HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-08; City Council; Minutes5.u The City Clerk was asked to contact the Chair- of the Sanitary Hr. Barter reported that repairs up to the amounC of $600.00 had been made on Jefferson Street, and described the work that had been done. He also reported that the sewer contractors, Barber tk Breeden, had spent two days here making repairs. He stated that Mr. Breeden himself had bee on the job and they had gone over the entire sewer job. guarantee restoration of the streets. Mr. Barter was asked to .check Or- dinance #898 N. .So, under which the excavation permits are issued. Board, setting up a joint meeting as soon as possible. IYIayor McClellan brought up the question of Bilich furnishing bond to The question of the warraat for $ljOO,.OO turned over by the County, was brought up, and City Clerk Eagen stated that he is still holding it, as the contractors do not wish to sign it. i4r. Barter was asked to make his charges for inspection, for reimbursement from the bond-. The - City Clerk was asked to confer with Iyir. Barter and wdrk out a bond or cas deposit for Bilich, llayor McClellan stated that when the sewer job was proposed, he had called the attention of the Sanitary Board that a sewer would take out many center monuments, and they had stated that they would see that the monuments were tied out to reference points and then re-established so that they would be there for reference, luir, Barter was asked to see whether this had been done2 . IYlax Ewald stated that he had talked to some of the service organiz- ations in regard to getting someone to set -up a "Welcome Wagon']. He stated that there would be no expense to the City, the merchants would benefit by the advertising, ..and it would create good fee1in.g with people coming into the community and acquaint- them with the places of business, the churches, and where medical services can be obtained, efc, Cm. Grober stated that the Chamber of Commerce is going to set up an office, with a part-time secretary, and information would be available from them, It was decided that this was properly a Chamber fwction, and the sug- gestion made that Mr. Ewald take the matter up with the Chamber of Corn- merce, cording to the Council if the Chamber could not handle it. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. . Sutton moved for adjournnent, Cm, Grob,er seconding. All ayes, meetlng adjourned at l0:35 p. a. v -Regpeatfully submitted, EDWARD G. 'IiLlGZN, pty Clerk. &7! /ui P cd/ /&~K/$p-l 7 .I,' <J 1 L:1-.(2g./:1 """""""."""""""""""" % MINUTES OF SPECIAL PBETIMG OF THE CABLSBBD CITY COUNCIL J " Meetin called to order- at 9:OO p. m, by IbIayor McClellan, pursuant to written FjConsent,,.to Special Meeting" sigued by all Council members and filed with the City Clerk prior to the opening of said meeting, which "Consent" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Present be- sides the IyIayor were Can. Grobey, Castorena, Ede, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, and City Attorney Smith. Absent, Cmn. - Sutton. Also present were Sanitary Board members C. A, Anthony, H, E. Anderson, John A. Taylor, R. H.. Sonneman, and Byrl Phelps, engineer for the Sanitary Board. Mr. Phelps reported on his aeeting with Kr. Russell D. Bell, Fi- nance' Agent, in Los Angeles, who had stated that the transfer of these funds could be accomplished by adopting a Resolution asking the Depart- ment of Finance to make the transfer to the Carlsbad Sanitary District, Plr. Phelps stated 'tha't he had prepared a preliminary plan of a disvosal plant with an outfall to the ocean, in tentative figures, ad that- there were two application forms to be filled out, one for each of the funds. He estimated the cost of the site as $5000.00, of which half would be asked from the fundr;,and a total of $35OO,OO to be used for plmning, etc,, which would require a transfer of $6000.00 of the planning and engineering fund. The question of agplyirg part of the funds toward acquisition of a civic center site was discussed. 1 :, t I 3-2 :-3 *<? 4 y.3 CLe I After discussion, Cmn. Ede roposed a Resolution that the City of Carlsbad assign $6000.00 of the P 10,000.00 plannfng fund to the Carlsbad Sanitary District. Seconded bg Cmn. Grober. Four ayes, no nays, Cm'. Sutton absent. Resolution adopted. On the application for construction funds, Mr. Phelps made the fol- lowing estimate of costs:: Plant -and outfall . . . . . .$116,4~0.00 Contingent . . . . . . . . 2,328.4.60 SuperviSLm and inspections 56.80 . $lZj~&?~.~o Cost of plms 0 0 0 8 6,985.00 Acquisition of site . . . . &g)o,oo $135,39&20 During discussion, it was brought out that if for some reason the work could be done cheaper than the estinated costs, some needed con- struction for %he City could be done with the remainder of the money. Cm. Ede proposed the adoption of a Resolution effecting the assign- ment .to the Carlsbad Sanitary District of the $62,000.00 construction funds allocated to the City of Carlsbad under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. Hr. Taylor stated that the Board had already authorized Mr. Phelps to proceed with plans, etc., immediately. Vote on the motion; four ayes, no nays, Cm. Sutton absent. Resolution adopted. Ha;~ror McCleUan announced that Ik. Taylor is resigning from the Sanitary Board, asld the suggestion had been made that in the interests af co-ordisla%ion, a member of the City Council be suggested to the Sani- tary Board for appointmevlt to the Board. Cm. Grober agreed to seme on the Board, and the Sanitary Board, being still in official session from their meeting earlier in the evening, appointed Mr. Grober to the Sani- tary Board to fill the unexpired term of John A. Taylor. It was explalnec that the appointment would run until the election this fall. There being no further business to come before the Special meetfng, Cm. Grober moved -for adjournment, seconded by ~mn. Ede. All ayes, meeting, adjourned at 9~30 P. m0 . V "_"""-"""""""""""""~ CONSW TO SPECIAL MEETING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PBZSZNTS, that we, the undersigned, consti- tute the five members of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Cali- f omia. Further, that we all, coXlectively and singularly, hereby consent to a special Council meeting to be called on the 8th day of June, at 9:OO o'clock p. rn. of the year 1953, in the City Hall of the City of Carlsbad, California, for the purpose ' of dealing with assignment of the . allocated funds of the Statutes of the 4th Extraordinary Session of 1944, .Chapter 47, as amended, and the allocated funds of the Statutes of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 1946, Chapter 20, as amended. '. This consent shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad at the conmencement of said special meeting.. I is/ Bo Do NcCI.ZLLAN /s/ Go A. GEOBER /s/ RAYMOND C, EDE /s/ M. M . CASTOBENA /s/ LENA M. SUTTON '5 2 MINUTES OF IG3ETING GF CARLSBAI) CITY COUIJCIL June 16. 1951 Meeting called to order -at 7 :OO JP. Pi. by Piayor McClellan. Present besides the 1;'Iayor were Cmn. Ede, CastoSlena, Sutton, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, City Attolaey Smith, Absent, Cmn, Gpober. Cum. ade moved that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 2nd be waived. Seconded by Can. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. .,.... City Clerk Hagen read the minutes of the special meeting of June 8,, ,._ -.., 1953, With the addition of Plr. Ledgerwood's na~e, as being present, the minutes stood approved as read. . - , The following correspondence was read:. .... Letter from the Chamber of Commerce making reconmendations as to adoption and enforcement of two-hour parking. The Council approved the suggestions and agreed that whatever is necessary to comply with them should be done. The City Attorney was asked to look over the Ordinance to ascertain whether any amendment is needed. Three notices-of expiration of insurance from Fennel Insurance; $wo on the bonds of the City Clerk and City Treasurer, and the other on the public liability policy. The .question of rotating the insurance business among the firms in toTim was brought up, and it was pointed out that, while it; is of value to build up an experience record with one company, the problem of distribution of earnings could be worked .out as the policy could be placed with any company most advantageous tco the City and the earnings distributed to any agent designated by the City. The matter was referred to Kr. Ede with the request that he make certain of continuous coverage, and report back to the Council at the next neeting. Letter from the Department of Finance at Sacranento, acknowledging receipt of the tw.o resolutioins assigning $68,000,00 of the "Christmas Tree" funds to tb Carlsbad Sanitary District, advising of the extension of filing date to June 30, 1955, and that the resolutions will be held until further word is received from the City of Carlsbad. It was the feeling of the Council that the assignment should stand, and the City Clerk was asked to so-advise the Department of Finance. I"irs, Vermilyea reported that Mr. Hupp of the Farks and Beaches Division of San Diego County .was in the office avld stated that the County was prepared to maintain the four chemical toilets on the beach, but due to the fact that the facilities were not in any sense adequate for camping, and tb.t there .is no water, etc., they sincerely hoped that the City of Carlsbad would adopt a prohibiting ordinance very soon. Kr. Hupp stated that the County had adopted a control ordinance on Play 27th basis, but that the Carlsbad beach is not covered by this ordinance. r which allowed cam2ing for a maximum of 12 days in any month, on a permit Letter from Mr. Heggland advising that steps are being taken to ter- minate the section of the agreement with the State Park Commission for the operation of the State Beach at Carlsbad at Ca~lsbad on June 30, 1954, and advising that the County will provide lifeguard service during 1953-54 similar to that provided in 1952-53. Letter from Arvid 0. Pa-uley advising that Carlsbad canprobably qualify to request the Division of Beaches and Parks to operate the Carlsbad State Beach; and advising procedure to follow in atkempting to obtain Tidelands funds for devel-opment of the beach. Both of the above letters were referred to ivirs. Sutton's Committee on Parks and Becreation. 1"ls. Sutton stated that her Colmittee had reconmenfied that the City take no action in reference to taking over the lease of the State Beach on July 1, 1954, but that they had no recommendation in regard to the Tide- lands matter, although she felt it should be followed up. Mrs. Sutton was asked to consult with the City Clerk and follow up the matter of de- velopment of the State .Par!& by the State Division, Letter from the Co'unty of San Diego, signed by ivk. Tarshes, enclosing agreement for library semice, asking that all copies be signed and returned for submission to the Board of Supervisors. City Clerk Hagen read the agreement. Can. Sutton moved the adoption of a Besolution approving the agreement for library service avld authorizing its execution by the designated City officials, Seconded by Cmn, Ede. Four ayes, no I Pa i .Q TY -e k-3 4 r. I I 1: nays , Cmn . Grober abseiit, Resolution- adopted, Cm, Sutton recommended that a gravel walk be- put in from the door of the City Ea11 to the street to keep to a minimum the dust and dirt. Letter to I4rs . Suttorr from Piiss Frances Hahn, County LibrarTan, suggesting the hours for library service. Iplrs, Sutton stated that her Committee had approved the hours proposed aad she had so notified Wiss Hahn . City Clerk liagen reviewed the letter from the Division of Highways, dated April Zlst, giving notice of intention to relinquish the frontage road along the freeway through Carlsbad, and asking that a Resolution be passed by the City accepting same. Mayor XcClellan stated that since letters had been received fro3 both the Sacramento and the Sa Diego office with slightly divergent infornation, he felt that Mr. Wallace - should be called on and asked to clear up the matter before any action is taken by the City. Referring back to the Ch2.mber of Commerce letter regzrding limited parking, City Attorney Smith-stated that under the provisions of the Ordinmce it was necessary only to instruct the Director of Traffic Safety to post the d.esignated- areas. Cmn. Castorena moved that the Di- rector of 'Traffic Safety be instructed to post the areas recommended by the Chamber of Commerce for limited parking. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. A11 ayes, notion carried. I"is. Jane Sonneaan orally protested a large sign placed by an out- door advertising agency at the rear of the Epicure Shop, facing her property, on the grounds that it was unsightly and would interfere with her future building plans due to its height and size and close proxi'mity to her lot. She was advised that outdoor advertising was a permitted use in a C-1 zone, with- no restrictions as to size of signs, under the present zoning ordinflance, but that revisi'on of the ordinanc-e was being studied at this time. \ City Clerk Hagen read the following recommendations of the Planning (1) That the tentative mag of "Carlsbad Estates", submitte'd by Commission:. Gallinger Construction Com;?any, be approved. I4r. Barter reported that in the interval since the Planing Commission recommendation was made, Gallinger Construction Company had requested that the map be returned to the Planning Commission as they wished to make an alteration in the plan. It was agreed to refer the nap back to the Planning Commission. ' (2) That the portion of Highway 101 through Carlsbad, superseded by the freeway, to be relinquished t-o the City of Carlsbad, be named f"Paseo @el Kart'. After discussion, it- was decided to* defer action until further publicity could be given so that citizens nay make suggestions, and. brought up again at the meeting of July 7th. (3) That the unzoned territory between the Santa Fe Bailroad tracks and California Freeway XI-SD-23, bounded on the north by the south bank of Agua Eedionda and on the south by Cannon R-oad, be zoned Pi-1. City Attorney Smith, asked to outline proper procedure, advised that the mat- ter be returned to the Planning Commission and he would then advise the Commission- as to procedure. Cm. Castorena moved that the recommenda- tion from the Planning Cocmission regardbg the zoning of an unzoned area between the Santa Fe Ilailroad and the freeway, to Pi-1, be referred back to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. (4) That the application of Herbert L. Cole for special use per- mit to allow use of premises at 399 Elm Avenue as a cabinet shop, be approved, with the proviso- that no work- be performed after 11 p. a,, or during such hours as would interfere with neighbors' rest at night. Cmn. Castorena,-moved that the recomnendation of the Plaming Commission be approved, subject to the proviso attached by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. Hayor- McClellan submitted to the Council the names of Joe B. Cockre12 of Buena Vista Gardens, and Howard 1.1. Baumgartner of Terramar, for approval for appointment to the Planning Commission, for terms ekpiring the second Tuesday in April, 1955. The ques'cicifi of some of the expira- tion dates of appoiatrnents not coinciding with the provisions of the Ordinance was discussed, and it was decided that the terms of a11 ap- pointmen'cs should be scrutinized and any necessary adjustments made. 54 Mayor I~icClellan stated tbt both 1h. Cockrell and 14r. Baumgartner had indicated their willingness to serve.. Crnn. Castorena moved thcit the appointments of Joe B., Cockreli and Howard X. Baumgartner to the Plan- ning Commis si on be approved ., Seconded by Cm . Sutton . All aye-s , motion carried. The Piayor stated thzt letters of appointment will be worked out after consultation with the City Attorney. Hayor IslcClellan announced 'the meeting in Carlsbad on June 19th of the League of California Cities, at which Assemblyman Cloyed will give a report on the legislative session just closed. The dinner will be 33.00 per plate, including tax, reservations to be made with the Cisy Clerk . I%?. Barter was asked for his reBort ox the suggested freeway frontage road along the west side of the freeway. He stated that he and Kr. Richardson, resident engineer for the 'Division of Highways at Oceanside, hkd made a tour of inspection and found tb.t betweem Las Flores and Elm Avenue there are three pieces of land. lying outside of the proposed fence, 400 feet long, beloaging to the' Stzte, Inside the fence, from Las Flores to Elm, the width to the toe of the slope is from 8 feet to 21 feet, averaging 12 to 1-5 feet. From 31~1 to Chestnut, inside the fence, there is 100 feet, 20 feet wide, another 100 feet, 20 feet wide, and 200 feet of 11 feet wide. Fir. Barter stated that b. Richardson concurred with him 't'nc7.t t3ere is spparently not sufficient room to put in the road. Mayor PIcClellan suggested that the City could request the Highway Department to consider conveying to the City any portion of land which they acquired, not needed for their O:'M risht-of-way, md that herhaps at some future time additional land could be acquired. After discussion, Cpm. Sutton moved that the City ask the Highway Department to convey to the City of Carlsbad all surplus lmd acquired by the State, -lying west- erly of the freeway, svithin the City of Carlsbad, not needed for their right-of-way. Seconded by Cmn. Sde. Bobert Sutton of the Planning Commission stated that he believes t'he Eighvray Department is bound by scme state law to either offer the land to the adjo-ining owner, or ask for sealed bids; but it was decided that the rec;uest should be made without delay. Vote or the motion; all ayes, motion carried. Plr. Barter was asked whether the center monuments dug up by the sewer contractor had been re-established and stated that he had been assuyed that they had been Eu-t had not contacted their engineer. It was suggested that a letter be written to the Sanitary Board asking them to confirm in writing that this ha6 been done. - Proposed Ordinance 9027, cbnging zons of certain portions of 'rhm Lands from E-2 to B-D, was given second reading. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of proposed Ord.i:nance 9027. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Grober absext. Ordinance adopted. - Proposed Ordinance 9028, changing zone of certain portions of Carlsbad Townsite and certain portions of Carlsbad Lands from R-2 to C-1 was given second reading. Cm. %de moved the adoption of Ordinance 9028, Seconded by Cm. Castorena. Four ayes,, no nays, Cmn.. Grober absent. Ordinance adopted. First reading was given proposed Ordinance 1025, creating a Parks, Secreation, ,Beach ajnd Tree Commission ir! the City of Carlsbad, The word "acquisition" was inserted in Section 10, Cmn. Ede moved that this con- stitute first reading of proposed Ordinance 1025. Seconded by Cm. Castorma. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk nagen read. a letter from the Department of Correction, signed by Richard A. NcGee, advising that plans for establishing a State Prison Farm near Carlsbad have been abandoned, and enclosing copies of letters to Kr. Ewart W. Goodwin, Mr. Dean Howell, and Mr. Jackson Diggs, on the same subject . City Clerk -Hagen read Resolution accepting bid of the San Diego- Gas & Electric Company for work on the Terramar Lighting-District. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of the Resolution acce2ting ihe bid of San Diego Gas & Electric Coqmny for work on Terramar Lighting District. Seconded by Cm:Sutton. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn, Crober absent, Resolution adopted . After a 15-ainute recess, liagor NcClellan reconvened the Council.:.. I .?4 20 4 +I rb=j ..." d I I 3 City Clerk Hagen read a proposed letter to U. s. Porcelain tk Enamel Company ordering signs for streets intersecting Pi0 Pic0 Drive, and 12 sips for Pi0 Pico, It was estimated that %he signs would cost approximately @35O,OO, which could be paid from the Traffic Safety Fund. It was suggested that it be deternined whether a better price could be obtained. on a quantity purchase, and also where the City of Oceanside buys .its ,signs and- the cost. After considerable discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the City Clerk be authorized to purchase such signs as in his judgment are necessary at this time. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Fiyor McClellan commented that the stop sign placed at Park 8~ Monroe is set very poorly, .is -too highand is leaning. He suggested that the matter be checked-, and that some uniform height be established for post- ing signs. The City Clerk asked authority of the Council to use the active or reserve police to do some of the sign posting, at a cost of about $1.40 per hour. He was advised that he did not need any further authority for so doing. Mr. Barter was asked about the bond to be required of R. A. -B ilich, and skated that Bilich had agreed to post $1500 .OO bond. He was asked to issue no further encroachments until such bond- is posted, Unpaid. bills of the City were discussed., with the idea of ascer- taining the possibilities of payment by the end of the fiscal year, In reference to the Realty Tax Service bill, 'City Attorney Smith stated. that he had not as yet received corrected copy of the certificate, which he feels is a failure of performance, and that payment is not required until such corrected c,opy is furnished, He stated that O'I'Ielvmy 8~ Myers have not yet submi-tted their bill. Salary owed the City Clerk in the amount of $1800.00 (-to .July 1st) was discussed and. it was agreed th,t every effort should be made to reduce this amount Iinaterially. Col, Hagen was asked to consider in the budget a new typewriter and a chest for Mr. Barter's maps, and any other necessary items of office equipment. The 'advisabi1it.y of having an adjourned meeting on June 30th was discussed and it was decided that, in view of the .three-week interval before the next regular meeting, an adjourned meeting should be held on June 30th at '7 p". m. for the purpose of discussing personnel matters, budget, and insurance , Cmn, Castorena stated that Chief Palkowski's probation period ex- pires on June 30th, and also brought uy the matter of the expiration of the lease on the City Hall and the question of acquiring an option at a definite price., but it was decided to defer both matters to the ad- journed meeting. The question of using the matching funds in the- purchase of the present site wa,s discussed, and the City Clerk was asked to write Pir. Bell, asking if it. would be possible for him to come to Carlsbad for discussion of this. matter, City Clerk Hagen stated that bids for gas, oil and servicing of city-owned equfprnent had been received from Sousa Bros., Fred McCartney, BBll Oil Company, and the llichf'ield Station, and that the Police Chief had studied the bids very carefully and classified them in the order named as to .economy to the City, The fact that some of the bids did not include the fire equipment was mentioned and it was decided by oom- mon consent to defer this matter to the adjourned meeting, to give any bidders who wished to do so the o-oportunity of revising their bids to include the fire truck. Crnn, Castorena again brought up the urgency of adding another man to the Police force, but it was decided to take up this matter in con- nection with other personnel matters at the adjourned meeting. Mayor McClellan stated he would like to have a aetailed statement of %he budget prepared, with copies to all Council members for their study. . PIr. Barter reported that the City has collected $600.00 on encroach- ment and plumbjag fees in eo-nnection with the sewer work. He stated that Jefferson Street; had now been repaired at a cost of about $500,00, but that the maintenance funds are now exhausted and in fact a deficit of about $300.00 exists. He stated that there aye -still two very bad spots, 56 one on ikgnolia, 2nd most of Ipionroe Street, and that it m8.y be neces- sary to repair 3asst~ood again. Thyor bhClellan asked about the mainten- ance funds for next yea-r, and City Clerk bgen stated that he expected about $21,000.00 to be received from the gas tax fund, of which 40% would be eligible for maintenance. The City Clerk reported that Hr, Swanson of the Comptrollers' office was in the office on Tu.esd.ay and will be back later to assist in making out the ,gas tax fund report. the high charges of the County on the road repair; .that he had obtained dirt for 65$ per yard from Bernie Robinson,,,and that the Vista Way Granite Pits are furnishing a road aix for $5.50 delivered, whereas if bought from the County it would cost $6.50 or $7.00, Cmn. Castorena asked. about making a contract with a local man who might be interested in equipping himself to handle this work. I3r. Barter stated he had talked to Pir. Apodaca but found that he was not interested in buying aay more equipment. He stated it was cheaper to use local snaterials rather than those from a distance 0'13 accomt of the haul, but that no saSing could be effected on use of equipment over w'mt the County charges. He stated he was having a little trouble with the County due to the fact that they do not have the equipment available when it is needed. . Mr. E3arter reported that lie is exploring every means of eliminating I \ \x Playor kY2lellan suggested that :gerbps consideration should be @veri to purchase of a half-ton truck, in the budget. trailer park ordinance which was worked over by the Planning Cornmission and prepare copies to be passed out to Council members for their study. Cm. Castorena moved that the meeting be adjourned to June 30th at 7 p. m. at the City Hall. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10 :45 P. ?I. to J~me 30th 8.t 7 I?. Pi; City Attorney Smith stated he would. take the copy of the proposed v I. """""""""""""""""" MITU'UTZS OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CIm COUNCIL June 30, 1953 Iqeeting called to order by Playor KcClellm at 7:25 p. m. Present .besides the Mayor were Cmn. Ede, Grober, Castorena, City. Clerk kgen, ,Public Works Director Barter. Absent until 8 :25 p . m., Cmn. Sutton and City Attoraey Smith. * Cmn. %de moved that reading of the minutes of June 16th be waived. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Eagefl read the following correspondence: Letter fron the San Diego Gas & Electric Company advising that they have filed with the Public Utilities Commission an application for Cer- tificates of Public Convenience and Xecessity, d.esignated #34414 by the Commission, and enclosing copy thereof. Letter filed. Library agreement , ktter fron County of Sax Diego, enclosing executed copy of Letter fron Sm Diego State College, signed by Dr. Robert F. Wilcox, advising that a class of students will be participating in the type of study desired by the Plaslning,Commission, and could prepare a study of Cirlsbad, for approximately $300.00 to cover transportation costs of the students participating; suggesting that Professor James Taylor of the Geography Department of the College be contacted during the summer after the type of study desired has been decided upon . . Highway 101, when relinquished to the City, as "Paseo Del Hart' for the reason that the name is too long and awkward for persons not familiar with the Spanish language, 2.nd suggesting the names "Itbr Vista", !'Del Letter from Chas. 3. Ledgemrood et al, protesting the naming of iviap11 , Or ''Vista Del iiiarff . 1% was decided to file the letter for further ~ ~