HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-20; City Council; Minutes.
Absentee Grand 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Ballots Total dEASURE VOTED UPON: SHALL CITY CURK BE APPOINTIVE?
YES 57 57 49 54 30 36 44 30 45 56 568 25 k83
NO 113 85'70 33 103 76 133 80 55 83 831 16 847
ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED AND DECLARED that the majority of the votes cast at said election is for the refection of the proposition, *Shall the City Clerk -be Appointive?*, I
s3 (3 ;r' 5
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECLBRED %hat the candidates Raymond C, Ede, C. €2, Hslton, and R0bert.M. Sutton, recefved the next highest number of votfw'for members of the City Council, and accord- ingly shall serve a 2-gear terra as members ,of the City Council of the Clty of Carlsbad, California,
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECLARED that the candidates Manuel M, Castorena and C, D, McClellan are the two candidetes who re- ceived the highest number of votes for City Council members, and accordingly shall serve a &-year term on, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California. . 1
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND 'DECUEED that candidate Max 0, Ers3ald reoeived'the highest number of votes for the City Clerk, and accordingly shall serve a 4-year term as City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California,
IT IS IhJRTHER ORDERED AND DECLAEED %hat the candidate W, Roy Pace .received the highest number of votes for the City Treasurer, and accordingly shall serve a 4-year term as City Treas- urer, of the City of Carlsbad, California.
IT IS FCJRTFBR.ORDERED that the City Clerk shall forthwith issue certificates of election to the succes.sfu1 candidates named above, and that the City Clerk shall further administer to each person elected the oath of office prescribed by the State e ons.ti t ut ion , I
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1954, by the following votes:
, AYES: Councilmen Castorena, Ede, Chase, Mayor McClellan.
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: CoUcilman Sutton,
Mayor of the City lt3S Carlsbad, California
ATTEST: ' A+A{&, ci y C erk u
April 20, 1954
Before opening of the meeting, the oath of office was administered by retiring City Clerk Edward Go Hagen to Councilmen-elect Manuel Cas- torem, Ra'gmond C. Ede, C, D. McClellan, Claud R. Helton, and Robert M. Sutton, City Treasurer I. Roy Pace and City Clerk @lax 0. Etiald.
City Clerk Ewald called the meeting- to order at 8:50 P. M. Prs- sent were all Coucilmen, City Clerk Ewald and City Attorney Smith, Fa- ther Anthony Kaspar offered 8 short but very appropriate prayer to ope n the first meeting of the new Council.
The first order of business was election of a Mayor, Cmn. Ede placed the neme of C. D, NicClellan in nomination for Mayor of the City
54 of CarLsbad, Seconded by Cmn, Su&bbn. Cmn, Castorena moved that the nominations be closed, Four ayes, me nay (McClellanj none absent, Cm. WClellan was declared to be electe.d.Bayor and took the chair, thanking the council for its expression of confidence', stated that he felt that either Cmn. Castorena or Cmn. Ede would fill the office very ably and had earnestly solicited their consideration of-same but that both felt they weP&nable to do SO.
Mayor &Clellan proposed that the Council consider the length of term of the M8yOr, pointing out that if no rnemtion of term is made, it is for a two-year period. After a brief discussion, Cmn,.Ede proposed a Resolution fixing the term .of the Mayor as one year from date of assuming the office. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, Five ayes, .no nays, none. absent, Resolution adopted, Mayor McClellan suggested that the Council have in mind choosing the next Mayor a month or so prior to the expiration of' the term on the second Tuesday in April,
Mayor McClellan suggested the followihg appointments to the Planning Gomission to fill vacancies created by the election of Corn, Sutton and Corn. Helton to the City council, and the inabilgty of Mr. Bond to accept reappointment:
I. E. Gronseth . . , . b . . 4 grs, John E, Garcia . . 4 grs, €2. B. Ledgerwood , . . , . . 3 grs, Robert N, Smith. . . , , 2 grs,
Cmn. Ede moved that the Council approve the appointments of the Mayor for positions on the Planning Commission, SeOonded by Cqm, Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
After a 15-minute recess, during which new members of the Planning
City Clerk Emld read proposed Resolution #111 expressing apprecia-
Commission were sworn in, the Council was reconvened at 9:20 P. M.
tion to Lewis Le Chase, retiring Councilman, for his splendid work on the eouncil since his appointment to Pill the unexpired term of Cmn, Grober, Cmn. Castorena moved tiie adoption of paoposed Resolution #111, Seconded by cmn, Ede. All ayes, motion carried.
, Similar proposed Resolutions $112 (Cmn. Lena Sutton), #ll3 (Mr. I Bond 1 and #114 (Col. Hagen) were summarized. Cmn. Sutton moved the adoption of proposed Resolutions #112, #113, and #L14. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. 811 ayes, motion carried.
Plans and specifications for the new fire and police station were passed to Council members for study. Fire Chiefa Hardin reported that the architec't feels the building could be built for less than $6.00 per square foot under contract, and that he felt confident himself that the building and driveways can be constructed for about #15,000.00. He stated he has assurance that some.of the building materials per>ple will co-op- era ts fully .
It was brought out that a lower fire insurance rate will apply on all property within a two-lmile radius of the station, which will take in all but Terramar,
Mayor EcClellan stated that for purposes of comparison it would be a good idea to ascertain what the contract price would be.
Fire Chief Hardin commented that the budget will be approximately $20,000,00 this year as compared to $18,000.00 last year, about $JO,OOO.OO of' which will be for the building.
The financial statement was studied briefly,
After discussion, Cmn. Sutton moved that the Fire Chief and Direc-
tor of Pgblic Works attempt to secure cost estimates from general con- tractors and sub-contractors who would be willing to make such estimates, to be referred to the Council at its next meeting, Seconded by Cm. Ede, All ayes, motion carried.
'Fire Chief Hardin stated that several members of the Fire Depart- ment will attend the Firemen's Convention at Santa Barbara (at which. the new truck will be on display), planning to leave Friday about 3 A, M. and to return late Sunday or Bdonday. He statgd he did not believe the Forestry Station will be available for temporary storage of the new truck. It was stated by Cmn, Ede that the architect had prepared this set of plans at a cost of only $75.00,
Q -9 :?I 4 3, -9
2 The*matter of zoning of the site for police and fire station purposer was discussed, and. Cmn.,. S'ut%on asked the. Council's views as to the creatic of a speciax: aivic center zone. The idea was discussed briefly.but it wat decide6 that it would be risky to do 80 in advance of acquisition of the balance of the property, %rice use of .a site in an R-3. area for fire and police station reqdires a special use permit, cmn, Castorena moved that tl: Planning Commission be requested to consider a special use permit to allot construction of a fire and police station in an R-1 area, Seconded' by Om, 'Helton, All ayes, motion carried,
City Clerk Ewald read the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the application of'Andres Trujillo of 3590 Madison Street, for spe- cial use:permit ,to allow erection of a church on Lots 27 and'28, Block B, Carlsbad Townsite, in an R-2 zone, be approved, There having been firled no oral or written protests, Cmn, Castorena moved that the recom- mendation of: the Planning Commission be accepted, and that the special use permit be granted as.requested.# Seconded by Cmn, Ede. All ayes, motion carried.
Public Works Director Anthony reprted that he had been investigat- ing the possibilities of securing decomposed granite a% the Ed,die Kent- ner ranch and feels that the City can make a substantia2 saving by doing so, as the cost will run about '75$ per cubic yard at the pit, or appro- ximately 90$ delivered in town, whereas this material from other sources has been costing $1,25 delivered.
Mr, Anthony also reported on the work being done at the lagoon on floood control; and stated that on the Tyler-Street improvement there are still two more sewer connections' $0 go En before work can proceed there,
The question of whether a Sanitation Commission should be formed was discussed. It was felt by most members that since such a Commission could only act in an advisory capacity, i% would be merely an extra step since determination of policy must be the responsibility of the Council: It was also pointed out that the Public Works Director is very familiar with Sanitary District matters, having served a number of years as a member of the Board of Directors of the 'CarLsbad Sanitary District,
On the matter of bids on the sewer laterals, .MY, Anthony reported that he had been =successful in his attempt to contact Mr. Halmot, the low bidder, Also, that upon his request Red Robinson, who had seen nei- ther bid, had submitted some figures which were somewhat lower than Leo William'. Mr. Anthony further stated that he had found Oceanside's fi- gures much higher than the highest we have, He stated he had checked back against Bilich's figures and found them under WTilliam's .but that they were based on volume. He stated he had tried to contact Don Hub- bard but was unsuccessful, although he still hoped to do SO. After dis- cussion, the Council decided to await further recommendations from the Director of' Public Works.
The recent meeting with Mr. Beuthel, at which the Elm Avenue im- provement was discussed, was reviewed, The two' engineers approved by Mr. Beuthel for this work, Mr, Whitman and Mr, Phelps, were discussed, and Cm. Sutton moved that the dity Attorney be instructed to prepare a con- tract with Hr. Whitman for engineering services, There was no second, Mr. Anthony stated he felt Mr. Phelps had the greater experience in this particular field as he does four or five State jobs to Whitman's one, and that he also felt that Mr. Phelps had shown a very co-operative at- titude in coming up here many.times, without charge, to advise the Water Company, the Sanitary Board, and the City; also, that he has the profiles for the sewers, etc,, east of the Freeway, which would be very useful later on. He recommended that one or the other be hired at once so that no more time would be lost. Cmn. Ede moved that the City Attorney and the Councilman in charge of such matters-be instructed to enter into ne- gotiations for a cbntract with &. Phelps, Seconded by Cma, Castorena. Vote on the motion: four ayes, one-nay (Sutton) motion carried,
After some discussion as to assignments for the various Councilmen, ??da.yor McCfellan proposed the following assignments:
Cmn, Castoreaa: Fire and Police Departments,
Cmn. Ede: Finance and Budget
. Personnel Buildings
% - Library
Cmn, Helton: Public Works
5 6. Cmn. Sutton: Building Department Parks & Recreation Zoning and Subdivisions
Mayor? McClellan: Harbor
Cmn. Ede and Cmn, Castorena were alos asked to serve as the Auditing Cornmilttee, Cmn. Castorena moved that the Council approve the assignments proposed by ldayor McClellan. Seconded by Cmn, Helt6h. All ayes, motion carried .
Public Works Director Anthony was excused at 10:45 P. M.
The question-of bonds for the City Clerk and City Treasurebas dis- cussed, City Attorney Smith stated that the salary of the City Clerk is fixed as of tonight, that it could have been changed by the old Council prior to the election but must now r'emain.as it is. However, he stated that the compensation for the duties of City Administrator is adjustable. After discussion, it was decided that the salary of the City Clerk-Admin- isiz-ator be left as is for the time being, until the situation could be given ~ome study. Cmn. Castorena moved that Max Ewald be assigned ad- ministrative duties at a compensation of $150.00 per month. Seconded by
Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried.
Mayor McClellan suggested that in view of the heavy agenda, an ad- journed session might be advisable, After a brief discussion, Urn, Sut- ton moved for adjournment to 7:30 P. M. Thursday, April 22nd, at.the City Hall. Seconded by Cmn. Castoreaa. All ayes, meeting adjourned at '11:lo P. N.
Respectfully submitted ,
MAX 0. EWALD, City Glerk
April 22, 1954
Meeting called to order at 7:35 P. M. by Nlayor McClellan. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Castorena, Ede, HelSon and Sutton, City Clerk Ewald .
First order of business was a motion by Cmn. SuWon that approval . of final map of Terramar #&+ be held until a new map is presented for fi- nal approval, Seconded by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, motion carried.
cation of Granville Park'area, and asking for the Councilt$ suggestions, was read, After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved, .seconded by Cmn. Sutton, that the Planning Commission go agead with the planning of Granville Park, cre- ating a Zone R-5 if it is deemed adsisable, All ayes, motion carried.
Memorandum of the Planning Commission regarding proposed reclassifi-
The City Clerk was asked to check on whether a letter had been sent to the Auto Club ordering the new approach signs on the freeway.
It was also suggested that the letter from the Traffic Safety Coun- cil be answered, thanking them for their letter and stating that the mat- ter was being taken under advisement. I
Letter of resignation of Howard T. .Oldham from the Parks; Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission was read. Cm. Ede moved, seconded by Cmn. Hel- ton, that the resignation of Howard To. Oldham be accepted with reszet, and that Nelson Westree be appointed to fill the 'vacancy. All ages, mbtion carried. Mayor McClellan stated he will wrtite letters to Mr. Oldham and Mr. Westree.
There being no further business-to come before the Council, Cmn. Sut- ton moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Castorena , All ayes, meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted, m
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