HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-09-21; City Council; Minutes.. .' 16 " about-$300.00. The possibility of using ,the balamzce of the 'Christmas Tree Fund for .this purpose was discussed. It was polnted:out that when the high school IS construoted on Chestnut a few years hence; sewers will be a necesstty. It was decided to adjourn the Jneetfng until Haday even-, the 21st, irt. 4888 there is any action neoessary on the sewage disposal matter followizg the jo,int conterence with the Sanitary Board. Cnm. Chase moved to ad joum the meethg to Elonday evening, September Zlst, at 7:3O P. M. , Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. A11 ayes, meeting adJourned a* lor15 Po M, to Monday, September Wst, 7z.30 Po X, 5- I .v Bespeotfully submit &d , .dA?d3* EDWARD 0, HAGEN City - CXerk 4 2. j=i :2 s: 4 . k, I I ~~""~""~~~~"""~~~~""0"~"" %, rrsm~s OF ADJOUBNE;D 'MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COVMC~ - - ', The meeting, adjourned from the regular meet- of September lJth, was callea to order by byor McClellaa at 9:5Q Po I%., following a 3o-t conference between the City Council and the Carlsbad Sanitary Board, report of which oonferenGe is hereby referred to. Present be- sides the Mayor were Cm. Sutton, Castorena, and Chase, City Clerk Hagen, PubUtO Works Director Barter,, Building Inspector Ewald, wd Politre Chief Pqlkowski. Absent, Cmn. Ede, City Attorney Bmoe Smith. Cm. Castoreaa moved that the City Attorney be instru&d to -join with the Sanitary Board Attorney for the purpose of seouring a Court ordler on future prooeedings between the City Council and the Sanitary Board; and that he also asqualnt the associate counsel in Los hgeles wkth the urgency of the situation in an effort to expedltb the Patter- son wse, Seoonded by Cm, Sutton. All ayes, motion oarried. City Clerk Hagen read proposed Resolution #77 approvhg Region 10 Operational Plan A, dated .July 28, 1953. Cm. Castorena moved the -adQptiOq of proposed Resolution No. 77 as read. Seconded by Cmn, Chase. 'Four ayes, no nays, Cnm. Ede absent. Resolution adopted. lip. Bar6er submitted a profile of ,a proposed drainage line on Bass- wood Avenue , Wch he explained %n detail, stating it would oost ap- proximately $875.00, He stated that the bid was secured from Leo Wfl- liams, md it was suggested that he secure bids from Don Hubbard and Bilioh on the job. Can. Chase oommented that it was v.ery necressary that this work be done, and moved that the Public Works Dfrecztor be authorized to go ahead with the drabage line #Noh he rersomended be installed on Basswood Avenue. Seconded by Can. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. I . Hr. .Ba&er reported that Hrs. Nioholson had cahed him,about grad- ing and surfac&ng Tuttle Street ,. stating that Mr. ,,Richardson, resident engineer for the Division of Highwa s, had stated.that the State would run guteers -and grade the street (3 sz 0 feet) and that the blacktop con- tractor would give the Cit the sane price as the ,State gets, the en- tire estimated cost to be i 635.00, lus, a $65.00 .oontingenoy, of which Xrs. Nicholson agreed to pay B 200.00. byor HcClellan commented that if this is done, t&re will be similar requests elsewhere, whieh would have to be done in equity; that he did not see how this could be done unless sone sort of' 8 so-operative plan is established. .It was suggested that, pending a study, the City matoh the oost an a 50% basis, Cmn. .Chase moved that we offer to match >5O$ of the oost of the pavug 0x1 Tuttle Street, and specify that this will aBply to only Tuttle Street; the cash to be deposited by the ower with the City Treasurer prior to authorization of the work. Seoonded by Cm. Sutton. .All ayes, motion oarried. There beug no :further business to come before the Councsil, Cm. Chase moved for adJournment, seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes , meeting .adjourned at log25 f, M. Respectfully submitted, P EDWARD Q. HACiEN, Cy Cled ( i 90: ES OF 'XEE?L!IH(3'~~OP 'CAWSAD CITY COUNCI - Neetug was oalled to order by Mayor MoClellan at 7 :lo, P, M. Present besides the kyor were Cnm. Castoreria, Ede and Chase, City CLerk Hagen, Publio Works Director Barter, City' Attorney Smith, and solioe Chief PaUCowski., Absent, Cam. Sutton. Cm. Ede moved that reading of the minute8 of the meeting of September lfjth, ana of the .adgoumed meeting of Septembec 2lst:, be waived. Seoonded by Cnm. Castorena. All ayes, motion oarried: City Clerk Hagen read the folluwing oorrespondence: Petition signed by James M. Whitley, 5,. P. Nicholson, Nr. and Mrs. Pasoual 'Loza, and Raymond Wilson , property owners on Tuttle Street, requesting reduction of Tuttle Street from 60 feet to 40 feet In width, and that it be graded accordingly, The City Clerk' reporeed that Hr. and Mrs. Nioholson had advised him that the State will grade the street to a width of 18 feet, or to 22 feet if two light poles are removed, and that Hr. Evans of %he San Diego Gas & Electrio Com- pany had informed the Nioholsons that the poles could be moved in one day on an'emergency basis, upon notioe from the City. Mr, and Hrs. Mioholsdn were present and stated that the poles need be moved only 5 feet, but; that speedy action was necessary as the work must be done while the grerding maohi#erg is here. City Attorney Smith.was asked to outlLne paocedure necessary to partially dose.. the street, and did so. Cm, Castorena moved that the petition for partial closing of . Tuttle Street be referred to the Planning Coramlssion. Seoolzded by Em. Ede, All ayes, motion carried. Founder*s Certificate presented to the City by the Boys' Club, in appreciation for its support. Letter from the Division of Highways advislng that the'letter writ- ten bs Wyor MIoClellan asking conveyance .of exoess parcels .of land to the City of Carlsbad has been forwarded to their Sacramento office. hvitatiosz from Solar Aircraft Company, San Diego, to attead an open house, at their plant on Saturday, Ootober l7th, from 9200 A,. H. to -3tOO :Po No, advising .that oonducted tours will originate at the south gate on Hawthorne Street, to attend open house at their rooms Im the St. Franois Hotel while attending the 55th Annual Conference of the .League of California Cities in San Fmcisoo, October 18-21, Invitation of Stone and Youngberg, municipal .financing consultants, Letter .from the Division of Highways enolosfng jointly,: exeouted oopy of agreement for expenditure of gas tax allocation for fiscal year 1954, rnakiag suggestions as to improvement of Elm Aveaue, ad asking advioe as to the CounciL's plaz.18, timing for the work, .eta, letter enclosing Resolution adoption Operational ELqn &, . Lettdr from tb *Office of civil Defense, ackno+ledging')reoeipt of Letter from Mrs. George Getze regarding the traffio hazard caused by pepper trees in front .of >her property at the oorner of .-Jefferson & Gmd 'Avenue, asking that they be removed. Referred to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission for their study and,recomenda- tions. : Letter from tl. D, Cannon, enclosing oheok for $2000100 i to assfst ia the construction of ramps to freeway from cannon Road, to be re- turned to him If no action is taken in 90 days, Deferred .anti1 later - In the meeting, Letter from -Pine Tree Lumber Company requesting re-opening of State Letter from Dorothy -Walker requestug return of $30.00 -due her as refund on business license. fee. Cmn. Ede moved that Mrs.. Walker be .refunded the unearned portion of her bus.ineas lioase tax, Seoonded by Cma. Chase, All ayes, motion earried. Pollce report for month of September, 1953, as follows: arrests, 8, aooidats, 19; trafficr citations, 105; general oases, 4.8. Street to southbound traffito, Deferred until later in the meeting,