HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-07; City Council; MinutesI
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22 Castorena moved” tha.t . the ... City Clerk,. as. aeltfng Director of Public Works, be authorized to -commence. work .on the.. opening. of State Street. Seconded by Cm, Ede, All‘ ayes, motion carried.
5005 covering health permit fees- on apartment houses, vending machines, etc, Cmn, Satton moved, seconded by Cmn, Chase, that proposed Ordinance 5006 be adopted, All ayes, no nays, Ordinance adopted,
.The matter of participating in the.cost of changing the direction- .. a1 signs on the freeway at the north side of Oceanside and south side aP Carlsbad, was reviewed’, Cmn, Chase moved that the Council authorize ths expenditure of $90.00 on the cost of the changing of the directional si- at the south C,ity limits of Carlsbad and the beginning of the freeway in Oceanside, Seconded by Can. Ede. All ayes, motion carried.
Referring back to the letter from the Shoreline Planning Association requestin that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution sugporting Section $$ % 816, Public Resources Code, Cmn, Sutton moved that in accor- dance with the request of the Shoreline Planning Association, the Council adopt the proposed Resolution as amended by deleting the words nwithin. state beaches and inland parks” from the fifth paragraph thereof, Second ed by %mi. Chase., All ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted,
City Clerk Hagen read a letter: from Maj. General John T, Selden, USMC, asking that a pick-up station be established at some point between Oceanside and Carlsbad to 8cCOmOdate Marines wishing a ride. The mat- ter was referred to the City Clerk with the request that he confer with Mr. Lilleg as to what arrangements might be made. ,He was also requested to acknowledge the letter.
Final reading was made of proposed Ordinance 5006, amending Ordinanc
Cmn, Castorena reported that there are not enough signs up on Carls- bad Boulevard, and that the pavement should be stencilled, He stated that there have been many violations and the officers have had a diffi- oult time with people arguing that the road is not properly posted, Af- ter .discussion, Cmn, Castorena moved’the adoption of a Resolution au- thorizing the necessary expenditure of funds to properly post and sten- cil Caslsbad Boulevard (approximately $200,00) Seconded’ by Can, .Ede. All ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted.
Cmn. Castorena asked the Council’s study and consideration of a possible raise fn police salaries, since the. present rate seems to be below that of other cities of comparable size, He submitted a copy of wage standards to the Finance Committee for study.
Gmn, Castorena stated that -the Fire Chief is very anxious for the Site Committee to become active.
It was decided bo hold an adjourned meeting at 8:3O Thursday even- ing (January 7th) following the interviews to select a Public Works DZ- rector, in event any Council action is required at that’ time, and also to finish up accumulated business. Cmn. Sutton moved for adjournment until January 7th at 8:30 P, M, Seconded by Cmn, Castorena, All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. Me
Respectfully subm’itted,
“C””L””””~””~~”“~O”0~””“”“~~~~”~~”“~“”””””””~ I y BIIINIJTES OF ADJOURNED WETING OF CAEUSBAD CITY COUNCIL
January 7, 1954
Meeting called to order at 8:45 .Pi M, by Mayor McClellan, Present
besides the Mayor were Cmn, Castorena,.Ede, Chase and Sutton, City Clerk Hagen,. City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowski.
,The Ctty Clerk read 8.. letter from Frank Chase, Superintendent of that Oceanside-Carlsbad High School District, stating that the present plans of the district’.cdntemplate construction of the CarlSb8d EIigh School within four years and will naturally require sewage disposal; and that the District will participate in costs of such sewage disposal at such time 8s property abatt-iag Chestnut Avenue is a.cquired,
City Clerk Hagen read. a letter f.rom..the tax.collector giving figures on collection of taxes for the period December lst, to loth, as follows: $SS~3.00, less $56.00 as cost of collection.
A letter from the Mayor pf the City of Turlock was read, urging that Counoil meetings be opened by an invocation, as suggested in their letter of last April. City Clerk Hagen stated that he had spoken to Father Kaspar, Reverend Brokenshire, Reverend Brooks and Reverend Lock- erbee, and all ststed that they would be willing to come in.in turn and lead the Council in prayer. Cmn. Ede moved that the qity Clerk be in- structed to arrange for invocation at the opening of 'ouncil meetings. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried.
The matter of signs on the freeway was again briefly discussed, and the City.'Attorney stated that .it would be more orderly to. amend the zoning ordinance to permit erection of sigss by special use permit, and then to put the strr.uctural restrictions in the sign ordinance, He reviewed what he had told the Planning Commission at their me'eting, re- garding the danger of- discrimination, and stated that by putting the sigas on a special use permit basis, both the Planning Commission and the Council will haV8 a check on them, b1ayor M6Clellan stated he hbped
' that the idea of a community sign could be worked out, to direct the tra- vel into the City for meals, overnight accommodations, etc, He stated . he was 8 little reluctant to put the matter on a special use permit bas- is, as it might result in a bombardment of applications for special use permit.
The proposed contract with Byrl Phelps was further discussed. Can. Chase stated that Mr. Phelps stated that there is a signed contract with the Sanitary District but has not been able to produce a copy of it, nor has the Sanitary Board. Mayor McClellan stated he did not see any men- tion of it in the (Sanitary Board) minutes. He stated he felt every ethical means should be explored of trying to.get a flat fee instead of a percentage fee. Mr. Bond, Chairman of the Planning' Commission, stated he believed the average engineer is going- to charge more if he has to wait for his money, as in the case where the- fee is paid from the assessmen,t. Can. Chase stated he believed Ur. Phelps is involved to the point where it would'be very unethical to go to another engineer with a proposition. 1
Mayor McClellan stated that he will try to set up'a conference with Mr* Lilley of Oceanside and perhaps the Escondido officials, with as many members of the Council as can attend, to learn what they have done on their 1911 Act projects.
The matter of the acceptance of' Pi0 Pic0 was brought up, but. de- ferred to the next xieeting.
City Attorney Smith was asked about the status of the suit (Patter- son V. McClellan elt al) and stated that there was some questioq as to whether the appeal period began at the date of' the opinion (November 16th: or with the filing of the judgement on December 17th, in which latter case it would expire 60 days from that date, or February 17th.' Mayor McClellan asked whether it would be safe to start any 1911 proceedings prior to that- time, and Mr. 'Smith stated that the proceedings could be initiated .by filing of notice of intention to dorm the district and could then be called offi in event of appeal.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Ede moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Chase. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 9:3O P. M.
Respectfully submitted, I I