HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-06; City Council; Minutes246 Santa Barbara on April 24-25-26, He stated that the Fire Chief and mem- bers of the Department could then pick up thevehicle on the 26th and bri it to Carlsbad, which will save the City $lOOoOOe It was brought out the every precaution should be taken to see that the unit is covered by insu~ ance as soon as it is turned over to the Fire Department and becomes the City’s responsibility, and it was left to Fire Chief Hardin to see that this is done. Reporting on plans for the new fire and police station, Cmn. Castor- ena stated that the Fire Department is ready to begin clearing the land. He stated there is over 1000 lbs. of fruit on the trees, which are Nabalt and Anaheim and cannot be harvested before June or July. He stated the5 have every reason to believe that, provided work has been started on the Fire station, the Forestry Service would permit housing of the new truck at their’statibn . Cmn. Castorena stated they plan to go down the first of the week to talk with the Forestry people.’ Cm. Ede stated that he had arranged to meet with Mr. Nelson, the architect, possibly Saturday afternoon tu look over the land, etc. The question of placing a water meter on the site was discussed, what size to pUrChBS8, etc., but it was decided to defer the matter for the time being. City Attorney Smith stated that he had received in the mail a cor- rected copy of the Certificate of Tax Valuation from the Tax Realty Service. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn, Chase moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Castorena, All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10:05 Po M, Respectfully submitted, GV ~~”””””””””””””””~””””~~”“”””“””~~””””” 4 DRITUTES OF PdEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL April 6, 1954 Meeting called to order by Mayor McClellan at 7:OO P. M. Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Castorena, Ede, Chase .(7:35 P. Id.), City Clerk Hagen, Public Works Director, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowski , Absent, Cm. Sutton, Cmn. Castorena moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting 09 March 18th be waived. Seconded. by,Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried, City Clerk Hagen read Notice of Proposal of Bids on sewer laterals. The bids of Leo Williams and S 8c H Construction Company (by David Hahot: were read, as follows: ... .f ...... .- ,I 4 ./ , , 1. Removal and restoration of concrete street surface, in required width, per lined fo~t.,....,......~,..~..,.. 2. Removal and restoration of asphalt , ’ street sprface, in required width, per lineal foot..............,......^ 3. Removal and restoration of oiled street surface, in required width, per lineal foot................,..... 4. Removal and restoration of dirt and street surface, in required width, per lineal foot...............r.,.~o. 5. Removal and restoration of dirt alley surface, in required width, per lineal foot.............^.......+ , .. WILLIAMS , $1.00 90 085 .oo 0 20 S’& H - $$ 070 025 012 .05 10 I x :(a @ 4 ..J e$ >. I 1 2‘ WILLIAMS S&H ,u 6. .. Renioval and restoration of oiled $7.50 $3.00 alley s~;~face, in required width, per lineal P~t......e.....,...,,.oo~~ 7. Removal and restoration of concrete .. alley surface, in required width, per lineal. foot......,.~C..t..c...... 9.00 8. Exoavation and filling tEench, price for each square foot of depth,...,,., 10.00 9. Charge for eaoh sewer connection per spec iff cation.....,.,....,^...... 1.61 4.00 Sa00 1.70 Both bids were referred to Mr. Anthony, with the possibility that a con- clusion might be reached Before the close of the meeting. .. City Clerk Hagen read a memorandum from the Planning C-omission recorn- mending approval of‘ the request of Twin Inns, Inc., for special use per- mit to allow erection of advertising sign on the Whitmore property.at 2357 Jefferson, subject to certain limitations. The City Attorney was ask to examine the restrictions imposed on the permit, as follows: (1) That the sign shall be non-transferable. (2) That it shall not be subject to sub-3.ease,. ( 3 1 That the permit be granted to December 31, 1957. (4) That illumination of the sign shall be turned off not later than 12:OO midnight. (‘5) That the sign ahall be 8 minimum of 4.0 feet and a maximum of 50 feet in width. (-6) That the sign shall be erected in full accordance with Ordinance #8020, and before work is commenced the desi- of the sign shall be ap- proved lqr the Planning C0nnm;iSSfOn. After study, the Ci%y..Attorneg stated that the restrictions imposed wer.8 reasonable and noa-discriminatory and in his opigion proper provisions for the issuance of such special use .permit. After discussion, Cmn. Castorena moved that the recommendation of the Planning Conmission that the request for special use permit, by the Twin Inns, Inc,. , be 8pproVed, be accepted by the Council, and that the permit be granted, subje’ct to the oonditions named in the Planning Commission recommendation, and for the period named, to December 31, 1957. Seconded by Cm. Ede. All ayes, motion oarried, City Clerk Hagen read a memorandum from the Planning Commission stat- ing that it was the intewbion of the Planning Commission to waive the pro- visions of Ordinance #902.5 regarding sidewalks, in Terramar #4, but that it vas intended that the poll cwb as shown oa the tentative map would ap- ply, the Commission having overlooked the fact that it did not appear on the final map. Mr. Anthony was asked to consult the tentative map in re- gard to this.detai1, and the matter was deferred until later in the meet- ing. The City Clerk read the Police Department report for April, as fol- lows: Arrests . . . . . 5 Citations , . . . .86 General Cases . . .71 ’ Accidents e e e11 The City Clark reported receipt of $1022.08, secured taxes, from the Cfty Clerk Eagen read the following correspondence: Letter from the Amy & Mavy Academy requesting permission to install a firin range on their Point Field, . Also read was a memorandum from the Chief o 8 Police that he and the Public Works Director had looked over the proposed”iqstal1ation and- approved it. During discussion, it was broughtout that extreme caution should be exerctissd so that off-shore traa vel will not be endangered, It was suggested that the Chief of Police and Public Works Director Purther investigate this angle, ~mn. Castorena move( that permission be granted the Army &..Xgv.s Acadamy to install a firing ranl Assessors’ office. I 4.8 as. proposed, as long as the Chief. of Police. and- the Public Works Director have approved the plan, subject to approval by the Public Works Director of the plans, Seconded by Cmn. .Chase... Three ayes, no nays, CIM. Ede ab- staining, motion carried.. sign reading Oceanside City. Limit, 54fl high by 12 feet wide, with 12" -let= ters, would cost $108,95 installed by the Automobile Club, and that deliv- ery could be made in 30 to 40 days after receipt of the order. It .was a11 so stated that a similar' sign for Carlsbad would be' smaller and cost less, because of the shorter name. The matter was discussed, and it was broughl out that the committee working on the sign matter feels that Carlsbad should have a 1arger"sign with reflectorized letters to more adequately advise mokorists that they are entering the City. City Clerk Hagen read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce advising that the State is willing to provide a large reflectorizea.Cfty Limits sign at the cost of appro- ximately $100.00, After disanssMn, Cmn. Ede moved that the Council authorize the purchase of' such a sign, Seeonded by Cmn, Chase. All ayes, Copy of letter to City of 'Oceanside advisiizg' that a reflectorized . motion carried.' Letter from the Chamber of Commerce regarding painting of omoss- walks. Referred to the Traffic Engineer for his recommendations, Letter from the Oceanside-Carlsbad Union High School' District, signal by F, M. Chase, regarding sewer requirements of the proposed Carlsbad a@ School, and stating that any progress toward installation of sewers near the Site will be appreciated, Cmn, Chase commented that at the meeting a1 which Mr. Tagworker and A&, Slater were present, this subject was dis- cussed and it was brought out that a County-sponsored program was being anticipated to push the sewer pro.ject for this particular site and for the whole area, and that he had been assured by them that one of the peo- ple from the County Health Department is working on it dilligentlg, Cmn, Chase also proposed that the idea of a Sanitation Commission be revived, with the purpose of relieving the Council of a great deal of the work, .particularly on the matter of. the disposal plant, etc. The matter was di;F cussed but no action taken, Letter from T. M, Heggland,. Chief Administrative Officer, ad%ising that the County-wide conference on Smog Control'has been set up for. Thus- day, April Uth, at 2:OO P. Id,, and asking that the dity be represented at the Conference, Mayor McClellan stated that he had hlked to a couple of men who were unwilling to undertake the responsibility, but that an ap- pointment would be made as soon as possible, Getter from Mr. Heggland's office giving rates for prisoner car, re- presenting an advance to $2.25 per say, Chief Palkowski was asked for his comments and stated that this service is not used for local prisoners, principally on account of transportation difficulties, the only people being transported to San Diago from here being psychos and juvenilesJ He stated that in his opitiio&o enter into an agreement of this sort would not be practical and suggested that nothing be done until after the Chiefs Meeting in La Mesa on Wednesday, at which time he will discuss the matter with the Sheriff. The matter was deferred to the next meeting, in traffic fatalities in 1953 from the previous year, and asking that the City of Carfsbad again contribute to the program this year. It was re- called by the. City Clerk that Carlsbad's contribution last year was $BO.OC The Chief of Police was asked to comment and stated that he felt that, the Traffic Safety Council has done 8 terrific job through a very aggressive advertising program, and that in his opinion it is a very worth while p~o- gram. He was asked to put his aomments in a memo on the letter, to be placed in the Council file for the next Council, Letter from the Traffic-Safety Council reporting a reduction of 2996 Letter from Claud Fennel enclosing endorsements on the City Insur- ance poliujt: to cover the Sanitary District. Ordinance #1378 N. S. covering health services. The City Attorney stated that. if the City .is to continue to use the Connty health semices it will be necessary to enact comparable ordinances and amendaents, The amendment was referred to the City Attorney for study. Letter from the Board of Supervisors enclosing copy of amendment to City Clerk Hagen read proposed Resolution #lo6 authorizing the fil- ing of an application for plans reimbursement under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, and naming Byrl Phelps as agent to conduct all negotiations on" behalf of the City to secure payment of these .funds. Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of proposed Resolution #106. Seconded by Cmn. Chase, All ayes, motion carried. I 2-2 LQ 4 d. ,.+ .u -.d "t I I -2 4 City Clerk read proposed Resolution #I07 applgin for an allbtnent .under Chapter 20, .Statutes of' 1966, in. the amount of 8 56,596.00, Cmn. Ede moved ths adoption of the proposed Resoluti-on as read, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, .All ages, motion carried. . In.. regard. to purchase of the additl a1 land for the disposal plant, Mayor BIlcClellan stated that someone should be authorized to negotiate for the site, preferably some City officials re &her than Mr. Phelps. The City Attorney and Public Works Director were asked.to work together on this matter. Cmn. Chase moved that the City At- torney be authorized to negotiate for the land necessary for the new dis- posal plant, in conjunction with the Public .Works Director. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. ' A copy of letter from the Lo$ Angeles office' of the Department of Finance to Mr. Phelps was read, regarding the course to be pursued to ob- tain the State Funds previously transferred to the Sanitary District. The City gttorneg, explained the letter and stated that he has been dealing wil the Sa.cramento office on the sane matter, but that his latest communica- tion has not been answered. City Clerk Hagen read proposed Resolution #lo8 authorizing the filing of' an application for site acquisition reimbursement under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, in the amount of approximtely $3500.00, and author- izing the PublSc Works Director as agent to act on behalf of the City in the matter. Cmn. Castorena moved adoption of proposed Resolution #lO8. Seconded by Cinn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. Mayor McClellan reported on the meeting last. night with Nlr. Beuthel, stating that %Bere was a general discussion of the Elm Avenue improvement project which had boiled down to the need for engaging an engineer, prefe~ ably on a time and material basis on a.pre-arranged rate for each class 01 work, rather 'than on a percentage basis. Cmn. Chase stated that two names were beigg considered, Mr. Whitman from E1 Cajon and Byrl Phelps. He stal ed that he bemieved other names should be eonsidered. Mr. Anthony spoke in favor .of Mr. Phelps %n view of his long experience in this field and iI this area. Cmn. Chase stated he would like to recommend Bdr. Whitman. It was decided that the matter be deferred to the next Council meeting, al- though its urgency was recognized. After a 15-minute recess the Council was reconvened at 9:15 P. M. The matter of bids on sewer laterals was again discussed. Cmn; Ede moved that the two bids on the sewer laterals be referred to the Direc- tor of Public Gqorks for his recommendation, to be given to the new corn- cil. Seconded by hm. Ede. All ayes, motion carried.. The Fire Department report for March, 1954, was read, as follows; Fires +.*........... 3 (2 stoves, one grass) Purchase of five new uniforms and a 16 mm. proJector for training purposes, from Fire Department funds. Thhre was disoussion on the construction of the new fire and police sta%ion, some members feeling that bids should be invited in order to get an idea of what the Construction cost would be, while others felt that it was unfair to bidders to ask thhm to preparq'bids for this sole purpose. During discussion,,,- Cma. Chase state he believed it would be a great mis- take to proceed with, the building without a plan of the whole site. Mayo: McClellan stated the.* the architect, Mr. Nelson, is working on a, study of the overall plan. Crnn. Castorena stated that he believed that now is'the . time to begin this particular project, while enthusiasm and the willingner .to help are high, Fire Chief Hardin stated the architect promised to havc preliminasy plans by Thpusday and within ten days a plan of the who&e thi~ Financial statement for AprQ $st was dischssed. Hayor McClellan asked that the different departments make up tentative budgets as soon as possible. The revised bill of O'Melveny & Myers was approved for payment. Cmn Ede, Uoved that the Council authorize payment of O'Melveny & Wers of &500.00 in legal fees when funds are availab2e. Seconded by Cmn. Castor8 ena. All ayes, motion. carried. The matter of a contract with O*Ideloeny & Hyers for' legal services .'in connection with hany 1911 Act proceedings which the City might under- take was. discussed. It was decided that tome sort of contract Bhould be ready for the new Council, if.the City chooses to use their services in this matter. Cmn. Castorena moved that the council authorize the City 50 Attorney to negotiate with O'Helveny & Myers for any contemplated 1911 Act proceedings in connection with the disposal plant. Seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried, It was suggested' that they be requested to submit a form of contract for the City Attorney's study. City Attorne; Smith stated that the Council would be taking a calculated risk, in pro- ceeding with a 1911 Act project,, on account. of the pending litigation, as the proceedings may not be successful on account of a legal flaw; however, that some money could be spent for engineering fees, attornag's fees, etc, and as the legal difficulBies are cleared up, the proceedings could be re- sumed after 8 lapse of time, Mayor BdcClellan stated he believed these proceedings must be begun and would not hesitate to enter into an agreeme1 with O'Melveny & Myers, Cmn. Castorena, reporting on Fire Department matters,. stated that for. a fee of #S.OO per year the local Fire Chief could become a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, through which organiza- tion he would be kept closely posted on all Civil Defense matters; etc,, and derive various benefits from it. Cmn. Castorena recommended that the Council pay the $8.00 to enroll Chief Hardin in this organization, After discussion, Cqm. Chase moved that the Council authorize. the expenditure of necessary funds to enroll Fire Chief Robert Hardin in the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Seconded by Cmn, Ede. All yes, motion Carrie Cmn. Castorena reported that one of the fire trucks will be stored at the Forestry Station,. and he was asked to open negotia%iops with the County Road Department for use of the former foad station. It was sug- gested that the Deputy City Clerk draft a letter to the C.ounty Road De- partment asking thme to mane a lease price and terms on t'he road station, G:mn. Castorena reminded the Council that the truck is going to be .on ,dis- play at Santa Barbara and that the Fire Chi-ef and other members have vol- unteered to go to Sante Barbaret and drive the truck down, and that he woul like to. ask the Council to authorize $25.00 expenses for the trip. Cmn, Ede moved that the Council authorize the payment of expenses up to QkZS..fidO for members of the Fire Department $0 go t.o Santa 'Barabara and drive the new. fire truck home, Seconded by Cmn. Chase. All ayes, motion carried, Mr. E, G,! Kentner, president of the Public Utility District, stated that he would like to turn over the funds of that district, amounQng to 8 little over $1000.00, to the City, but was informed by the City Attor- ney and also by the Public Utility District attorney that the proper le- gal ste s to make the transfer would involve an expenditure of approxi- mately g300.00, so he had deemed it advlseable to wait until the legal staus of the City is finally established and then turn the money over $fi& .. Without Cost Mayor McClellan asked the. Police Chief whether it would .be possible to organize some kind of en instruction plan which would result in safer bicycle and pedestrian habits among childmn, He suggested awarding "Safe Rider" certificates to boys and girls observing safety rules, as an in- centive, Chief Palkowski stated that he and Cmn. Castorena had BBd a conference about a week ago on this v;erg subject and that he and Bud Wol- ters had perfected plans to begin the program on Thmxsrsdag of this week, ; beginning with the seventh and eighth grades and working down to the lower grades, impressing upon the youngsters the danger in riding on the $&&e- walk, riding double, etc, He stated that there will be an enforcement. program and children will be cited into the office, with thetr parents, and their bikes impounded for two QB three days for a second citation, He ,stated they felt that some service organization mfght be willing to support the program, The Hayor stated he thought it likely that some in- surance company might be willing.to supply the cards, and would explore this possibility. Mayor McClellan expressed his appreciation and satisfaction in work- ing with the other membrs of the Council during his terms of office, mar #4, Mr. Anthony stated that he had not been able to locate the tenta- tive map but would do so and determine whether curb were specified as a condition of approval of the tentative map, It was suggested that he writc the engineer a note if curbs are to be Installed, There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Chase moved. for adjournment, seconded by cmn. Ede. All ayes, meeting ad- fourned at 1O:lO P. M. Referring back to the Planning Commission recommendation on Terra- Respectfully submitted, rn fiv '424&92& FnurnDn n TYA~~RT &%4q" rm-*A" n1"L