HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-26; City Council; Minutes,2 0 a 2urtby pepy t ai; the Eext Counc%il mee "Cng . cm, castorena fupther reported! that the police car could be Pur- chased on t2x Tallowing Sasis: total price, including sa,les tax, $2243.38 one-third down, $743.30; unpaid. balqnce, $1500.08; $13-1.35 per ;-!Onth for 12 months. fig stated that a lo-rg;e:r term. on the? balmce could ?x3 arrmged., with lower payments, but that he wotlld recommend the 12-month plan. Aftep discussion 03 ths various plans, cm,, .~as.toyena offered. 8 resblution tl.a.t .f;1~ City of. Carlsbad. enter into a lease=purchase agreen16nt on a. police c81 balance to be paid in a 12-month L%rbd. at $131.25 per month, which in- eludes 5% interest; and that the Co7Aaci.i authmize the p.ilPChase of a si.;.en and the 'cransfsr of a yeceiver and transmitter to the car; total price of tile car, $2243,38, inclading sales tax; and. that the officem of the ~fty be authorized to execute a lease-pwvhase contract, as approved by the Cit~i- ?.t,tor&y. Seconded by Gmn, Ede. All ayes, no nays, resolution adopted. Cmn. Gastorena recommended thst the City begin paying of:? ths badges of the volunteer policerfl.%, as the men have about $200,0G each in= vested in guns, unifoims, etc. 2m. Castorena moved tkat the city Z1er.k . begin paying for the bad-ges or" the volunteer polLeemen at the rate of two per nonth. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. n ._- qvi..bh - GIxoil-&IJ.t?r XotoT3, 03 the basIs of $743.30 initiel paynen%, wit;h tk A City Attorney Smith stated that he hzd just receive(: 2. sc~py of the franchise executed by Southern Counties Gas Company wi-th the'County. It was agreed that the Cit:? Attmney be authorized. to negotiate Ihji'!>h the Southern Co;xntries Gas Company for a franchise, City Clerk Iiagen read a Resolution of Intention to vacate Ocean Street a's the westerly end of Oak Avenue. Cm. Casborena moved the adop- tfon of the Resolution, Seconded by Cm. 9c].e. All ayes, motion carri,ed, City Clerk "ragen read. a letter from Xr. Earter to the City- Council containing est-imated costs of maintaining a st;reGt lighting district, of $639.00 per year for a period of fim years, and submitting proposed as- sessment of $5,81 per lot per yew, covering 1.10 ~ot,s. fiesolution of I~- tj.nn to c:ce3.te Terramar ZSght';ing District was also read, C~I. G,ober nlOVL?d. tb.t the report of th.e ulxaectop of Public; ?~C.~-.;~<S as to Terramar Li@tin$ Dist12ict be appoved, Seconfieci by Smn, &t;ton, All ayes, io- tion carried, cm. Edc nlGVed that the %solu-biion of' Intention to cpeate Terrarnm Lighbing District be adopted, Seconded by Cxn, GpDbep. j2J1 a:j'cS, no nays, Resolution adopted. 7. - Propossd Or3inance %IS, amending Ord.Sm.nce 9005, pedeftnillg the word "street", was given secon2 i-eadin.g. Cm, CastoTcrm moved t& a.?L~pm tloli of o?dirimce 9016, Seconded by Crnr n.1 ace. ' All ayes, mctiaa carried, Due .to i; IB lateness of the hour (iL: 30 p. m;) and the an0un.t 016 work remaining, Cmn,.Grober noved for EJ-journment to ?<!:arch 26th at 7.;cjQ p. % seconded by Cm, Sutkon. All syss, rno tion carrie4. Fiespectfu1ly submitted., $& ~~ / $e&yl .-{7 /. - L ,,. LC.JZ: 2 IT r; ward G . ria ge m?. Clerk I' "-"_"--_"""""" """"""" -$, NINUTES GP ADJCLXTEC ~\;~~T~<~ OF CARLSBAD CITY CO~~JCIL - - " March 26, 1953 - fket9"o.r;- cnllecl. to order at 7:05 p. 'in. by &ym nr lrLcZlell;~n . Present bes2iitr:s the Xa.yor were CC)-~.I.JC~.~~~ Sutton, Ede, Grober, C5-t~ Cln,:c*k ::azen, City Attorney Srriitk, Tablie i;iopks Di~ector E8~-Ler. 3 Cm. Ede move4 that the readizg ai" the mlnutes or" the n;eethg of TJarcll 19th be mivecf. Saconded by Crm. Sutton. .Ail ayes, motion car- r::lod. " DLP. JP,I~?~~s 'Y. Slake z1:nd Kr. Bill Yalsh, Sanitapim-s Pron t;he County Ilea.l.th Department, weTe present and e;rglaiiled in great; deta5.l present FTO- cedures being foll.owed. 2x1 regarc: to permletion tests and inspections on septic tanks as requi%ed on FHA, 'V'A and CVB-i-n~red cm.structio~, and stated that the County wozld like tc continue to pr0vid.e this service RS it bas worked out most satisfa.ctorily. Ee stateci. t&t this service costs 12 the applicant $4.00, and incLiLdsa inspections of ‘the septic tank and drain lines, and a certificate to the agency that in the opinion of t’ne sanitarian the system will operate satisfactoriIy, Xr. Slater stated that the County could provlde daily service, as they ’nave a man stationed at both Encinitas am3 Oceanside. :?Tagor McClellan stated that he had talked with the Chief Architect of FZEA and that agency will accept the certificat ~ of Mr. Barter. , .” Cm, Sutton asked how other d ties in the County were handling the ppoblem, zn.8 Xrir. Slater advised.that with the exception of Coronad.0, which has no septic tanks, the County 5.s making the inspections in all titles. City Attorney Smith stated that in order to transfek this function to the County it would be necessary to amend t’ne present ordinance by de- leting Ghat portion dea-llng with septic tanks. The question 02 tke comtg”.s requirement of a 6” side wall, instead of the 4” wall required by CarlsSa#ts p-resent ordinance, was d-iscussed, aE8 MY . Slater stated that the 6 wall was mch better emst:mction and added only about $8.00 to $12.00 to the cost of ths septic tank, 24 After considerable discussio-n, during wbiish Mr. Barter stated %).-at Lii + he felt he was qualified to make the Inspeztions and that the city should 4 retain these inspections under Its $resent OFdinance, Cmn. Sutton moved 23 that the matter be set fo;. consideration on the 7th of April. Seconded 4 by Cmn. Ed.e. Ail ayes, motion carried, It was suggested tha* general contractors, sewer contractors am septic tank contractors should be con- tacted . City Clerk iiagen read the following correspondence: Letter from Don Euffman a pplyir?g for the posftion of life gua-rd at the beach. / Recommendation from the lolice Departmen’t to draft a resolution I against all types of fireczorks, as beisig too hazapcious. Letter From the City of Gcesnsicce, replying to Carlsbad’s proposal to rent a portion of the transmission capacity of Oceansiclets high pres- sure water line, advislng that they did not wish to erttcr into any agree- rrent at this time, A sketch on the r“uel-’r,ar,dling installation off the CarLsbad beach, for which the San Diggo Gas & Electric C0,pang has made application, vfas ‘studied. by Council members, and no objections found, Cm. Sutto~ reported tbt she ha6 contacted. !Lr. Geria-~~I regarding remova.1 of the libpary Prom the Journal office, and he had stated that .the37 need.ed- the room now used b~ the library; t’mt at %he present time the i-encals .‘aimowtbd bo- about $38i.00 per month, . The question was dis- cussed as towhether an arrzngement entered into wlth th County woxld be equitable, 1nasmuc.h as the people of Carlsbad, t’hrough the lib,ra%y tax of 74 per $100.00, pay an estimated $3500.00 annually to the County for this service, and the possibility of using this money for establishing a City 3.ibra-r.y was brought up. Cmn. Sutton was asked to explore’ the matter fur the-r. &yor TVkClellan stated that Dean %well had proposed that on this whole matter of county-city relationships, the problems be packaged up and en early meetkg arranged with tlae Board of Sunervisors, Mr. EIeggland, khd the heads of my departments involved, to infoj?mally discuss these matters Ivk. Stevens of the law firm of Dau’mey 2c Stevens was present and requested a continuance until the next Council aeeting on the Lawrence Felt application. for special use permit; to, allow construction of a trail- er court at the ~exr of the Royal Palms, as he stated he was unprepared to discuss the case. Mr. Feist, attorney for some of the protestants, was also p-resent, m-d consented to tb cantinuance. Cmn, Ede moved that consideration or“ the Lawrence Felt application be deferred until April 7th, Seconded by Cm, GroYcr. All ayes, mqicion carried, City Clerk Fagen read a letter from the Citg of Carlsbad to t’he Carlsbad Edutuzl viater Company, regarding the advisability of making ap- plication to the .Sa31 3Tego County Yiater Aui;horrity, in case a need. Tor supplemental water arises bel”or;e annexation to the Authority is completed. It was decidea to redraft the letter, making the poivlt that , if acted ,2% upon at all, i-i; Lust be done immediately before Other agencies have taken their full entitlements . cm. Sutton reported 'chat the Parks acd Recreation Cornittee, at thei-r meeting on t~ 24th, had disc;ussed the matter cf accepting a trans- fer of the lease from the county, and felt that no action should be taken at the present time as to accepting this lease, due 'to the fact that the ' beach is a regional beach, serving other areas besides Carlsbad; and every pressure should be exerted to get the Coun'cy to pay for at least the major portion of the life guard services, amouEting to $2886.00. %H stated that the state recreation man had in"ormed the committee that 28% of the use of t5e beach was by Carlsbad, 60% from witb3n San Diego County, and the balance from all over the country. Cm. Sutton also stated that a suggestion was 'made that to avoid operating at a loss, parking areas should be designated and fees charged, the people of Car1sba.d to have a small sticker entitling them to pay 104, with all other cars paying 50%. Also, that in view of Mr. Snervrin't statement that as soon as dredging on the estuary begins the basin will be closed to the children, possibly part or all of the money appropriated for tk,~ life guard there might be applied to the State Beach life guard. Cmn. Sutton arinounced that, in the matter of the hens Vista Lagoon the State people are coming down and would like to have a meeting with a. member from the Boa& of Supervisors. Cmn. ,Grober stated that the log shows plenty of water, about 300 Zeet, and, -while it had not been analyzed, they had d-rwik some of it and it was not salty, but very good. It was brought up that trailer camping has already started in the beach area, and measures to stop th.8~ practice should be initiated as soon as possible. Cmn. Sutton stated that the committee had decide3 that the best ordinance, among those studied, was the %ntebello .ordinance, and had made a recornmendat ion that 'this be prepared and .sent to the Plan- ning Comission for study. City Attorney Smith stated that them are certain abatement measures available to the Chief of Police, state .laws w'dch could be enforced. Cmn. Sutton stated her commYttee felt it very urgent that an ordinance be drawn up and pcssed. as soon as possible, and it was decided that enough mimeographed copies should be made so that each member of the plamiq Commission, each member of the City Council and each member Of the €'arks and 3ecreation Commit tee could hve one and all work on it at. the saqe time, Bulletin >:3 from the Lea.gue of Califo-mia Cities concerning legip lation affecting the distribution of fines and forfeitures to cities was reviewed, and it was decided to make a protest to the passage of the bills on the basis that the cities need these revenues. Cw, Ede moved that the city Clerk be authorized to send Senator Kraft and Assemblyman hlen a message opposing the passage of SB 1100, which provides for a dffferent manner of distribution of court fines and forfeitures, Second- ed by Cm. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried. .I City Clerk Hagen read a bulletin from the TJ,,gue of Cities sug- gesting that support be given a bill introduced by the California Re- tailers' Association concerning increase of sales tax. No action FVaS taken. City Clerk Hagen read Ordinance 101:3, a civil defense and disaster ordinance. ' It was agreed that in the interests of clarity all references to "City Administrator" should be delet.ed in the ordinance. Cmn. Ede moved the adogtion of 0rd.inance 1015 with the deletion of t'm @ords "City Administrator wherever they appear. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. Four ages , no nays, Cmn. Castorena absent . A Resolution covering civil defense and disaster was read and ~ discussed. Cnm. Ede moved the adoption of the Resolution on Givil de- fense and disaster. Seconded by Cum. Grober, Four ayes , IM) nays. Cm. Castorena absent. Resolution adopted. City CIe& Eagen was asked to confer with Cnm. Castorma regarding the appointments to be made. em; Grober moved to waive first reading Of proposed Card Room Ordinance No. 6015. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read E recommendation from the P:caniEg Cornmiasion that reclassification from R-l to R-lB, upon tw initiation of the.Plan-. ning Comission, of the .ape8 bounded by Las Flores Drive, California State Highway XI-SD-23, Laguna Drive, arid the easterly boundary of Buena Tist& Gardens and the southerly and. northerly prolongations thereof, be -.-I 2 granted. Cmn. Ede moved that a 'nearing be set at 7r30 p, m, on April 21st, at the City Hall, on said application, Seconded by Cm..Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried. Cmn, Ede moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ord- inance setting up Zone B-IB, providing for single-family dwellin@ on 8 6000 square foot building site area with a minimum frontage of 50 feet on a dedicated street. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. All ayes, motion carried. City Attorney Smith reported that. word from Senator Kraft indicated that the Senate Bill to secure submerged and tidebds for Carlsbad had been killed in Senate Committee, due to the unsettled Federal tidelands issue, Cm, Grober reported that he had gone over some of the streets and had found three very bad places, the two worst being one on Basswood which has been in poor condition since Schultz moved some houses over 1% some time ago, and one on Magnolia, and that he felt that these two plaoes should be taken care of at least temporarily, He also reported that the lower end of Jefferson Stmet was in bad shape, due to 'the fact that since construction of the freeway began, the gutters haven't been cleaned out .X and the watter has gotten under the pavement and- cracked it. Mr. Grober !.(> was asked to keep in touch with Mr. Barter on these matters so that they .,e .J may be taken care of. as soon as possible. :14 "7 ' I.., I ,:".S Mr. Barte,r reported that he chad been down on Tyler Street on an inspection and Mr. Moreno had asked him what progress was being made on the Tyler Street improvement matter, and said that he felt that as long as all the residents on the street had petitioned forthis work and were willing to pay for it, that it should be done without waiting to work it in with other construction plans, After discussion, Cm. Ede moved that the Director of Public Works be authorized t0 prepare plans and specifi- cations for applying the 1913. Act on the improvement of Tyler Street, Seconded by Crnn, Sutton. All ayes, motion .. carried. The matter of ,payment,, or part payrnent, of the printing bill due the Carlsbad Journal ; was discussed, and Cmn, Ede and the City Clerk asked to confer and work out at least partial payment at this time. The proposed subdivision ordinance, No. 9025, was carefully studied. It was decided that required width of streets should be 60 feet, except streets not mom than 300 feet in length, with a cul de sac, which could be 50 feet. The clause regarding the bond guaranteeing payment 'of em- ployees was reinserted. Can. Ede moved that first; reading of Ordinance 9025 be waived, Seconded by Cmn. Grober. . A11 ayes, motion carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Cmn, Grober moved for adjournment at 10 :lf; p. m. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All. ayes, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, v L' 2' : k9.& -,$-c?,, .I_ ./ / * P. / c - ' d- .< Edwa.r$k?f Hagea,gity c&e~k """"""~""~""""""""""""""-~""""""-~""""~~ g MINUTES OF 14EETING OF CAlUSBAD CITY COUNCIL hril 7. 1953 IJieeting called to order by Mayor bClellan at 7:OO p. m. Present besides the Nagor were Councilmen .&storem, Sutton, Ede, Grober, Public Works Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith. In the absence of City Clerk Hagen, Natali'e Vermilgea was asked to act in that capacity, Cmn. Castorena moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of March 26th be waived. Seconded by Cm. Ede, All ayes, motion carried. The following correspondence was read:: Letter frorn the State Division of Real Estate suggesting that t'neir office be furnished with a blanket letter covering the fire protection offered by the city of Carlsbad. questfng copies of my ordinances covering refuse and industsria'i waste Letter from the 'State of California Department of 12ublic Works re-