HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-04-07; City Council; Minutes.. -. "I. : granted. Cm. Ede moved that a hearing be set at 7:30 p. m, on.April 21st; at the Oity Hall, on said application, Secondad.by Cm..Grober,. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn, Ede moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an on%= . . inaslce setting up Zone B-lB, providing for single-family dwellings on a 6000 square foot building site area with a minimum froatage'of 30 feet on a dedicated street, Seconded by Cm. Grober. All ayes, motion carried, City Attorney Smith reported that' word from Senator Kraft indicated that the Senate Bill to secure submerged and tidelands for Carlsbad had been killed in Senate Committee, due to the unsettled Federal tidelands Issue. . Cq. Grober reported that he had gone over some of the streets and I had found three very bad places, the two worst being one on Basswood which has been In poor condition since Schultz moves some houses over it some tine ago, and one on Wagnolia, and that he felt that these two plaoes should be taken care of at least temporarily, He alho reported that the lower end of Jefferson Street was in bad shape, due to 'the fact that since construction of the freeway began, the gutters haven't been clean& out ,CQ and the watter has gotten under the pavement and cracked it. Mr. Grober la was asked to keep in touch with Kr, Barter on these matters SO that they TF may be taken care of. as soon as possible, 0' 4. 4 Nr. Barte,r reported that heohad been down on Tyler Street on an inspection and Mr. Moreno had asked him what progress was being made on the Tyler Street improvement matter, and said that he felt that as long as a11 the residents on the street had petitionad forthis work and were willing to pay'for it, %hat it should be done without waiting to work it in with other construction plans. After discussion, Cm, Ede moved that the Director of Public Works be authorized to prepare plan^ and specifi- cations for applying the l9ll Act on the Improvement of Tyler Street, Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes,, motion carried. .the Carlsbad journal^:, was discussed, ayld Cmn, Ede and the City Clerk asked to confer and work out at least partial payment at this time, It was decided that required width of streets should be 60 feet, ex-Ezept streets not more than 3OO feet in length, with a cul de sac, which could ' be $0 feet, The .clause regarding the bond guaranteeing payment 'of em- ployees was reinserted, Cm. Ede moved that flrst reading of Ordinance 9025 be waived. Seconded by Cmn, Grober, - A11 ayes, motion carried, I The matter of payment, or part payment, of the printing bill due The proposed subdivision ordinance, No. 9025, was carefully studied, There being no further business to come before the meeting, Cmn. Grober moved for adjournment at 10~15 p. m, Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All. 'ayes, meetfng adjourned. Respectfully submitted, V b! &-6<%!agen,yi 4 ' &tp&Lg& ty c,lerk ""-~"""""""----""""""""""""-~""""~~"-~""""-"~ i HDUTES OF NEETING OF CABLSBAD CITY COUHCIL I Meeting oalled to order by Mgyor McClellnn at 7::OO p. m. Present besides the Mayor were Council;rean.&istorena, Sutton, Ede, Grober, Public Works Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith. In the absence of City Clerk Hagen, Natalie Vermflyea was asked to act in that capacity, Cmn, Castorena moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of March 26th be waived, Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. The following correspondence was read:: Letter from the State Division of Real Estate suggesting that their office be furnished with a blanket letter covering the fire protection offered by the city of Carlsbad. questing copies of any ordinances covering refuse and industrial waste Letter from the 'State of California Department of Public; Works re- ,.2.:4. disposal, for use.'in an investigation. being conducted, Letter from Hr, Heggland, Chief Administrative Officer of the County ' of Sari Diego, confirming verbal report submitted to Cm. Sutton regarding costs of maintaining lifeguard services and sanitary facilities a% the Carlsbad Beach. Action deferred until Cm. Sutton's report has been heard. . Letter from Division of Highways., signed by Mr. Beuthel, returning fully executed copy of Amendnent No; 1 to the ei$;g-Sbte Maintenance A- greement. side, advising that the letter from the City of Carlsbad, dated April 3, would be studied and referred to water authorities for reccomendation. Letter from IkrlsbaB Ivlutual Water Company, replying to letter from Letter from Franklin Lilley, Administrative Officer of City of Ocean- the City of Carlsbad dated March 3Oth, advising that a resolution had been passed by the Board of Directors that the Water Company is inter- ested in obtaining supplemental water to fill Calavera Lake. Letter from Carlsbad ktual Water C~mpa~ly, replying to letter from the City .of Carlsbad dated March 30th, advising that a resolution had been passed by the Board of Directors that the Water Company is interested: in obtaining supplemental water %o fill galavera Lake . .i Letter from Carlsbad Nutual Watep Company, ,signed by €3. E', Trygg. recommending Bituminized Fiber Sewer Pipe and Fittings as suitable for building sewers aad sub-surface disposal fields, It was announced that Lawrence Felt had requested a further defer- ment of action on the recommendation of the Planning Commission on his application for special use permit, on the grounds that his attorney could not be present; and that Mr. Feist attorney for the protestants, had consented to the continuance. Cmn. hde moved -that, since the attor- neys for neither side were present, the hearing be continued to April 21st at 7:45 p. rn, Seoonded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Di'scussion was resnmed on the question of whether septic tank inspec- tions should be retained by the City, under the present ordinance, or delegated to the County, which would requim amendment of the ordinance to change specifications from a bg concrete side wall to a 6" concrete side wall. A letter from Anderson L?C Robinson, plumbing contractors, was read, expressing %he opinion that the City should retain inspections on all building and health work. Mr. James P. Slater and Mr. Aden Irby from the County Health Department were present and explained in detail why they felt the County should perform the inspections in Carlsbad, stating that all other cities in the County except Coronado, which has no septic tanks, use the County specifications and inspection servioe, making for better uniforaity. Mr. Slater stated that the County would muah rather render this service initially than to be called in later on a nuisance .basis , after a septic tank failure. He explained that the change to the new specifications was made only after long study and recommendati.ons from Qarious interested groups, that the 6" wall was nec- essary to insure maximum strength and utility. He emphasized the faot that the County could now provide daily inspectaons. Cm, Grober stated that he had talked witin Mr. Landes of Oceanside, who had told him that their agreement with the County had been written in such a manner that they could change back in 60 or 90 days if they found it,was not a satisfactory arrangement, Mr. Slater stated he definitely felt, after consulting with officials of FHA and other lending agencies, that retention by the City of the in- spections, under present specifioations, would jeopardize the lending value of Carlsbad property. Mayor HcClellan stated that he did not get the impression from the Chief Arohitect of FEU that in retaining these inspections the City would be restricting loans on Carlsbad property, and that he felt the matter should be followed up and the question set- tled. Mr. Slater stated that he would be quite willing to accompany the Eayor to FHA, Leo Williams, septic tank contractor, .spoke in favor of the City retaining the inspections, stating that the 4" wall had proved satisfac- tory in this area, and gave facts and figures indioating that 6" wall eon- S$i%ct$m would cost the owner $35.00 or more over the bn wall. He stated he would like to get the matter settled 86 that contractors oould tool up ., 4: .: anti bid jobs with c.onfidence. tha% specirications..-tsould nat.be changed per-. iodically . Mr. Galinsky, =other contractor, sta%e.d ... thk +&....would. like to see the .specifications mifom. -26 street dance, be denied, Seconaed by .Cm, Castorena. . An. ayes, motion carried, Cm, Ede reported that it had come to his attention that an applica- tion had been made to park two trucks carrying a B-29 fuselage .on .the va- cant property at State aad Grand belonging to Miss Gpetchen Tuthill, but that Miss futh-fll had refused permission to use it, Be asked if it would be possible to close a street for a few hours to permit parking of these trucks, which Is to be in connection with a demonstration of the Civil Air Raid Warnag Service, if no other place wdre available. After dis- cussion, Cmn. Ed0 moved that the City Clerk be authorized to nake eye= effoA pussible to secure a parking place for this equipment and that every possible co-operation be extended the Air Raid Wrni-ag Service, Seconded by Cm. Castorem. All ayes, motion carried, After a lO-minute recess, during which Cmn. Grober was excused, the Can. Castorena, reporting on needs of the pipe Department, stated. Coxmi& was reconvened at 9 ::15 p, m, %hat most vitallymeeded were three nozzles which, according to figures supplied by Chief Virgil Lueher, will cost 469.00 each for the two l*" nozzles and $48.00 for the 1". Another vital need is chemicals wh%ch have heretofore been fmished by the Department. He -commended that a fund of $5O,OO be set up for this purpose, He stated that the budget of the Fire Department was ready and would be in Cmn. Ede's hands very short- lY * Cmn. Castorena reported that he had consulted both the Fire and Po- lice Departments regarding permissbon to -sell fireworks in Carlsbad, and both departments are definetlg opposed to it. Cm. Castorena moved that the permit requested by George Hillam to sell fireworks in Carlsbad be denied. Seoonded by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk was to notify Hr. Hillam. Cm. Castorena also reported that the Bits Attorney is draftlng a burning ordinance, which will be ready shortly, Heantime, he stated, it should be decided whether the Fire Department should bum the weeds off vacant lots as had been done in the past, making no chap&, but ao- ceptfng any .donations that might be -de. Chief Luther stated that in the past a letter had been written to the owner of a -lot whicrh should be burned, and it was decided that the Department should not be burdenea with notifying owners but that the City should provide this.stenogra- phic service, Cm, Castorena was asked to give Nrs, Vermilyea the names of the adjoining owners to Mrs. Alexaader, who had phoned him that weeds on property on both sides of her home were a fire hazard. On. the question of primary responsibility on highway fires, Chief guther stated that the V&&untary Fire Department is required to go to %he scene of the fire first, and if they cannot handle it, the Forestry Kill come in, . Chief Luther also stated that a special foam nozzle costing $80.00, called a foam play pipe, would be of very valuable assistance to the de- partment in fighting oil or gasoline .fires. Cmn. Castorena recommended that this be considered later, when other funds are available, and moved that the City Council authorize the purchase of three nozzles and $50.00 worth of chemicals for the Carlsbad Volunteer Fire Department, at a to- tal approzimate cost of $236,00. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, mo- tion carried. Chief Luther was asked to furnish the City Clerk with the exact description'aad other details of the items to be ordered, Fire Chief Luther reported that the Department had moved the siren to different lowtions and different elevations and ma40 trials at eaa, but had concluded that it does not have enough volume, and asked that the Council consider returning it and purchasing the next larger sue. af- ter discussion, Cmn, Castorena moved that the next larger size siren be purchased on a trial basis, ud the present one returned, Seconded by Cmn, Ede. All ages, motion carried, Cmn. Castorem reported. that William Stpornberg of 2922 Roosevelt Dtreet had offered to construct a building on a piece of propetty on Boosevelt between Grand and.Elm, which he would lease to the city at a nominal sum for housing the fire equipment, until such kine as a'per- manent site is'acquired, The building would contain sleeping quarters and. the Departmen't would have- a man on duty at night, Estimed-.monthlg rental would be #Zj,OO to $27.00 on a 3-gear Lease. The Firemen- would assist materially in constructing the building on a voluntary basis, .. IT; Cmn, Castorena 'was asked to confer with.. the City Attorney &.work, out somc thing defirmite on which the Cowncil..could act, Monthly report of the Fipe Department was read. Chief Luther 'stated that there were 14 firemen on the active list, and that an effort was Be- ing made to raise the roster to 20 men. He also pralsed highly the Police Department for its assistame and co-operation with the Eire Department. Cmn, Castorena brought up for Council consideration the matter of using trusty prisoners for street cleaning work, etc, He stated the, cost would be only 859 eaeh, the cost of one. meal, Police Chief PaLkowski was asked to comment and stated that a minimum of supervision would be nec- essary but that some additional tools would be needed and the work should be laid out so that there is very little time lost, Hayor fyf&lellan re- minded $he Counoil that care should be taken in selecting the work for the men as they should not be exposed to injury, inasmuch as they would not be covered by State Compensation. It was agreed that where practi- cal, trusty prisoners could be used for the types of work discussed. CmL Castorena suggested that, inasmuch as Traffic% Safety revenues would exceed $2600 .OO this month, the purchase of the police car already 32 authorized should be on a cash basis, thus saving considerable interest. '?3 After discussion, Cm. Castorena moved that on the purchase' of the PO- $ 31oe car already. authorized, the terms be changed from monthly payments 3 to cash, Seconded by Cnm, Statton. all ayes, motion carried, 4 I Police Chief Palkowski read the police report for the month of Maroh, adicating a total of 77 oases processed, He was. asked about the morale of both the paid and reserve officers, sbce the addftion of a third of- ficer had reduced their working hours. Be stated that at the present time the night man works ten hours and day man a 3Z-hour shift, but that, ef- fective next week, each sh3ft would be reduced one hour. He st;ated khat all were dolng a fine job and morale was high, but that he anxious to add another man as soon as the budget would permit, He also reported that the Police Department had acquired a pistol range at the Horace Kelly rrurch- and the land was being prepared by a bull-dozer. Chief Palkowski stated that in addition to their police training, the regulars and' the reserves had attended FBI school and Narcotics school and had received certificates, I Cmn, Castorena suggested that if' the Spring Holiday. festivities In- clude a parade, he would like to have both the Police and Fire Depart- aents in the parade, Mayor McClellan proposed that as a gesture of appre- ciation to the police and firemen, the Council consider giving a djnner for them. Copies of the financial statement for the. month of Qrch were passed to members of the Council and made available to the press, City Attorney Smith, in a31m&r to 8 question regard- the legality of allowing any bills payable to go over into the next fiscal year, stated it could be done but was not good budget procedure, that the fiscal year should be adhe'md to in this respect, Can. Ede was asked to consult with the City Clerk as to how many of 'the items could be paid fn the immediate future. on some very bad spots on Basswood and bgnolia; and that the County will post the signs which are on hand, furnishing the labor, the City furnishing %he materials. He was asked about defects appear- &a the patchwork repairs on the street whew sewers were installed, and agreed that the contractor should be called back to fix them as per agreement. It was suggested that where "Not a Thru Street'" signs were posted on st-et tenporzririly open, they be covered to avoid confusion, Nr, Barter reported that he. had ordered the County to 'do some work I On the matter of using the Orangeburg tile for sewer connections, Kr. Barter stated-that-he had use.d it for underground electrical instal- lations but not for sewers; that it was good material but very brittle, and that he was sure the City ordinalace calls for t'ne use of vitrified clay tile. He stated Mr. Anderson of Anderson & Robinson did not thihk too well of -it and he was inclined to give weight to Hr. Anderson's 0- pinion. Mr. McC1ella.n reported that MP, Anthony stated that they had re- ceived a very favorable bid for %%e sewer connections; and that he had suggested mother conference between the Council menbers, or some of them, and the Sanitary Board; that they are anxious to find out whether it would: be possible to use the State matched funds. He stated that the :.) 2.8 . . chlorinator had been ordered. and they were concerned about getbug ac- tion on the sewage disposal plant,. It was. suggested.. that if there. is to be ary question of bond validity, it might be wise to go back into court mil explain the situation and ask authority for the Sanitary Board to ini- tiate 1911 proceedings. It was agreed that the City Clerk or Mr. Barter should request a new set of application forms from the State, abandoning the .- earlier application. on the Beach matter that for the present time the Cify not take over the lease; that according' to the lease, the County must give a year's notice to the State to give it up; ahd that until after the proposed city-county conference, very little cay^ be done on the matter. She stated that she had asked the Auditor wheWr the ramp had been set up in the budget last year but he was unable to give her any information on it; that the commit- tee had written a letter further investigating the matter, Cm, Sutton reported that the attorney general has now ruled that the County may serve an incorporated area with a County Library at the rate. of 7$ per #100.00; that they are now serving two other cities. She gave figures on the Carlsbad circulation as follows;: 5,795 in 1950; 6596 in 1951, and 7215 in 1952; that at 13 books per capita the circulati,on shOiiXi.'ba::i9698, which the llbrarian felt could be increased t;O l5,OOO to 20,000 within a year if larger quarters were furnished. Cm. Sutton further reported that the County librarian had made a recommendation to the Supervisors that a branch library be- set up Pn Carlsbad, for which the City would furnish space (600 square feet), utilities and &nitor, and the County the books, repairs, a librarian (16 hours per week) m- til the circulation is 25,000; a ilesk, two tables, twenty chairs, thir- ty-two stacks (6 x 6, costing the county 60,oo 3ach); that the librarian job is under civil service and pays from t 172 to $210; that this propo- sition' has not been approved by the Supervisors, Cm. Sutton stated that the Comtg Librariavl did not look with favor upon the present City Hall as a location for tize library, as they would like to have it near the downtown markets, Cmn. Sut%on& stated that she Fiad been advised that setting up a separate library would require as a minimum standard 9%1,00 per year per capita,. and for good service $1.50; that the tax rate for the library. In Escondido was 2.145 mills per dollar in 1950, and. their budget was $10,646. Cm. Sutton stated that she had asked if 18 could be added to the tax rate to take care of the library rental a41d was ad- vised that it could be done; that the rate was set by the County and was uniform. Cmn. 'utton reported that it was the recommendation of her committee .. City Attorney Smith reported that the Netropolit- Water Distrtct application was temporarily halted, due to.the question of the City s legality. He also stated that he hoped to have a mimeographed form rea- dy on the trailor ordinance, for the next Council meeting. Hayor PleClellan asked members of the Council to look over a survey sent in by the the Chula Vista plaxming Board, regarding trailer parks. Due to the lateness of the hour and the amount of work remaining, it was decided to hold an adjourned meeting, Cim, Castorena moved that the meeting be adJourned to Friday evening, the loth,, at 7 p, m. Second- ed by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, motion carried, Respectfully submitted, v. + """""""""""""~""""""~""""""~"""""~"""" BINlTTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CAELLSBAD CITY COUNCIL April 10 .. 1953 Eeeting called to order at 7:lO p. a, by Hayor McClellan, Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Castorena, Sutton ad Ede, City At= tomy Smith. Absent, Councilmen Grober, City Clerk Hagen, and Public Works Director Barter. In the absence of the City Clerk, Natalie Ver- milyea was asked to act in that capacXty, Proposed Ordinance 6015, regulating a,nd Licensing card rooms in the City of Carlsbad, was read in full, this being second reading. City Attorney Smith stated that the ordinance is patterned primarily