HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-30; City Council; Minutes56 o~e o7~ i,>~opoli:~,~ and. nos? of i.ion:-oe Street, m~. t1m.t it m~.p Se neces- sp,y;l.' ,i;o :rep~,lr &.SSI;.JOCI~. Ei-saj2l . i,is.J,rCr i.lcill~:ll~<,jj P.S!<?~. about the naiinten- mce ' f!Xilds for next y'e8r, aiqd City 'Jlerk iiegea stz,,ted that he expected abou;l; :,j21,000 .OO -Lo be received. froz the gas tax fend, of which 40% vm~lld. be eligible for mai~teaance. The City Clerk repqrteci that 1,Ir. Simnson of -%he (2ornptroLLsrs t office was in the oflice 03 Tuesday md Y,JLUL be bnck lc,tein to assist i:? rmklnz out $he ,gas tax fuad rztport. " " .- tir* darter rqorted that he is exploTing every means of elininztin,g tip? i~.i<h ch;~,yy;es of the Sounty on %he road repair ; .tkm,t he hm7. ob-tained d.j.r.t for 65$ yer gerd from 3elsnie doblnson b .-,an<. ttmt the \ Istp, Ijay Gxnitz Pits are furnishing a roaG mix for .+5.50 deliverez., whereas if bou;<ht %ro;!l the County it vroulti cost tj6.50 or $7.00. Cmn. C~storena asked. abou.t na.kin{; c". contreck with iz local man ~b.0 night be interestea in eau.ip~~ln{; himself' to hmdle this work. l,ir. Barter stai;ed he had .i;:-:.1?Yred to hr. ~.pod.~,~8 bu-l; fo~ld i272.t he ~2,s 2202; ilq-tel-ested i-fl buying B,i1;7 mpe ec:ui';Jment. - " He stz,ted it was clzeqer to use local m-terials rc.-kher tllm t:iose f~on a distance on accouxt o?' Che 1.~~1, but that 110 s;3>iri.n?; c0u.1-d be eff ec-leci on use of equiyne:~t over ~r:ha1; the County ch~,rr:es. ..A Iie stzteci he vzs hs.-i~iing a. I5-t.tl.e trouble with the County liue LO the jSz.ct ti?,:-.>.t %hey do not hzxe the equipment available l!jhell it is needed. -T. " J- __ 1P" LC$.) -- OF i.;cClell,an sugges.t;ed that ~~J:'w-?s consid.eration should be , (:1\Teil .., 'GO p~.&ha.se of a lm,lf-tOl1 truck, i12 t>.e bu-dget . Zity hti;o,wey Szith sixtee he would. take the co3g of the proposed tyrj,iier :>2i-k 0rd.l-nnnce which was worked. over by the Yla.nning Comissiojfl and prepa,ye col3ies to be passed out to Co~acil, memhers for thzir strxd.p. CEUI, Castorena moved thz-5 tkle meting be ad jowned to June 30th at 7 ;D. XI. c",t the City Kall. Seconded by Cm. 3d.e . ALL agss, rneetivlg 3,djoumed at 10 :I45 2. :;:a %O J~l~~~ 312th ~,t 7 i', lji.' . v Respectfullg- sub%5.t-Led, r. ,,& t>/gzdwy , 2 . 6. ;J , Ad'&.\ EDHARD G. ISI"IGXT ,i$y Clerk r """""""""""""""""" A" ~ ~~~1,; .. Tl ..- !JTAS (JF hM(>TJKI\Y<D I3XSTI?ZG OF CAF&Sj33f;D ~~~~-~~~~{~ ZI; """" -1 Keeting called to order by Gayor I.fcClellan at ?:Z5 p. m. Presat besj.d..es the ih,yoT weTe CTZ. Zde, Groiner, Castoreaa, City Clerk kgm, Public 'do~.i:s Direc,tol- Baz-ter. .Absent mtil 8:25 p me, C1m. Sutton azd City at tome:^ Sm?-i.;h. ' Crm. EX^ move6 -~z,t rea,6.isg of th-e rninu3es of JLJZI~ 16th be waived.. Seconded by Cm, Cz.storena. A11 ayes, notion ca-rfed.. I- C?-ty Cle:?k .tis.m2~ - 3 yead. Vne following correspondence : Letter Er'oia t1n.e SEX Diego Gas 2c Xlectric Corxpany advising 'chat they 1l!>.ve filed with the PLfolic U'tiLLties Comnission i3.n wqlication for Cer- l;if'ic::a%es of 3u-Mic Convenience and ?iecessii;y, desZgnzted, k3447.4 by the Ooar2ission, 3,116. enc10si11g co:>y thereof. Letter filed.. " Letter' f 1-0~1 County of Sa1 Diego, enclosing executed. copy of i.Ji-rmq a<pe e Elen .t . 'I dil-cox, - mjvising tlxt a class of students will- 13s participating in the Le-btel: f1-0~1 SBi2 Diego Sta-be College, sisged by Dr. Robeyt F. ty;~ of stuc:.y desired by $he PLzming Coamission, and could prepme a stu6.y c?f Sr:,:-lsba?, fcr a.ppl-oxim"k3.y $300 .OO to cover tTrmspcrt.z.t%on costs of tirc stucimts ;lart;icinatirlz; suggesting that 3rofessor Jmes 'i'nylor L ..I of the (&og~sphy Departnen'c of the College be contacted. during .bh.t? si,mn]Ey uri"tel' ."7- bile +Jpe of study cieaired IES been decided u.:~on L - liiglzrmy lo]., ?dl9l rel-inqphshed- to the city, as "Paseo Del iky" for the reasoa thgt the ilame is too long and ~M~VTET?. for persons not familiar i.,rii>h the S;?anish hngmge 9 ei_?d sug~esting %:le names i11:is,r ~ista,tt f i13)c,1 Letter fro13 C~EIS. 3. Ledesxwood et %I-, ?rotesting the na~~irg of " .. ~'i~.~"' , O? "'Vis tz Del- ikr" . it was decided to file the le-ttey for fu-l-.t;hei- I 2.2 2.n *4 4, 4 . :1 -6 I I 1 study . Letter from Yellow Cab Company of Carlsbad, signed by James Jones, app-lying for permission to .add a fourth'taxicab to his fleet, and also to.change the rate, so he can install taxi meters, to 40$ for the first half-mile, LO$ each additional half -mile, with no extra charge for extra passengers; waitin-g tim, 94,OO per hour. Rr. Jones was present :. and stated th.a.t the present system of figuring fares was complicated. and often resulted in customer dissatisfzction, whereas the meter system required no Tiguring on the part of the driver and furnished the customer with a receipt, which would do away with many complaints. In regard- to the fourth cab, Mr. Jones stated his plag would be to buy mother car completely equipped with meter, and then trade in the others as expedient. After discussion, Cm. Me moved that the Council grant the applieation of Yellow Cab Company of Carlsbad for permission to inis~all taxi meters and change rates in accordance with Section 9 of Ordinance 6010, 'and to add a fourth taxicab, as req.uested. in ILb. Joaes! letter, Seconded by Cmn. Grober. -All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk was asked to confirm by letter. Letter from the State Division of Highways, sign-ed by kr. byier, advising of the .forwarding under separate cover one set of their right- of+-way maps showing the Freeway through the City of Carlsbad, on which parcels held as excess land, west of the Freeyay right-of-way, are out- lined in red, Fiesolutiorn requesting 'the Director. of Finance to withdraw the ap- plication previously filed for use of Chapter 47 funds. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of the resolution requesting the Director of Finance to withdraw the' application previously filed for use of Chapter 47 funds . Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Sutton absent. Resolution adopted. City Clerk Hagen gave the highlights of the conference with Mr.' Beuthel and Fir. Hayler of the Divis-ion of Highways, held on June 24th, as follows :. . Vista Way - to work with Oceainside and ascertain whether they will Pi0 Pic0 - to decide in the next few months - possibly use tri- take it over, angles of ground not sold. The City does not have to take over; the State my help. Tuttle - to look into drain system at that are'a. Southern end - no- need to keep up.. Lights - at Grsnd Avenue, change to time at no expense to City. Paul Ecke - 0. K. with the reservations usual for State Highway Contract - For maintenance, 40% (:$8000.00 plus); xnd also wlze for At Elm, change to time at about $800.00 expense. for our own protection. "i\Sew Construction" for Elm Avenue, with probably $1000 .oO for eplansll. The matter of the* crossing lights was discussed, and it was brought out that the maintenance of time-controlled signals is relatively simple, whereas the electronic signals require expert and experienced men to mainta.in them. Chief Pafkovmki was asked whether he had any observations on the Elm Avenue conversion and stated he hesitated to make a guess as it is hard to tell what the trzffic pa.ttern ?rill be after opening of the freeway. It was aecided to give the matter further study and check with the electkical company in Oceavlside who installed the lights. Buzz Gar- land stated'that the electrical contractor making the installations on the freeway might be able to do this work. Mr. Barter. was asked about the drainage problem-at Tuttle Street and stated that the engineer from the Eighway Department was to look this up mjd let him know, City Clerk Hagen read a memorandum f?om the Planning Commission recommending ^approval of teatative map of "Carlsbad Estates" submitted __ 5'8. by Galliager Constructed Company. IYIayor I~icClellan asked, to be excused from presiding during consideration of this matter, and Cm. Ede Gook the chair as Chairman pro tem. Ivir. Barter explained from the map the change which is to be made in the curbs, a12 that sidewalks as indicat- ed on the previous map were to be eliminated, After discussion, "I. Ca.storena moved- tbt the Council accept the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission and agqrove the tentative map of "Carlsbad. Estates" submitted by the Gal-linzer Constructi-on Company. Seconded by Cmn. Gro- ber. Three ayes, no nays, Playor McClellan not voting, Cmn. Sutton absent, motion carried. City Clerk- Eagen read the request of Paul Ecke for permit to fill, made to the Stete Highway Department, The City Clerk was instructed to answer the letter along the lines d.iscussed. The proposed budget for 1953-195k was studied, with personnel matters being taken up in connection with the budget. Cmn. Castorena stated that Police Chief Kax lalkowski's probation expir.es at midnight, and proposed a resolution authorizing the employment of Piax Palkowski as permanent Chief of Police at $400.00 per month, as of July 1st-. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Sutton absent, Resolu- tion adopted, Cmn. Castorena moved the adoption of a Resolution author- 1 iz.ing the -employment of another patrolman to be put in service as of July lst, for a probationary period of six months. at the rate of $275.00 ' 9er month, with an increase at the end of that period, if service has been satisfactory, to $287.50 per roonth for the following six months, and at the end of that period 'Go a maximum of $300.00. Seconded by Cmn. Me. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Sutton absent. Besolution adopted. Cmn. Castorena stated. that he believed it would work to the City's advantage to purchase anot'mr car, as the cars could be alternated and would not deFreciate as rapidly, and. in event of an emergency such as a breakdown there wou-ld be at least one csr ava-ilable, It was brought out that -the iten of $1500000 for operation of the Chief's car could be reduced to $;OO.OO, and an item of $2700.00 added for the new car. After discussion, it was agreed to do SO. It was also decided to raise .the item for rad.io equipment to $300.00 to cover extra equipment for the proposed new car. I City Attorney Smith was asked how strictly the adoption of a bud- 1 get binds the City znd stated that in fact- it was not actually neces- sary to adopt a budget and some sixth class cities operate without doing so. In discussion of -i$eems for the City Clerk's office, Mayor 1~icClellan stated tbt it would be his recomnende,tion to get a new typewriter rather thm a second-hand or rebuilt one, as he felt it would be more efficient and economical in the long run to do so, Prices were discussed 2nd it was decided to allow $170.00 for this item. . In regard to usurance, it was decided .to arr2nge for one company to cover bodily injury and property damage liability, and another the legal. It was enphasized tlzz.t a binder to t2.ke cawe of the matter should be in the City Slerk's 'hands by tomorrow, July, 1st . With reference to the lease ufl the C! Ity Iiall, Cm. Ede stated that the City Attorney had been directed. to draw up a lease with the Diocese of Sax Diego, whereby a lease would. be taken by the City for one year vith option to purchase for the next six months, witn the first six months' rental to a.pply on. the purchase price of $72OO.00, The question of whether t'he Furchase price should be added to the budget for this year was discussed. It was decided t'm-t another colu should be addeii to the budget for "Ca-gital Outlay" of $6,480.00. Cmx. @de stated it might be possible to get the option extended to a yea-, with any rental paid this year to be a.ipplied on the purchase price, and he was asked to explore this possibility. It was agreed to add $50.00 to the ''Be- pairs to Building, etc." item. The item of "Lights" was transferred to the "Pudic Works" column, a6 the item increased $200.00. In reference to road a.nd. street maintenance, it was felt that a . much better standard should be set than has prevailed this year, and along this line Cm. Grober recommended thzt the T*:ork of the Building Department be divided, wit'n Mr. Ewald taking over the former and Plr. i3arter concentrating on the roads and public works. - He stated that he felt that in this way service to the community would be greatly im- Proved and complaints froy contractors reduced to a minimum. The matter Tiras discussed from all angles, with the suggestion being made that Mr. Swald l s salary be increased to $250 .OO and X?. Barter's left at ,$35O.OO. .. 1 Col. R, PI. Smith protested the condition of the streets in general and in his area in particular, and stated that he felt the time has come to do something about them. Mr. Barter described at considerable length the work that had been done by the sewer contractors in restorbg the streets, ad by the County Road Departnent upon -his instructions, and stated that the streets had been In good condition a short time ago, before tb.Bilich Construction Company had begun operattions. It was suggested that it be made a condition of the encroacbnt permit that the streets be restored within a reasonable period. The Council agreed that it is apparent the Public Works Department must be expanded consid- arably, and hyo~ McClellan proposed an increase of $10,000.00 from the 3n lieu funds for road maintenance, and tha.t a used pick-up be aoquired, a'stodk pile of material accumulated, and perhaps an attempt made to work out an agreement with the County for use of the County Road Station, Cm, Sutton stated that the County had said at one time that if an ade- quate place were made available to them for their equipment to take the place of the present -one, they might be willing to consider the releqse of that area; but that she would like to have it for a park. It was agreed to add $10,000.00 to the Road; Maintenance item, and at the re- quest of Cmn, Sutton, to include $500.00 for tree trimming. I 24 TY Works Department, Er, Barter stated that he was unwilling to relinquish L9 e! the Building Department but would forego any raise in salary. Mr. Ewald 4 stated that he would work wi-th .anyone and in any way possible to render the best service to the people of' the comunitg, After considerable discussion, it was agreed that Cm. Gmber should confer wZth M@, Barter and Mr. Ewald and settle this matter as soon as possible. City Clerk Hagen stated that he bad put aside $7~00.00 *from the in rn On tb matter of dividing the Building Department from the Publio lieu .funds for police salaries for the next six months, leaving a balance of $19,b?O.00 of that ftund. ed that on Nonday he had signed up -for $~500.00 on a matchug fund basis ' for a 50-gallon pumper such as was on display at the County Fair; total . cost, z 11,900.00,- with the Government paying half of it under the Civil Defense program. The item of $9390.60 was raised to $13,500,00 to oover the new pumper and accessories for tmok and men. I ... The Fire Department budget was discussed. City Clerk Hagen report- I City Attorney Smith confirmed that leave to sue had been granted in the quo warmot proceedings, in view of which he felt that the amount for aSpecial Legal gdvice" might be affected. Mayor McClellarr suggested that this item be left as is and a contingent fund set up for this pur- pose. The printing cost item was increased to $3OO~OO, Cm, Ede stated that he had talked with the City Attorney regarding hi8 employment ad he is to draw up a Resolution more -specifloally de- lineating his duties, et~, , to .be ready for the next regular meeting, Cm, Sutton proposed that an item of $300.00 be included in the ' budget for Life guard services, and $100.00 for chemical toilets, City Clerk Hagen stated that a man from the State Park and Eecrea- . tfon Commission called at the office and said he would forward a copy of the lease normally signed by parties such as the County, with the State. Cnm. Sutton stated that she had called at the Los AngeZes office and was advised to write to Mr. Drury about the Tidelands money. The City Clerk read a letLer from Col, R M, Smith proposing that I the portion of Highway 101 to be relinquished to the City of Carlsbad be naxred nMoCle1le.n Boulevard" in honor of our first mayor. It was de- cided to study this, almg with other panes submitted,: signed by Frank' B. Smith, recommending that a fee of $500.00 per acre be assess.ed against dry land for Colorado River water. City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Rural :$itizenst Association Cm. Castorena stated that he had been approached by members of the Chamber of Commerce in regard to storing the large topographical map of Carlsbad now on display at the County Fair, in the Cfty Hall. The matter was discussed, and Cm, Ede moved that a Resolution expressing the ap'- preciation of the Council to the Chamber of Commerce for their fine work in preparing the excellent display at the San Diego County Fair, Seconde by Cm, Castorena. All.ayes, motion carried. 60 Police Chief Max Blkowski expressed appreciation to the Coun,cil for the oonfidence in him as indicated by his permament appointment, and the thanks of the Department for the hiring of .a third officer. He also expressed the entire Department's appreciation for the patio dinner given by Mayor and Mrs. McClellan for all members of the Poliae Depart- ment, regular and reserve, and their wives, He further pledged the De- partment to. the most efficient and economical operation possible, and serving the interests of the community to the best of its ability. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Sutton moved fo.r adjournment, seconded by Cmn, Qrober, All ayes., meet- ing adjourned at ll:.lj Po M. V R spectfully submitted, *~ 6&#/4&/ 7 /" ' , LWA DWW G, EIB03NP/ Cit? Clerk ""..."""""""""""""""-.~ MI~UTES OF NI~E'PDTG OF CABLSBAD CITY CO~CIL JUT 7. 1953 * Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. No by Mayor McClellan. Present besides the Mayor were .Cornoilmen Sutton, Ede, Castorena, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, City Attorney Smith, police Chief Palkowski. Absent, Cm, Gmber. ing of June 16th and the adjourned session of June 30th be waived, Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. Cm. Castorena moved that reading of the mlnutes of the regular mee' City Clerk Hagen read a letter of resignation, effective immediatel; from Cotmcilman George Gmber. Cm. Ede moved the adoption of a Reao- lution reluctantly acoepting .the resignation of Mr. Grober, and express- bg appreciation for his splendid service to the City. qeconded by Cm. Castorena, Four ayes, no nays, Reqolution adopted. I City Attorney Siith was asked as to proper prooedure for filllng the vacanoy caused by Cm, Qrober's pesignation, and stated it was the duty of the Council to appoint a successor for the unexpired portion of the term, and that in the -event the vacancy is not filled within thirty days an election rust be held. Mayor PlcClellan stated that since at least two Councfl aembers. were contemplating vacations within the xext few weeks, he felt it incumbent upon the Council to make aa appointment as soon as possible. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of a Resolution ap- pointing Lewis L Chase as City Councilman to fill the unexpired term caused lzy the resignation of Mr. Grober. Seoonded by Can. Sutton. The Resolution was read, and Pk. Chase was asked if he would accept the ap: pointment and stated t@t he would be happy to do so, that he felt very honored and would give his best efforts in the service of the community. Vote on the motion: four ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. Mr. Chase, was asked to come forward to the Council table, the City Clerk adminfs- tered the eath of office, and Mr. Chase was officially seated. City Clerk Hagen read the following comespondence : Letter from the San Diego Chamber of Commerce asklng that they be I furnished with certaiq information regarding contemplated construction projects in the City of Carlsbad, for purposes of a survey being made. Referred to .the City Clerk with the request that he use his best judg- ment in handling., I I Recommendation of the Chief of Police that the application of James C. JoNan and Milton H. McLaohlan for a card mom license be ap- proved, as 821 Investigation revealed nothing derogatory to the charac- ters or moral background of either party. Action was deferred until the application could be received and. studied. Honthly Police Report .for June, listing a total of 9 arrests, 21 accidents, 110 traffic citations, and 62 general cases. Letter from Richard Milbrodt asking for information as to type of government in Carlsbad and related information, to be. used in a .research project. City Clerk Hagen was asked to answer. Letter from State of California Department of Public Works giving