HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-08-18; City Council; Minutes (2)74
down from where the access mad joined Tuttle Street; that as drainage now runs ncrth, the street would have to be reworked and a deep ditch put W to accomplish the purpose of drainage. Nr, Barter pointed out that the State had no authority to reverse the drainage rvithout the City's express authority. IVIr. Barter was instructed by the Councll to keep in close touch with this situation,
Mr. Barter also advised the resZdexlt engineer tmt the Chinquapin drainage catch basin was dirty and must be cleaned out, and received the engineer's assurance tha-t; the basin would be cleaned.
'-9 tentative budget was read and discussed, with the budget showing estimated expenditures of approximately $135,000 .OO against an estimate& income of 3115,662.89, with a contingency reserve of approximately
@lfi,000.06. Cm. Ede moved tha$ the tentative budget stand as =ad,
. Seconded by Cnm. Sutton, All ayes, motLox carried,
The City Clerk reported that the tax rate should be set ?t the next
Cmn. Castorena reported that no word was received from the Bishop
Council meeting.
of the Catholic Church regarding a year's extension lease of the City Hall premises.
Mayor McClellan advised that the Carlsbad Planning Commission was invited to a luncheon on Thursday, August 6th, at U:3O P. M., at'Pete's Steak House, by the San Diego Comty Planning Congress, Anyone wishing to attend was asked'to notify*Nrs, Robert Sutton for reservations.
Due to the fact that the Council is required to fix the amount of moneys required to be raised by taxation on the first -Monday in August, it was moved by Cm, Ede that the meeting be adjourned to meet on the 18th day of August so that the matter of finances could be discussed more in detail .ht that meeting under the date of August 4, 1953. Seconded by Cm, Chase. A11 ayes, motfon carried. Meeting adjourned at llf4O P. Me to August 18th at 7:OO Po M,
Amst -
'1"Ieting called to order at 7:40 P. PS, by Ivlayor McClellan, Present. besides the IJIayor were Councilmen Chase and Castorena, Public Works Di- rector Barter, Building. Inspector Ewald, City Attorney Smith, and Deputy City Clerk Vermilyea, Absent, Cm. Sutton and Ece, City Clerk Hagen.
Minutes of the meeting of August 4th were read, and, with several minor changes made, approved as corrected.
Nr, Tibbetts of Monroe Street asked a question in connection with control of drainage water from the Carlsbad Estates subdivision, and was was referred to Nr, Barter, Public Works Director, who made an appointment with Nr. Tibbetts at j:OO P,~M. Wednesday at the City Hall to discuss'the matter.
Plr. Barter's report on the traffic hazard existing on Ocean+Avenue between Grand and Cedar was read and discussed. Mr. Nelson Westree, custodian of the hotel grounds, was present and outlined what was being done by the hotel'management to alleviate the hazard, stating that 50 feet of the fence had been removed and were taking out and relocating the palm trees, and that on the trees which had been cut they would cut off the stumps flush with the gromd, He also stated that they had paSfited.': two white stripes, about ten feet apart, from the hotel gate to thG op- posite side of the street for a pedestrian crossing. Cmn. Chase reported that he had talked with Nr, DeBarros, manager of the hotel, who expressed willingness to co-operate but did not wish to have the gardens torn up during the racing seasoh, a.nd also tie up. people importat to the*hotel's maintenance at this time. He state6 that two of the large bushes were
out the next day and he felt the management's intentions were good, Mr.
.. . .. . 1:
Oldham, chairmri of the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission was asked whether he had any coment, and he stated the Committee would iike to study the ma-tter a little longer, It was agreed that "No Parking" signs should be placed on both sides of the street, under the direction of the Traffic Engineer, Cmn, Castorena moved that the. Traffic Ehgineer be instructed to pPoperly post Oaean Avenue between Grand and Cedar, Second- e6 by Cmn, Chase,. A11 ayes, motion carried. The Deputy City Clerk was requested to prepare a memorandum to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and TRe Commission asking that a member of the Commission confer with the Traffic Engineer and C,ity Clerk Hagen and return their recommendation to. the Ci.ty Council at its next meeting,
I Chairmavl Oldham of the PBB& T Commission reported on plans for the Beach Clean-up program, stating that 6he plan is to have a whirlwud cam- paign to clean up the beach on August 29th, inviting all citizens from 6 to 90 who are able-bcdied to brlng containers and pick up trash and debris; that they had the promised assistance .of all agencies -- the Fire &part- ment to, burn .combustible material, the Sanitary District to haul away non- combustible trash, the Chamber of Commerce, service clubs, and other organ- izations who will. co-operate in the plan; %hat the campaign will end with xa picnic at 12 noon at the south end of the beach. The campaign will be- Lf3gin 'at 9, o'clock' Saturday morning, the 29th, at the beach between Elm and
4-4 Grand, ad work south. He stated he had spoken to the Police Chief for 4 traffic eegulation, commenting that this was one of the main problems as
d the participant.s. will be retxrnjng just at the t.ime the flow of racing
-4 traffic begins, ' The suggestion was made %hat the plan could be reversed, with the campaign starting at the south end and wopking north, with the picpic at the foot of Grand Avenue, and Ere Oldham agreed that Ws would be a safer procedure, He asked that the Mayor issue a proclamation deslg- natlng Saturday, August Z9th, as "BEACH CW-W Dmu, and was assured that this would be done, Mayor McClellan complimented Mr. Oldham and .the Commission on t.he speed with which they were gatting under way.
The following corresp0ndenc.e was read :
.TWO lette& from the Office of civil Defense; on-e specifying the
I obligation of the City in regard to supplying aid to San Diego in event of disaster, and %he other enclosing a sheet of sample wallet-size and larger cards giving instructions for protection from atorn-bomDing, and giving ppices. Ref erred to Can, Castorena.
Letter from Nr, T, M, Heggland to Gen. Bobertaon, Director of Civil Defense, advising. of the Board of Supervisors' approval of the revised plan of Civil Defens.e organization. It was agreed to defer this entire matter until Cole Hagen's return, and that a complete proposal be present- ed to the Council at its next meetdng. ~
&Gter from Police Chief Palkowski regardug traffic control, making recomaadstions as to extension of the 35-mile zone south to Tamarack in an effort to alleviate the traffic hazard existing at the Apex curve. The Chief further explained that Kr. Wallace of the Division of Highways. had sent Mr.. Bobbins np here, as a result of the, fatal aacident yesteriiay, and that he had acoompanied him to the scene of the accident and explained - what Ire p3mned to recommend, and Mr. Bobbins had seemed to concur 'and was quite anxious for a letter to go to Plr, Wallace at this time. The Chief stated that Mr. Robbins had taken photographs of the area and noted the poorly-marked double lines, etc., and that at the time a large truck was parked frm such a position as to obscure the 35-mile zone sip. Cmn. Chase moved that a letter be sent to Mr. Wallace of the Division of Highways following substantially the recommendations contained in the Pnlice Chief's letter, and ,adding that substantially this same request had been made by letter and yerbally to the Division on previous occrasion.s. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. ' All ayes, motion carried, I LetteL from Mrs. Frank Downing of 3824 Highway 101 urging regula- tion of the speed 1,imit on 101 ir. the critical zone between Tamarack and the curve, by the City; also complimenting the Council for its action in prohibiting camping on the beach, and asking whether the toilets could be moved further @mn the Coast where camping is permitted, Chief Palkowski stated that he had take3 the liberty of calling on Mrs., Downing and ex- plaining that the City was powerless to make any change in the speed limit on the Highway until s.uch time as it is relinquished to the City upon the opening of the Freeway tc! publio use, but that recommendations could and would be made to, the Division of Highways in an effort to get .immediate co.rrection of this traffic hazard. The Deputy City Clerk was asked to write Mrs. Downing a note advising her that the City is taking the stronges
7 6.
measures possible under the circumstances; and in reference to the matter of the toilets, it will be necessary to find out when the county's con- tract for the toilets expires, presumably about October 1st.
Letter from R, L, Beuthel enclosing three copies of Memorandum of Agreement for Expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets, City Attorney Smith stated that- the agreement seemed to be- in proper form. Cm, Castorena offered a Resolution approving the Gas Tax Allocation agreement and authorizing its execution by the City officers, Seconded by Cmn, Chase, Three ayes, no nayg, Cm, Sutton and Ede absent.
Copy of letter dated August llth, from myor McClelLan to the office of E, E, Wallace of the Division of Highways, attention Mr, R, L, Beuthel, authorizing conversion by them to $imbcontrolled signals at Elm and Grand Avenues at Highway 101, The Mayor explained the exchaage of ideas through conversations and conferences with Highway representatives lead- ing up to the writing of this letter, and asked that the, Council express its approval and endorsement of his action, if they concurred, Cmn, Chase moved that the offer contained in the Mayor's letter of August 11, 1953, addressed to the attention of Mr. Beuthel, regarding the conversion of traffic signals, be approved by the Council. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena,
All ayes, motion carried,
Copy of letter dated August lllth, written by Naym McClellm to the State Division of Highways, attention Mr. B, A. Hayler, asking whether the Division of Highways would consider conveying to the City of Carlsbad ten excess parcels of land lying westerly of the new freeway, in consider-. ation of the City's accepting maintenance and control of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, It was noted that no reply had been.r.eceived to either- of the two letters to the Division of Highways. ." *.*. .
Letter from Harriet B. Tillnan of 3220 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, suggesting that, if possible, the State Division of Highways be required to retain control and maintenance of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Reply deferred until Col, Hagen's return. Mrs. Vermilyea was asked to telephone Plrs, Tillman, ad= vising that we were awai'ting the outcome of negotiations with the State on this matter,
Letter to Bruce Smith from the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers inviting him to join NIMLO, listing 13 services that they offer, Attorney Smith explained that if purchased individually by him the cost would be the same ($LbZ.jO) for 8 fraction of the services, a8 he could not subscribe to all 13 services as City Attorney, He asked authority to execute a membership application on behalf of the City, as he felt it would be a very desirable service and at the same time qualify the City to receive other valuable services, -The matter was discussed and it was decided that ina.smuch as Cnn, me, in whose field this matter falls, was absent, .it should be deferred until the next meeting so the plan could have Cm, Ede's approval. City Attorney Smith was authorized to make the application ia the name of the City and send his personal check to cover thefee, pending decision of the City Counci.1 as to whether the City shokld purchase this service. It was requested that a memo be sent to Cmn.. Ede asklng him to consult with Bruce Smith about this proposal and be prepared for action on it at the next Council meetlng,
Letter from the Land Title Insurance Company advising -that acceptance by the City of Park Drive in the subdivision "C~plsbad Estates" was in- advertently omitted in the certificates accompanying the map, and asking that this defect be cured by a Resolution. of the City Council accepting this street. A Resolution was read, covering the error, Cmn. Castorena moved the adoption'of the Resolution as read, Can. Chase seconding, . Three ayes, no nays, Cmn. Sutton and Ede absent. Resolution adopted. _.. - .
Letter from the Assembly Interim Committee on Municipal and County Government of the California Legislature asking inforxnatlon as to reoent or proposed annexations of land to the City of Carlsbad, Referred to City Clerk's office for reply,
Bill of O*IJIeLveny C% Myers, attorneys, amounting to $67.25, covering long distance calls. Referred ,to Finance Committee,
Copy of letter from T, M. HeggLand to Newton P, Drury regarding sub- leasing of the State Park to the City of Carlsbad; routed to the Chairman of the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission, Mayor McClellan sug- ested a method of routing correspondence to the various Council members, kpartment heads, and Commission chairmen,
" 1;
Letter from Duane Wheeler enclosing digest of chattges in election
Tbft matter of choosing a name for the'portion of Highway 101 through
Carlsbad to be relinquished to the City upon the opening of the freeway was taken up, and the newspaper ballots counted, showing a vote of.19 for Carlsbad Boulevard and 6 for Pacific Boulevard, Cmn . Chase moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution adopting the name of "Cjzrlsbad Boulevardn for the portion of Highway 101 within the corpor- ate limits of Carlsbad, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, All ayes, motion carried. Mayor lVlcClellan thanked Hr. Garland of the Carlsbad Journal for
his co-operation in printing the ballots. 1 A memorandum was read regarding a visit of Mr. Redfield of the San Die8 Gas & Electric Company in which he advised that the Power Company would install the lights in the pedestrian underpass on Chestnut Avenue in-eithe~ of two ways, as the City designates, andxthat he would contact' the City again on the matter in a week or SO. The matter was deferred until City
Clerk Hagen's return. ,.
2-3 The letter from the Vista 'ifday Community regarding the old cemetery on
!J? Vista Way was reviewed, and .Nr. Barter reported that he had gone over it,
Y@ but that the property was privately-owned and it would be inappropriate g 3 for the City to expend any k;mds to improve' its appearance,
4 City Attorney Smith reported that in the matter of the Gallinger Cor- .poration subdivision IICarlsbad Sstates", the bond and agreenent would have to be redram because of the fact that the name Gallinger Construction Company had been used instead of "Gallinger Corporation",
Cm, Castorena reported that a resident of south State Street had asked that the limited parking .zone be extended a half-block south on State Street, It was suggested that this be studied by Mr. Barter aad Chief Palkowskil, and at the same time the possibility of re-entry of traffic into the north end of State Street when the freeway is opened.
I Mr,. Barter reported .that he wrote another letter to Bressi lk Bevanda on August 14th requesting that they repair the damage to the City streets caused by their heavy equipment, which letter has not been answered. Mayor McClellwa commented that in the beginning the City could have desig- nated the streets which the contractors could travel with their heavy equipment, and perhaps was guilty of negligence in not doing SO. The letter written on July 20th by the City Clerk to Glenn Richardson, resi- dent engineer of the Division of Highways, requesting that the road be not accepted nor the contractor released from his contract until damage to Carlsbad city streets had been repaired, was Likewise unanswered. Cmn, Chase stated he would make it a point to contact both Glenn Richardson and Bressi & Bevanda in an effort to get, the matter ironed out. Nayor Mo- Clellan suggested that any correspondence on the matter be directed to the office of E. E, Wallace, District Engineer, and a copy sent to the Director of Public Works in Sacramento. Cmn. Chase was asked to keep in close touch with the City Clerk on the matter,
Cmn, Chase qeported that Mr. Joe Apodaca had been hired to make minor street repairs and has a crew now working, Mr. Apodaca hiring the men and making his equipment available, and charging the City on a rate per hour for both men and. equipment, Mr. Barter outlined a tentative schedule which had been set up fur the work, beginning on Lincoln Street and Gar- field Street and working the side streets both ways, Cmn, Chase urged that the Council give early consideration to purchasing a sprayer for bitwnuls of SC-6, as he felt it most important to have this particular piece of equipment when the City has its own. maintenance crew, and did not believe .that the contractor would consider providing this item at this time; that he had talked with both IJIr, Barter and Earl Terry, County Road foreman, who had concurred that a spray should be used on the patches as it is Am- possible to get a proper bond between the patching material and the sur- face without it. He stated he did not have any figures to offer. the Council as to cost at this time but felt certain that after exploring all possibilities he could come to the Coyncil with something that would save the City money. Mayor HcCleflan urged oaution against repairing the streets beyond the point of economy, as the' time will come wheh they will need major repairs, Cm. Chase stated that it might. be possible to make a deal with the Water Cogpang to repair Magnolia Street at the time $hey are working up there, and asked what authority would be necessary, and was told that when he, Nr. Barter and Col. Hagen agree, no further author- ity is necessary,
The patching of the pavement being done by Bilich was discussed, and
Playor McClellm urged that a system be set up whereby the work done under each mcroachment permit be thoroughly checked and no release given until performance is satisfactory. Mr, Ewald stated that as a citizen he would
like to comment on the very noticeable improvement on Linco3n Street,
Cm, Castorena reported that the Fire Department is anxious to reduce to a bare minimum the,false-alarms and is working on a plm which will be presented when ready
On the matter bf the lease of. the City Hall property, C mn. Castorena reported that he and Cm, Ede had seen F'ather Kaspar; that apparently the Bishop had given Father Kaspar more or less of a free h&d, and he agreed to lease the property to the City for the fiscal year and., in case the City should decide to purchase the property, would apply the rent for the year to the purchase price, with the proviso that the City pay the taxes. He stated that the Church is paying the sewer assessment, which is included in the purchase price. Cm. Castorena was asked to work with City Attorney Smith on the matter so that the lease will reflect the intent of both parties, and that it be brought to the -Council at its next mee t ing ,
Cmn. Castorena reported that only one bld had been received on the purchase of the poliee car, that of Dixon-Heller Wotors, for a 1953 V 8 IJIainline Fordor- Sedan, with police interceptor motor, fully equipped for police work, at a total cash price of $2420,jO0 It was decided that in accepting the bid, thirty-day delivery would be specified, Cm. Castor- ena moved that B Resolution be adopted authorizing the acceptance of the
bid of Dixon-Heller Motors on the police car as described in their bid of August 4th, at- a total cash price of $2420,50, delivery to be in thirty days, Secondea by Cxn, Chase, Three ayes, no nays, Cmn, Sutton and Ede absent, Chief Pal$oFrski was asked to telephone Dixon-Heller ad- vising them of the acceptance of the bid,
City Attorney Smith reported that O'Melvany & Nyers have requested mother extension of ten days on the Patterson suit, to August 27th, which had been granted; and that Nr. Beebe of that firm was down today and has outlined a technique of procedure which may be very speedy., He further reported that Clifton Williams has filed a petition for hearing in the- Supreme Court, to which he would make a showjng in opposition.
The League of Cities onado was discussed, and City office by Wednesday notify the League of the Chase I s name,
(County Division) dinner on Friday night in Cor- members were asked to make reservations with the noon. It was requested that the City office change in the City Council, giving them Cnm,
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meet- ing was declared adjourned at 11:15 Po PI,
Respectfully submitted, $zc&zLL@k
NATALIE VERNILYEA, qleputy V City Clerk.
Mayor McClellan reconvened the Council in adjourned session from the meeting of August 4th, 1953, at 7:Oj P, M, Present'besides the byor were Councilmen Chase and Castorena, Public Works Director Barter, Build- ing Inspector Ewald, City Attorney Smith, and Deputy City Clerk Vermil- yea, Absent, Councilmen Sutton and Ede, City Clerk Hagen.
Mayor IVIcClellan announced that the purpose of the adjourned meeting was to determine the amount of money the City would require for the 1953- 54 fiscal year from ad valorum taxes,
Can, Chase stated that in view of the fact that the City now has a crew worklng on street maintenance, which will rapidly dissipate the $l7OO,OO per month now available for this purpose, and that we are now approaching the worst period of the year insofar as required maintenance is concerned, he felt it would be advisable to increase the amount of . money to be derived from the ad valorum taxes by at least-$6000,00; that as the figures now stand there would be no funds available for any emer- gency or major repairs, without drawing on the contingency fund, Cmn,