HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-30; City Council; Minutes13u A resolution. expressing appreciation. ta. Max Ewald lor his excell- ent work as City Building Insp.ec$or.was ... mad.. Cmn, Castorena moved the adoption of the resolation, with a. change.. of ..date to January 31. Second- ed by Cmn, Chase. Five. ayes, .no n8ys,. R8S.OlUtiOn adopted. Cmn, Chase moved that Mcqhvald be given terminal leave pay for one week after the termination of his employment, Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried . Final reading was made of proposed Ordinance 9030, changing zone of the Prudhomme et a1 property on Elm Avenue. Cmn. Castorena .moved the adoption of' proposed Ordinance 9030. Seconded by Cmn, Chase, All ayes, motion carried. Final reading was made of proposed Ordinance #9032, changing zone from R-1 to 43-2 of portions of Carlsbad Lands and CafLsbad Townsite, as initiated by the petition of Robert W. and Mae So Heatherington and the Carlsbad City Planning Commission. Cmn. Chase moved the adoption of pro- posed Ordinance 9032. Seconded by Cmn. Ca-storena. Five ayes, $& no nays, Ordinance adopted. It was decide'd to meet informally at 1:OO P. M, Thursday, the 21st, at the City Hall, provided Mr. Phelps can be present.. There being no further business to come before the Counci'l, Cmn. Cas torena moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn, Ede. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 11:lO P. M. Respectfully submitted, ,:Y / &7y&,.f/j ., / .\; &ifl& GV / """""""""~-~"-~"."""""".~-.""""~""~""".""~~"- 1 ic, CONSEhTT TO SPECIAL MEETING KNOW ALL MEN BY TRESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned, con- stitute the five members of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California . Further, that we all, collectively and singularly, hereby con- sent to a special Council meeting to be called on the 30th day of January, at 3:OO otclock p. 0, of the year 1954, in the City Hall of ' the City of Carlsbad, California, for the purpose of initiating proceedings for the creation of two special assessment districts in the City of Carlsbad, for the levying of an annual.tax for the main- tenance of existing sewer lines and sewage treatment plant, and one special assessment district-for %he improvement of the HTerramar Light- ing District". This consent shall be filed with the City Clerk of the Ci-tg of Carlsbad at the commencement of said special meeting. Ex. M, CkSTOIiENA RAYMOND XDE LEWIS L. CETASE C Do NCCLELLAM LENA Me SUTTON """""""""~."*~.~~~-""~~~"~-~"-~"~--""""~""~~~""~ htiliWTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CARLSBAI) CITY COUNCIL 7 January 30, 1954 Meeting.called to order by Mayor McClellan at 3:OO P. M., pursuant to written "Consent to Special Meeting", signed by all members of the I Council and filed with the City Clerk prior to the opening of the meet- ing., which "Consent" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Pre- sent besides the Mayor were Councilmen Chase, Castorena, Sutton and Ede, City Clerk Xagen, and City attorney Smith. The meeting was immediately adjourned to 4:15 P, M. City Attorney Smith explained the purpose of the meeting and pro- cedure to be followed for the purpose of levying taxes for maintenance of exlsting sewer lines and sewage treatment Plant. 2 Copy proposed of Resoluti.on No. 87 w8.s passed to each member of the Council and read. It was suggested that. collection of the monthly fee could be made by the Carlsbad Nutual Water C.ompany on the water bills, which ,fee would be based on. water cons.umption, a method permitted by the Code. Bfter dis'cussion, Cmn. Ede moved, seconded by Cmn, Castorena, that proposed Resolution No. 87 creating a special assessment district within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, be adopted. All ayes, motion carried, resolution adopted. Copies of proposed Resolution No, 88 were passed to members for reac ing, Attorney Smith explained that adoption oCthis Resolution will pre- serve for the City alternate means of' collection of charges for maiaten- ance, operation, construction and acquisition of a sanitary sewer system, by the County Tax Collector, as set out in the ResBhtion, Cmh, Ede moved the adoption of Resolution No. 88, outlining boundar- . ies of area to be assessed for sewer construction and maintenance. Secon ed by Cmn, Castorena. .All ayes, no nays, resolution adopted. City Attor ney Smith explained that if. it is found that a property has crept into the described area which cannot be served by the sewer, it can be later excluded. :,;.::: 53 Terramar Lighting District, were passed to members for reading. Cmn. Ede % moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 89. Seconded by Cmn. Chase I .., 3 I '; .::> Copies of proposed Resolution No, 89, setting up code area for the ". .-c I All ayes, no nays, resolution adopted. ~~.-* ,< There being no further business %o come before the Council, Cmn. Castorena moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, meet- ing adjourned at 5:OO P, M, "3 Respectfully ,submitted, GV """"""",~"""""""~~""-""""-~"""~~"-""-~""""" MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ' February 2, 1954 Meeting called to order at 7:15 P, M. by Mayor MCClellan, Present besides the Mayor were 'Cmn, Sutton, Ede, CaStOreKB, 'Chase f?:35 p* 14.1 City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Anthony, and City Attorney Smith. Cmn, Castorena. moved that reading of' the minutes of the, regular meeting of January 19th and of the special meeting of January 30th be waived. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read the letter from the Citizens' Water Committee, asking that the City Council take 8 stand on the formation of the Munici- pal Water District. After discussion, Cmn. Sutton moved that the City Council adopt a Resozution approving the formation of a Carlsbad Munfci- pal Water District as now,proposed, the exact wording to be framed later, Seconded by Cmn, Ede, Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Chase absent. Can. Sut- ton was asked to collaborate with City Attorney Smith in the framing of the Resolution, the suggestion being made that the thought be developed that from its very formation the City took steps to make the community eligible for admission to the .Weter Authority, and since it has been held up by legal action from completlng these steps, it is the feeling of the Council that it is urgent to complete the formation of a Municipal V?ater District, etc. The matter of' the charge of the Realty Tax Service for the 'certifi- cate of valuation was discussed. Cmn, Ede moved that the bill bf' $l250,0t due the Realty Tax .Service be paid. .Seconded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayez motion carried. The City Clerk was asked to request a, corrected certigi- cate from them, City Clerk Eagen read two letters from the Gallinger Corporation re- questing that the City consider transfer of responsibility of inspection and approval of sub-surface disposal system to the County of San Diego, stating that the VA and FHA had made %his condition. It was recalled that the question of having the County make these inspections had come UP a few months ago and it had been decided at that time that septic tank