HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-06-01; City Council; Minutes2.r MIE;SOTES OF &IEWMNG OF CARISBAD CITY COLTNCIL Jure 1, 1954 Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. M, by Rayor McClellan; and opened by a prayer by Cm, Ede, Present besides the Mayor and Cmn. Ede were Cmn, Castorena, Helton, Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, City Attorney Smith. Cmn. Sutton moved that minutes of the meeting of May 18th be ap- proved as written, Seconded by Cmn, Castorena, All ayes, motion carried. I N :a * < 3 e City Clerk Ewald read the following correspondence: Letter from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission recom- mending that the Council call to the' attention of the San Diego Gas & El- ectric Company the increasing number of people using the beach area owned by them; and inform them that plans have beenaade for employment of two life guards' (one-fu-ll-time-;. the other for week-ends and holidays) at the north end of the State Beach, and the Commission feels something also should be done at the south end. The matter was discussed briefly but the Council was uncertain as to the exact purpose of the contact with the Gas Cmpany, The City Clerk was asked to consult with members of the Coassion in an effort to clarify same, City Cbrk Ewald reported that a man from the County Life Guard Service had called at the office and stated that he had loaned one of the guards certain items of equipment, The question arose of whether any financfal arrangements had been made by the Commission for life guard service, the point being made that any expenditures would require Council action, and the City Clerk was asked to ascertain how far the Commission had proceeded in this respect, Letter from the Division of Highways advising that, due to the. large increase in population, the per capita revenue (special gas tax) has been reduced, resulting in a decrease of $238.&0 froin %he ebtimated -$20,890,00 budgeted for Carlsbad, which will require eeductibn of expenditures under Projects 2 and 3. I Letter from Division of Highways enclosing triplicate copies of Me- morandum of Agreement providing for expenditure of gas tax allocation for major city streets for the fiscal year 1955; requesting that same be signed by the proper city officials and two'copies returned, together with two certified. copies of the resolution approving same. Deferred un- til later in the meeting, after study by the City Attorney, Letter from Claud J, Fennel advising that premium for the bonds of the City Clerk and City Treasurer may be paid on an annual basis, or in advance at a saving of 15$, as follows: Treasurer's bond,.....,..,....., $495.88 if paid annually ' 440.25 if paid in advance City Clerk's bond.,e......e..t.. 99.18 if paid annually 88.05 if' paid in advance Referred to Cmn, Ede and City,Clerk Ewald .for their decision as to method of payment. Letter from the Department of Public Works filing notice of intenti01 .to relinquish a portion of the State Highway to the City 'of' Carlsbad. Ci- Clerk Ewald pointed out the portion on the map, being a section of the olc Vista Way lying ae%heP north of' El Camino Real. Referred to Cmn. Helton and Mr. Anthony for their recommendation. I Letter from the County of San Diego enclosing copy of Resolution adopted by the Supervisors modifying the agreement for health services to be furnished cities. Deferred until later in the meeting. t * Bill from the City Treasurer in the amount of $l!jO,OO covering Sani.- tary District services, Cmn. Ede moved that payment of the bill of the City Treasurer for $150.00 be authorized, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, All ayes, motion carried, cm. Castorena reported on the meeting of the general contractors held last Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall to discuss the procedure to be fopllowed in building the Fire and POlgce Station, He stated the meeting was well attended and all phases of the matter were thoroughly discussed, resulting in a suggestion by hire Zahler, with whibh 68 other members agreed, that bids should be invited from the general con- tractors for supervision, labor and material only,. and then separate bids from all of the sub-contractors such as electrical, plumbing, concrete, painting, etc. Cmn. Castorena sta.ted it was the conclusion of the group that this would be the best way to handle the matter and the most econom- ical to .the City, Cmn. Helton commented that it was felt that some of thc sub-contractors might submit a better bid to the City than to a contract- or;' and that under this plan the general contractor would have general , supervision of the work so there would be only one boss on the job. Mr. Anthony stated that no specifications .have been received as yet, although he had expected to have them before this meeting. City Attorney Smith stated that on all work exceeding a cost of $2000.00 bids should be invited, and it was suggested that bids be in- vited when specifications are ready. The question of financeing was dis- cussed, the Council feeling that before bids were invited, some estimate of the budget for 1954-55 should be available for study. It was decided to set a conference to discuss budget matters for Thursday, June loth, at 7:30 P. M. The City staff was instructed to get the invitation for bids in shape, with Cmn, Helton to be in charge. The matter of emplo4$yiag a part-time clerk was again discussed. Cmn. Sutton moved that the employment of a part-time clerk be' authorized, at a maximum expenditure of $125.00 between now and June 30th, 1954. Seconded by Cmn, Ede, All ayes, motion carried. The question of use .of the balance of the $10,000.00 engineering and site acquisition fund was discussed, A suggestion was made that the funds could probably .be used for half of the cost of engineering of the Elm A- venue improvement, the other half to be drawn from the Gas Tax Improvement Fund. The City Clerk was asked to secure full informa$ion on the pending applications from Mr. Phelps, Rr&. Eva 'Felt appeared on behalf of .the Parks, Recreation, Beach, and Tree ComBssion, of'which she is chairman, with the request that'the City Attorney be.asked to re-negotiate with the Couty for the 'lease of the for- mer County Road Station, to be developed as a park. She stated the Jun- ior Women's CLub is very much interested in beautifying it and the Friend- ship Club, of which she is president, is also very much interested -in a.s- sisting with the development. Mrs. Felt was asked to send a written memo 1 to the Council on the matter for purposes of the record. The matter was referred to Cmn. Sutton for negotiation with the County Road Department. Referring back to the letter from the .Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission regarding the life guard and lagoon situation, Mrs, Felt explained that .the Commission felt that, the San Diego Gas & Electric Com- pany should be-asked to employ a life guard on their property for the sake of the safety of.the children who go down there. Cmn. Sutton trolunteered to contact Mr. Garber or MF. Owen, calling their attention to the possib- ility of considerable liability, as they mag want to post it or take some precautionary measures. - Mrs. Felt stated that Dr. Glines had arranged for George Meese Jr., to work as a full-time life guard. at the north end of the State Beach at a salary of $300.00 per month, and that the Commis- sion had also discussed the hiring of 8 part-time guard for week-end and holiday duty, at a salary of $20.0.00 per month-, Action was deferred un- til Dr. Gli'nes could be contacted by telephone. Memorandum from the Planning Commission, dated March 22nd, was re- viewed, suggesting that the Council consider a revision of Ordinance #9025, Section VTI-A-4, with reference to sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Cmn. Sutton stated he felt that requiring sidewalk3 would tend to discour- age subdivision developers on account of the increased cost. After some discussion, it was agreed to hold a conference between the Planning Com- mission, the Council, subdivision engineers and landowners who are sub. divi.ding, to thoroughly discuss the matter, on June 22nd at 7:30 P. M. I The City Attorney was asked to be present at the meeting. Recommendation of the Planning Commission that special vse permit be granted the City of Carlsbad to allow erection of a fire and police sta- tion on a paftion o'f Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands, located on Pfo Pic0 Drive between Elm Avenue and Laguna Drive, tn an R-1 zone. Cmn. Sutton moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and a speci= al use permit be granted the City for such a purpose. Seconded by Cmn. Ed( All ayes, motion carried. I '4 .3 $ 2 d I., c J I 1, 21 After a 2S-minute recess, during which Cmn. Ede was excused, the Cow cil reconvened at 9:15 P. M. Cmn. Helton brought up the question of a franchise with the Oceanside Transportation Company permitting them to operate buses in Carlsbad, stat. ing he felt it might be a good idea to have. a, written agreement governing s-ucb operation. City Attorney Smith stated that he had talked to Mr.. Stal ley, who had stated that Mr. Corbett, Supt, of' the Oceanside Transporta- tion Company, would return from out of town next Munday and he would sug- gest that he (Mr. Corbett) come to the Council meeting and discuss the matter of a franchise, Cmn. Sutton suggested that the City Clerk contact Mr. Corbett .and advise him that the Council would like to discuss the mat& ter of a franchise with him, . The City Clerk was requested to do so. Referring back to the Division of Highways letter enclosing Memoran- dum of Agreement for gas tax expenditure, City Clerk Ewald read Proposed Resolution #137 approving the agreement. Cm. Helton moved adoption of proposed Resolution #117. Seconded- by Cm, Castorena. All ayes, motion carried , The revised contract with Leo Williams for construction of sewer lat- erals was discussed, and changes hoted, Cmn. Sutton moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the proposed contract with Leo Wi3 liams, with the insertion of' the word *downfdlln between the worc3s "ne8r- est" andnman-holen on page-paragraph .,. Seconded by Cmn, Helton, Mr. Art Snyder asked whether existing-permits would be considered valid and was advised that they yould be, He also advised the use of vitrified pipe where lines are laid among trees, Vote on the motion: all ayes, moti carried Mr,'Anthony reported that he had investigated the possibilities of renting out the' street swee er, if purchased, and had found that Vista will use it once a week at B 100.00 per night, and Encinitas would use it twice a month at $12.50 per hour, which, he felt, would carry .the pag- ments on the sweeper and the City's cost would be only the main~enance. The. plan would be to acquire the equipment under rental-purchase agree- 'ment. Mr. Anthony was asked to come in with complete.costs on mainten- ance, operation, insurance charges, eetc,, at the next meeting, - City Attorney Smith reported that he had talked to Mr. Kixuball of the San Diego Gas Bz Electric Company regarding the proposed lighting district along Roosevelt Street, about three weeks ago, and had, been advised that they should be'ready to submit some prelimimary plans soon; that they were. undergoing a change in policy that will enable them to furnish orna- mental wiring rather than the standard, at a cost of about half again what the standard would cosf. Cmn, Castorena stressed the need for this lighting along Roosevelt from Grand Avenue to Magnolia. Mayor McClellan suggested that Mr. Kimball be asked to submit an estimate on the 'standard type of installation as soon as possible, and then on the ornamental wir- ing when available, emphasizing the urgency of the matter, City Clerk Ewald read proposed Resolution #f18, implementing Ordinanc .#5007 relating. to automatfc milk dispensers, Cmn. Castorena moved the ado tion of proposed Resolution #U8. Seconded by Cmn, Sutton, All ayes, mo- tion carried. Final reading was given proposed Ordinance #5008, requiring phgsi- -cal examinations for food handlers, Cmn, Castorena moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance #5008, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, Five ages, no nays, none E\ bsent, Ordinance adopted , #5008. Cmn, Castarena moved the adoption of proposed Resolution #ll9. Seconded by Cmn, Helton, All ayes, motion earried. City Clerk EMald read proposed Resolution a119 implementing Ordinance The City Clerk read the Police Department report for Mag, 1954, as follows: Arrests . 8 , . , , 7 Accidents , , , 6 Traffic Citations . .66 General cases , . , , .70 Mayor BdcClellan proposed that the Council express its appreciation to the Police Department for its competent handling of the recent'Schomp case. Cmn. Suttoa moved that the Council unanimously extend its congrat- ulations to Chief Palkowski and his force, as well as the Police Commissiol er, Cmn, Castorena, for their handfing of the Schomp case. Seconded by 78 Cmn, Helton; all ayes, motion.carried,. Chief Palkowski thanked the Coun- cil for the commendation, on behalf.of.the Department. Mayor McClellan also made mention of the extra time. put in. by the Reserves, both men and women, during' this time, The matter of authorizing employment of' a life guard was agah taken up. City Attorney Snith stated that the City Clerk could be authorized tc negotiate employment of a temporary life guard to June 30th, and Cmn, Sut. ton moved the. adoption of a Resolution authorizing the employment of Geo. compensation not to exceed $300.00 per month, said authorization to be in the 'hands of City Clerk Max Ewald. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motion carried . y" Meese, Jr., as a life guard up to and including June 30th, 1954, with The request of the Carlsbad Cafe for extension of hours and permis- sion to operate a new game was .reviewed. Cmn. Castorena, stated that he had no objection to extending the hours but is opposed to allowing the. Game of wpan-guinguitT to be played; that Mr. Siegfried, the new manager had not yet made application and until he did, so would not have .any sta- tus as a permittee. Chief Palkowski stated he had talked to Mr. 'Sieg- fried about 8 weeks ago and told him that he had no objection to extendine the hours but would recommend against allowing the new game; and advised Mr. Siegfried to get Ms application in and submit to printing, as the ordinance requires, but that he has not done so. Mayor McClellan report that due to the fact that -there seems tq be some difficulty in accomplishing division of some of the 1911 Street Im- provement Bonds, some feeling has developed that the Council should at- tempt to accelerate action in the matter. After discussion, it was a- greed that the City Attorney, after conferring with the City Treasurer should write the attorneys for the bond buyers and insist that early ac- tion be taken, The question of having a special census taken was discussed, and the City Clerk was asked to contact the Bureau of Census in San Diego to see what the cost would be. The.City Attorney was asked about progress on the lease with the San Diego Gas 8c Electric Company, The City Attorney stated that it might be well to wait until school is out, etc,, reminding the Council that they had asked the City to submit proposals, During discussion it was brought out that Paul Ecke had suggested that the City attempt ,to get permission from the Gas Company, and then make arrangements with the Division of Hi@ ways, for a strip of land on both sides of the freeway for a depositary, to be made into a public beach. The Mayor briefed a letter from the County Planning Congress announ- cing the Spring Meeting at the Hotel del Coronado on June 4th, Friday evening, at 6:30 P. M,, dinner to be $4..00 plus tax and tip. Referred to the Planning Codssion. He also stated that he may not be able to attend the Conference of Mayors and Councilmen at Santa Barbara on June 4-5 ,. as planned , There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Castorena moved for adjounment, seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, meet- ing adjourned at lO:&O P. M, Respectfully sumitted, Nv gv kAX 0. WALD, City Clerk ""~"""""~"-"""""-~""""""""""-"""""""""" ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~- """ ~ ""_ ~- "~ "" ldINuTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COITPJCIL June 15, 1954 Meeting called to order at 7:12 P. M, by Mayor McClellan, Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Castorena, Ede, Helton, Suttoh, City clerk Ewald, Public Works .Director Anthony, .and City Attorney Smith. Minutes of the meeting of June 1st were approved, upon motion by Can, Castorena, seconded by Cmn, Helton, atxb$ee:t I3 %&e insertion t)-l&t .\