HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-18; City Council; MinutesI 32 ;,Lq @ .+f 3 .cy I I 24 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEEYING 03. CARLSBAD. crm COUNCIL March 18, 1954 - Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. M, by Mayor McClellan, Present besides the Mayor were Cmn, Castorena.; Ede, Chase (7:15 P. M.), City ,Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director Anthony, City Attorney Smith9 Ab- sent, Cmn. Sutton. Reverend John Lockerby of St. Michaels' Episcopal Church opened the meeting with a very fitting invocation, Cmn. Ede moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of Xarch 2nd and of the meeting of March 16$h be waived. Seconded by cmn, Castor- ena. A11 ayes, motion carried. The City Clerk read a 1etter.from the City Council of the City of Oceanside advising of their decision not to withdraw approval, as reques- ted bg,the,Carlsbad City Council, of the circulation of petitions for consolidation of .Carls&ad and Oceanside, and setting out their reasons therefor. It was decided that no purpobe would -be served by continuing correspondence on,the subject. Cmn. Ede moved that the letter from the City of Oceanside be tabled. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena. Yhsree ayes, (Cm. Chase absent) Motion carried. City Clerk Hagen read ah letter from. the Chief Administrative Of- fiaer, Mr. Reggland, addressed to the Mayor, on Smog Control, enclos- ing a report on the subjedt and asked that a proper City official be designated to suudg the report and to serve on a County-wide committee. Corn. Baumgartner of the Planning Commission was present and stated that he had talked with Chairman Bond of .the Commission, at the suggestion of.Nayor McClellan, and that he and MP. Bond had concluded that the Paan- dng Commission could look over the report at its Monday evening nieeting and determine whether it falls into their province. Cmn. Ede mooed that the report on Smog Control from Mr. Heggland.'s office be turned over to the Plawing Commission #or their consideration at their next meeting, to detemine whether it falls into their province. Seconded by Crnn. Cas- torena. All ayes, motion carried. Comm. Bwngartner volunteered to read the report and be prepared to s,urrmRri.ze it for the Planning Cmnission on Monday evening. Cit,y Clerk Iiagen read a recommendation of the Planning .Commission that the final, map of Terramar Unit #4, submitted by 1. D, Cannon, be approved, subfect to an offer of dedication of Lots *A* and "Bn for pub- lic streets, which offer they recommended be re5ected by the City, and the fu2ther stipulation that zoning proceedinags be initiated either by the subdivider or the Planning Conmission not later than April 5th, and that the proper .signatures be authorized. .The question of the offer of dedication and the rejection were explained by Mr. Andrews, as set out in the Subdivision Map Act. There was considerab,le discussion about the installation of.. water lines and, fire hydrants, Mayor McClellan. stating that while the water lines' are not under City jnriddiction, they are still iiaportant to the City from the standpofnt of fire protection. It was brought out that the Fire Chief did not make any recommendation in writing as to fire hydrants, and no provision had been made for same at time of acceptance of the tentative map. The pertinent section of Ordinance 9025, in connection with water and fire protection, was read. The conditions of acceptance of the tentative map were revgmed, exerpts from the Planning Commission minutes of July 13th recommending accep- tance, and from the Council minutes of July 21st accepting the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission, being read, After discussion, Cm. Ede moved that the City Council defer action on the final map of Terramar #4, uti1 such time as either the proper water lines and fire hydrants are installed and cersified by the Public Works Director, or an agreementu entered into be the subdivider to construct same in accordance with the provisions of 'Qrdinance #9025. Seconded by Cmn. Chase. Mr. Andrews was asked to subm3.t an improvement plan showing the water lines, hydrants, etc, Vote on the motion: all ayes, motion carried. It was suggested that a memo be sent to the Planning Commission asking that they lndicate whether it is their intent that. the provisions of the ordinance in res- . pect to sidewalks, curbs and gutters be waived. Letter from the City of Daytona Beach, Florida, asking how encroach- ments of the public beach by private citizens removing sand, etc,, are being handled in Calrlsbad, and ssking for .a folder if available. City Clerk Hagen was asked to hndle, being rernfnded that the Chamber of Com- merce has such a folder advertising Carlsbad. * 44 Letter from. San Diego Visitor's Bureau, describing a promotion program for tourist trade and asking .that Carlsbad share in the cost of same to the amount of fl50.00. Referred to Can.- Ede in connection with budget studies, Byrf Phelps wherin he described fear alternative methods which are under consideration for construction of the sewage disposal glant, as follows: (1) 'Eo construct an Imhoff tank and use the existing tanks for final clarifiers, and then to construct a new outfall to the wean, including a pump house, filter, and to bnkld a lagoon on the property that we own. The water would then go into the Bird Sanctuary (no outfall) (3) To use the pump house, claridigester, and then use final settling tanks, then direct to the ocean, (5) Use the Imhoff tank, the, rock filter, a new outfall, and the pump house, This is the method on which design and cost estimates haV8 been prepared, The City Clerk read a memorandum of a telephone conversation with (2) To construct an Imhoff tank and pumphouse, rock Mr. Phelps stated that the first three methods would be cheaper by about $20,000,00 to $30,000,00, Re also stated that the Finance Board has ap- proved the purchase of the land for the site, which, in turn, must be approved by the City; also that he intens to get an appointment with , Mr* Miller of the State Pollution Board early next week and will then know which of the above-named methods would be approved, City Attorney Smith reported that the local agent of the Depart- ment of Finance had asked that the former Sanitary Board reassign the' Chapter 47 funds. to the City, by resolution, which has been done, and that in exchange of correspondence with Mr. Jacqueth he had told Mr. Jacqueth that he belieyed the funds were transferred by operation of law when the Sanitary District was absorbed into the City, and that h,e was further exploring this possibility. Meantime, Mayor McClellan suggested that Mr. PheIps be asked to send tolthe City Clerk copies of all corres- pondence between his office and all State offices in connection with this matter, Mr. Anthony stated he would call Mr. Phelps tomorroy and make an appointment with him as soon as possible after Bdr, Phelps' meeting with the State Water Pollution Control Board, and set up a meeting here short- ly afterwards, It was pointed out that there is, remining of the site and engineer- ing fund, the &bunt of #&OO.O,OO, and proposed that application be made for use of the funds for the acquisition of the fire station site and the preparation of plans, which applicatzon mast be made prior to Decem- ber 3lst of this year, It was also suggested that this fund could be used to pay half the cost of engineering on the Elm Avenue construction profect, After discussion, Cmn, Castorena moved the adoption of a reso- lution authorizing the application for these funds to cover half the purchase price of the site for the police and fire station, and that Mr. Anthony, Public Works Director, be authorized to act on behalf of the City in making out application forms asking reimbursement of one-half the cost of the site from the Chapter 47 funds, Seconded by Cmn, Chase, All ayes, motion carried. for bids to be opened April E t 1954, for the construction of sewer lateral; The Proposal of Bid was also studied, and the amouht o,P bond @or faith- ful performance was disanssed. Mayor UcClellan stated he believed a bond of at least qb2500.00 to $3OOO,OO should be required; also that the con- tract period. should .be set forth in the proposal form, The City Attorney I stated the mechanism for setting up the bond is set forth in the County Ordinance #215S, and that the contract period could be set up to termin- ate on 30 days' notice Be either party, After discussion, Cmn. Eda pro- posed a resolution aathakiz$ag bids to be advertised for sewer 'connections. on the form proposed, Seoonded by Cmn, Chase, All ayes, motion wrried. The City Clerk read pro osed Notice of Invitation for Bids, calling %mn, Chase brought up recent experiences with run-off from Carlsbad Estates and stated that he sincerely hoped that in view of these exper- iences extreme cautkon would be exercised in the future to see that such drainage problems are taken care of before final maps on subdivishon are approved. City Attorney Smith stated that in his opinion the .Ordinance is strong enough and it is just a matter of strict application of it. 1. :.:j i .'3 * A4 3 t-4 , "7 .....I c '* ..*e I I I 2f Cmn, Chase reported that he and Mr. Anthony had not yet seen Mr. Beuthel regarding the Elm Av-enue. cons.truction but should have something to repopt at the next Council meeting, Mr. Anthony stated that he had had the grader up at the Scoble place where the temporary fill had washed out, and had taken out about 12 loads of dirt and soloed the problem temporarily. City Clerk Hagen read the following correspondence; Letter from the Assessor% office 'stating that a cut has been made Letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce advising. that the off- for the 1954 assessment of Parcel 35-45-1, the fire station site, street parking lot has been completed except for the pLacement of a sign, and expressing eatitude for the City's participation in the project, aation in connection with the approval by the City of Oceanside of the circulation of petitions for consolidation. Proposed urgency ordinance #5015, ad0pting.b~ reference County Ord- inance #1258 (N, S,) and transferring t.o the Health Department of the County of San Diego inspections on septic tanks and cesspools, was read. Cm, Chase moved the adoption of pro oaed Ordinance #5015. Seconded by Cmn, Ede, Four eyes, no nays, cmn, gutton&bsent. was read. Cmn, Chase moved the .adoption of .Resolution #lo&, putting into effeat Ordinance #4013. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried, Letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce supporting the Citgvs Praposed Resolution #lo&, putting into operation Ordinance #5015, ,I After 8 15-minute recess, the Council was reconveded, at 9;25 I?. M, The City Clerk read an opinion by the City Attorney that minutes of Council meetings may be waived, but that it would be good practice for the individual members of the Council to read and subscribe their ap- proval on the original copy. The Mayor asked whether a resolution should be passed approving all previous minutes, so as to clear the record in th: respect, and it was decided to do so. Cmn, Ede moved that the City At- torney be' authoritzed to prepare a resolution approving the minutes of all previous meetings up to and including the meeting of March 2, 1954. Se- conded by Cmn, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried e ' A letter of' resignation from Cmn, Lena.Sutton was read, There was. some,discqssion as to whether the resignation should be accepted and an- other appointment made for 'the last two meetings before the election, or whether the resignation should be declined and the present 5-member Coun- cil continued, with Cmn. Sutton absent f.or the last three meetings. The latter procedure was decided upon and Cmn, Ede moved that the Council de- cline to accept the resignation of' cmn. Sutton. Seconded by cmn. Chase. All. ayes, motion carried , City Attorney Smith reported that the Harbor Committee had met with Mr. Sherwin on the 12th and had discussed at length the possibilities of availabe use of the dredged-out area of Agaa Hedionda for City recrea- tion purposes. He stated that the Gas Company $indicated that they were not opposed to the harbor as such, as Poilg as it would not interfere with their operations, but would not care to enter into any lease until the dredging was completed and they could evaluate their need, They indica- ted that as soon as they can appraise their position more accurately they will be willing to enter into negotiations for the- creation af an inland lake for recreation purposes out of the upper part of the fagoon (above the railroad track), The City Attorney stated that the Committee was ~ given every personal assurance that the lease would not .be given to any other than a public agency. Mayor MBClellan stated he believed a point has been reached where* a Harbor C.ommissfsn should be appointed to carry on negotiations, and asked that the Harbor Committee. and. the City Attorney consider some per- manent form of agency for this work, to which all members agreed, It was also .proposed that the matter be discussed with the Harbor Committee at their next meting, but no Council member was designated to attend the meeting, The City Attornsy.stated that ft was felt. that. the negotiations for the lease will take considerable time and should be begun now and pro- posals made as soon as pobbible. fire truck had asked that it participate in the Firemen's Convention at cmn, Castorena reported that the people who.are. building the new 46 Santa Barbara on April 24-25-26. He stated that the Fire Chief and memo. bers of the Department could then pick up the. vehicle on the 26th and brir it to Carlsbad, which will save the Cirty $100,000 It was brought out that ev:ery precaution should be taken. to see that the unit is oovered by insur- ance as soon as it is turned over to the Fire Department and becomes the City's responsibility, and it was left to Fire Chief Rardin to see that this is. done. Rdporting on plans for the new fire and police station, Cmn. Castor- ena stated that the Fire Department is ready to begin clearing the land. He stated there is over 1000 lbs. of fruit on the trees, which are Nabals and Anaheims and cannot be harvested before June or July. He stated they have every reason to believe that, provided work has been started on the Fire station, the Forestry Service would permit housing of the new truck at their'statibn . Cmn. Castorena stated they plan to go down the first of the week to talk with the Forestry people.' Cmn. Ede stated that he had arranged to meet with Mr. Nelson, the, architect, possibly Saturday afternoon to look over the land, etc, The question of placing a water meter on the site was discussed, what siae to purchase, etc,, but it was decided to defer the matter for the time being, City Attorney Smith stated that he had received in the mail a cor- rected copy of the Certificate of Tax Valuation from the Tax Realty. Service , There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Chase moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Castorena, All ayes, meeting adjourned at lO:O5 P. M. Respectfully submitted, GV ~LIO"I~~"""C"CI~"""~"""*"~~"""""""""~~~~""*""~ MINUTES OF BBEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL April 6, 1954 Meeting called to order by Mayor McClellan at $:OO P. M. Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Castorena, Ede, Chase .(7:35 Po Ed.), City Clerk Hagen,, Public Works Direotor, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief P&lkowski. Absent, cmn, Sutton, Cqm. Castorena moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting o@!' March 18th be waived. Seconded, by Cmn, Ede. All ayes, motion carried, City Clerk Hagen read Notice of Proposal of Bids on sewer laterals. The bids of Leo Williams and S & H Construction Company (by David Hahot) were read, as follows: :-; -f- ', m '4 .C. .. \ 1- WILLIAplrs . - S'k H 1. Removal and restoration of concrete street surface, in required width, per lined ~oo~.....~.......~~..~..... $LOO !# 070 2. Removal and restoration of asphalt street sUrf8~8, in required width, per lineal foot..................^... 90 e25 3. Removal and restoration of ailed street surface, in required width, per lineal foot...................... 85 .12 4. Removal and restoration of dirt and street surface, in required width, per lineal foot.................,..,, 0 00 .05 5. Removal and restoration of dirt alley surface, in required width, per lineal foot......~..........D...~ > .. 20 . 10