HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-06; City Council; MinutesI b34 13 .;@ < CJ 4 I I 1 'I City Clerk zagen read proposed Opd-inance 7015, declaring ixdxx"-On to vacate a portion of Ogean Street,; Cm. Ed6 moved. the ad.option of o+d.5eance 701~~ :?s~~~~~~a &+?c.&: .:su+%on..': :I ha1 ayes *. 4 , motio'n carried. - citJT Clei.k revie?rJed proposed Ordinance 6015, regulating and 1%- cens5-g card rooms in the .City of Carlsbad. Cm. CastoFena moved that proposed Opd.imnee 6015 be furt'rer tabled to the next meeting. Seconded- by Cmn.EdeD All ayes, motion carried. ' City C1ei.k ITagW pepopted that he had ordered the fi:re siren, and had irlvestigated the cost of the telephone service to sound the alarm, -Nhich is $16.00 for the hstallation and $5.35 monthly. After discussion in the matter of Disaster relief, cm, UastOTena yc moved that the City Attorney be instructed. to prepare the necessary Ordinance, to be su5rnitted to the State Disaster Council for accredits- ti_on into the Federal set-up. Seconded by Crm-. Ede. 1311 ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk; was asked to have the City J-ttOPney parepare sufficient copies for 211 merr?bers trf the Council. Mayor X'icClellan reported .that he 'had rece'_vsd a telephone Ca.11 from 1:~ . Jennings rega'rding the bound-ary between Carlsbad and the City of Oceansj.de. TJpon investigation it VjZY found that a little strip Of 1md X3ing along St. Malo Beach is not within the coPporst6 boundaries of either City. Mayor XcCleLlan stated that he 'md told the Water Authority Office that Carlsbad.was not interested in this paarcel of land and felt that it should pro'pe%.$y be a part OF Oceanside; and that he felt the l'iater Authority were satisfied and tkre would be no delay on that account. Eayor iYicClellar_ also ancounced that a requast had come from the *? High School District' to name a Zo~~ncil representative on the School %using 3tud.y ComiikLee. 'The Council by common consent authorized the Mayor to name 'a cF tizen to represent the Council on this conx-i'c tee. Annowcement was made of the forthcoming visit of the Chestmobile to Carlsbad, and request or" the Co-mty Department of Public Eealth for help Trorn the City in secur'ing co-operation of the Community for th.is program. There being no further business to corne before the aeeting, Crm. CastOrena moved to adjourn to 7:30 Friday evening, at the City Hall. Seconded. by CLm.Ede. All aSes, motion carried. g+fi2<fwy+% Res ectfullg submitted, v DVjA L, . EAJELI, i p lerk. -"-_"""_""""-~~" """""- ( IJIINU'I'ZS OF ADJGT_???l;j3D lQ3ETING 07 CAXLS."Dr"lT;I CITY COUNCIL FebruapLT 6, 1953 The mee-thg was called to orclei3 by BIagor %Clellan at 7:30 p. m. Present besides the Xa~~or were Councilmen &e, S-atton an6 Zastorena, City Clerk Hagelrl, and public Korks Director Barter. Absent, Councilman Srober. The installation of fire hydrants was the original .subject of the rresting. City Clerk aagen repo~ted that UP. Trygg, manager of the Carlsbad. ktua.1 Eater Company, had- made arrangements thzt ldr. Shaw of the Fire UnderwrLters of the Pacific wo1d.d be xeeting with them at 1 p. ra. on Viednesday, the 11th of February, and that they hoped to get more coapitte information regardLilg the ins2silatiox of fire hydrants. It xas decided to ;orego discussion OP tile matter, although there v~pic3;~i: several questioris in v!?l:ck the Cowcil wgs %nterested, sn6. these were: {I) Vould It, be possiSle for -Lue .dtat:r Company to bill the Zh'cy after July I, 19535 md (2) Gail tile State street T- cor,iiec.; -t i) LOIM and ve. lves be irlskalled, and can the '!;a+p,I- coasaq bill the City after this fiscsl year? One of the 'things ~~,scQss~~?. TT~~~ '-7 ~fii: 0 Tg;snTzation of' 8 large :GI- provenant district of the area Vjest of the TiTee.vts--- y , to &.kc: pa~t in. Pke p~~e~enti~a development. 1 , .x, The City Clepk Tea.', a let bei? ;p,z~fl the >~:pa~?;i~~~~~t; of' Fub-jiz ;'jerks 0'4 regapdiizg kile &>a -.: 2 <.A tIb:i of $789.11 as the Jal:1&ry qu.arterly paplefii; 2b o .\>fie .9 \,l ! :- by 02 ~a~1s';;;aG. "-1 x.rie payment was nade to complete ths amount the City h8.d budgeted for expenditure i;iiis L"ischf yea?, of $6240.00. The ammts pa-:? ICi Sctober aa,J ~ra.~&y t~~d~~L~ tkis amount,. X~iwevar, Carlsbad has deposftec io iLs cre<:.!--b LE 'che State ,Treasvry, $4680.70. The City lZlei7k peported tliat he hhc ;VTl'G',ei: ~,~p. E,gl~.theL ai' t5.e " ~ta.ta 2~vls;con of ~iig~i~d~ys tyiG,t his sugg~sJ~~o~~ to t'.,.- '- -~ llG lviayo:* for a Keet- Lng 3'6 2 p. m. 011 &br-aarg 25th vms very satisractory -to the City. A,.u i3t, :,x.!$ 'che Councii, a -1 l'ileye kcCllg no ~u~.~~~~ '~~~:~i~ss to co:-c' ~~~'~LOi1 207' adjoumxnent was m?:: by ;mi. ZastorcflB, seconded by Cm. ' Sutton All ay5b, x~tJi_~n' ~a;":~:'la~i. V Rgspectfullg submitted., 1.6 &-d*w LL i 'BI 2, sty ,R*k Clerk ,. II _"__""""__"""""""""" C ()I$ Sa T TQ&P 5 C I G T;:EE% T:TG K'JO1.y ALL, KEN BY THESE PR3SZTJT3, tha t we, the unders tgned cons ti- tute the five .me:';iibers of' tne 2iL) Soulzcil of ths CitJy of Carlsbad, California. Furthe-;., tthat we all, collectively and singula.-rly, hereby consent to a special Couricil maeting to be called or! the 13th d.ay of February, at ":SO oTc10ck p. m. of' the g-ezr 2953, in the City Zcl1 03 the Citg of Carlsbad, California, for "Le purpose of dealing wIth matters re- latirig to the management of t'ne sanitation facill:ies of i;h= CaTlsbad Sanitary Cistrict, payment of xonies fo~ expenses which h.1-e bees in- curred by tke Carlsbad Sanitary District, and f'or ;Ilatteps relathe to planning a2.d zoning. This consent shall be filed with the City Clerk 02 t'b City of Carlsbad at the commencenent of said specla1 meeting. /8/ X. X. CASTGZENA /s/ C. D. McCLET,JXG /s/ G. A. G30EEX /s/ LaA ){e SUTT@q /s / ZA3,ICN"u C . EDE """-~""""_"""""--"""~ , XIXUTZS OF SPZCIAL XZZTIXG OP CBZLSBAD CITY CO'TJXCIL Fe'c~uaq-13, 1953 Meeting called. to order a-1; 6:05 p. m. by Mayor C. 3, McCleilan, pursuant to written "Consent to Special &ei;lng", signed by all Kern- bers of the Council bad filed with the City Clerk prior to the opening of' the meeting, which "Consent" is att2che.j i1;I:zat;to md made a part hereof. Present besidss the 2,k.yor were Couxcilmen GeoTge Grober, Lena Sutton, Raymond Ede, City Cle& Edward G. z&gec, Ctt~ Il'reaswer. Roy Pace, and City Attorney T. Bruce Smith. Absent, Councilman &nuel Castorena. Also present Tfiere H. 2. Anderson, C,A.iinthony, Charles Ledgerwood, 3, E. Sonneman, and J, F. Taylor, menbers constituting the Board of' Directoxas 03 the Carlsbad Sanitary Dfstrict 011 the 15th day Of July, 1952. City Clerk Eagen read proposeG resolution vesting the management of the Carlsbad Sanitary Eistrict fzcillities in the person of the Public Go-?l.:s Cipector Of the City of ,Zarlsbad. After discussion of operating and administrative probedures, Cmn. Ede moved that the Reso- lution be adopted. Seconded by Cm. Grober. ?our ayes, no nays, Crnn. Csstorena absent. Resolution adopted. City Clerk Eagen read proposed Resolution aixthorizing the Treasur- er or" the County OP San Diego to pay current bills and expenses that have been iccurred in the name of the Sanitary District. Cgn. Ede noved the adoption 0: the Resolution, seconded by 2-mn. SlJtton. Four a,yes, no nays, Cm. Catorena ebsen'c. 3esolution adopted. Similsr Xesolut%ons were read, approved ar~1 signed by the Saritary