HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-08-04; City Council; Minutes68 Stxtton moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 11:25 Po PI, _+ Be *.-+ mc&~~-l=& sulpitted., L' /,.I+ 4fr q..-WH&,? .I] / :r ' 4 &p v - EA& 'l €&a$$ '?lty Clerk I"""*"""""""""""""" J4IINUTES OE NEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COWICJL - . Aumtst 4, 1953 . Meetlng was called to order at 7::OO P. M, by Mayor McCleflan. Present besiaes the Mayor were Councilmen Sutton, Ede, Castonma, Chase, Ci.ty Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, City Attorney Smith and Building Inspector Ewald, Absent, none , Cmn, Castorem moved that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 21 be waived, Seconded by Cmn'. Ede, All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence; Letter from Division of Highways, signed by R, L. Beu%hel, stating that after review and approval of the resolution submitted by the City of Carlsbad requesting approval of a certain street as an additional major city street pursuant to provisims of Section 2053 of the Streets and Highways Code, Elm Av.enue from Lincoln Street to the freeway is now in- cluded in the Hajor Cfty Street System. After this readingF Nayor Mc- Clellan suggested to Mr. Barter that he keep on file a record of all major streets in the City gnd perhaps adicate these streets on a- colored map 0 Letter from Division of Highways, aimed by J, R, Jamis, stating that a pedestrian undercrossiag is being provided at the Chestnut Street intersection, ayld that this undercrossing will be 'provided with eight 60-watt incandescent lamps in soffit lights and two 6,000 lumen incandesec oent luminaires at the ends of %he undercrossing, and that it will be the City's obligation to maintain these lights, and the City was there- . fore requested to make application to the San Diego Gas aC Electric Com- pany for power connections and arrangements for payment. of electrical energy and maintenance charges. This letter indicaeed copy being sent to San Diego Gas tk Electric Company, Letter from San Diego Gas & Elecltric Company, signed by G, PS. Evans, stating that they were in reoeipt of a copy of the above-mentioned letter from the Division of Highways and enclosing application forms for ' the eight 60-t.~att incaadescent lamps and that this will be a metered service. Service for.t;he two 6,000 lumen incmdescsnt Xuminaires is billed on a flat rate which bcludes charge for maintenance of lights, at a charge to the City of $3.55 per. light per month. Ii order to secure the installation and service, the City was directed to request installation of the street lights and to authorize the Gas Company to bill the City for service, Cm. %de moved that City Clerk Hagen be authorized to file application for such lights at the pedestrian underorossing at Chestnut Street cross2ng of Freeway. Seconded by Cmn, Chase, All ayes, motion carried. Letter from Division of Highways, signed by R, L.9euthe1, enclosinl copy of circular letter of June 10, 1953, from Mr. 0, T, HcCoy, State Highw ay EngFneer, regarding staixs of signs left 3n place on portions of State Highway which have been relinquished to cigies and counties, Attention called to the fact that regulatory signs left; in place when highway is relinquished are without legal status unless,covered by * appropriate action of the local governbg body, The circular letter also READ BY Chrk Hagen. Both letters referred -to Traffic Engineer for handling and consultation with Chief of Police, with request that they re- porQ their. findings back to the Council on August 18, Le$ter from Department of Finance, sigxed by H, H, Jacqueth, acknow- ledging receipt of c,opies of Resolution No, 53 and- advising that our ap- plication for $10,000 .OO has been withdrawn and the sum has reverted to . thE! City's Chapter 47 plans allocati,on account, and a1s.o stating that the assigning of $6,000 to the Sanitary District now leaves a balanae of $4,000 in the. City's Chapter 4.7 allocation account. No action required. I( Clerk ordered to phce letter on. file. Office of Civil Defense, signed by Burton Washburn, acknowledging reoe5;pt of resolutions 60 and 61 reg@€* Civil Defense and advising that our application would be placed before the State Disaster Comcil for cer- tification as a;n 'accredited Disaster Council" at its next meetlng. No, action required,' Clerk ordered to place letter on file. A post card f-rom Mr. Otto Sudau of. Brunkendorf-Luchow, Germy, in- quiring origin of the name of OUT City and requesting map oC California and information as to life in the United States. Mayor McClelhn asked if anyone would like to take it upon himself to correspond,:with Mr. Sudau. Gerald.-IJloCZellan stated he was sure the CHAIBEROF Commerce would be happy to answer Mr. Sudau's communication, and the matter was referred to the- Chamber of. Comaerce for action. ' Monthly Police Report for July, listing a total of 13 arrests, 19 I accidents, 125 traffic citations, and 61 general cases. Monthly Fire Bepartmnt &port for Jdy, listing 4 alarms, all brush- Xfire,s; 2 ,auto aocidents; 35 total man hours; 35 men answering alarm; 50 j-9 illegal burd'bgs checked; 168 total instruction man hours; approximately '@25 man hours stagd-by; 4 men attending County Fireman's Association meet- ."t ing; 2 men spendag one day each in San Diego; 16 active firemen'; 250 3 4 people attending open house. Memorandum to City Council from Amie Stringer, Secretary of Carlsbad Plazining Commission, regading tentative subdivision map submitted by E. Thacher, was read, recommending approval with the proviso that a street be proyided with the. center -line of such street being approximately 450 feet south of Chinquapin Street and' the exact location to be determined by the Direotor of Public Works. Letter of ob section to such subdlvision signed by Thaddeus A, Kuszyrzski, Hartha Kuszynski, Mrs. Estelle C. Gerow, Mrs. Enid G. Lewis, and Mrs. Estelle G, Gibson was also read. Mr. and Mrs. Kuszynski, Nrs. Gerow and Mrs. Lewis were present and voiced objections to the ,approval of .the subdivision as shown on the map submitted, ob3ections being in connection with the street recommended by the Planning Commission as above stated on the grotaids that if such a street were provided fo-r in this subdivision, at some time .in the future efforts would be made to cause this street to .be extended over property owned by them, After con- siderable discussion, the matter was referred back to the Plannag Com- mission for future study, on motion of Cmn, Ede, seconded by Cm, Sutton. All ayes, motion 'oarried. Mr. Helton and Mrs . Sutton, members of the Planning Commission present, indicated that this matter would be taken up at the Planning Commission meeting next Monday night, and Mayor McClellan suggested that the City Clerk notify Mr. Trask, also an owner of adjoining prorjerty, of this meeting so that he might attend if he so desires. I ' ' Plemorandum to City Council from Amie Stringer, Secretary of .Carlsbad Pl.aan5ng Commission, regardug final map of Carlsbad Estates as submitted by Gallinger Construotlon Company recommending approval of said .map, with drainage and graaes to be satisfactory to Director of Public Works, and authorizing proper signatures, Hayor HcClellan absented himself from the chair at this time and turned the meeting over to Cm. Ede, who asked II Public Works Director Barter for his report on this property. Mr. Barter reported that he had investigated the matter thoroughly, Construotion materials to be'used on the roads are satisfactory. There are only three points, one on Chestnut, one on SkyUae, and the third on Park Drive. He recommended' that the profile or cross-section of the lower portion of Park Drive .as it exists on the most Southwesterly portion of Park Drive be 'A. chaaged from a convex or invertea cume to a stralght slope with the lower portion on the -st southerliy szde of Park Drive. With this change, drain- age waters In this subdivlsion wfll be well taken care of. Mr. Barter ad- vised that Mr. Phelps has concurred in Ns oomputations and outlines in c?langing of the map. With this one change accomplished, the map as sub- mitted complies with ell subdivision requirements, City Attorney Smith re- ported he had checked the map and approved the same as to form but not as to engineering requirements. Mr. Smith outlined the steps to be followed in approving the subdivision and filing the bond and agreement incidental thereto, and read the proposed agreement between the City and Gallinger Construction Company. Cnw, Castorena-offered a +resolution for acceptance of the agreement. k4r. Smith pointed out that the bond should acoompany the agreement. Cm. 'Castorena then amended his resolution to statei':that the agreement, bond and final map be acoepted, Seconded by Cm, Sutton, Four ayes, no nays, byor McClellan abstaining. I At this time Mayor NcClellan again took charge of the meetiPzg. '10 Memorandum to City Councfl from Arnie Stringer, Secretary of Carlsbad P1E11313133g Commission, regarding application of Gallinger Corpor- ation for reclassification from E-2 to R-1 of a portion of Tract 256, Thwn Lands, and a portion of Lot J, Rartcho Agua Hedionda, being a portion of a tentative map of Carlsbad Estates approved by the Council on July 21, 1953, recommending to the Council approval of said application for re- classification, Cm, Castorena moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be recognized and that hearing on said application be set fo2 August 18, 1953, at 7~45 P. PI, Seconded by Cm, Chase, All ayes, motion carried. . ;t;ettm from vista way Co&unity requesting improvement of the appear- ance of the cemetery on Vista Way witha the within the limits of the City. Cm. Sutton requested that City Clerk Hagen make Investigation as to ownership of the cemetery and the present status of the property, automobile with full speclal polioe equipment. Action on this matter was tabled to be taken up later in the meetlng, Quotation from Dixon-Heller Motors, Inc., on a new Ford V-8 Mainline Mayur McClellan reported that the San Diego Junlor Chamber of Com- merce had advised him that August 22-23 had been designated as Harbor Days, requesting that Carlsbad join in the crelebratlon of those days, City Clerk Hagen was .Instructed to prepare a proclamation of suitable nature for adoption , City Clerk Hagen had nothlng to report at this time regardlng gnat control, in the Buena Vista Lagoon area, but Cm. Chase .commented that he had seen the County spraying down at the Lagoon. Clerk Hagen will report on this matter at a coming meeting of the Counoil. Regarding the request by Wr, Arthur Snyder that the Council consider an amendment to ,the plumbing ordinance requiring a hot seal on vitrified sewer pipe within the City, Ordinance No. 8016, which is an urgency .ordin- ace amending Ordinance 8015 of the Clty of Carlsbad, was read by the City Clerk. Max Ewald, Building Inspector, reported the new ordinance would remedy the present situation as brought to the attention of the Council by Plr. Snyder. Hr, Ewald reported that he had talked with Nr, Billch and Informed him of the new requirement, and Mr. Bilich is now using a compound on his joints .and has oo-operated to that extent. Mr. Ewald further re- ported that the Sanitary District also feels the new requirement is In conformame with good practices, and that the plumbing contractors in this area had been contacted and all agreed that the compound Is better and will cost only slightly more. Cmn, Sutton questioned if this new requirement was a common practice in otbr cities, and Cm, Chase answered that this is a problem peculiar to Carlsbad,and other cities did not have .these particular problems , Cmn. Ede moved that Ordinace No, 8016 be adopted as an urgency measure. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayes, motion oarried , At 8:35 Mayor McClelfau opened the informal hearing regarding the renaming of Highway 101 on its relinquishment to the City when the Freeway is opened, at which time the City is required to accept control of Highway 101. City Clerk Hagen read the following:: Letter from Gbrles B, Ledgerwood and wife and Eldean Ledgerwood and Claire Ledgemood protesting the naming of the Highway "Paseo Del Mar" for masons that in their oplni'on the name is disfioult for those not versed fn the Spanish language, it is too long, too awkward and not easily understood. They mentioned the following as being names acceptable to them: Mar Vista, Vista Del Mar, Del kr; to have the western portion made a continuation of Ocean Street and the easterly portion a oontinuatfon of LInco3a Street, with the comect3ng portion given one of the foregoing suggested names. Letter from Robert .MoKee Smith suggesting the name nMcClellm Boule- vard" in honor of our first Mayor. Letter from Fred Hutflesz suggesting the name "El Camino Real". Two letters from Mrs. Geneva A, Fritschel .suggesting the name "Taft Driven , htter signed by approximately 58 persons suggesting the following names:. "Pacific Boulevard, -Pacific Drive, Carlsbad Boulevard, Sea Breeze Drive, Pacific Breeze Way, Ocean Drive, Shore Drive, Mar Vista, Paseo del Mar; Sqnar Del kr, Paseo mrbella, Sunset Drive, Pam0 Marbella, Coast 1 .'; Biusay, Seaside Drive.@ contbued the street name in use in Oceanside and number&$ would also be consecutive. Several names, including 'Pacific" and nOcean were offered from the floor. : It was decided that the name should preferably be a name not ailready in use either in Oceanside or Carlsbad. Mrs. Suttm "pointed out that since most of the streets crossing the Highway were named after presidents, that'perhaps Taft Drive would be very suitable. Nr, Ewald suggesfed that a petition be circulated among persons owning property and living along the highway as to their preference, since they wi31 be most affecged by the usage of the street name. After much discussion, Cm. Ede suggested that ballots be oast by all persons present at the meeting, each giving his om opinion. Such ballots were cast, with majoriey votes going to Carlsbad Drive and Boulevard and second high to Pacific Drive and Boulevard. A second ballot was cast, voting on 'Carlsbad" or "Pacif io" , final result of ..thl-s second ballot being Carlsbad first, Pacific second high. Hayor NcClellan stated that this second ballot was an expression of majority wishes 'of persons present that the name be chosen batween these two .names desided upon, and that he hoped the newspapers would consider The name HHill Street" was suggested, point fn favor being that it I 2% thls matter,a nekssworthy item and that the citizenry would voice their S:g thoughts on preferevloe of one name over the other. - e%f YJ 9220 P. .M. 3 .-.q w After a 15-minute recess, Mayor McClellan reconvened the Council. at Regarding Civil Defense, City Clerk Hagen reported that resolutions NOS. 60 and 61 had been forwarded to the office of Civil Defense, Regard- ing ,the pumper truck, Clerk Hagen reported it is to be purchased locally by the City, not. by the State, and can be purchased ouid of matching funds at any time prior to July 1, 1954. Therefore, we should make the purchase, then apply to the State for reimbursement, Clerk Hagen further reported on the civil defense meeting wMch he attended today at Gillespie Field, at which was reoomended one medidal team between the two cities of Ocean- side .and Carlsbad consisting of l5O-200 persons, Tentative plans are that the County wfll..take charge of the medical. and welfare mgle of defense, but there is no assurance that the Board of Supervisors will supply equip- ment and needs'. However, plans will not be definite before the lapse of at least a month, and therefore nothing is to be gained if work is started at this time. Clerk Hagen- reported that problems are just being resolved at Sacramento, and as yet no order has been given. It is surmised, how- ever, that we will be required to supply salvage and first aid teams, and perhaps fire auxiliaide s . I Cm, Castorena reported that he attended the County meeting of Fire Chlefs and Commissioners at-hcifio Beach on Friday evening, July 3lst, a$ which meet-g he talked with Plr. Wadsworth regarding the Carlsbad Vol- unteers' building .of -a salvage tmck of their oyl~ for small fires and life saving calls. Mr. Wadsworth suggested that instead of doing this, that the Carlsbad mi.t go in with the Civil Defense unit and get the defense wait's salvage equipmeat . No decisions on this were made by the Depart- ment, but Chief .liardin was asked to go to San Diego and investigate the matterr He investigated the truck Hr, Wadworth has in San Diego and con-' cluded that, although At is a wonderful opportunity, such 8 truck is Just too large for our Department; therefore, for the time being, our Depart- raent. will go ahead with the building of a small salvage truck out of their own .funds, with perhaps slight help from the City, to be used for salvage and resuscitator calls and small fire calls. Such a small truck will save much in the way .of time and man hours, but will earn no credits with the Fire Underwriters. Cm. Castorena reported on the demonstration of fire equipnent by the Naval Fire Prevention Divisim at the meeting in Pacific Beach, and the demonstration was so worth while that a request was made to have the demonstration made in Carlsbad. This demonstration by the U, S. Navy .Fire Prevention Division regarding fire prevention will be held 3.n Carlsbad on Wednesday, August 12, at the Carlsbad Grammar School au&&torium at 8:OO P. PI. This demonstration will earn training credits with the Fire Underwriters for our Departinent. Hr. Wadsworth will attend this denon- stratton also, and will bring with him the big salvage truck for show pur- posesr Cmn. Castorena requested that the newspapers take notice .of this matter and give it their attention. I -_ Cm. Castarena reported. also that in order to gee the necessary credits for reduction of the fire dnsurmce rates and to give better ser- vice to the comunity, i-t is necessary to immediately purchase 50-0 feet of 2*" 'hose. There is, at present, 500 feet of. hose on the t ruok, whish hose is, l.n poor condi.tiOn and- leaks badly. Purchase of this hose c1u3. be made now, ad payment deferred until January, 1954. Funds for the purcbse ~a 72 be taken fkom in lieu taxes, and these moneys are now available. Cmn.' Castorena moved that the City Clerk be authorized to purchase 500 feet of 2*n hose for the Fire Department. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. .. Cmn. Castorqa further reported that in order to effect lower rates In fire insurance', the aepartment is keepjllg a very complete record of all activities in t@.e way of fire prevention and fire fighting, and that the equipment and records are open to inspection by any member of the Cotazlcil at any time. Reported f'urther, that upon receipt of the new hose, we ". should apply to the Pacific Underwriters for a review of rate stntcture, In axher to Pacific Underwriters f suggestion that a full time Chief be employed, Cmn. Castorena stated that loo$ of the men are volunteers, and therefore better co-operation would be attained if a volunteer remained: leader of the Department, and in order to keep the Department working efficiently, we should keep it on a volunteer basis. Fire Chief Hardin reported that 100 feet of. hose on the truck is property of the Forestry Division and must be returned to them, and to meet requirements of the Board of'Underwriters, ne must haye 1,00O:.feet of 2$$' high pressure hose. Upon discussion, it was ascertained that funds ape available for such purchase. Therefore, Cm, Me moved that the motion pre?ziously offered by Cmn. Castorena and passed regarding purchase of hose be repealed. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion "cary-ied. Cm. Castorena then moved that the City Clerk be authorized to purohase 1,000 feet of 2%' hose and 150 feet of 1." high pressure hose. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. Building Inspector Ewald reported that he had met with Mr. Barter . .and Fire Chief Hardin to set up fire zcrm&ng, but decided to have another meeting at which a representative of the Fire Underwriters: Board and myor NcClellan could be present. Fire Chief Hardin aquired a8 to whether or not the new siren could be heard in all parts of the city, and it was unanimously agreed that the siren was most clear. Mayor McClellan complimented the Depa'rtment on their labors win the matter and stated it would result in grqat savings in 1 fire insurance premiums for Carlsbad. i Regarding police equipment, Cm, Castorena stated that ,&other oar should be added as we have only one car completely equipped, and when this car is being repaired or otherwZse temporarily out of operation, we have no motor equipment covering the community. By adding a seoond car, we el- iminate almost eatirely mileage presently being paid for use of the police chief @ s personal car. Money with whioh to purchase a secrond oar will be taken frorn the 'Traffic Safety Fund, which has a bslmce of $3,255 with payments 'payable against the f'und of $44.59 per month. To be added to this fund is any sum due the City from traffic court for the month .of July, Any car purchased should be painted to comply with traffic safety use. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids, specifications on the automobile to be set forth b the advertisement, and that said bids, when received, shall-be opened at 1:OO o'clock P. M,, , August 18, 1953. Seconded by Cm. Casto~ena. All ayes, motion carried. A letter 'from the San Diego Gas tk Electric Company was read which enclosed contracts regarding Temamar Lighting Distrlct. No action was required regarding this matter as the City Attorney has approved the contracts as to form and a resolution has previously been passed recommend- ing signature s. Mayor McClellan stated that liability insurance is now taken care of, having been plaoed with Hartford Aqcident and Indemnity Company, Grand and Cedar, action will be deferred to the next meeting of' the Council awaiting a report from City Clerk Wgen. on the Park & Recreation Commission: Ben Acuna, Mrs. Eva Felt, Gerald C. McClellan, Howard Oldham, Dr. Walter Glhes, and Mrs. Vesta Stuart. Terms suggested are: One year - Ben Acuna and Plrs. Stuart; two years 0 Mrs. Felt and Howard Oldham; three years - Dr. Glines; four years - Gerald C. McClellan. Terms to commence August 8, 19530 Cmn. Ede moved that the persons so named and terms recommended be approved and named to seme on the Park & Recreation Commission. Seconded by Cm, Castorena, All ayes, motion carried. In relation to the traffio hazard existing on Ocean Street between Mrs. Sutton reported that the following names are offered to seme .. 17 Mrs. Sutton reported that-she had received a copy of a letter from the State to the Coianty .regarding the local State Park, which letter indi- cated that the County might SubTeC the lease of the park to us. Hrs. Sutton also questioned the council as to what should be done re- garding the hot water being released from the San Diego Gas & Electric Com- pany iplto the Lagoon, The matter was referred to the Park & Recreation. CommLssion for investigation. pe'rhaps the City would authorize revenue for service and ma5ntenmce. Several suggestions were offered from the Comcil -- that the Boy Scouts mlght undertake .the task for a small fee; that perhaps one of the local service clubs would undertake payment to the Scouts for-the -work. St was further stated , however, that the job of keeping the beach in order is too big a job for the Scouts aad the City should handle clean-up operatiom The matter was referred back to the Parks & Recreation Commission for fur- ther action, Mrs. Sutton also pointed out that the beach should be cleaned up, and I ,. Regarding the water situation, Mrs. Sutton reported that it seemed 24 evident that a IjIunici-pal District would have to be formed in order for us if3 to obtalin water, and that all areas which have not already been included 3 in units already formed should be included in the District. - :3 + .I_* Mr. Chase.,.reported that regarding the extra land on the westerly side of the access road which the State bought and for which we intend to apply as a City, consists of approximately: 2,644 acres. Mr. Chase stated it is definitely desirable for the City to acquire this land, The Division has withheld these areas from sale awaiting our proposal and therefore we should make our proposal soon. We should talk to the State and inform them tha6 we will accept dedication of the access road, as the road probably could be added to the system as a major road. The only question standing in the way of aoceptance of the road is the cost of maintenance. In this regard, Mr. Barter and Mr. Chase stated they believed it will probably be three-years before we have any major7maintenance cost on the access road. Cmn. .Ede moved we authorize entering into negotiations'with the Division of Highways to take over the maintenance of Pi0 Pic0 Drive and accepting relinquishment of Pi0 Pic0 Drfve and as part of the consideration for dobe so, asking the State to convey- to the City all excess parcels of land lying westerly .of the freeway as indicated on the map which the State now holds. Seconded by Cm. Chase. All ayes, motion carried. I Attorney Smith stated that he feels the freeway construction has . progressed to the point where we might bring pressure for construction of ramps, and Mr. Chase expressed disapproval over the leaving of a temporary paving across the freeway; that the County was responsible for the protec- tion of the community's welfare in this regard since the City had had no voice in the matter when the construction contraot was prepared, Mr. Chase was requested by the Council to-attend the next League of California Cities' meeting and to bring thls mtter up before that body, pointing out that we feel our interests have not been well represented by- the County and that in taking this actlcm, we hope-we cam save other- cities from this inconvenience in the future. Regarding the Patterson suit, Attorney Smith reported that a Stipu- lation had been signed grant- extension of time for filing of the A.nswer to August 17th. Further, that the origlnal rate quoted to be charged by the firm of O'Melveny 8~ Myers was to-be $50.00 per hour for senior part- ners, $35.00 per hour for associates, and 9825.00 per hour for research at- tomeys; that the same rates would pertafn to the trial of this actlon, with no additional charges being made for out of town semioes. .. -.~- . . -,, , . I Mr.. Barter reported. that he had talked with the resident engineer on the. freeway project I and had asked him about the road repairs at Hardlng Street and advised him of our letter to Bressi & Bevanda. The engineer advised that heavy truck traffic had been re-routed and further that the State had PO responsibility for posting of city streets for track traffic and that the State had no financial responsibility for damage to any city . streets. Mr. Barter stated it was his opinion that we advise the State that Harding Street must be repaired, and f'urther again write Bressi iA Be- vanda that Hardiag Street between Chestnut and Elm Streets md also Elm Street are in need of repairs, damages to which-were caused by the Bressi vehicles. The Council advised that Nr. Barter, Mr. Chase and Clerk Hagen keep in close contact with this matter. - Mr. Barter also took up the situation of the grading on Tuttle Street with the resident engineer, who stated that a gutter would have to be run 74: down from where the access road joined Tuttle Street; that as drainage now runs ncrth, the street would have to be reworked ad a deep ditch put in to accomplish the purpose of drainage. Mr. Barter pointed out that the State had no authority to reverse the drainage without the City's express authority. Mr. Ekrter was instructed by the Council to keep in close touch with this situation. Mr. Barter also advised the resident engineer ttiat the Chinquapin drainage catch basin was dirty and must be cleaned out, aad received the engineer's assurance that the basin would be cleaned. 'A tentative budget was read and discussed, with the budget showing estimated expenditures of approximately $135,000.00 against an estimated income of $L13;,662.89, with a contingency reserve of approximately $lj,OOO.Od. Cmn. Ede moved that the tentative budget stand a8 read, . Seconded by Cnm, Sutton. All ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk reported that the tax rate should be set at the next Council meeting. of the Catholic Church regarding a year's extension lease of the City Hall premises. Mayor McClellan advised that the Carlsbad Planning Commission was invited to a luncheon on Thursday, August 6th, at U:3O P. N., at'Pete's Steak House, by the San Diego County Planning Congress. Anyone wishing to attend was asked'to notify^Mrs, Robert Sutton for reservations. Cmn. Castorena reported that no word was received from the Bishop Due to the fact that the Council is required to fix the amount of moneys required to be raised by taxation on %he first -Monday in August, it was moved by Cmn. Ede that the meeting be ad3ourned to meet on the 18th day of Awgust so that th6 matter of finances could be discussed more in detail at that meeting under the date of August 4, 1953. Seconded by Cm. Chase, All ayes, motion carried. Meeting hdjourned at llf40 P, M, to AWst 18th at 7:OO Po M. T """"""""""""~"""""" MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Awst 1& 1951 'Meeting called to order at 7~40 P. M, by Mayor McClellan. Present:: besides the Hayor were Councilmen Chase and Castorena, Public Works Di- rector Barter, Building Inspector Ewald, City Attorney Smith, and Deputy City Clerk Vermilyea. Absent, Cmn, Sutton and Ece, City Clerk Hagen, Minutes of' the meeting of August 4th were read, and, with several minor changes made, approved as corrected. Mr. Tibbetts of Monroe Street asked a question 3n connection with control of drainage water from the Carlsbad Estates subdivision, and was was referred to Nr. Barter, Public Works Director, who made an appointment with Mr. Tibbetts at 3:OO P.'M, Wednesday at the City Hall to discuss' the matter. Mr. Barter's report on the traffic hazard existing on Ocean Avenue between Grand and Cedar was read and discussed. Mr. Nelson Westr&e, custodian of the hotel grounds, was present and outlined what was being done by the hotel-management to alleviate the hazard, stating that 50 feet of the fence had been removed and were taking out and relocating the palm trees, and that on the trees which had been cut they would cut off the stumps flush with the ground. He also stated that they had pabfrked;::. two white stripes, about ten feet apart, from the hotel gate to t& op- posite side of the street for a pedestrian crossing. Cm. Chase reported that he had talked with Mr. DeBarros, manager of the hotel, who expressed willingness to co-operate but did not wish to have the gardens torn up during the racbg season, and also tie up. people important to the*hotel's maintenance at this time. He stated that two of the large bushes were out the next day and he felt the management's intentions were goo@, Mr.