HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-04-10; City Council; Minutes2 8 chlorrnator had been ordered and they were concerned about getting ac- tion on the sewage disposal plant. It was suggested that if there is to be any question of bond validity, it night be wise to go back into court and- explain the situation and ask authority for the Sanitary Board to ini- tiate lgll proceedings. It was agreed that the City Clerk or Mr. Bartbr should request a new set of application forms from the State, abandoning the earlier applicatfon. cmn. 'utton reported that it was the recommendation of her committee on the Beach matter that for the present time the Ci$y not take over the lease; that according' to the lease, the County must give a year's notice to the State to give it up; and that until after the proposed city-county conference, very little cm be done on the matter. She stated that she had asked the Auditor whegher the ramp had been set up in the budget last year but he was unable to give her any information on it; that the comit- tee had written a lebter further investigating the matter. Cmn. Sutton reported that the attorney general has now ruled that the County may serve aa incorporated area with a County Library at the rate of 7$ per $100.00; that they are now serving two other cities, She gave figures on the Carlsbad circulation as follows :: 5,795 In L9jO; 6596 in 1.931, and 7215 in 1952; that at I.* books per capita the circulation shoula" be 9698, whioh the librarian felt could be increased to 15,000 to 20,000 within a year if larger quarters were furnished. Cnm. Sutton further reported that the County librariaa had made a recommendation to the Supervisors that a branch library be set up In Carlsbad, for which the City would furnish space (600 square feet), utilities and jaaitor, and the County the books, repairs, 8 librarian ('16 hours per week) un- til the circulation is 25,000; 8 desk, two tables, twenty chairs, thip- ty-t,wo stacks (6 x 6, costing the county 60,oo each) ; that the librarian job is under civil service and pays from t 172 to $210; that this propo- sition has not been approved by the Supervisors. Cmn. Sratton stated that the County Librarian did not look witll favor upon the present City Hall as a location for tie libpary, as they would like to have it near the downtown markets. cmn. sut'tond stated that she hd been advised tht setting up a separate library would require as a minimum stadard $1.00 per year per capita,' and for good service $1.50; that the tax rate for the library in Escondido was 2.145 mills per dollar in 1950, and their budget was $10,646, Cmn. Sutton stated that she had asked if l$' could be added to the tax rate to take care of the library rental M was ad- vised that it could .be done; that the rate was set by the County and was uniform. .. City Attorney Smith reported that the Pletropolitah Water Distrfct application was temporarily halted, due to- the question of the City s legality. He also stated that he hoped to have a mimeographed form rea- dy on the trailor ordinance, for the next Council meeting. Nayor McClellan asked membess of the Council to look over a survey sent in by the the Chula Vista rlanning Board, regarding trailer parks. Due to the lateness of the hour and the mount of work remaining, It was decided to hold an adjourned meeting. Cinn. Castorena moved that the meeting be adjourned to Friday evening, the loth, at 7 p. m, Second- ed by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, v. . """""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""~"~"" x PlINUTES 08 ADJOURf\TED IvlEETlMG OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Ami1 10.. 1951 Meeting called to order at 7:10 p. n, by hyor McClellan, Present besides the Mayor were Comcilmeg Castorena, Sutton and Ede, City At- torney Smith, Absent, Councilmen Grober, City Clerk Hagen, and Public Works Director Barter. In the absence of the City Clerk, Natalie Ver- milyea was asked to act in that capacity. Proposed Ordinance 6015, regulating ad licensing card rooms in the City of Carlsbad, was read in full, this being second reading. City Attorney Smith stated that %he ordimace is patterned primarily IC A after the San Diego rodinace, but that the fees are higher than in the Sa Diego ordinance and lower thaa in the Oceanside ordinance. .. Police Chief Palkowski was asked to coment and stated that It includes protions of sev. era1 oriiillaulces that were carefully studied and in his opinion was as good as any that could be adopted. Cmn, Sutton asked about .the application of the, ordinances &E.-~.the.l=wd&nan&e to groups such as the Women's Club, who hold card parties as money-raising projects, and was assured by the City Attorney that .such activities were not subject to the ordinance, After discussion, Cm, Castorena moved the &Wpt,toa::.6f Ordinance 6015, Second- ded by Cm, Ede, Ayes, Cmn, Sutton, Ede, Castorena, Mayor McClelfan, Mays none. Absent, Cmn, Grpber , I Cmn, Ede moved that first reading of proposed Ordinance 9018, cm- ing zone of a portion of Block A, Palisades, be waived, Seconded by Can, @a$torena. All ayes, motion carried. changing zone of portions of !bum Lands and Bella Vista, be waived, Se- conded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried, Cm, Gastorena moved that firgt reading of proposed .Ordimme 9017, Cm, .Ede moved that first reading of proposed Ordinance 9018, esta- 24 blishing Zone B-lB and regulating uses, be waived, Seconded by Cm, Sut- j..~ ton, All ayes, motion carried. yy 4 -' land, was read.in. full and .discussed. Section III-C, establishing width e of streets, was examined in detail, and minor typographical changes made. It was suggested that a clause be mcorporated permitting exceptions from the required width under special circumstances. Robert Sutton, Cha.irrnan of the Planing Commission, proposed that the Ordinance be passed as read, and consideration be gigen to and amendment which would cover such exceptions, cmn. Ede moved the adoption of proposed Ordi- nance 9025, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, Ayes, Cmn, Sutton, Ede, Cas- torem, Mayor EilcC1ella.n.. Mays, none, Absent, Cmn. Qrober. ment to Ordinance 9025, covering Section 111, Paragraph C-1, to pro- vide for narrower streets =der special circumstances, Seconded by Cm,, Ede, All ayes, motion carried, -9 Proposed Oraimce 9025, providing regulations for subdivision of Cmn. Sutton moved that the Planning Cornfssion consider an amend- I A letter from Carlsbad contractors and sub-contractors was read, moomending Lester Batcliff fop the position of building inspec$or of Carlsbad, Hayor ~%$lellasl reported a conversation with Mr. Rat- cliff in which he had asked Mr. Ratcliff whether he wou3g consider a park- time job ad he had answered that he mould not; that he would like to have the job and would take it on a temporary basis, but would not con- sider a part-time job. Mayor McClellan further stated that he had talked with Mr. C, C, Anthony, who had said he would be willing to work on a half time or part-time basis for $2.50 per hour, .and would put in every .day such portion of tae day as would be required to complete the inspection work, but would want to have the complete responsibility for the work. Kr, Art Snyder was present and stated that when he signed this letter he-was not aware that other applicants were being considered for the position; that it was not his purpose to get any man a job, but prim- arily to help the city to give the .most efficient service possible, He stated he felt Er, Ratcliff would be efficient and make inspections on Birne. After discussion, it was agreed that applications should be invited for a part-time building inspector, and that action be deferred until a conference with a oontractors' committee could be arraulged. Idjr. Snyder was asked to get together a committee of contractors to as- sist the council in this matter, and agreed to do so, Mrs.Vemilyea was asked to compile figures on tokal building permit fees, also elec- trical and plumbing permit fees, since the City's incorporation, I A ietter from the Carlsbad Sanitary District was read, adirising that traah collection service 2n the downtown area had been disoontin- .,... -3 ass,aB ~~~~~.c%~of9~5~~~~sei~w~~~f~~2t~ ~~~~~~~lope~~C~~~~~.$~~- sibility, C&Q, Castorena moved that a reply be sent to the Carlsbad Sanitary District asking whether they could continue this service until July I, 1953, which is the3biginnin.g of the new fiscal year, Seconded by Cm, Ede. All ayes, motion carried, The following corre spondence was read: . Letter from Division of Highways, fonfirming setting up of major street system, Filed, Letter Brom Olaf C, Hasen, P. 0. Box 66, Carlsbad, setting out 30 his experience and qualifications for auxiliary policeman under the Ci- vil Defense; which letter had been wrftten to Civil Defense, Los Angeles, and forwarded to the City of Carlsbad, Letter to Sgt, Dovey of the Sheriff * s Department, advising him that permission of the owner had been secured to use the vacant property In- aediately south of the Carlsbad Theatre as a parking place for the B-Zg fuselage to be displayed in connection with the Cfvfl Air Raid Warning Service demonstpation on April 21st. Mrs. Vemnilyea reported a telephone call from Hr. -Beuthel of the Division.of Highways, in which he had stated that their Legal Depart- ment would require two copies of both the gas &nd electric franchises to be granted the San Diego Gas eC Electric Conipaay; and that notice of protest would be filed within the .legal time; also that the gacra- ' mento office would be notified to mail any necessary documents direct to the City Hall. Nax Ewald made the suggestion that a Personnel Committee be set up to process appficatiom and haadle other personnel details, and It was agreed that this might avoid confusion and misunderstanding.. .. Approval was expressed by the Council .of the new policy of the . Police Department of comending careful drivers. There being no further business .to come before the Council, Can. Castorena moved for adjoument, Cmn, Sutton seconding, All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10:15 p. m. Respectfully submitted, v """""""""~"""~~""""-~""""~~""-~""""""""" MINUTES OF KEETTNG OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL A- *E Meeting called to nrdex? at 7:OO p, m. by Mayor McClellan. Present besides the .Mayor were Cornoilmen Sutton, Ede, Castorena, Grohrer, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, .City Attorney Smith, Polioe Chief Palkowski and Fire Chief hthe~, Cmn. Castorem moved that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 7th and of the adJourned meeting of April loth, be waived. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagerm read the following correspondence : Letter from the San Diego County Water Authority .addressed to Cm. Sutton, advising that her letter would be presented to the Board of Di- rectors at their meef;ing on April 16th. that application of the City of Carlsbad for ZjO acre feet of water had been presented to the Board of Directors and approved by them, itubjeot to certain conditions, at EL cost of $840.00 per acre foot at point of de- livery from the Authority system, Col. Hagen reported that the letter. was read at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, but that they are not ye$ ready to answer it. The City Clerk was .asked to achowledge t'ne letter and advise the Authority that the City is working on the matters" they have raised as conditions. Letter from Sari Diego County Water Authority to .Cm. Sutton lirdvising- Copy of letter from Mayor McC1ella.n to B. 8, Robinson, aqpointing him to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission caused by Zesignation of Tom Acuna, expiring the second Tuesday in April; and also appointing him for a four-year term beginning the second Tuesday in April. Copy of letter from Playor McClellan to Amie Stringer reappointing him to the Planning 0.qmission for a four-year term beginning the second Tuesday in April. Letter from the State of California Recreation Commission to Cmn. Sutton, signed by Arvid 0, Pauly, Recreation Specialist, advising that the Countyof Sari Diego cannot negotiate with the City of Carlsbad for