~>e: r 1 t -__ - \-!-I .,,!G?.J."~: :I. be ;jc~~sj~-~~~ ?or L;itl: ;,ttf3ly ~G<~;~S.XI? .t~ i>i_13. !jae (.,LLTT a3.t.e~ JUI~ 1, 19-53? ~.ZG (2) <ail ;lie SL~. ke 2-tree.t y- Gol.t,.82, * - Ll"L-.;.LClIiS a36 '>.l/ai'VeY -L!\? i:fid L2.1 led., i;.ilcIi t:a~ tile 'fi!-, <.<Y.t?L' L;9iK;-a.L.,$- I -Sj.li 'cpe >. 1;itgr ar'tep t,hfL2 ;IscE,IL .,.,3ap? @!e u*" t,]-:,.: 'cjlifigs .. (ifs.C"]-;.;3,3;; =t:jFi$ :.,- .. x G:-:.- .,.. -. " ., 2 cj -....I. ii~atj.on of' r, iaTg:e Llil- p~i;ven.:nG diu tm, i:-;.\; of -t?~f; Zp3;% ---aq :s;~~ 1- v of ty;e .~~~~~~~~~L>, i,c; ,,-<,-;,(2 IT i2;j,i~k ir: J. -!e 1-c; ~. f .I C.!? "I 5, (-2 u~l..r,~~:i I. (16~~eiopi~itsr\*i,. ,.- ' <> .. :il r.2 3 *- .- ri- 7. 3 ;- .? L - .. (.I -. riC ...I 1. uy L,Za.,.; ?;?&< 3. :.e 2L,iL> LL..dLLl ,-. - ., , ,. bfl2 - >;?.\G7:'; [::<= rL.\ GI A- r) ,J-g 1 i :; -:; c ?.'I.. 3 w