HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-11-03; City Council; Minutes2 0 0.
November 3, 1953
Meeting called to order at 7:15 I), M. by Nayor McClellaa, Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Ede, Sutton, Castorena, Chase, City Clerk Hagen, City Treasureas Pace, City AttOrn8g Smith, Building Inspector E- wald, Public Works Director Barter, Police Chief Palkowski. Absent, none.
Cmn, Suttoa moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of October 20th be waived. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried.
City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence:
Police report lor month of October, 1953, as follows:
Arrests , . , . , 6 Accidents . 16 Citations . , , . 121 General Cases .. 60
Letter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce asking that a Harbor Coo mmittee be set up to work toward development and operation of a small boat harbor at the'motrm of Agua Hedionda. Deferred uti1 later in the meeting.
Letter from Division of Highways, replying to the City's request that grills Or gratings be placed over drains in the access road to pre= vent accidents, advising that the Highway Department did not feel such installations were necessary or feasible. Referred to Cmn. Chase,
Letter from Carlsbad Planning Commission protesting the drafting of any ordinance pertaining to land use without consultation with the Commission; referring also to the appointment of a civic center site commibjtee as a matter properly within thelSr province. Defersed until later in the meeting,
Letter from the Auto Club of Southern .California advising that the State Division of Highways had informed them that effective date. o'l: the relinquishment of Highway 101 may be sometime in December, and recommend ing that posting of regulatory signs await this effective date. Also reply from City Clerk agreeing that the posting should be delayed un- til that time.
Report of the Civic Center Site Committee recommending an area on Roosevelt Street just north of Grand Avenue, owned by Vince Chalupnik, for consideration as a site for a civic center. After discussion, Cmn, $de moved that the report of the Civic Center Site Committee be referred to the Planning Commission for whatever action they desire to take. Se- conded by Cmn, Chase, All ayes, motion carried.
Memorandum from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission recommending that proposed Ordinance 5010, prohibiting dumping of trash, be enacted. Copies were passed to members. for study.
Cmn, Sutton reported that Mr. E, G, Xentner had suggested that a curb be installed on the east side of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, as there may be considerable erosion if this is not done.
City Clerk Hagen reviewed Notice of Public Hearing on the ap@j.ca+ tion of Thomas Lo Crom et a1 for reclassification from ~-2.to R-3 of the northeasterly 88 feet of Tracts 201 and 202 and all of Block HA*, Palisades, except Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, No one appeared either in sup- port of Or OPPOSitiOn to the request, Corn. Stringer of the Planning Commission was present and explained the Commission's reasons.for in- creasing the area from the original request, 'stating that since part of Block "An was presently zoned R-3, it seemed good planning to include
the remainder of the bilock in the proposed reelassification ta R-3. The Council was reluctant to include the remainder of Block ?'An in the re- zoning without having expressions from the property owners, and, after considerable discussion, Cmn, Sutton moved that the CrOm application be returned to the Planning Commission for re-study. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, A11 ayes, motion carried, The Council expressed disappointment that applicants are not appesring in support of their petitions for re-
q3 eq L"y e'
classification, at. least before the Planning Commission,
City Clerk Hagen read..a.. rec.omenda.%km..; of the Planning Commission that the request of the..Pine Tree-.Lumher..Company to re-open State Street toe southbound traffic be referred to the Chief of Police and the Direc- tor of Public Forks as to the advisability of said opening, and that the advisability of installing a traffic island and/or a .traffic signal be investigated, and the matter then returned to the Planning Commission. Deferred until later in the meeting.
Bill Fry was present and reported on the progress of the off- street parking project, stating that approximately,' $2850.00 had been collected in cash, materials and labor, leaving a bslance on the-8Sti- mated cost of $550.00. He stated that the area has been surveyed and the stakes driven and there appears. to be ample room, about. 23 feet from the alley. He. asked that the alley be made a one-way alley, pre- ferably from north to south on account of the traffic signal at Grand and Highway 101; and that the City issue the building permit w&thou@ charge. He also asked whether the money which was appropriated for this purpose by the .City would be available immediately.
City Clerk Hagen read the recommednation of' the Planning Commission stating that the Commission had reviewed the proposed parking area mat- ter as it pertains to land use and planning, and considers it good plan- ning, but that the Commission is not in position to review the lease or recommend any expenditure of money, Cmn. Ede proposad a resolution 89- thorizing the execution of the proposed lease with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Ralbroad for an area on the east side of the traks, be- tween Elm and Grand Avenues, to be used as an off-street parking site. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. lffve ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted.
The- City Clerk read .the following financial statement as of Ooto- ber 31, 1953:
Gensral Fund . . . 224.26 Traffic Safety . . . . 3618.81 In Lieu (Motor %Vehicle)
. 15W3.$&
The& was' considerable discussion as to the wisdom of obligating any funds at this time, in view of the fact that Stake funds may be held up ind6Sinktelg until the legal status of the City has been determined, and it was decided that it would not be prudent to do so. Mr. Fry stated that a cantract price had been obtained which is $500.00 under the nor- mal contrac-t price, but that he felt in order t.0 get this price of $1000.00 to grade and oil the 41 f~ 400-foot;area it would be necessary to proceed a.t once. Mr. Barter stated that surfacing of the alley with heavy granite would not be acceptable to the City, After a .lengthy dis- cussion, ituring which the Council assured Mr. Fry that theg.heartily approved the project but felt they could not definitely commit eunds to it at this time, it was agreed to put the matter on the agenda for the next Council meeting on November 17th in the hope that B favorable de- cision in the Patterson case might result in State funds being released.
' Cmn. Chase Eeported thet he. had talked .to Charles Anthony of the Sanitary Board in reference to having Byrl Phelps reset the center monu- ments which &ad been dug out by the sewer contractor, and that HI?. Rn- thony had assured him that he had dictated a letter to Mr. Phefps'rZ-secre- tary emphasizing. that. the matter would have to be taken care of immediate 1y. Mr. Barter stated that Mr. Phelps had later assured him that the work would be done immediately, and also recording of the distances of the laterals from the man-holes.
IWs. Hilda Whitmore asked permission to establish a restaurant at the San Diego Gas & Electric Campany's Encina plant, on a temporary bas- is in a terqporarg building to be placed on the site by the Gas & Electric Company. She was advissd that -since the area was unzoned, it woul.8 be a question only of obtaining a' City business license to operate. Mr. 'Strin .er of the Planning Conmission stated that the question of zoning this qr-
ea had been studied in the Commission, and there &ad been an agreement among the property owners affected that no advantage would be taken of. .%he ,unaoned -status of .that area to operate any business that would in any way -be unsuttable .or undesireable.
that the petition of property owners on Tuttle Street, requesting reduc-
The City Clerk read the recommendation of the Planning Commission
!02.. ....
I" ...... .. .. ..
tion. in width of that'street fron..bl) $0. 40 feet, be denied. The map was consulted, and.=. Barser rea.d. the section from Ordinance 9025
that the recommendation of the Planning Conmission be accepted and the informal petition for the partial caibsing of Tuttle Street be denied. Seconded' by Cmn. Chase. All ages, motion carried.
specifying width of. str.eelt;s .... .Af_ter.. discusion, Cmn. Castorena moved
City Clerk Hagen read the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion that approval be granted on the request initiated by the 'Planning Commission for reclassification from R-l to R-2 of a triangular por- tion of Tract 115, Carlsbad. Lands, on .the. east side of Pi0 Pie0 Drive., between Elm and Oak Avenues, explaining that this small parcel was overlooked when the adjoining area was recommended for rezoning. Cm. Chase moved that a hearing be set for 7:45 P. M. on Rovember a$, 1953, to consider reclassifioation of the parcel described in the Planning Commission recommendation. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, motion c8rried. Mayor McClellan suggested that the City Clerk write the State for a legal description of the parcel.
and discussed, Cmn. Castorena moved that this constitute first read- in$ of prOpOS8d Ordinance 5010, and the word *orw in the last line of Section wl* be deleted fos purposed of clarification. Seconded by Cmn.~Chsse. All ayes, motion carried.
The City Clerk read a proposed Resolution regarding dissolution # of the Sanitary District, authorizing and empowering the City Treasur- er to enter 'into an agreement to have the County Treasurer perform certain services in connection with the issuance of sewer bonds, under Section 23008 of the Government' Code, City Attorney Smith stated that the Court would undoubtedly take almost instant action upon receipt of! the stipulation validating all acts of the Sanitary District sub- sequent to June 3rd. City Treasurer Pace stated that County Treasur- er Diokson had advised him that on the day the City takes over, the Sanitary funds will be transferred.
Proposed Ordinance 503.0, prohibiting dumping of trash, was read
After a b4ainute recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:15 Po M.
Referring back to the request .of the Chamber of Commerce for form- ation of a Harbor Committee. Ws. Sutton stated that the former Har- bor Committee had been inactive for some time, and that she felt it would be.an excellent idea to reactivate it, possibly enlarging it, or, if the Council desires, to change the personnel entirely, She stated the former committee was composed of Paul1 Evans of the San, Diego Gas
& Electric Company, Calvin.Young, Allan Kelly, Wm. Stromberg, Paul Ecke, E. G. Kentner, Jr., and herself. Mr. Stringer stated that as a member of the group of six who had attended the meeting with Mr, Roloff, Direltor of Public-Relations et the Port of San Diego, he felt that the appointment of this committee is of prime importance at this, time, but emphasized ;that persons appointed to the committee should be able to make this project -their prime interest and should be selected with this thought in mind. Mr. EwaId also pointed out that there will be a tremendous amount of work, and considerable travelling, involved. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the Coancil authorize Mrs. Sut- ton, in consulhtion with the Chamber of Commerce and others, to form a Harbor Committee, the number of members to be left to her discretion. Seconded by Cm. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Mrs. Sutton was asked to report the names of Commkttee members at the next Council meeti-ng.
Cmn. Castoreaa read the Fire Report for OctOb8r, as follows:
Fires (5 gtass, 1 structural) ........ 6 Man-hours contributed.....~...~.e.ee 324 Equipment received; 1,150 f to hose, 2 breather masks; Operation Icebox; picked up 13 destroyed k 17 v
Bids on the fire truck were read and discussed. Six bids were received, as follows:
Seagrave, Hirsch Company . . . , . . General Fire Truck Coo ........ Po E. Van Pelt, Inc. ......... Yankee Motor, Boddes Corp. ...... Albro Fire Equipment. Coo 0 0 0.0
.. 2c
Fire Chief Robert W, Eardin explained variops technical- details of the equipmenl covered by ths..bids. and.. stat0.d that in his opinion, after carefully considering .all.. fea.ture.s,. We. Albro 1000-gallon triple com- bination pumper would be the most practieal buy for the City, and rec- ommended that the contract be awarded to the Albro,people to bnmld the truck on the specifications subm&tted to them, Frank Albro of .the Albro ,Co@pany and Gene Owen of the Genesal Fire Truck Company were present and explained their bids in detail, Mr. Albro outlined a plan whereby a saving 'could be made by purchasing the chassis direct from the manufac- turer, through the Albro Company, either paying for it or having Albro pay for it, to be repaid with interest at 5s per annun. The City Clerk was asked whether the amount of funds already spent foa the Fire Departs. ment would be within the $550.00 for which the City will be reimbursed by the Office of Civil Defense, and stated that it would be well within that' figure, After considerable discussion, Cmn, Chase moved that the Council authorize acceptance of the.bid of Albro Fire Equipment Company, and that City Clerk Hagen.be authorized to confer -with Cmn, Castorena to work out
a suitable solution for obtaining the $200,00 discount, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena , Five ayes, no nays, motion carried.
02 Referring back to the letter from the Planning .Commission, regard- 1.3 ing the sign ordinance, The sign ordimme 8020 was discussed, and City
q* Attorney Smith stated that land use. is not involved in this ordinance.
Q$ After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that proposed Ordiaaacte 8020 be refer-
L3 red to the Planning Commissi'on, Seconded by Cmn. Chase, All ayes, mo- -=x tion carried.
aeferring back to- the recomednation from the Plarming Commission Concerning the letter from Pine Tree Lumber Company requesting reopen- ing of. State Street to southbound. tmffic, Cmn, Castorena moved that the letter of the Pine Tree Lumber Company be referred to the Traffic Engineer and the Police Chief for study, in accordance with the. recommen- dation #!& ef the Planning Commission, Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried ,
: Referring back to the proposed Resolution authorizing the City Trea-
I surer to enter into an agreement with the County Treasurer in regard ta issuance of sewer bonds, Cmn, Ede moved the adoptioh of the Resolution. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena, Five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted.
101 'was read and considered, and the highway maps were studied and des- . cr&p$ions on tkre.four items checked, After discussion, Cmn, Ede moved the adoption of the Rewlution accepting relinquishment of Highway 101. Seconded by Cm. Castopena. Five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted.
regarding the resolution accepting the relinqhishment of Pio Pic0 Drive, It was decided that the Resolution be prepared for aqtion at the next Council meeting, , Cmn, Chase asked that the City Clerk and Mr, Barter accumulate data on the cost of maintenance of the highway to be relin- quished to the City.
on Carlsbad Boulevard, No action was taken,.
The proposed Resolution accepting the relinquishtnent of Highway ..
The City Clerk reviewed the letter from the Division of Highways,
City Glerk Hagen read proposed Ordinance 3007, setting speed limits
City Attorney Smith recommended that no app1icat;lon for rerroaing be. accepted unless accompanied by a true legal description from the deed,
The matter of the recent recommendation from the Planning Commission that no reclassification fees be refunded, where requests are denied was reviewed, and the Clerk was asked to put the recommendation in the file for action at the next Council meeting, I
I Cmn, .Chase reported that (L) the Water Company is repairing the streets dug up in their construction work; (2) Magnolia Street is being repaired; (3) the drainage roject on LinuOh Street has been started; (4) a bid of approximately B 6500,OO has been received on the problem on .Park Drive, but that probably nothing can be done about it at the pre- sent time. He reminded the Council, of the suggestion made some time ago to sat up a conference between.I.fr, Briggs, the Gallinger Corporation and the City to attempt a solution,
Mr. Ewald suggested that the Cou&cil pass an Ordinance making It mandatory that everyone with access to the sewer must connect to it, in order to eliminate some very bad situations developing in the Mexican section. Chief Palkowski stated that bare shacks with no sanitary fa- cilities whatsoever were being rented' to aliens, under badly overcrowd,ed
! 04.
conditions, which create. .polha. pr.~.Usms.. City Attorney Smith pbinted out that the State Housfng..Ac.t re.qufras..one- toilet for each family, and that certain existing.Healrth. ordinances ... oould be invoked; and it was a- greed that the problem would first be approached through existing health and housing laws and, if not SUCC~SS~~, further measures would be taken.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn, Castoreaa moved for ad,journment,.seconded by Cmn. Chase. All ayes, meet- ing adjourned at ll:l5 Po M.
Respectfully submitted,
3Qovember 17, 1953
Meeting called to order by Mayor McClellan at 7:OO P. M, Present beside8 the Mayor were Council men Castorena., Sutton, $de, and Chase, Cit, Clerk Bagen, City Attorney Smith, Public Works Director Barter, Butlding Inspector.. Eyald, .and. Chief of Polfce Balkowski. Absent, none.
of the November 3rd meeting be waived. All ayes, motion’cmried. Cmn. Ede moved, seconded by Cmn. Sutton, that readihg of the minutes
Mr. R. B, Redmond, inspector from the County Health Depambment, was present and- gave a comprehensive repo’rt on the recent survey made by him’, Mr. Barter, Max Ewald, and members of the Police Department into unsani- tary and sub-standard conditions prevailing in some areas of Carlsbad, principally in the Mexican quarter. He cited cases of both flagrant vio- lations of the health code and also borderline cases which could be $ ’ brought up to standard with perhaps some slight assistance, stating that he had posted notices to vacate in the flagrant cases. The setting up of a citizen’s committee to assist homeowners wishing to bring their housing up to standard as regards sanitary facilities, was discussed. , It was agreed that it would be of value to have such a committee composed of a general contractor, to advise on building aspects, a banker, to as- sist .in arranging loans where FHA financing could be used, and a member or members.,, of the Mexfoan-A~ne~Pban Association, Mayor MoClellan com- mented that Mr. Srby, former health inspector in thks area,, has stated %hat thib- plan had been very successful elsewhere. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the appointment of such a committee of three members be authorized by Resolution, to be presented at the next Council meeting. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. . The Council as- sured Mr. Redmond that they were in accord with his actions to this point. ..
The City Clerk reviewed th8 application of Melvin and Jeannette Lull for reclassification from E-2 to R-1 of the area described as all of Tract 245 except the westerly l5O feet, and all of Tract 250, Thum Lands, located’ between a .line 13O#fee$, ea9t$of the east line: af Sghland Drive on the west, Monroe Street on the east, Chestnut Avenue on the’north, and Magnolia Avenue on the south. Mr. Lull was present and convinced the Council that, given a lit?tzle more time, he would ’be able to influence more support for his petition.. After ,discussion, Cm. Ede moved that the application of Melvin and Jeannettee Lull be referr8.d back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Seconded by Cmn. Chase. Mr. Lull was asked to have property owners favorable to his application come to the Planning Commission meeting. All ayes, motion carried.
the Planning Commission for reclassification from R-1 to R-2 of the mall triangular parcel of land in Tract 115, Carlsbad Lands, on the ea& side of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, between Elm and Oak Avenues, lying southwesterly of Parcel 1 of Assessor’s Map Book 35, Page 41, on file, in the office of .Pihe City Clerk. The recommeddation of the Planning Commission that the request be approved was reviewed. There were no oral or,written pro- tests. Cmn. Chase moved that reclassificetion of the area described in the advertisement be approved as requested, in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission, and that the City Attorney be auth- orized to prepare an ordinance to accomplish same. Seconded bg cm, Ede. All ayes, motion carried.
The City Clerk read Notice .of Public Hearing on the application of