HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-07; City Council; Minutes50 Police CNef IJIax Palkowski expressed appreciation to the Council for the confidence in him as tndicated by his permament appointment, and the thanks of the Department for the hiring of a third officer, He also expressed the entire Department ts appreciation for the patio dinner given by Mayor and Mrs. McClellan for all members of the Police Depart- ment, regular and reserve, and their wives. He further pledged the De- partment to. the most efficient and economical operation possible, and serving the interests of the community to the best of its ability. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn, Sutton moved fo.r adjoumnent, seconded by Cm, Grober. All ayes., meet- ag adjourned at ll:l5 P, PI. V Respectfully submitted, m &WARD G. HAGENpY City Clerk , L'/ /,. [:' ~U/M/" /4$& ' > i. i Gi&&&, ".""""""I-""""""""""" MIkk'E3S OF MGTIi'JG OF CkSBAD CITY COUNCIL JUy 7. 195% - Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. M, by Mayor McCleZlan. Present besides the Mayor were .Councilmen Sutton, We, Castorena, City Clerk Hagen,. Public Works Direotor Barter, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowskl. Absent, Cm. Grober. Cmn. Castorena moved that reading of the mbutes of the regular mec bg of June 16th and the adjourned session of June 30th be waived, Seconded by Cm, Ede. All ayes, motion carried, City Clerk Wagen read a letter of resignatfon, effective immediate1 from Councilman George GmFberr Cmn, Ede moved the adoption of a Reso- lution reluctantly acoepting the resignation of Mr. Grober, and express- ing appreciation for his splendid service to the City. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena.. Four ayes, no nays, Regolution adopted. City Attorney Smith was asked as to proper procedure for filllng the vacarrcy caused by Cm, Orober's resignation, and stated it was the duty of the Council to appoint a successor for the unexpired portion of the term, and that in the -event the vacancy is not filled within thirty days an election must be held. Mayor McClellan stqted that since at least two Counc%l aembers. were contemplating vacations within %he Pext few weeks, he felt it incunbent upon the Council to make an appointment as soon as possible. Can. Ede moved the adoption of a Resolution ap- pointing Lewis L, Chase as City Councilman to fill the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Mr. Grober, Seconded by Cmn. Sutton, The Resolution was read, and Plr, Chase was asked if he would accept the ap- poiatnent and stated t@t he would be happy to do so, that he felt very honored and would give his beat efforts in the service of the community, Vote on the motion: four ayes, no nays, ResoXution adopted. Mr. Chase, 'was asked to come forward to the Council table, the City Clerk adminis- tered the oath of office, and Hr, Chase was officially seated. City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence : Letter from the San Diego Chamber of Commerce asking that they be fumlshed wi%h certain information regarding oontemplated construction projects in the City of Carlsbad, for purposes of a survey being made. Referred to -the City Clerk with the request that he use his best judg- ment in handling., Recommendation of the Chief of Police that the application of James C, Jor@m and Hilton H. McLachlan for a card rqom license be ap- proved, as an investigation revealed nothing derogatory to the charac- ters or moral background of either party. Action was deferred until the application could be received and.studied. Monthly Police Report .for June, listing a total of 9 arrests, 21 Getter from Richard Hilbrodt asking for Uformation as to type of accidents, 110 traffic citations, and 62 general cases. government in Caylsbad and related information, to be. used in a .research project. City Clerk Hagen was asked to answer. Letter from State of California Department of Public Works giving I r3 -2 'W 'VI 6 .z y$ 4 :*?> e l 1 .. If irifo,rmEition for preparation of Azglual'Street 'Report, showing an appor- tionment to June 30, 1953 , of $15,848.35; -payment to the City of $6,240.00 and balance in State Highway fund Jtme 30, 1953 of $9,608033, gram for expenditure of gas tax funds aoeruing to the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934; asking that the City Council pass a Resolution adding Elm Avenue from Jefferson to Lincoln to the H&ijor Street System, two certified oopies af which are to be fom8rded to Er. BeutheZ's office; also enclosing three copies of Project Statement, two duly executed copies of which are to be returned to Nr. Beuthgl. Mayor McClellan questioned the information in the letter regarding Elm Avenue and asked the City Clerk to cheek its accuracy before any action is taken by the Councll, ing for permiwn of $539.22 and enclosing binder for 20 days, payment to be made if possible before July 21, 1953. Cm. Ede .moved that payment of the deposit on the State Compensation bsurance be authorized, Seconded by Cm. Sutton, All ayes, motion oarried. Proposed letter to be sent to Mr. Drury regarding Tidelands funds. The ques%fon was raised as to whether any- of the Tidelands funds would be allo'cated to cities, or released ortly for expenditure by the State Parks and Beaches Corninission, It was agreed that omsideration should be asked for expenditure of funds on Carlpbad Stqte Park Beaoh, after the City Clerk has confermd with Cm. Sutton on drafting of the letter. ~ s Letter from Division of Highways in reference to the proposed ppo- Letter from the State Compensation Insuranoe Fund, enclosing bill- City Clerk Hagen read a reoommendation of the Plannlng Commission regarding the 'pmposition of Dr. Wiloox of State College to have a class in' Political Soienoe make a study of Carlsbad, at an estimated cost of $3Ob,OO for t'msportation expense, Cm. Ede moved that $3OO,OO be al- located for this study, and that. the Planning Commission be authorized to work with Dr. Wilcox in setting up some sork of plan for the.studg. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton, All ayes, motion, carried. recommending the approval 'of tentative nap of Carlsbad Highlands #3 sub- mitted by Donald Bztggs. kyor PlcClelLan asked the advice of the City Attorney as to his withdrawing from the discussion of this matter: since he may become personally interested in it from a sales standpoint, and was advised that this would not be necessary although it might be we11 to abstain from voting. Mr. Robert Sutton of the Plannag Commission explabed from the map the provisions made by the Comtnissio~, bo Andrew€ of Freeland, Peterson 'and Evenson was present and stated that their only objection to the recommendation of the Planning Commission was the ppo- vision for completing the streets by January 1, 1956, and asked that the Cowncil not approve that provision. Ar, Briggs also was present and st&tted that he would be willlulg to give a 60-foot easement along the sou$herly bohdary of the subdivision to-take care of the three dead-end streets, but that he was not willing to spend another $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 to complete E+ street as proposed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Briggs was asked whether a delay of two weeks would work any partiou- lar hardship and stated-that it would not, although he wanted to complete the pro.ject before the winter rains. Cmn. Sutton moved that the matter be referred back to the Plannag Commission for further study and recrom- mendations, Seconded by Cmn. Chase. Four ayes, no nays, byor McClellan not voting. Motion carried, Hr. Sutton asked that the City Attorney be preseylt at the Planning CommissZon meeting to advise the Commission on the legal aspects ,of the matter, City Clerk Hagen read a memorandum from the Planning Commission " Referring back to tk;e matter of the application of James C. Jordan and Milton PZ, NcLaohlam3 for card room license. City Clerk Hagen read the application and reviewed the reoomendation of police Chief Palkowskf. Chief Palkowski emphasized that his investigation and recommendation ap- plied only to the two applicants and not .other, parties named as having Ein indirect interest in the card room, Cm. Castorena moved that 3.n view of the recommendation of the Police Chief, the application of the Carlsbad Cafe for card room license ge approved. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. Seoond reading was given proposed Ordinance #lOZS' creating a Parks, Recreation, Beach. and Tree C~mfssion. Mayor HcCLellan asked the City Attorney whether it was clear tha% the public playgrounds of the school system are not included under Section 8, and was advised that the intent was expressed in the phrase "af the City of Carlsbad", Can, Castorena 62 .. moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance 1025. Seconded by Cnm. Ede. Five ayes, no nays, Ordinance adopted. Maya McClellan suggested that suce it was the work of Mrs. Sutton md her committee :which has culm%n- .ated In the adoption of this Ordinance, it would seem that she should make the recommendations for appointmeats to the Comission, Cmn,, Sutton stated that she would welcome suggestions from other Counoil mem- bers. Committee assignments to the new Council member were discussed. Cm. Ede suggested that Cmn. Chase take over the supervision of Public Works, and that the Building Inspection Department be transferred tu Mayo. McCJellan; to which other members agreed. It was also agreed that the Buena Vista Lagoon project be turned over to the Park and Becreamon Commission. Cm. Ede reported that he and Can. Grober had met with Mr. Barter and Mr. Ewald, and an agreement had been reached to divide the respon- sibilit.ies of the public works Department and Dhe Building Department, with Mr. Ewald taking over the Building Department job, with the excepticx of septia tanks, cesspools, etc., which would be done by Mr. Barter; and that Mr. Barter would be responsible for all Public Works and the septic tank and' cesspool 3~1spections, He stated that tentatiye proposals - of employment for six months, unt11 December 31, 1953, at $250.00 per month for Mr. Ewald, with $25.00 per month car allowance, and $350.00 per month for Mr. Barter with lo$ per mile car allmame, had seemed to be acoeptable to both men. Also, both members would sit on the Planning Commission, with neither having a vote. Mayor McClellan emphasized that it should be clear that the City Clerk will be the administrative head, to set up office procedures, etc. Cmn, Ede proposed a Resolution author- 121339 the employment of Max Ewald as Building Inspector, except that in- spections of septic tanks and .cesspools. are excluded from his duties, for six months to December 31, 1953, at $ZjO.OO per month, with $25.00 per monthcar allowance, and that the City Attorney be directed to4draw up such a Resolution. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. Five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of a Resolution author- izlng the employment. of H. H. Barter as Director of Public Works and Traffic Engineer, his duties also to jnclude inspection of septic tanks and cesspools, at $350.00 per month for six months ending December 31, 1953, plus mileage at lop! per mile. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, Cm. Chase not voting. Cm. Ede- expressed appreciation i to Mr. Barter for furnishing the committee with a comprehensive outline of the duties of the Build- Inspector and of the Public Works Director. The insurance matter was diseussed, and the City Clerk stated that he had not.as yet received a binder on the general liability insurance. He stated that the general Ifability had been written by Hr. Fennel through Hartford, and the insurance on the fire truck through Ohio State by Mr. Bondy. The City Attorney was asked whether bids should be asked, and stated that where the amount of the premium would be under $1000.00 it is not necessary to call for bids under the present law. It was agreed that Col. Hagen and Cmn. Ede be authorized to place the Insurance, and that the bonds of the City Clerk and City Treasurer be continued yith Mr. Fennel, Cmn, Castorena moved that Cm. Ede and City Clerk Hagen be given the authority to place the insurance, after receiving the neces- sary quotations on which to base their decision, All ayes, motion carried, After a 15-minute recess, Mayor McClellan reconvened the Council Proposed Ordinance 6020 regulating- construction, maintenance, eta, at 9:20 P. M. of trailer parks and trailer coaches was read. The ordinance was. studied and discussed, and the phrase "except that temporary occupancy permits , for tents may be. issued bg: the City Building Department for youth camp- iqg under adult supervision" was. added to the first sentence in i SectLon XVI, Cmn, Sutton moved the adoption of proposed Ordfnance 6010 as read. Seconded by Cm. me. Five ayes, no nays, Ordinance adopted. Mayor McClellan suggested that an extra nwber of printed copies be obtalned. Cm .- Sutton was excused at 10 t%o P. PI. Copies of the financial statement for June, 1953, were passed to City Clerk kgen stated that Bill Fry would like to bow whether thc Counciihmen and studied. council will-discuss a lease with the Santa Fe Bailroad if they come out with a proposition; that Fry had stated that the railroad representative from San Bernardino had suggested that nothing definite be done In a 16 f inancia1 way until the railroad decides how far they will go on it, City Clerk Hagen asked permission to employ Everts 8~ Esqnoff to audit the City booksI Cm, Ede moved the adoption of a resolution authorizing the City Clerk-Administrator to have Everts & Esenoff audit the City's books for the first fiscal year, Seconded by Cmn, Castorena, Four ayes , no nays, Cmn, Sutton absent, Resolution adopted, The amended draft of the budget was stud$ed and discussed, Mayor McClellan proposed that the items be set up with a symbol indicating the funds from which they may be paid, - It was proposed that Cm, Ede consult with City Treasurer Pace, possibly asking City Clerk Eagen to sit in, to ascertain what compensa- tion could be worked out for Mr. Pace. The naming of the portion of Highway 101 to be relinquished to the City was discussed, with emphasis on the necessity.of early action so that residents and merchants could accomplish changes of address as soon as possible, It was decided to take up the matter at the July 20th Q: meeting, $+ Cmn, Castorena reported that the Carlsbad .Volunteer Fire Department '.A: "Engine Company No. l", is holding a formal dedication of the fire sta- :$ tion and open house on Saturday, July llth, from 10 A. .M. to 6 By. M,; * that a mailing is going out to all boxholders and rural boxholders, and 8 special Invitation is extended to the-Council and City officials. It was arranged that Council members be at the Fire Station about 2::3O P. M, and participate in the ceremonies. > *? .q ..,, Cm, Castorena submitted for approval of the Cowtcil the names of the following newly-elected officers of the Fire Department: Fire Chief - 0.- Robert Hardin Assistant Chief- Jerry Standish Captain - - - - Eddie Garcia Captain 0 - - - Denny Wood Secretary - - - Lloyd Simmons Cmn, Castorena offered a Resolution, seconded .by Cm, Ede, approving the election of the above-named officers of the Carlsbad Volunteer Fire DepartmentI Four ayes, no nays, .Cm, Sutton absent. Resolution adopted, By common consent the City Clerk was authorized to prepare a let- ter of commendation and appreciation to the Fire Department for their very fine work in remodeling the Fire Station, . The City Clerk was also authorized to send a similar letter of corn mendation to the reserve police officers.for their magnificent job, particularly over the Fourth of July week-end. There being no further business to come before 'the meeting, Cmn, Castorena moved for adjournment, Cm, Chase seconding, All ayes, meet- ing adjourned at 1l:Oj P, 14, Reppectfully submitted, ,'. (g - ,.,.";&. . c ./e 4.9 ' , , +. .v %iib %%G€d, -C[9%ieyk ( """""""""""~"""-~""-~ MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD D COW July 23~. 1951 Meeting called to order at 7:60 P. M. by bycr *WcClellan. Present besides the Mayor were Cm, Castorena, Ede, .Sutton, Chase, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, Building Inspector Ewald, City At- torney Smith, cm, %le moved, Cmn, Castorem seconded, that reading of the mlnutes of the meeting of July 7th be waived. All ayes, motfon carried. City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence; Letter from the Sa Dfego Junior Chamber of Comerce regarding