HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-02-17; City Council; Minutes16. .. illc;3 In appzara.ylL;e, as bsi'oye:, ~EC L1la.t the materials ussd. weSe Zile
sacs 8.9 '~ij.~se v.~;~,: ~piginalig. b.6 .3tat;etl $ha? ;*~e '"vas satfsfie6 -tk
strests :&:p;.Zd hulC u.p.
Aft.?.., vi 3:sc~,,.::.~ ...;on, Cm. -We rm-q$d tb3.t the drpector of p,lblic! Yjo&s l-l -.
be ilcle t;ructed. 'co grant acceptame of th.e pa.vii3.g when he feels th2.t tLc
st;:~ee'i;s a~e in proper condition. S~conded by C3n. Gyober. Ali ayesy motion carrieci.
T:j$x>t+ beillg EO fi~t.her ~US~Z~SS $9 collie before the Col~nCiI, Cm, Casl;orell2, moved pc.~~ az.jo:.i*-- ~~-~~.nlent at E:& p. n. Seconded. by Cm. Grebe?.
A11 ayes, meettng adjo?l.-clied.
Xespectfully submitted,
/ TJ
""".""- ,""-""""""""i--"
i TiTDXITES C)F ;bzzTj-;;G 97 GipL3"bkD GITy C:OTJFC -& -. - YI
n PebPU-ary " 17, 195.3
- .. iv!eetirlg call.ed to. opder &;T ?&~oP XCClsll~~i 5.t '7:95 p. XI, Present
ijeg ii;ss the :vIs.;;ror ~$:eps <d~t~i:t:;~.~~%;~ Cnstorena, Su.btoi?y GTObeY City Clerk Hagell, Fublic !$oyl*,s Ijirgckor Barter, City ;'ittoiliit;;y SmikZ:, and
- "
City Treasurer Fi;hce. Absent, ~Znx". Ede.
f~;~:~!~~.tes 02 %he meet.iQ of F'sb~-u..;ry 3i-a , and sdj orrrmd meetiug of Febra*m.ry ~L:L, iriiei'e -r.e-.rd m3. approwd.. ivlirwtes of the specizl meeting
or Pe'w~ua~g 15th FcePe re3d am. app'coved. Xinutes of the specla1 meet-
fag of February i5th were read and. appmve 6..
P ~1.t-j .* C: lepk Xager, read th9 folioviTgg cor;li~t~poilci~~~ce:
Let.';er Pporn ehe 3an Diego Gas & Electric, G~~parqr, enclosing con- traac-t Tor the term of ox y~~r , cove-cing street iightiyig at a monthly
clzarge of $j35.5~, Gm. Suttoc raised the question of the authority G:?
the Couulci?_ to Xaks S. contrg.c:t ex'cei>dhg beyond k?~ ~E?sF?D.~ fiscal
ccjci~;+. /.f'ce_r discussion, t?s m-tter was referred back to the City Clerk wit?) the request ih3k he nego-biate with .the San Diego Gas & Electric: Cor(g13an;~ fo'r 2. contract termTl3.ating 0.a Jllne 30, 1955.
Letter. from the DiTjisiorr of Z.ghm.ys advising t'lat Ca-r.lsbad.'s es-
timated. allocation of funds f~om gas t=: IInd for fiscai year begin- ning July 1, 1953, is $20,890.00,
Letter from th2 C2-rlsb3.d 3;u.tuei Water Goqany requestir-,g thet the 1. r
City Co1;illcjl rrieeting of Xarck l'it'n be sanceI?ed in or6er tha'i; the annual ineeting of the Carls'uad %3-ttua1 'I"ater* Compa~.y' Oi? the sane date mLght be attended by members serving on bot,lr3. the zouncil and 3ater Bonjlc!. It was agreed 'c'r1a.t -the C,vncil vsmld. n~eet as scheduled. and in- ms6ictelg adjourn to anoth-er d-ate.
Letter fxaorn the Carisbad ?io$unteer Fire Departrnei?t, UP~LE~ that i;he Cou;izcil explo TC esery p",,"' L-cirlcal poss i3ilitJT toivard.s the acquisi- tion of a site on iff'rdch to construct 8 pe~nanent Tire station,, an6
suggest Lns tviro sites which might be ccqLimd., ,Lhe nwt.hwest ad the southwest co-rne~s or Zlm Avenue axd 1h.d.tson.
Letter frorcl ti?e Ijeraonel Service Laundry, signed. by Roy J-. Eoyer, suggpstins that the 'ou.siiless licerise ordi-mnce be amerx3eil by a re-
Cipi'oC;cl clause requiring Ocemside l.aw,d.ries to pay the same double
fee as is assessed. Carls'oad l&;ul-i_dries operating ir_ Oceansijs.
Letter Tram tke Division or" IIigh-s;a.,s, enclosing f0-m copies of aaen(32mnt $3 to the figreemen% of iiiainterlance, and Resolution approv-
ing same. Crm. Sut%on moved the aZloption ol" the Resolution. Seeonad by Co1mCi2man Castoperia. COUT q ayes, no nags, Cm. Ede absent,
Lekter from t'ne S Late -&ter RISsources Board advising of t'ne for-
w.rding of the three roports rsqaesteti.
Letter frorn.Coum-ty C~S& enciostng copy of Ordina-nce &.277, chang- -ing Section -34 of OrdTnance $1258 1;. S, iieferreci to I&?. 3arter for
s tudy.
Letter from Debco Laboratories, signed. by R, T. BOrdent urging that a stop sign be placed at Elm and Washington against the Washing-
ton Street traffic. Referred. to ?$re Barter for tnvestigatlon.
Letter from the Young Mens' Christian Association t'nanklnf: the City for co-operation on Y;>~CA week.
Letter from the San Giego County TraTfic Safety Council, asking $245.00 as Carlsbad's share of the expense of the proPosed progra~~.
Copy of letter from the 'City of Monrovia to the League of Cali- fornia Cities with reference to the case of tb City or" Fetaluma vs. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Coo "nefsrred to the City Attorney for his study and recomendations,
protesting the latter's reso 3 utron recormending that ths architects' fee of 8% on school construction be dropped, showing how the archi- tectural'fee is broken down, and recommending that it be retained. 3e- ferred to IJP. Zwald Tor his informatio2.
Copy of letter from Cif of La Xesa to Delano Chamber of Commerce
4, was satisfied that ,the fire wall to be constructed. wai2l.d. be seficient ~3 protection against fire, and. that if there were no legal questions in- - vdved, he would recomiendlng the gramtiils of Mr. T- d.apore's request for
lf3 lip. Barter reported. that he had inspected the Rapore place and
variance, Xr. Iizymore was present and stated that he would construct a +foot walk between the buildings which would f'acilit8te firefight- ing in cas8 fire should break out. Cm. Ssstorena moved that the recom- mendation of the Planning Comlisaion be accepted , s-Jbject to the pro- visions and conditions impose6 by them. Seconded. by LU~. G-sober. All ayes, motion carried.
&. Barter reportscl. is.hat 35 or" t'ne 38 omem on Tyler Street had sigrLed t1w petition ask5ns Tor improvement of the street; and produced a drawing he had made showing Eke longitudkal profile of the street -a-nd explained engineering detaLls, pointing out that due i0-a low spot in approximately the center 69 the strip, the place was a very Sad mud- hole during .rainy weather. KP. Morena. and Xr , Cantabrana were present
and. explained the need for gettbg the street in shape, past efforts of the omers .to ,accomplish tbLs through the County, and their willing- ness to pay for it, City Attor.ney Smith outlined the procedure to be followed in,cpeating an irnprovem~ni; district, stating that no -election would be required. Cm. Castorena oi'f'ered a motion that the ratter be referre6 .io the Director of Public 'Gorks an.2 the City Attorney, to be
brought back at the next coul?cll meeting with the necessary documents. All ayes, motion carried.. Xr* Korena asked if a gcader could be sent
dom there, and Xr. Barter stated he would see il" this could be done.
City Clerk Hapen read the recommen6ation of the Planning Commis-
sion that rezoning frorn E-2 to R-1A of a 1arg:e area between Highland
Avenue, Rills3.de Drive an3 ?'ark Erive, and the freewqr, 8s described in the K\;,tice of Public Eearing, be gra2?ted; said request being at the
initiation of the ?laxmirig Cormission, supported by petition signed. by
24 owners of property in tha s~ea. Cm. Castorena moved that the recorn-
mend.ation of the Planning Commission be accepted , and 8 'hearing set fop
?$arch 3, 1953, at the City Hall, at 1:45 p. m., on t'nis petitaon. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes t motion car~ied,
Cum. Castorem stated. 'ne hiti ret with t'm Fire D,partment on Fles- day, the loth, primarily to discuss plans Tor 't'm proposed. ceremony, but that the question of future housing of the equipmmt was discussed. and
a suggestion made t'mt both Folice and. Fire Degartrnents should be com-
bined 'ixde2 one roof, so there could be a man in attendance at all times, He stated he believed the sites propose6 by the Fire Departmmt for
cOnsti2uC-Lion of a fire statio;: should be investigated by the Gjreckoi? or" Public iriorks ar,d cost es timates obtained. icip. %%her and XF. Eardin were present and. stated that Fire Deprtment persOy!ne1 would help ma-
terially in the construction of the building. It was'agreed thht tL6l.e
would ba a.d.vail'xges in having the. City offices, Police DepaIptrnent a&.
Fire Department conbined, such .as economy in stafcing, etc. The early crezt2on of a Civic Cent;er Committee was discussed to make a sEudg- of
tilis projecl; and. brbg in recoBmenda.tions to the Coil~c ii. CmI, Sz'ctOn moved blxt a Civic Genter Committee be formed, consisting of a rnember from ,-ii'rie Fire Department, a member from the PlannIng Commission, the ~ity,~lepk, one rnalc;o-c;p 02 -the City 3ourSci1, and the Public Works Di- yectop, with .tile councrl inex-odra to act as ChaiLman, to hvestigate Sites
for Gy-.y buildirigs. ~econdes by c-~I. Castorena. 811 ayes 5 motion
car-ried ,
Cmn, Cas.kopaqa reported that the comnittee in charge 02 -Lh Fire
~~~~~k~~~~-b cereaony h,ad. selected P;edr?esda?, rebr~~.~y 18th9 at 8 o~cloc~ at the city ~~11 fop the ceremony, 'udt ?he qmstion Of the short notice hiTas bPought up, also that it was Rotary night, ail6 it was (le- ' '
tided- to ,2~S-~p~i~~ the event for one week, to F'ebPuHry 25th at 8 O'cloc!C
at the City 311.
F'irgii iutl12p asked about pupchasing gas and Oil for the f$?e equip merit, and rfJas told to pap for tbe gas a~d. present bills at the uity office, as no contract; fop service and mintenmce of the ewipr11ent
had bee-,L iriace as 96t. The ratter of-1953 license was also brought UP and it was decided- tilat thcs ~us-b be deferi'ed Wtil afbr tranSi"t:f' of
-bhe truGk I;c, the Zi_ty at the ceremony.
k;-iei. a 15-minute recess, SiZJTor T,lcC;ieiI.an reco?'c*(=md. the Cocncil.
City clerk ;lagen peaci 'Li.ie f+~~~ov~j~~~ recommeudatlons of the Plan-
nlng CormCss ion:
That the atti;ention ol" the Council be drsva to a= apgarent non- conforming use of the building at $he southwest comer of Elm and
handled at the special reeking of ~eo~ua~$- 13th, no furthe? ac-tion was
necessary if: :;his kine.
~oos~~~~~t by- t;le uor~t~p-e~ta; n ~:3.kTr?_ Corr;.~.~.~l.~~ 6" ,eLc-Lc3 . S I.me -tie rrat tec was
'thh,t ii;he ggtitioy 02 -icca. ~ig~da---~~ AA6er a& Vivran Dindingeia for re-
classification. of property CieSCTrbed in the petition, from X-2 to E-3, be granted. Cm. Grober moved-that a hearing be set at 8:15 p. m. on &rch Sid, at the Sity Fall, on said petition. Secorided by cmn. Suktor,.
411 ayes, motion curried.
That the application of Anthony L. Xadeiros for variance to allow reduction in building site area on a poi:tia:l cf Lot 202 of Thum Lands, be denied. Ch8.imm.n Sutton of the Planning Commission was present an& stated that he and R. X. Smith, Secr2bLq of the Planning Coillri?issior1, had discussed the Cissirabilitg of addlng to Section 16 (a) of the zon- ing ordinmce the words "or at the discpz-Lion 02 L:ie Flzruring Cormis- sion". Artel? discussion of the possibiiii:ies or" such a change being. made, Cm. Castoi'elia moved th8.t kilis natter be continued. to the next meethg. Seconded by Cnn. Gpober. All ayss, mot icn carried.
That .Lhe application of Curtis ?outs for reduction of building. site .area on property described in t'he apglicatioLi be denied, 8s it could not legally be granted. Cm..Suttm moved that the recormendat ion of the Planning Corrmission be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ages, motion carried.
The City Attorney was asked vvhetbr requests fop reclassification
could be referred. by the Citv Clerk directly to the Plw-nf-rig Commission, to eliminate unnecessary delay, an6 stated that this wo~~-ld be permiss- ible .
Proposed Ordinance #6015, licensing an6 regulatkg card rooms, was revieNed. Cmn. Castorena stated that he 'had discussed the ord.inance
with the City Attorney, after recetving a complaint I'ron a card ,room operator who Pelt tkat, since only pinochle was played at his card room,
$300.00 per year was practically prohibitive for him, and suggested that $100.00 would be a fair fee for pinochle, where no poker was played. Councll ienbers agreed that if the fee were prohibitive, it might enco?wEge shady practices. iimyor 1vI~Cle~~~- suggested t'mt the scale prevailing in other cities should be studied before the ordinance 1 is reported back. Cm-. Grober ma7ed that proposed Ordinance #015 be referred back to Cm, Castorenn and tie City Attorney for further study. Seconded by Cm. Su'cton. A11 ayes, motion carried.
City Cle~k Eagzn read proposed Ordinance $9015, changing zgne of a portion of 'ilpect 117, Carlsbad Lands, from 3-1 to R-2, this Seine;
second reading of said ordj:mriceS Cm. Castorena moved the adoption of Ordinance $9015. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton. Four a-ps, no nays, Cmn. Ede absent. Motion carried.
Mzyor iGCClella-n reminded the Council of the meting with idr. BeutIle1
set for February 25th at 2 p. m., and asked the City C.lerk aIli3 Mr, Barter to do some preliminary work on the classification of streets, etc.
',j 2 Y $
?Is s
City Clerk was asked abollt- bids On gas, oil, and servicing Of 1C
clty-oi%3ed equil;ment, and statad that mne had- yet been receivecl*
T~~ request for funds from th? Sari Di_ego Traffic Safety c07x1ci'
was deferred until the next m$eting, SO that it cou1d be discussed with
'Chief 'Palkowski
the Robert Cutler special use permit matter was brought up, 8s stil remaining open on the agenda, and T~P. Barter reported that Xh?. Cutler had taken out a building pernit to alter an auxiliary building on the
premises at 2984 Madison Street, with the understsnding that no non- conforming use Wo'Vlld be made of the building.
Cmn, Grober moved that the letter f-om FeTsmal Service Laundry be referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendations, conferring
vjlth the City Clerk. Seconded by Cm, Sutton. A11 ayes, notion carried
The letter from the Debco Laboratories was referred to X??. Bartsr
for investigation.
Mr.,Barter was asked about the house numbering fop Terramar and stated tbt he had been unable to get to'SarL Cjego to get the grid but would do so within the next few days. d
Nayor ~v'kClellzn announced the League f of calir'orniz Cities ' meeting
on Friday, FebPuary 20th, at La Xesa, SEZ. stated that one subject that mag come up for discussion Is t'mt many of the cities are protesting the proposed rate increase of the Pacific TelephoEe & Telegraph Coo It wcs brought out that t'm basis or the application - inflationary conbi- tions .with anticipated. higher costs, etc. - rriight not be completely valid, should cond-itions stabilize as some authopities expect;, The City Attorney was askei to lock over a copy of the application.
Copies of an estimate of costs for fifty fire hydrants, prepsped by the City Clerk, were passed to the merribers, with explanation in de- tail by the City Clerk as to principal differeaces between the cheaper and nore expensive types. .Atte"-&ion w8s also drawn to a chart prepwed at the Water Company office skloxizg proposed locatioI1s 0.2 the hydrants. The City Clerk explained that there was some upgency as to selection of the type to be installed, as the Gallinger Construction Company, de- velopers of Palm Vista subdivislon, would soon be ready to install three in thelr tract, at their own expensa, to be of the same type to be in- 'stalled in other sections of the City. After cor,sider;able discussion, durfng which the sugges'iion was mde th% this rriYi.&t be a proper s.i;ud;y fl the new Civic Ceater committee, Cm. Castorem rnosed. that the Council approve the type of fire hydrant having the approval of the Fire UEder- writers of the Facif'ic, for use.in Palm Vista, and; that the Carlsbad Mutcal Water Company be so notified, Secolx!ed by Cmn, Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried o
The question of liceriing and regulating dance halls in the City of Carlsbad was d,iscussed, and ths ciatter referred to Crrm.. Css$orena and the City Kt'comey for sku6.y and. recommenda't'ions.
The City Atto_rr_eg gave a brier" Tesuine of the ~PG~MSS of the Sani- tary District s~~it, stating t'mt a decision was expected within a week, but that, whatever the decision mag be, it will prcbably be appealed as the intervenor had indicztedthat he would not be satisfied with less than an appellate court decisios. Xeantime, it was expectefl tlxt an ordel? would be made immedisteiy allowing the County Treasurer to pay the
.IGa.yor McClellan stated that the discouraging news had corne from the paving contractor that it will be some time before any sener connec- tions could be mad.e.
Cmn. Sutton reported. that the Kate-F Committee w.s meeting on Satur- day at 0, o'clock zt the City Hall, and that a letter had been prepared to be sent out to the comnity, which would probably be mailed sonetime next week; and that Co~~ncil members would be welcomd at the meeting.
Cm. Sutton also repopted that the Chestmobile mould be in Carlsbad on Tuesddy, March loth, and t'mt representatives front all organizations in
town .had been invited to atLLa,d a meeting on Friday, the 27th, for preliminary planning.
CKG. Grober reported 'that the City Zlerk had. written a letter to
Assemblyman Bulen regardi.ng the Lagoon project, Ee also reported t'mt he
had talked with. the Gs.'ier Cornpan37 manager about connections .from the
i. 1. Q
house to the sewer and he said that he would recowend the Opangeburg tile, and that he 'mew 02 SGGI~ citles t'mt were usixg it altogether,
as .it >vas much cbaper; that ;ie thought It vvas all right.
Cmn. Grober reported t&at he had 'taik:C wJth irlr. Lane;, vvho st3ted he would take out; the txo palm &pees which Krs. Yiest had recpesked be
removed, and. replmt them, at a cost of $50.00; md. that the Xenls Club of t'm Union Church -$ias having a meeting - on Thursday night, at which
time A1 Caxae was to bring up tils rflattera &lid aitenpt: b mise the money. The trees were to be replanted ~t the -Union Church, being of th? same variety as others alrea3.g there. Cm. Czstorena rn~veS that the Council authorize the renoval of the two psim trees in ques'clorl. Seconded by Cm. Sutton. Ail ayes, motion ca-rried.
It was agreed t !:at . XP. Tryg~, uiauager of tile Carlsbad 1Zutual Water Cornpa.ny, shonld be asked to put mto \w?-LTng his idem ad rt;com;lit;nda- tions on the GraEgeburg tile.
The matter of elsven stpeet s5.p~~~ ?or Garisbad IIi$Il.~>~.Is and Ter-
ramar, at d cost of $22,00 installed, was discussed, s.rd Cgn..Grober moved that the Eirecto? 02 Tublie ';i!'orks be authorized to have the signs
installed, prov?ced they ape a prcjpr charge against the Trar'iLc Safety
Fund, Seconikcj by Cml. Sutton. Ail ayes, motion carries.
&yo? ?ieC;iellan rednded the mernbers to _give special study ;;O bL&
minimum street :viiLd-bh provision. of the Subdivision Ordinance. He also suggested that t'b th-ee Peports froz tke Eat=? Fiesources Ejoark be checked ou't to members of the Council and. be kept cir-xlating.
There be ing. no furtker bushess to cone before the meeting, errhi , Grober moved fol. adjoumiiient, 2rm. C&storena. seconding. ?12,7 a>es, xie~~L.hg adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, 4 Lu&Tdi\$-
"""""""""" ._" " _"""""
~~ ~~ ~~ ~- ~~
larch 3, 1953
Meeting called to orcter at 7:05 p. m. by Mayor McClellan. Present besides the Mayar were Cmn. Castorena, Ede, Grober and Sutton, City
Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith,
Reading of the minutes of February 17, 1953, was waived by common consent ,
city Clerk Hagen reed the following correspondence:
Contract from the San Diego.Gas & Electric Company covering street lighting for next four months, terminating June 30, 1953, at a charge of $35.50 monthly. Cmn. Ede proposed the adoption Of a Resolution aPD proving the contract with tb Sari Die& Gas lie Clectric CoWanY and authorizing its execution. Seconded by Cxn. Grober. All aPs I Reso-
lution adopted.
Letter from San Diego California Club giving figures on tourist
trade in this are8 ard asking for $100.00 to carry on their advertising program. It was agreed to place the letter on file for future study.
Letter from the Atchfson, Topeka .and Santa Fe Railroad giving list of "foreign" improvements in Carlsbad on land owned by *he Santa Fe. The City Clerk was requested to notify thq- Santa Fe Railroad that the Coynty would be unable to provide lif,eguard' service at the Sta.te Park Beach as in former years , arid suggestkg a transfer of the. lease from the County to the City of Carlsbad. Action on the letter was de-
ferred pending formation of the Parks and Recreatkon Advisory Committee.
Col. Hagen stated that Mr. Irby of the County Health Department had ad- vised that the County could not even furnish the -sanitary heads from now on, but that they were Hecured 8yom Geo. Casey & Company in La &sa, ard tnat they ndght possibly service- them; that the County serviced them every day last year, and if' the City wishes to avoid this it should pass -8n ordinance and post the area.