HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-10; City Council; Minutes.. -f(
Eoard members, who were asked by the City council to give the Public 'jlorks Director the benefit of their experience and knowledge in the management of the smitaxy facilities.
City Clerk Ha-gen read a letter from Continental Saking Company giving in extensive detail the-scope of their proposed operations in the building at Elm Avenue and Roosevelt, formerly Stillman's C-ara.ge, in a C-1 zone. Mr, John F. Tiuryan, manager, was present and was q ues- tioned further in connection with. future opspztions, and. stated that these would consist. mainly of reloading merchandise baked in and hauled from San Diego, to smaller trucks fop distribution; retail sale of
goods returned on the trucks; mintenmce and servfcing of the trucks; and that no billing or accounting would be d.one at the Carlsbaci off ice. Cim. 36.e moved the adoption of a Resolu-bion t'rrat the proposed operations of Continental Baking Company, 3.5 outlir-ed. in their letter dated Febru- ary 13, 1953, do not appear to constitute a non-conforming use of the building. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. Four ayes, no nays, Cm. Castorena
There being no further business to c0.m before the meeting, Cmn.
ny me moved for adjournment, seconded by CTn. Su.tton, A11 ages, meeting
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RNGV AIL ?LEN BY TESk PZXSZiTS, that we, the undemigned, consti- tute the five members of' the City Council of the City of 'Jarlsbad, California.
Further, that we all, collectiveig md singularly, hereby consent to a special Cou-ncil meeting to be called OE. the 10th day of Iiarc'n, at
6:OC o'clock p, TI. of the year 19553, in the City Ea11 of -he City of CarltiSad, California, for the purpose of dealing ivit'n matters relating
to the management of' the sanitation facilities of the CarlsSad. Sa~~ita.ry
Dis tri ct ,
This consent shall be filed with t& City Clerk of tils City of Carlsbad at the commencement of sai2 specia.1 meeting.
.. /s/ c. 2. TJCCLELLAN
/s/ M. 12. CASTORENA
""""""" """""""""""
Xarch 10, 1955 -
Meeting called to orG.er St, 6:lO p. m. ,by Xayor C. D. Tv;cCleiian, pursuant to %Titten "Consent to Spocial Xeeting", signed by all -r;ieabers OF the council arid filed with the Sitv Clerk prlor to the opening of the meeting, which 'TC3nseilt!T is attacked bereto and rmde a paTt hereof. PresSnt besides the Ihyor ~116~s Councilman George GpoSer, Sapond Ed@, Xanuei Zastorena, City Glsrk Zdbvard C-. %gen, Sity Attoyney T &UCG Sxith, ar?-i?d Pu-3lt.C 30~ks ijirector X. H. Sarter. Absent, ZourLr:llman Lei;& I t
. Su'cton .
Tdiia~io~. itcZiellxll explained the purpose of the meeting, to aut:;o;?ize the Public: Works Eirector to rake written acceptance of the restorad streets when they 'nave met his satisfaction, and also stated that in
telephone cOTlvePsation with 1.P. E>y-p1 Phelps, er_g;ineep for the Carlsbad
Sanitary District, he had been given a connection date of' April 22nd
and assured by Mr. Phelps that coxfirmation would be made by letter immediately.
Irir. Sarter stated that the repaving was a.s good. as could be expect- ed in a. patchwork job; that th5 streets will be as strozg, if not as
*' 'nice in appearance, as bel"o?e, ard that the materials used were .the
saxe as those use: oi5ginaily. He stated bha-& he was satisfied bh.~ streets vso-~ld. hold up.
After- dlszrssion, Cmn. Ede moved that the 2irectoP of public 'Jljorks be instructed. to grant acceptame of the paving when he Peels that the
streets a7re in proper condition. S5conded by Cm. Grober. All ayes, motion carpied.
There being no further buslcess to come before the %until, Cum. Castoi-ena moved. ?'CP a5.jaurmrlent at 6:45 p. rn. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. A11 ages, meeting adjourned.
Zespectfully submitted,
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I~~ZS OF m~~x OF CA~SBAC r31~v couxrL - -
February 1'7, 1953
';vieeting called to. order by ?Layor XcCi911w at 7:05 p. 111. Present
besides the XaJror were Councllrflen Castorena, Sutton, Gmber, City Clerk Hagen, Public Yorks Director Barter, City 6ttol'i~t;y Smith, and City Treasurer Psce. Absent, Cmn. Ede.
U.nu.tes of' the meeti% of 5'ebru.Cry $16, and adjourned meeting of Febrmry 6th, were read and approved.. Xinutes of the specizl meeting of Fe'wruary- 13th were read am approved. %inUtes of the special meet- ing of Februaq 13th were read and. approved.
City Clerk Sagen read the foliowi~g corTespoadeace:
Letter from the San Diego Gas ZC Electric Compmqr, enclosing con- tract for the term of o=le year, covering street 1ightizg at a monthly charge of $35.50. Cm. Sutton raised the question of the authority of the Council to make 8 contract extending beyond .the present fiscal yea?. After discussion, the matter was referred back to the City Clerk with the request that he negotiate with the Sari Diego Gas & Electric Company for a contract termintiting on J,ne SO, 1955.
Letter from the DiTrisioE of ;iig:hwags advising that Carlsbad.'s es- timated allocation of funds f-rorn gas t%: f'und for fiscal year begin-
ning July 1, 1953, is $20,890.00.
Letter from ths Carlsbad ihtual Water Company requestirg thzt the h n
City Comcil meeting of' Xarch 17th be cmcelled in ord-er that the annual meeting of the Caylsbad h-tuai 7v'ater Company. on the same date might be attended by members serving on both the ?ouncil and 1: dater Board. It was agreed that the Council wmld meet as sched.uled and im- mediately adjourn to anothe? date.
Letter flnorn the Carisbsd VoJunteer Fire Department, urging 'chat the Co-iincil explope everay practical posstbility towards the acquisi- tion of a site on which to construct a permanent Tire station, ant; suggesting two sites 3Thich might be acquired, the northwest aral the southwest corners of Elm Avenue and Ivhdison.
Letter from the Fersonal Service Laundry, signed.by Roy' A. Boyer, suggesting that the business license ordi-mnce be amemled by a re- cipiqocal clause requiring Oceanside Laundries to pay the same double fee as is assessed. Carlsbad laucdries operating ir_ Oceanside.
Letter from the Division of Highways, enclosing four copies of anendment $l to the Agreement of hiaintenance, and. Resolution a prov- ing same. Cmrt. Sutton moved the adoption of Yne Resolution. 8 econed by Councilman Castorena, Pour ayes , no nays, Cm, %le absent.
Letter Prom the State Water Resources Board advising of the for- warding of the three reports raquested.
Letter from' County Clerk enclosing copy of Ordinance ;&277, chang- ing Section 34 of Ordinance g1258 X. S. Referred to ?A?. aarter for