HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-15; City Council; Minutes?I6
There being no further business .to. come before the Council, C&, Sutton mo.Tred for adjournment, Cm’. Chase seconding, All.ayes, irieeging adjourned at 10:30 P. M,
Respectfully submitted,
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. December 15, 1953 .
Meeting called to order at 7:OO -Po MI, by Mayor McClellan,. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ede, Sutton,. Chase, City Clerk Hagen, Building Inspector Ewald, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowski, Absent, Cmn. Castorena, Public. Works Director Barter,
Cmn, Ede moved that minutes of the meeting of December 1st and the adjourned session of December 8th be waived. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried,
City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence:
Letter from Mr. Wm. L. Kepyon of the Division of Beaches and ’Parks, referring to the December 2nd meeting in. Carlsbad, stating that he had received a letter from Sacramento stating that there is no possibility of this area obtaining funds with Wich to operate the Carlsbad State Park Beach prior to the 1955-56 fiscal year, but that it is proposed to request funds in the 1955-56 budget, whkch, if approved, could not be made available before July 1, 1955. Era Kenyon also expressed wllling- ness to meet with the Commission at any time for further discussion of the problem. Referred to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree CommisC sion,
Letter signed by fourteen owners and operators of beach and highway businesses petitioning that action be taken to ‘have a sign posted on the Freeway at Elm Avenue, calling attention to the City of Carlsbad and giv- ing directions to the beach resort area. Deferred until later in the meet ing. .,
City Clerk Hagen read the following recommendations from the Planning Commission:
tion the a
(1) That the application fee of $25.00 on the Melvin Lull applica- for rezoning be returned to the applicant, less expenses of handling pplication, Cmn, Ede moved that refund be made of whatever part of the fee was not-used for printing or other costs in connection with the Melvin Lull application for rezoning, S.econded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried ,
(2) That the application of ThomaS‘L. Crom et al, for reclassifi- cation from R-2 to R-3 of the northeasterly 88 feet of Tracts 201 and 202, Thum Lands, located on the west side of Garfield between Walnut and Pine, be approved. Cmn, Ede moved ..that a hearing be set on the ap- plication of Thomas L, Crom et a1 on January 5th at ‘7:3O P, M,, at the City Hall, Seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried.
Memorandum of T, Ed. Heggland to the Board of Supervisors and San Diego City Council, outlining problems and making recommendations as $0 certain health permit fees, was summarized, No action was takepin.
City Clerk 2.ead Letter of resignation from Mr. E. €3, Barter Pub- lic Werks Director,,effective December 31, Cmn: Chase mo$ed that the resignation of Mr. Barter be accepted, with‘s.due acknowledgement of the efforts put forth by Mr. Barter on behalf of the City. Seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried, The City Clerk was asked to send a let- ter of appreciation to Ur, Barter, The matter of accrued vacation time was discussed, and Cmn, Chase noved that whatever accrued time is owed Mr. Barter be paid him, Seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, qiokion carried,
The suggested change in Section 2 of .the health ordinance requir-
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2, I ing health examinations. for..*f,ood .handlars- was discussed, City Attorney Smith stated he had at.tempted t.o contact..Dr.. Askew personally while in San Diego but had Mt-..Men. succemful. in .doing so.. The City Clerk read a proposed addenda providing %ha%. the. .d.efinition nfood handlers" should elaclude persons engaged.in growing or handling of foodstuOfs in the area where grown, It was decided to let the. County and City of San Diego work out thbir own ideas in the matter, since we have expressed ours.
City Clerk read the proposgd lease between the County of San Diego and the City of Carlsbad, covering the land on which the County Road Station is situated. The lease covers a 10-year period, fro be termin- ated by either party upon one yearcs notice, 'at $35.00 per year rental, to be paid in a lump sum of $350.00 rather than in annual payments, with option to purchase at a price to be agreed upon, After discussion, Cmn. Sutton moved that the proposed lease be sent to Mr. Gehringer, Purchas- ing Agent, Property Management Division, for consideration. Seconded by Cmn, Bde, All'ayes, motion carrfed, '
groups in Mayor Butler's office on Monday, December 21st; at 9:OO B. M,, and. that he. also should attend a meeting in San Diego on Thursday of this week at 3:OO PI M. and thought he would leave at noon apd see the Registrar of Voters before the Civil Defense meeting.
consist of three members, to assist .with raising the level of sub-standarc housing in the City, especially as regards sanitary facilities, Mayor BllcClelllan commented that he would like to see the Committee designated as nBBtter Housing Committee*', Seconded by Cm. Ede. Eour ayes, 'no nays, Cmn, CastoJi'ena absent.
City Clerk Hagen stated that there is a meeting of the Civil Defense
City Clerk Rsgen read a Resolution creating a .Housing Committee to
Mayor McClellan offered for approval of the Council, the following appointments to the Better Housing Committee: Chairman, Edward Zahler, 1288 Elm Avenue; Po ,C. Dlein, Security Sank; and Rudblf H., Morena, 3378 Roosevelt Street, Cmn, Ede moved that the appointments to the Better Housing Committee be confirme&. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton'. All ayes, motion carried, The secretary was asked to write a letter to I&. Zahler, with copies to the other members, the Building Inspect.or, and the.sani- tarian, Mr. Redmond.
Robert W. and Mae S. Heatherington For reclassification from R-1 to 8-2 of property. describ.ed as the area bounded on the north by Grand Avenue, on the south, by Chestnut, on the west by Harding, and on the east by the freeway. The recommendation of the Planning Commission that the re- quest be granted was read, There were no protests, written or oral, and no appearances either in support'of or against the application, although newspaper items had appeared in the local paper on two occas&ons, giving particulars of the proposed reqoning. After discussion, during which Comm. Cookrill of' the Planning Commission reviewed the Planning Commissio proceedings in the matter, Cmn. Chase moved that the application of Ro- bert W. and Mae S. .Heatherington for reclassification be granted, and tha the City Attorney be authorized ,to draw an Ordinance accomplishing the change. Seconded by Cmn, Ede. All ayes, motion carried,
The subject of procedure to be followed in regard to tapping into the main sewer was discussed. Leo Williams described the procedure followed in Oceanside, and recornended that the tapping be restricted to one contractor so that he could bear sole responsibility for the work.
The City Clerk read Notice of Public Hearing on the application of,
BBP, Harry Andrews of Freelapd, Peterson 8c Evenson was present and requested that consideration of the tentative map of n@ERRA DEL ORO" be deferred until January Sth, at which time Mr., Cannon will probably be hers, His request was granted.
The matter of the incorrect and misleading signs on the freeway in 50th Carlsbad and Oceanside were discussed, and it was stated that Mr. Lilley, City Manager of the City of Oceanside, had reBeived some quota- tions on changing of the signs. It was decided to authorize two members of the Council to work 'on the committee which has been set up to correct this sign situation, It was. moved by Cmn, Ede, seconded by Cmn, Chase, that Max Ewald and Mayor McClellan be authorized to work out the best agreement poss.ib1.e with the Eighwag Department for better signing, All ayes, motion carried. .
housest etc,, was smarized. Cmn, Ede moved, seconded by Cmn. Sutton, that first reading of proposed Ordinance #5006 be waived. All ayes, mo- tion carried o
Proposed Ordinance #5006, providing inspection fees far apartment
. . ' City C1erk:Hagsn. .read...prop.osed. .agreemept .. between the City of Carls- bad and Joseph M. Apodaca.. for..maint.enance.. of ..Carlsbad streets. The con- tract was skudied, paragraph by para.graph.-. The insurance and liability angles were discussed , and. also. .the - question. of repairs on the equipment . Mr. Apodaca stated that any tools or equipment used on the job would be kept in repair by him. Cmn, Chase moved the adoption of this agreement, (with correction of "25%" instead of 10% on page 3, lines 6 and 7,) be- tween the City of Carlsbad and Joseph M, Apodaca for the maintenance of the City streets, effective immediately, Sesonded by Can, Ede. Four ayes, no nays, Cm, Castorem absent.
After a 15-minrzte recess, Mayor BBcClellan reconvened the Council at 9:15 P. M. Two bids on a heavy grader, beipg considered by Joe Apodaca for purchase to use on the City Street work on his contract with the City were read and studied: (1) Southern Equipment & Supply Company, offer-
ing a used Allis AD-3 Model@'$4000.00, plus 3$ sales tax, amounting to &l2O.OO, which coula be obtained on a 30-day i?eh%al basis, the total rent to a ply on the purchase price, with a 30-day guarantee, terms, one- third or i 1375.00 down, 24 months on the balance, carrying &$ hterest, payments bo be $128.10 per month; and (2) Shaw Sales Company, offering a.#101 Galleon equipped with scarifier 8 $3350.00 with $100.50 sales tax, $1150.1'1 down payment, and 17 payments of #139.3S and 1 of $139.25, with the same rental and 30-day guarantee proposition. Mr. Apodaca stated that after looking over both machines he had decided that the Southern Equipment nachine was the best buy for the money. He stated the 3O-day rental proposition would give him an opportunity to check it and work ft and decide whether it would be suitable.
The amount of rental was discussed. ,Mr. Apodaca stated he would- charge the City $7.50 per hour, or $1.00 per hour less than outside rates, and that if the outside rates go down, he will lower his rate. It was suggested that the tot&l.chasge be broken down into a rate Bdr the grader and one for the operator, to be consistent with the agreement, and Mr. Apodaca stated that he would charge $r$.50. per hour for rental of the blade and $3.00 for his own time as operator+ Mr.'Robbins, re- presentative of the Southern Equipment & Supply Company, was present and was asked about rental for the 3O-day period and stated that they would make a charge of #400.00 per month for the machine, and if it is 8s represented at the end of 30 days the rental will be applied on the ptrrdhase price loo$. After discussion, Cmn. Chase moved that Mr. Joe Apodaca be authorized to rent the blade as described from the Soakhern Equipment & Supply Compny on the assumption that he will puechase the blade if it proves stiitisfaetory, the rent;al rate being $400.00 for the 30 days; and that the Council also authorize .a charge of #f+,50 per hour for rental of the blade to the City, the $400.00 rental to be applied 10% to the purchase price on the down payment. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. City Attorney Smith stated that on any changes in rental rates, excerpts from the minutes, appended to the contract, would serve the purpose,
It was moved by Cmn. Chase that City Clerk Hagen be authorized to act as Public Works Director during the period after December 3lst, un- til Mr. Barter's successor has been named. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried.
Distrlct for tax exemption of certain property recently acquired by the school, stated that it has been held by'the Courts that school property is held by the school in trust for the people of California and, as such, is State property and automatically exempt Prom taxes; and also that the County Tax Assessor has stated that when property is cancelled on the county tax base it is also cancelled on the City tax base, since the City's assessing is done by the County assessors.
tract with Byrl Phelps after a cursory examination of the contsacts submitted to him by Byrl Phelps, and passed copies to Council members for study, but emphasized that he had not had time to give the matter detailed scrutiny, and it is in fairly routine form. 'He stated he would like to have a little time to consult with Mr. Trygg and Mr. Led- gerwood..
City Attorney Smith, reporting on the request of the High School
City Attorney Smith reported that he had prepared a proposed con-
The City Attorney also reported that the Prudhomme-Greenwood re- classificatfon ordinance has been held up on account of the description. Mayor McClellan pointed out that there are two very small strips of land which were overlooked and not includdd in the rezoning, but that he felt they could probably safely be included in .the reqoning, as .no purpose would be served in omitting them from the reclassification.
Cmn, Sutton reported that Mr. Kenyon, District Superintendent of the Division of Beaches and. Parks,. had. met..with the Parks, Recreation, Beach
& Tree Commission, and had stated that. there would be no funds available to operate the Carlsbad State Park. Beach .be.fore the 1955-56 fiscal year, She stated that a citizen has offered to. furnish trees for the area from Oak Avenue to the bridge and Prom the railroad west. A suggestion was made by the Cammission that the $3OO,OO budgeted for the lifeguard be used to purchase trees, to be purchased from the City by the property owners. After discussion, .Cm, %e moved that we allocate the $300.00 budgeted for the lifeguard to the purchase of trees, for resale to the property owners, Seconded by Cmn, Sutton. All ayes, motion carried.
Max Ewald reported on the meetings of .the Harbor Committee of Mo- vember 19th,November.27th, the dinner meeting of December loth, at the Twin Inns, the meeting with Ur, Roloff of the Port of San Diego, and the meeting with Mr. Noble of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company. HZ quoted Mr, Noble a.s stating that, while their position is that natural- ly they wanted to protect their rights as far'as operation of their plant is concerned, the door was open for negotiations for negotiations for development of a small boat harbor. He also reported that Mr. Heinz Daiser, supervisor of Orang e County, who was instrumental in the develop -': ., 'd ment of %he Newport Harbor, had invited members of the Committee to come :-? to Newport and make a tour of the facilities, and gather information,
-..I' Their harbor is partly on private land, similar to the situation here,
*.-< Mr. Ewald stated that an attempt had been made to contact Leo Carrillo,
<" -"- g but that he. wasn't at home, Mr. Reddick of the Port of Newport Harbor
+e. was quoted by Mr. Ewald as advising that the State be contact as he thought they malight be interested in extending the jetty further to prevent erosion.
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City Attorney $mith reported that the street lights are in opera- tion in Terramar, as of Nonday night, and that the coverage seemed ample,
Cmn, Chase moved that the City offices close at noon on December 24th and December 31st. Seconded by Cm. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried .
The possibility of holding an'adjourned meeting was discussed, and it was decided to hold an adhourned session on December 22nd at 7:OO P, M, ,Meantime, members were asked to study the Phefpa contract.
Mayor McClellan brought up the matter of' the opinion of O'Melvang
& Myers in .regard to terms of the present Council members expiring at the time of the April, 1954, election. City Attorney Smith stated he planned to ask for a ruling from the Attorney General on the question,
The City Attorney was asked to see that Charles Trygg has an op- portunity to read the Phelps contract,
Cm. Sutton moved that the meeting be adjourned to December 22nd, at 7:OO P, E, Seconded by Cmn, Chase. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10: 30 P. Id, to 7:OO P. M. on December 22nd,
Respectfully submitted,
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December 22, 1952
Meeting called to order at ?:lo P. M. be Mayor NcClellan. Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Ede and Sutton, Building Inspector Ewald, Police Chief Palkowski, Absent, Cmn. Castorena'and Chase, City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Barter, City Attorney Smith,
Proposed Ordinance #3008, an urgency ordinance establishing a one- way alley between State Street. and the-Santa Fe ri h-of-way, was read,
Cmn. Ede moved the adoption :of proposed Ordinance $3008. Three ayes, no nays, absent, Cmn, Castorena and Chase,
Mayor IvIcClellan reported on his meeting with a group of Oceanside City officials and citizens regarding changing the directional signs on