HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-02; City Council; Minutes44 ' Grober stated that Mrs. Per-ry had called at his home and stated that they had been nagotiating with the State for soae tine but that the mat- ter had been dropped sioce tney had aiivmced their price to $300.00 per acre, A11 ayes, iiotiontcarrS6.d. Cum. Grober reported that the Jefferson Street bridge will be open- ed very shortly and that residents of that area would like to have slow sips placed up there prior to that time, especially at the curve. Cm. Sutton reported on a confereice with the Army Engineers in which she, Paul Ecke, Paul Evans and Alh Kelly took part, in which they expressed accord that a harbor was needed between San Diego and Newport and agreed that Carlsbad afforded a good possibility and facilities, She stated that since the Sa Diego Gas & Electric Company's plans include changing the bridge, it was hoped that the Army Enginers would come into the picture and raise the bridge to accomnodate sailing boats. Cmn. Sutton stated that, while it appeared nothing could be done at this time, the Engineers seemed very favorably impressed with the City's interest in the matter and stated tbt the matter would be kept in mind, Acting Ikyor Ede stated that Bruce Smith and he had discussed the possibility of getting the Sanitary 'i3oard to take over the Chpistmas Tree Fund, but that the Board felt that they would not be able to do very much until their present assessment is out of the way, after which they may be able to convince their attorney and their engineer of the feasibility of using the fund on the disposal plant, Cm. Sutton,sug- gested that a meeting with the Sanitary Board be set up for sometime next week, to see what could be wopked out. City Attorney Smith stated that in conversation with Judge Monroe, the judge had stated that he would be willing to have the Distrfct go ahead with a new 19x1 Act as soon as they make a showing that the present 1911 assessment has been consum- mated. Nr. Barter reported that during the last two weeks repairs had been made to practically all the streets in Carlsbad, grading those t'hat have no pavement ad going over the pavement needing repair, except Monroe Street. He stated that funds for this purpose were now exhaus%ed and work on Jefferson and Magnolia would have to wait until after the start of the fiscal year. The question was raised as to whether more econo- mical means could be found than operating with the County on t'le present basis, such as renting equipment or contracting with a private concern, City Attorney Smith stated that a man had .talked to him about such a proposition, stating he contemplated buying a grader and would like to put it to work for the City. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Grober moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, meet- ing adjourned, &&$@g!jf $$ at LO:l5 p. m. Respectfully submitted, 4 V .. i( //L&$L eJ r ' .d'i,iq&,\ EDWARD G. HAGEN, C """"""""""""""""""""-""-~"~""~-~~~-~~"-~"- NINUTES OF PIEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL J-3 Meeting called to order at 7:OO p, m. 'by playor ~~IcCLellan. Present besides the Magor were Cmn. Ede, Castorena, Sutton, and Gr.ober, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith. Cmn. Ede moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of Hay 19th be waived. Seconded by Cmrr, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence: Le$ter from the Auditor's Office advising t'nat the deadline for . receiving the Cityts resolution for tax rates is the last week in August, a,nd that the Board of Equalization es'cicate of assessed valuations will be available sometime in July, Mayor McClellan reminded Yrze Council that 'E the Realty Tax Service c-ertificate contains this information, 14 Copy of letter from Bert McLees to the Board of Supervisors r.egard- ing the lease agpeement between the State and Sa Diego County, oovering the State Beach at Carlsbad and other State-owned beaches, advising that the master lease agreement may be amended by mutual agreement between the parties, but cannot be terminated in ets entirety except by giving a year's notice of intention to term"be. Copy of letter from Board of Supervisors to the county Counsel, advising that steps are being taken to eliminate the Beach Park at Carls- bad from the lease agreement between the County ayd the State Park Com- mission, I City Clerk Hagen reviewed letter to Nrs. Sutton fmm Mr. Pauley of some time ago, advising that the County cannot negotiate with the ' City of Carlsbad to operate the beach, and that the Division of Beaches' and Parks would operate it if the County would .not do so, The entire matter was referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee for further study and z-eeomendations , 52 Bil.1 Fry outlined a proposal of the Chamber of Commerce to devel- aa op a free parking area between the alley and the Santa Fe depot, from ?* Grand to Elm Avenues, at an estimate cost of $3OOO.OO to $3~QO,OO, e which it ,is proposed be divided among the City, the Santa Fe Railroad, .sr and the merohants, tradespeople and citizens of Carlsbad,' The plan d contemplates parking for 35 cars, and the construction of a retaining wall of about four feet, with a chain link fence on top, to separate the area for railroad use from the public parking area; paving of the alley by the City, and also posting it as a one-way street, Wr, Fpy stated that he had an appointment with Mr. Champion, head of the entire western operations committee, to discuss negotiation of a lease, which he felt confident could be obtained for a token payment of. $1.00 per year, or even at ho cost, He stated that proponents of the plan had in mind not. only relief from the parking congestion on State Street, but also the beaueiffcation of the area, and displayed ay~ artist's sketch and plans showing proposed marking and planting of .the area, and pho-. tographs of a, similar project in %~cfnitas. ' Mr. Fry asked that the City give serious consideration to assuming one-third of the cost of the projedt, and stated that. a firmer estimate would be furnished as soon as possible, Cm. Suttosz asked whether the City could properly expend money on such a project and City Attorney Smith stated that if the City held a Lease with the Santa Fe Railroad it could properly spend money for improvement, It was agreed that the project would be given serious consbderation, I Ffnis Johnson,, 2637 Jefferson, stated that three Acacia trees in front of his property were dying, and that the roots had raised and broken the sidewalk, which was becoming a hazard and po$mtial cause for lawsuits, He stated he had requested the County to remove &e of these trees several years ago and they had merely cut it off, leav- ing the roots, It was pointed out that there are no funds available at this time for such a purpose, but that pePmissfon could be given Ere Johnson to remove them at his. own expense, Mr. Johnson stated he could remove the .two smaller trees but the largey me would require Beavy e- quipment. Cmn, Sutton moved thativir, Johnson be given permission to remove the two smaller trees in ques%ion. Secoided- by Cra, Grober. AIL ayes a motion carried. ' The City Clerk was asked to write a letter of permission to Mr. Johnson. Mayor &Clellan asked permission to absent himself from the Cow- cil during the hearing of the application of %flinger Construction Corn- pany et a1 for zone reclassification, and asked Cmn, Ede to preside o- ver the heaping. City Blerk Hagen read Notice of Public Hearing on the application of Gallinger Construction Company and Edwin 14, and Nancye PI, Sheman for reclassification from E-2 to R-2 of a portion of Tract 237, Thum Lands. The retSomendation of approval from the Planning Commission was also read. htters of protest from Rr, and Mrs, Thad- deus Kuszinski, Nr, and Rrs, C, J, Hawkes, and ftfr, and Nrs. Harbzd L. Shim. Attorney Vroman J. Dorman of San Diego, representing Mrs. Myke Lewis and.Mrs. Gerow, explained that the basis of their protests was that the extention of duplex housing in that area would have a de- firmite depressing effect on the market value of their land, and that the type of dwellings, to be used.as rentals, will not be in keeping with homes now in the neighborhood. Xrs, Lewis stated that it was her w- derstanding that such public housing would not be restricted as to I race or color, and Nrs. Gerow, Mr. E. Ogborn, Mrs. Elwood Trask and Col. drastic, Mrs. S, C. Heisler protested that two-family housing would undoubtedly require a large amowt of additional water which might re- sult in rationing or decreased water supply for those with avacado groves, Col. Smith was asked to give the reaction of the Planning Commis- 6 Gronseth protested on the basis that a change from E-2 to B-2 was too sion on the rezoning, and stated, that in the absence of any protests at the Planning Commission hearing, the Commission could do little else than to recommend approval. of the application. He expressed the disappointment of the Commission at the seeming lack% of appearances, either for or against these rezoning propbsitions, at the Plavrning Commission hearings, Hr. Ogborn complained that under the County no- tice was given by mail to neighboring residents, but that since the in- corporation this practice has.hot been followed. Robert Sutton, member of the Planning Conmission, explained that the City of Carlsbad has no record of owner-ships md would have to obtain these from the assessor's office; that the. alternate method of notifying neighboring residents is by public notice in a newspaper of general circulation, as provided by lax; and that no hearings have been held by th.e Planning Commission which have not first been advertised in the Carlsbad Jouml, Etir, Dorman asked that the protestants be not prejudiced before the Council. because of their non-appearance before the Planning Commission, and' was assured by Acting Nayor Ede that no one would be prejudiced before the Council . Mr. Sherman, one of the applicants, was asked whether he would like to make a statement, and stated he questioned %he validity of those protests concerning the quality of the proposed housing, termed by some of. the protestants "shacksn, and the water shortage factor, as there were already a number of shacks in the area, and that the pro- posed development would provide additional taxes to assist in obtaining more water. . Mr. Harvey Gallinger of the Gallinger Construction Com- pany stated it was his firm belief that 70% of the building in Carls- bad would not come up to the quality of his proposed duplex. Cmn. Grober moved that the mattep be ref%rred back to the Planning Commis- sion.for f'uether study, Cm. Sutton asked Chairman Smith whether, with %%x so many protests at the Planning Comnission hearing, it ia doubtful if it would have come before the Council. There was no second to the motion to refer back to the Commission, Can. Castorem- moved, Can, Sutton seconded, that the application of Gallinger Construction Compayy et a1 for reclassification from E-2 to B-2 of a portion of !&act 237, Thum knds, be denied. Four ayes, no nays, Hayor McClellan not voting. Acting Mayor Ede thanked those present for appearing and giving their vfews, and returned the chair to Hayor HcClellm. i City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the State of California Depart- ment of Public Works giving notice of intention to request the Highway Commission to relinquish the portion of Highway 101 through Carlsbad, to be superseded by the freeway, W kjm to the City of Carlsbad. Mayor ~JIcClellavl pointed out that the frontage road, although shown on the map, was not specifioally described in the letter, The matter of 'the signals was discussed, and it was brought out that the electronic signals wme complicated and expensive to maintain,. and there was a possibility that the Sta.te would replace them with time-controlled signals. The City Clerk was requested to write the Highway Department, asking &hem about the changing of the signals, their average maintenance. cost on the elec- tronic signals, and whether they would have their crew maintain the sig- nals at the City!s expense; also about relinquishment of the frontage road, and whether the State would retain maintenance and control of the short length of Vista Way described in the letter, City Clerk Hagen reaCl the police report for Nay, 1953, covering a total of 20 accidents, 115 traffic an& other citations, aad 44 germ- . - era1 cases. City Cierk Hagen read a letter from. the Southern California Auto Club stating that they will have their crew here at an early date- to . set the signs requested and also suggesting ,that ffCurven signs follow the 'Slow'signs on Jefferson Street. Letter from the Police Department to Mr. Barter was read, suggest- ing -that "STOPB signs be placed on five streets intersecting Elm Avenue; Washington, Sate, Boose'trelt, Jefferson and Harding, Referred to the I z-2 i.:3 Yq-4 ,pY, 23 e l, I 1 .; .. City Traffic Engineer., Cmn, Ede moved that the City Attorney be Irz- structed to draw & targen6y ordinance effecting the traffic stops as recommended by the Chief of Police, Seconded by Cm,, Sutton, Art Snyder questioned the wisdom of stopplrzg traffic at two consecutive imztersec- tions, Grand and Elm, on the five streets mentioned, and it was decided to install the additional stop signs and make a check of the yolume of tpaffic carried by each of the two through streets, Vote on the motion, all. ayes, -motion carried. The matter of the restoration of. the green and red lights at Elm and Highway 101 was again mentioned and Wayor HcClellan suggested that 3.n the letter-to the Highway Department the City Clerk should ask whether they btend to restore the broken siea1 at Elm and Highway 101 to full opera- tion% City Clerk Hagen read the names of donors of the flag, and 'flagpole, as follows:: Acme 'Pipe Co, , I&. V, Kelly, Maurice Baird, Mrs. fdiartha Dumke ad IJIr; and Mrs. Max Panier (Nelody Malt Shop), Dr. W. D, Garland, Harry Black (Carlsbad Bakery) and H, B. Beaucage, The City Clerk was re- quested to write a letter of thanks to each donor, City Clerk Hagen read a memorandum from the Playfnlng Comrqission recommending that the City Council exert every effort toward persuad-g the State Highway Commission to provide an access road on the west side of the freeway, similar to the -road along the east side, Chairman Smith of the Planning Commission explained that due to the long blocks between Jefferscm and the freeway and the masly dead-end streets, it was very ap- parent that tradespeople, merchants, route salesmen, post-office employee etc,, will have a difficult time making their deliveries; aqd the -Cormis- sion felt that since the Highway Department had creeed this situation they had a moral obligation to alleviate it, Col, Smith st.ated 'that he firmly believed that within a year there will be considerable pressure brought to bear on the Council by merchaats aaid citizens to open up a road along the freeway, After discussion, PIr, Barter was asked to look iyzeo the matte'r and prepare a -1 presentation- for the next meetirmg of the Council, making a survey as to the desired length of the road, buildings on the land, whether it would be possible to acquire the land, etc. Mr. William Dindinger offered the suggestion that acquisition of the land should be investigated before the Highway Department begins- construction of it-s fence along the highway, at which tiae they will probably begin selling the odd-shaped lots bordering the freeway. Commission: City Clerk bgen read the following reconmendations of the Planning (1) that approval be granted the application of Benjamin B, Cappe t for variaace to permit reduc3ion of side yard setback from 10 feet to 6 feet on property described as. a portion of Tract 238, Thum Lands, located-at 4123 Harrison Street. Cm. Castorena moved that the recommend ation of the Planning Commission be accepted and var-iance granted as re= quested by Mr. Cappet$. Secanded by Cm, GTober. All ayes, motion Carrie (2) that the name nPio Pic0 DriveN be considered for the access road along the east side of the freeway, Col, Smith explained that the Commis sion had endeavored to get the suggestions of the public on the matter by printing an item in the newspaper but that only one name had been suggested, that of "Eisenhower Drive', which the Commission felt should be saved for a more important street. Mrs. Someman offered the name of "Foothill Driven. After discussion, Cxn. Ede moved that a Resolution be adopted naming the access road along the east side of the freeway, "Pi0 Pic0 Drive", in accordance with the recommendation of the Pla.nn3.ng Com- mission, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Five ayes, no nays, resolution adopted, Hr. Barter was asked to keep in mind the matter .of signs, and -of working out a grid numbering system for the new street'. (3) that approval be given the application of Paul I, Dindinger for variance to per~it reduction of rear yard from 25 feet to 15 feet, and reduction of building site area from 12,000 square feet to 11,874 square feet for %wo single-family dwell5ngs. Cmn, Castorena moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and varface grante as requested by Hr, Dindinger, All ayes, m0tio.n Carrie&, McClellan reconvened the Council, After a ten-minute recess, *during which Cm, Ede was excused, Hayor Second reading wag given proposed Ordinance 1020, repealing Ordhanc 46' 5 1006, and establishin a P- co Ass ni proposed Ordinance 10 0 be ado&gd. 2eco&eQ bfy& Gr , 8 be as $ orena, moved that Four ayes, no nays, Cmn, Ede absent, Ordizzance adopted, Second reading was given proposed Ordinance 9024, amending Ordinance 9018, establishing new front yard, side yard, and rear yard setbacks in Zone B-D', Cm. Sutton moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance 9024, Seconded by Cmn, Grober, Four ayes, no nays, Cm, Ede absent, Ordbmce adopted, Second reading was given proposed Ordinance 9026, amending Ordin- ance 9025, by changing required street width in new subdivisions, Cm, Grober moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance 9026, Seconded by Cm, Castorena, Four ayes, no nays, Cmn, Ede absent, 0rd;Suzance adopted. I Can, Grober moved that first readirmg of proposed Ordinance 9027, changing zone from E-2 to B-U3 of the area described in the E, Thacher petition for reclassification, be waived. Seoonded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried, Cmn, Castorena moved that first reading of proposed Ordinance 9028, changing zone of certain portions of Carlsbad Townsite from R-2 to C-1, ' be waived. Seconded by Cm. Grober. A11 ayes, motion carried, City Clerk Hagen read a letter to R, D. Garland of the Carlsbad Journal'from County Librarian Frances A, Hahn, giving notice of cancella- tion of the lease as of June 3Oth, and expressing appreciation to Mr. Garland and his staff for the co-operation and cornmity service extend- . ed in housing and operating the County Library during the past several years, Cm. Sutton proposed the following resolution: .- W€Il3RE=AS, the Carlsbad Jaumal has rendered service to the community for a considerable length of time at their own inconvenience in maintain- ing ad operatag the County Library, the Council hereby expresses Its appreciation for such cormunity service. Seconded by Cmi. Castorena, All ayes, motion carried, Proposed Ordinance 1025, creating a Parks, Recreation and Tree Commission, and also model ordinance from the State, was referred to* Ws, Sutton's comnittee for study and recommendations. Proposed Ordinance 2010, regulating bm-g, was sunmarized, Chief Palkowski reported that he and Officers Kolb and Rossall drove dovm.to El Cajon for the opening of -the new Police and Fire Station; that It was a .very fine lay-out, the two stations being separate but adjacent, Joined by a patio, aad that Hayor Fleming has an office in the Fire Department. Chief Palkowski also reported that his committee on animal study had had a- meeting a week ago Tuesday, which has been attended by Mrs. McKel- vey of Animals honyrnous, Miss Lucy Chvez of the Oceanside-Carlsbad Humane Society, Mrs. Swanson, bie Stringer, and others, He stated . that the meetPng brought- out that the problem is really of- larger scope than had been realized; and that the groups had come to the conclusion that further studies should be conducted on the problem of acquirjag a shelter to serve this entire area, Hrs, Swanson was made chairman of the Committee, with Chief Palkowski acting in an advisory capacity. Mayor McClellan stated that he was very pleased upon his return from the East. to read:-a report of the fine police work in the robbery at Terramar', Cmn, Castorena reported that before long it will be necessary to employ the third police patrobwj as originally recomended by his comd mittee, as the racing season is approaching, and earnestly fecominended %bat the Council begin considering this possibility, Mayor McClellan suggested that Cm, Castorena and Ede, and City Clerk Hagen confer as to the financial possibilities for hiring another man. Cmn, Castorena stat- ed that provision had been gade in the budget for 1953-54 for mother patrolman, . Cmn, Castorena stated that the volunteer firemen had been working diligently on the garage to be occupied as'a fire station and that it will be ready for occupancy very shortly, City Clerk Hagen stated that a letter had been received from the dlbro people explaining the delay in shipping the big siren as being due to difficulty in obtaining the motor. cmnO Castorena reported that there had been five fire calls durltng the laqt two weeks, to which an average of seven men had responded, arriving I 1: at the site withb four minutes. He reported that the State Forestry Service is giving the boys a five-week course, one nfght a week (Thursday: at the FQrestry station, Cm. Castorena also reported that one piece of that was tarps to protect furniture and mercbvzdise. He stated this woulc not be a costly item, and would tend to lower the insurance rates. Nayor McClellavz stated -he believed the newspapers should be given information on the progress o;f the Fire Department. r equipment had been omitted from the budget of the Fim Departmedt, ayzd I Cm, Sutton reported that the -Parks and Recreation Advisory Comittec were considering an over-all park plan, ad would like to have a down- town park and one out in the outskirts, She stated they felt it might .be possible to find someone who would be inj5erested in donating some land, and wondered about the advisability of putting an article in the paper, if the Council so wishes. Cmn. Sutton reported that the Conimittee had approached the Army lk Navy Academy regarding the land behind the Forest- She also reported that the Friendship Club is very aqxious to have a shuffle board some place dm-tom. ry,. but they stated they were contemplating uskrlg it for athletic fields. :x Hayor McClellan stated that he would like to suggest consideration If3 of a pool at the San Diego Gas BE Electric Conrpany .Encina piLant; that the ;-y4 e he required would be construction of the pool. The Comcil agreed to 2 give consideration to the proposal. cm. Sutton stated that suggestions water will be heated and would not need to be fiibtered, and all that WOUL had been made that some planting be done around the City flall, and it was suggested that an item might be printed 132 the paper asking if anyone had shrubs they wished to donate. Cm, Castorena reported that he had asked Father Kaspar whether the property at 3075 Harding Street was for sale and was told that they were anxious to sell it; that a price had been put on it sometime ago but he .did not know whbthm that price was still in effect. He stated he would Chapter 20 funds for purchasing a site was discussed‘, - write to the Bishop $or this hformation. The possibility of using I The beach life guard situation was discussed, and Mayor PlcClellan stated he believed it is an obligation of the City to provide a guard anq post the rest of the beach so there is no misunderstanding on the part of parents or children; that he considered this a very important service for public safety. Cm. ‘Sutton stated that there are really two areas requiring-“lifeguards, (1) in front of the hotel and (2) by the bridge .at Agua edionda. Cmn. Castorena stated that the Mexican-American Association has E funds for hiring a lifeguard at the lagoon which might be transferred to the other area, Cmn. Sutton asked about the Tidelands money, aad City Clerk Hagen reported that a letter has been written to Mr. Pauley, Hayor 1”IClellan stated that he was in Washington the day the Tidelands bill was signed and talked to Senator Kuchel, who had expressed the opinfon that, the opponents of the measure would take it into the Supreme Court, md that one of two things would happen; either presently impounded funds might be released, or all funds might continue to be impounded until the con- stitutionality of the bill .was established, He felt thEt the City of Carlsbad should probably proceed on themssumption thzrt the funds will be freed, and that the City should build up a substantial brief on why the State should expend funds for this beach. The City Clerk was given the following names to contact in connection with this matter.; Newton P. Drury, Chief, Divlsion of Beaches and Parks, Sacramento, California:;: Guilford Whitney, State Park Commissioner, ‘San Diego; Leo Carillo, State Park Commissioner, Santa Wonica; John A. -Hennessey, Acquisition Officer, Division of Beaches and Parks, Douglas,Bldg., Los bgeles. I The question of a Joint meeting with’the .Sanitary Board was again brought up, and Cmn, Castorena stated that the Board had had a meeting Monday night and agreed to take over the funds. City Attorney Smith stated that he had given them a written op,fiion that such an assignment would be proper. Nayor MoClellan reminded the Council that the $10,000 eggjneering fund must be applied for by July lst, and the $62,000 con- qtfwction funds by December 1, 1953, City Attorney Smith stated that l’egislation- to extend the, termi72ation date of the application for these funds is pending, and suggested that the City bommmicate with Senator Kraft and Assenblynan Bulea, urgug passage of the extension (Assembly Bills 1365 and.1366 and Senate Bills 112 and l33).. C~Q. Sutton moved that the City CLerk conmunicate with Senator Kraft and Assemblyman Bulen, urging the support of these bills extendug the application period for these funds to June 30, 1955. Seconded. by Cmn. Castorena.. All ayes, motion carried. 5.0 The City Clerk was asked to contact the Chairman of the Sanitary Mr. Barter reported that repairs up to the -amount of $600.00 had been made on Jefferson Street, and described the work that had been done. He also reported that the sewer:..contractors, Barber lk Breeden, had spent two days here making repairs. He stated that Plr, Breeden himself had beer on the job and they had gone over the entire sewer job. Board, setting up a joint meeting as soon as possible, Mayor McClellap brought up the question of Bilich furnishing bond to guarantee restoration of the streets, Mr. Barter was asked to .check Or- dinance #898 M. .So, under which the excavation permflts are issued. The question of the warrant for $ljOO*.OO turned over by the County, was brought up, and City Clerk Hagen stated that he is still holding it, as the contractors do not wish to sign it. IJLr, Barter was asked to make his charges for inspection, for reimbursement from the bond. The deposit for Bilich. - City Flerk was asked to confer with Nr. Barter and wo'rk out a bond OF cas1 Nayor McClellan stated that when the sewer job was proposed, he had called the attention of the Sanitary Board that a sewer would take qut many center monuments, and they had stated that they would see that, the monuments were tied out to reference pouts and then re-established so that they would be there for reference, Mr. Barter was asked to see whether this had been donex . Max Ewald stated that he had talked to some of the service organiz- ations in regard to getting someone to set-up a 'Welcome Wagon". He stated that there would be no expense to the City, the merchants would benefit by the advertising, 'and it would create good feeling with people coming into the cornunity and acquaint,> them with the places of business, the churches, and where medical services can be obtained, etc. Cmn. Grober stated that the Chamber of Commerce is going to set up an off ice, with a part-time secretary, and information would be available from them. It was decided that this was properly a Chamber function, and the sug- gestion made that Mr. Ewald take the matter up with the Chamber of Com- merce, corning to the Council if the Chamber could not handle it. 3here being no further business to come before the Council, Cm, . SUttt;0l3 moved for ad joumment, Cm, GroQer seconding, All ayes, meetbg adjourned at lO::35 p. rn, v: &J-md 4 .L &a/2 -Respectfully submitted, EDWARD G. HAGEN, flty Clerk. """""""."""""""""""" MINUTES OF SPEC= IIIEETINJG OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL June 8. 1953 Meetin called to order-at 9:OO p. m. by Nayor McClellan, pursuant to written f;;Consent.cto Special Meeting' signed by a11 Council members and filed with the City Clerk prior to the opening of said meeting, which "Consent' is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Present be- sides the.Iqayor were Cmn. Grober, Castorena, Ede, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works-Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith. Absent, Cmn. - Sutton. Also present were Sanitary Board members C. A, Anthony, H, E. .Anderson, John A. Taylor, R. H. .Someman, and Byrl Phelps, engineer,for the Sanitary Board. IJir. Phelps reported on his meeting with Mr. Russell Do Bell, Fi- nance' Agent, in Los Angeles, who had stated that the transfer of these funds could be accomplished by adopting a Resolution asking the Depart- .merit of Finance to make the transfer to the Carlsbad Sanitary District, Mr. -Phelps stated 'that he had prepared a preliminary plan of a disposal plant with an outfall to the ocean, in tentative figures, and that there were two application forms to be filled out, one for each of the funds. He estimated the cost of the site as $5000.00, of which half would be asked from the fund5,and a total of $35OO.OO to be used for planning, etc., which would require a transfer of $6000.00 of the planning and engineering fund. The question of agplykng part of the funds toward acquisition of a civic center site was discussed.