HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-08; City Council; MinutesI
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Mayor McClelhn.. re-pozted .... th8.t. a...tzae. ..limb hanging down on the east side of Harding at .Pine.. Avenue was 'a potential hazard.
Cmn. Chase reported that Mr. Barter, EAr. O'Bryan and he had inves- tigated the possibilities of a master drainage plan and had oome to the conclusion that it would cost 8 great deal of money to get the right kind of a job done. Mr. Barter suggested,a. profile of each street in each direction, but Mr. O'Brgan felt it might cost more than would be gained. He stated they agreed that a big map be secured and as the problems come up, (for instance, Roosevelt Street) it coal& be plotted out and a rough idea obtained of which way the water runs, shading the areas that are bad, etc. Be asked the Council*s consent to. go ahead as far as possible, but no action was taken.
The. City Clerk stated that one of the residents on Tyler Street
WBS looking Em infomation on the 1911 Act, etc., and that he had giveD him a copg.of the Western City magazine which contained quits a lot of information along that line.
Due to the lateness of the hour and the amount of business still eo be hsndled, Cmn. Chase moved that the meeting be adjourned to Dec-. ember 8th 'at'7:OO P. Id. Seconded by Cmn. Suttorfi. All ayes, meetlng adjourned at 10:40 Po Id. to December 8th at 7:OO P. M.
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December 8, 1953
Edeetiag called to order by Mayor BllcGlellan at 7:15 P. M. Present besiaes the myor were Cmn. Ede, Sutton, Chase, City Clerk Ragen, Public Works Directop BBrter, Building Inspector Ewald, City Treasurer Pace, City Attorney Smith, 'Police Chief Pallcowski. Absent, Cmn. Castsreaa.
City Treasurer Pace reported that he had learlied from the County Treasurer that the sewer bond notices would not be out the first two dags of 'this week as expected, but that they still hoped to get them out this week. ' '
He also reported that on the bonds issued against the former dis- trict, there are two payments still due, an interest payment of $113.,00 due on May 1, 1954, a boria payment of $3500..00 and interest of $ll3.OO on November 1, 1954 interest of $56.87 on May 1, 1955, and on November 1, 1953, principal $3500.00 and interest, $56.88, making a total of $7341.25 pJcinCipa1 and interest still .due 'against the former district. He stated that the bond and interest due November 1, 1953, have been paid. He stated--- that he had discussed with the County Treasurer the possibility of allowing the County Treasurer to handle these four install- ments, and had been led to, believe that there would be no charge by his office for this service and that they would prefer to handle it that way. Mayor MCChIl8n asked whether there is sufficient money to prepay the bond due in November, 1854, thus sating approximately 10 months' inter- est. Mr. Pace stated that he would determine this before the next meet- ing. It was i$gf$$#f $fi$$.&i?,$b#&jl decided that the matter be acted upon
that property owners who do- not have their names registered io the ass- essor's office should contact the City Hall asking for their bills, Mr. Pace agreed to frame a press statedment to &e handed to the papers for the sake of c'larftg.
City Clerk Hagen read formal relinquishment of State HighmY 101 to the City of Caklsbad, signed.by b&. G. To 'McCoy of the Division of Hfgh-
me City Clerk read proposed' Ordinance 3007 regulating-speed on Carlsbad Boulevard, and sane was discussed. CJfln~ Ede !WVed that the adoP-
2,l. 4
tion of Ordinance. 3007 as-. an. urgency ordinance. Seconded by Cmn. Sut- ton, Four ayes, no nays,. Cmn, Castoreana. abaent. Ordinance adopted,
City Clerk Hagen read .reqaest of. the.. Division of Highways that the City take over operation of the lights on old Highway 101, and his let- ter to the San Diego Gas 6 Electrfc Company, with copy to the Division of Eighways, ,regarding same, The cost to the City of such maintenance will be approximately $30.00 per month.
The City Clerk reported that the signs for posting Carlsbad Boule-
A letter from R. L. Beuthel, of the Division of Highways, was read,
vard have been ordered.
regarding lighting on the freeway, stating that an agreement will be forwarded .
A letter from the Board of Supervisors was .read, stating that upon the request of Cmn. Sutton, the sale of the Carlsbad Road Station will be held in abeyance, pending a proposal from the City of Carlsbad.
DispOs81 Committee, substantially set out in his report of December 2nd as submitted to the Couhcil, in. which it was recommended that I&?. Byrl Phelps be engaged to design and supervise the construction of the dis- posal plant he has ,@roposel, :and to pwceed with negotiations to obtain the "Christmas Tree Fund". Mr. Phelps was present and was asked to ex- press hirnself on methods of financing, as well 8s his proposal on de- sign, etc. He reviewed figures from his report of September 2eth, ex- plainfag that mere will be some variation in the figures, due to inweas1 in labor costs, etc. He stated that at the time he ran the profiles for this report, he also ran the streets east of the freeway, and stated he believed that within a year the ,territory east of the freeway will begin to build up and there will be requests to come in to the sewer. He sug- gested that if anyone east of the freeway wishes to come in later, they should pay a fee which would be put into a trust fund, to be used for improvement and eilargement of the facilities.
Cmn, Chase reviewed the recent meeting of the Citfizens' Sewage
He recommended that the present location be used, as it is more or less isolated, and all trunk lines head that wag, He also recommended that additional land be purchased.
As to financing the City's share of the cost, Mr. Phelps stated he believed the'l911 Act is the best means of so doing. He outlined pro- cedure under the Act, commenting that it required 52 steps, including four hearings. Other types of financing were discussed, such as gener- al obligation bonds and revenue bonds, but Mr. Phelps pointed out that these would inVOlV8 the cost of an election and the setting up of an in- tricalCe bobkkeeping system, etc. He was asked about legal fees, and stated he believed the 1911 Act provided for la$ or 276 legal fees, He stated that he had gone as far as applying for the engineering funds and for the other honey, submitting esticates, etc.; and that everything is being held in abeyance. Mr. Phelps stated that the fixst thing would be to go back to Mr. Miller of the State Pollution Board and s0e if anything can be eliminated for instance, if the trickling tank could be eliminated it would reduce the, cost materially. Asked about the adequacy of the present outfall, he stated that the present 8" outfall toil1 not suffice very much longer. The question of whether it would be permissible to run the water back into the lagoon was brought upp, and Max Ewald reminded the Council that they are attempting to raise the level of the lagoon by pumping from the well into It, so it would seem logical to put the water from the plan$ into the lagoon where it would serve a.usefu1 purpose. Mr. NcClellan asked what length of outfall would be necessary to eliminate the filter, and suggested Mr. Phelps find out what formula would be necessary to. ' . dump into the lagoon.
Also Brought up was the question of what would happen if the work had tQ be stopped in event of some contingency, such as an order decfar- ing'the City illegal, etc,, and if wa8 agreed that the contract between the City and Mr. Phelps should eewp such a contingency. Mr. Phelps stated that hw would send the City a copy of the contract $b$ he had
. with the Sanitary District, and also several others, to be used as a. mo- del in drafting the contract with the City. The City Attorney was 'asked
.' to confer with Bdr. Try@ in drafting the contract.
W. Phelps also brought out that the $mating of the Eaterals and making of the plans was not a part of his contract-with the Sanitar District. He suagested that someone .plot a CUEm 011 the Wo*h Of {he
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City as a source of useful information,
Cmn. Chase suggested. that.. Mr. . Phefgs.. write- Mr. Miller about the posslbilitg of building seltrtling. ponds. in.khe.. lagoon, sending the City a copy of his letter of inquiry and a copy of their reply. Cmn, Ede moved that Mr. Phelps be asked to prepare a written report, after con- sultation with the State Pollution Board, making various proposals to the Pollution Board, and then submit figures to the City as soon as pos- sible, also 8 contract setting forth the work he is to 46; and that Mr. Phelps be designated to represent the .City .before the State Pollution Board and as engineer of work for the purpose of dealing with the State Department of Finance. Seconded by Cmn. Chase. All ayes, motion carried Mr. Phelps stated that the contracts will come up in the mail tomorrow.
system and one was purchased and installed at 8 cost of $l84,OO. Fir,e Chief Hardin was asked how the canvassing for fire hudrants on the COY operative plan was progreesing, and stated that he would like to have a letter of authority from the City before proceeding. City Clerk Hagen was asked to give him such a letter.
The City Clerk reported that the fire truck needed an alternator
' The bill from Bgrl Phelps for locating and plotting the sewer lat-
. erals was examined; but not approved for payment until further investi- gation,
The matter of the. contract .between the San Diego Gas 8i Electric Company and the Division of Highways, for fnspections on construetion work involving road encroachments on old Elghway 101., now Carlsbad Boule- vard, was discussed. It was decided to aske the State to continue with the inspections, even though the road has now been relinquished to the City of Carlsbad. Cmn. Chase moved that the4ity Clerk be authorized to send a lettdz to Ur. Hayler of the Division of Highways, requesting that the State continue their inspections throughout the construction of any work done on the bridge on the old Highway 101'( Carlsbad Boule- vard], and also any additional work that the San Diego Gas & Electric Compa'ny mag do on Carlsbad Boulevard under the agreement entered into by the State of California and the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, in which the-City of Carlsbad has succeeded to the position of the State of California. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, motion c.arrfedc
Mayor BBcClelfan submitted for approval of the Council the following names for appointment to a Better Housing Committee: Edward Zahler, 1288 Elm'Avenue, Chairman; 8. C. Klein, Security Trust & Savings Band;"' Rnd45lii.f M. Morens, 3378 Roosevelt Street. The City Clerk was asked to write a letter to Mr. Zahler as Chairman, with copies to Mr. Redmond, Sanitarian, Mr. Ewrald, Building Inspector, and to the other members of the committee, giving .the names and telephone numbers of .the members. City Clerk Hagen read the proposed Resolution creating the Bet.ter Housing CommTttee. Sinc it did not specifically state 8 term of office, it was decided to have &he wording revised to include as expiration date of the term the second Tuesday in April, to coincide. with the Council term of office, and to delete the clause feferring to the appointment of the chairman by the members themselves, Mr. Barter reported that Joe Apodaca has agreed to buy a blade and rent it to- the City.for $$.50 per hour, 93.00 of which is for his own services, with the further provision that $2,2j per hour or half of the remaining 44.50 will be applied toward purchase of the blade.)&&# $# He stated that.&-.. Apodaca was considering the purchase of the blade used 'by Smith on the Gallinger subdivision (Palm Vista). which would cost $3OOO.OO, or $3500,00, inoluding a $500.00 estimate for repairs, but that Wednesday would be the deadline for obtafning it. He stated that Mr. Apodaca will be satisfied if he can earn the amount of the monthly pagmsat, and described the use that could be made of the blade, making gutters, etc., and stated the blade is heavy enough to polw up the streets and could be used to mix surfacing material,. etc. .
Cmn. Chase stated that the blade is about a 1962 model and .that %he former' owner stated that the rear. end was out, and that he felt that, althougkit would be necessary eventually to buy a blade, he was not in favor of entering into a contract tying the City down.'to monthly pay- rnents for two years.
City Attorney Smith summarized a proposed agreement, copies of which wtiire passed to the Councilmen lor sWdy, but upon Cmn. Chase's suggestioa tha.t no action be taken until he has had a further opportunity to talk to Mr. Agodaoa, it was decided to hold up the matter until the next Coun- cil meeting. 'Cmn. Chase stated he will see Mr.. Apodaca in the meanthe.
216 There being no further business.-to.. come before the Council, C&. Sutton mo$ed for adjournment, C!n@. Chase seconding. All ayes, Mee2ing adjourned at lO:3O P. M. , ,..; .
Respectfully submitted,
December 15, 1953
Meeting called to order at 7:OO .Po M., by hhpr McClellan. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ede, Sutton,. Chase, City Clerk Hagen, Building Inspector Ewald, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowski. Absent, Cmn. Castorena, Pub1ic:Works Director Barter.
adjourned session of December 8th be waived. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn. Ede motPed that minutes of the meeting of December 1st and the
City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence:
Letter from Mr. Tim. L. Kepyon of the Division of Beac,hes and Parks, referring to the December 2nd meeting in. Carlsbad, stating that he had received a let,ter from Sacramento stating that there is no possibility of this area obtaining funds with $hich to operate the Carlsbad State Park Beach prior to the 1957-56 fiscal year, but that it is proposed to, request funds in the 1955-56 budget, whish, if approved, could not be made available before July 1, 1955. Mr. Kenyon also expressed willing- ness to meet with the Commission at any time for further aiscussion of the problem. Referred to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commis6 sion.
Letter signed by fourteen owners and operators of beach and highway businesses petitioning that action be taken to 'have a sign posted on the Freeway at Elm Avenue, calling attention to the City of Carlsbad and giv- ing directions to the beach resort area. Deferred until later in the-meel ing . ..
City Clerk Hagen read the following recommendations from the Plannina c ommi s si on:
(1) That the application fee of $23.00 on the Melvin Lull applica- tion for rezoning be returned to the applicant, less expenses of handling the application, Cmn. Ede moved that refund be made of whatever part of the fee was not.used for printing or other costs in connection with the Melvin Lull application for rezoning. S.econded by Cmn. Sutton. All ages, motion carried.
(2) That the application of Thoma3.L Crom et al, for reclassifi- cation from R-2 to R-3 of the northeasterly 88 feet of Tracts 201 and 202, Thum Lands, located on the west side of Garfield between Walnut and Pine, be approved. Cmn. Ed8 moved ,that a hearing be set on the ap- plication of Thomas L, Csom et a1 on January 5th at '7:30 P. M., at the City Hall, Seconded by Cmn. Sutton, All ages, motion carried.
Memorandum of T. M. Heggland to the Board of Supervisors and San Diego City Council, outlining problems and making recomenilations as to certain health permit fees, was sflmmarized. No action was takebn.
City Clerk Eead letter of resignation from Mr. H. H. Barter Pub- lic WBrks Direc.tor,.effeCtiQe December 31, Cmn.' Chase mo*'ed that the resignation of Mr. Barter be accepted, witq"..due acknowledgement .of the efforts put forth by Mr.' Barter on behalf of the City. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, A11 ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk was asked to send a let- ter of appreciation to DHr. Barter. The matter 'of accrued vacation time was discussed, and Cmn. Chase moved that whatever accrued time is owed Mr. Barter be paid him, Seconded by Can, Ede. All ayes, @.&&on carried.
The suggested change in Seetion 2 of the health ordinance requir-