HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-06-29; City Council; Minutes., . .. .- 2' zens for part payment of fire plugs, to be matched by the City, as author- ized previously. It was decided that since money appropriated for 'fire hydrnats during the current year has been exhausted,.the matter should be deferred into the next fiscal year. em. Castorena stated that he was ia- formed by the Fire Chief today that two other pJugs could be installed at the same ti'me at a oost of $15.00, as .all other installations have been ma6 suah as the valves, etc. He was asked to pass this information on to the City Clerk, The City Attorney, reporting on the porposed Lightiag District on Rooseveit ,Street, stated that he had called: Mr. Kimball and that the Gas - Company was sug osed to have made more complete surveys on the Bt.reet Light ing District , b further stated that it may be six or eight months before the new plan involving the ornamental lightiag will be approved bJI: the State Public Utilities Commission, but at the same time our information aiay not be complete before that time. He reported that there had beei an un- offioial request made to him for consideration of an extended lighting dis- trict in Terramar, and outlined, the prooedure necessary to Initlatethe proceedings, Clty Clerk Ewald stated he had written the San Diego %s 32 Electric Company a letter inquiring as to progress on the proposed Street Lighting Distirct but had received no answer. I .;7 $ discussed, City Clerk Ewald reported that Nr. Corbett stated they w8re c willing to go ahead with an agreement similar to the one they have with 2 Camp Pendleton, with a 3O-day revocable clause in it, at no reambursement ' to the City,, and that the City Attorney will call Hr. Corbett and get a oopy of the agreement with Camp Pendleton so that he can draw up a similar agreement. The question of whether a clause could be incorporated into the franchise agreement to cover the benoh advertising was discussed, City Attorney Smith stated that he had been present at the Planning Commission meeting when the Anderson dc Bobinson special use permit for bench advertis- ing had been under consideration, and that. action had been deferred pending a deoision by the Council as what policy would b.e f.ollowed la these matters s The proposed franchise with the Oceanside Tm'sportatlon System was The Council unanimously expressed satisfaction and appreciation for Can. Castorena reported that the City would participate in the June I the partial- redeooratlng of the City Hall. .. 30th siren test under the CXvil Defense program, and that there will be ade quate public'notice so that the citizenry will not become alarmed, He also report that he felt quite optimistic that Cox. Edward flagen will accept reappointment as Civil Defense Dbzector. There' being 'no further business to come before the Cotqlcfl, cmn. Sut- ton moved for adjournment to 7:OO P. I4., June 29th. Seconded l.y 6-m, as- torena. All ayes, meeting adjoumed at ll:O5. P. M. Bespeotfully submitted, Nv gv M, 0. EWALD, City Clerk """""""""~L""-"""""-"~"~"""""""~"""""~~""" HINUTES OF ADJOURPJED EIIEETING OF CARLS3AD C.ITY COUNCIL June 29- I Meeting called to order at 7:3O Po lui, by Hayor PlcClellan, Present besides the kyor were Councilmevl Ede, Castorena, &lton and Sutton, City Clerk Ewald,, City Treasurer Pace, Public Works Direcotr Anthony, City At- torney Snith (9:jO Po JJf.) rmar unit #4 befslr?e.the meeting is turned over to an ifformal disaussion of the budget. He reported that Paul Swirsky, Jr., law partner of City Attorney Smith, had appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of 'fd, D. Cannon to request that a de,cision be made as to whether cwbs are to be required along Carlsbad Boulevard In Terramar bit #4, - contending that since said street was at the time of approval of the tentative map ,of Ter- ramr bit #4 a state htghway under the control of the Division of High- ways, no impmxements could be -required thereon by the City of Carlsbad, Cm. Sutton 'stated he felt it should be =de clear whether the City Attor- ney*~ office is representing the City or the subdivider, The Mayor stated Cm, Sutton asked permission to report on the ourb questing .in Ter- a 6- .. he felt it should be mads clear whether the City Attorney's offioe is re- presenting the City or the subdivider. The Mayor stated that the ..City At- torney had spoken to him about the possibility of such a situ.ation arising and stated that he felt he could thoroughly and conscientiously represent the .City, even though his associate is representing a client against the City. He cautfoned the Council. to remernber that the City Attorney is not an advisor on polioy to the council, but simply an interpretor of legal questions. It was agreed to defer further discussion of the matter until reoess, and then call the City Attorney if it 'is decided his presence is necessary. Cm. Ede took the chair, and the council was dissolved into a oom- ' City clerk Ewald read the followiag correspondence: rnittee of the whole for the purpose of informally discussiog.the budget. htter from the Office of Civil Defense, enclosing check for $5941.75; Letter from the 0ffice.of Civil Defense returning participation in- reimbursement for fire truck and equipment. voices for signature of the Director of Civil Defense, or, if there is no Direcotr, of the Hayor. Can. Castorena was asked whether he had oontact- ed Col. Hagen on the matter of aooeptfng reappointment as Dire666r of Ci- vil Defense, and stated tmt. he had done so but that Col. ,%@;en prefer- red to wait until he is installed as president of the Rotary Club. Letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking that the Counofl give con- Letter from the County Planning Commission, marked "Seoond Notloen, Letter from Claud Fennel regarding renewal of llability insurance at Letter from the Chamber. of Commerce regarding the Visitor's Bureau sideration to budgeting a sum of money for beach clean-up. asking payment of annual dues of $lO,OO. a premium cokt of $872.67, promotional camgaign, and recomendlng that a donation of $100.00 be con- sidered by the Council, The Public Works Department budget was disoussed ltea by item. .It was a decided to replace the item of $9720;00 listed for library rental with an item for beaoh clean-up for the same amount. The possibility of Imposing a City sales tax was discussed, A let- ter from't'ne Board of Equalization was mad estimtfng that the City of Carlsbad could expect to raise a maximum of $11,000,00 annually, based on population and other factora. Further disoussion was deferred until later in the meeting, The item of $1200.00 for a part-the building 'inspector was disoussed, and it was deoided to eliminate it since building activity at the present time did not warrant employment of a part-tfme inspector. The item of $1200.00 for monthly rubbish collection was cut to $lOOO,C as it was felt that a franchise,arrangement might be worked out whereby thE City might actually gain revenue from garbage and rubbish -collection ratkm than be required to pay for it. The $200.00 remaining on the item was left as It was felt the service may have to be continued for one or two more. months. The storm drain item was discussed at considerable length, 'after which it was decided to peduce this item from $5OOO.OO to $4000,00. The. street signs itam was eut from $500.00 to $250.00. Cm, Ede relinquished the chair temporarizly to Mayor McClellan 80 that a group of oitizens of Terramar could be heard. Mr. William hes, asting as spokesman for the group, stating that he had sopken to Mr. No- ble of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company regarding damage and erosion to their beach lots cau-sed by the aredging activity by the company, but that the only satisfaction he received was that he could naue the Cornpapya. He desqrlbed the damage as being erosion to the depth of, five or six feet and stated that their beaches were entirely unusable this summer on account of the dirty water. He asked the City's support in their efforts towork out a solution to the problem. He stated that four owners of ocean front lots were present and two were represented by proxy. The matter was dis-. cussed at length. City Clerk Ewald commen%.ed that members of the Federal Beach Erosion Board will be out here ia September and wiU. make a study I Ji I '4 n $4 $ t il x" I I ,I .. . .. 2': of beaoh erosion in the' area. It was decided that a oonfe,renae with the officials of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company should be arranged to dl; cussed the matter, ?mn. sutton moved that Br. Anthony Crhalrm a commit- tee appointed.by the &yar for a conference with Hr. Hjalrnersun of the San Diego Gas 8c Electric Company regarding the erosion problem at Tevramar, and report back to the next cowoil meeting on July 6th. Seoonded by' Cm . Ede. All ayes, motion carried, Mr. Anthony and City Clerk Ewald were askc to arrange such a conference as soon as posi3bible. Can. Helton was asked to serve on the committee, and the property owners present were asked to dc signate. one of' their number to act as a member. Mr. William kes was ChO' sen. Cmn, Ede again .%ooke the chair, The budget of the Parks, Beoreation, Beach am3 Tree Commission 0888 reviewed, Nelson Westree of the Cornrniss~on was present and stated that four tree-trimming firms were called in and oame up with an averagg fi- gure of $%jO,OO per tree for 100 trees, cut down from a figure of 185 trees indicated by former Chairman Oldham's .report as needing immediate atten- tion, He stated, the four firms submitting f igures were hvey Tree Sur- geons, Valley Tree-Trimming Service, Calhoun of Encinitas, and Allea knge locally, After considerable discussion, the item was reduced from $jOO,OO to &3500.00, The matter of acquisition of County Road Camp sl%e for park urgoses was,discussed brlefly and it was decided to reduce the Item from i 720.00 to $600.00 , reducing the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission bud- get to $6,76O,OO Hr8. Hike hrge of the Garden Club was present and read a letter from the Garden Club signifying their willingness to partioipate in a -park development program, . After a LS-minute reoess, during which the City Attorney was called, the Cbuncil was reconvendd at 9:25 Pb Ne. .. The Planin Commission budget was reviewed. It was deoldea to can- cel the item of i 250.00 for part.-time legal services. . The possibility of appointing an attorney to the Commission was discussed, and the City At- torney stated that he felt that from a prof.essiona1 standpoint an attorney would rater serve at no. fe.e as a member of the Commission tW to acoept a token remneration whioh would not be in keeping with the value of his services, A letter from Joe Cockrill, C-hairmn of the Planning Commission, explaining the various Items, was read. His suggestion that the Council consider .reimbursing Planning Commission and other officials for meals and mileage: where trips are necessary in lfne of offloial duty was, briefly disczussed, but it was felt that this would be a dangerous precedent to set at the present time, sinoe the City is not ready financlalfy to make'; such allowances to all paid and mpaid personnel for this purpose, The item of $ljOO.OO for 'a Planning Survey was reduced to $1000.00, and the . stationery' item of $50.00 was eliminated, reducing the Planning Commission budget to $1110.00, ed that the attorney for Patterson was granted thirty days' additional time .in which to file his opening brief, which gives him until August Yth. He further stated that he was willing to proceed with the Patterson trial without associate counsel. and. the item of additional legal counsel was reduoed from $1500,00 to $500;80. The item of legal publicatfons was cut .. The C-ity.Attorney's budget was discussed, The City Attorney report- ' t&$3.00', leaving a total of $49~0.00 in the budget, The Sanitary District budget was. considered, and the question of whe- ther the Sanltayy Bond collections could be made by the County more econ- omically was discussed. C:&ty Treasurer Pace stated that the Cotmty is un- willing to make the collections, Cm, Sutton pointed out that under the present system the expense of collectin the. bonds is running abotit 10%. The Item of $500.00 postage was cut to 8 200.00, leaving a balance. In the Safaitary budget of $9700.00. ._ - h' discussion of the Fire Department budget, Bob Hardin outllned a plan whereby .with the use of volunteer help at night and on week-ends, the paid man's time could be reduoed to five 12-hour days.per week. The sala- ry item was accordingly reduced to $3,750.00, No other changes were made in the Fire Department budget, leaving it with a tatal of $32,250.00. On the Police Department bud et, Chief Palkowski explained t&t throu4 ' an error in Including the second f 25.00 raise in this fiscal year's totals, whereas it would not take effect until July 1st of 1955, the totals on the first three salaries itemized were toohigh by a $#d# total of $990.00. Tfhe totals were aocordingly revised. The item for emergency equipment (flapes, etc.) was ,. seduced from $900.00 to $750.00, and the items of rent and insup- " 7.8 an08 on, the police cars were deleted (to be covered in the City Adrninistra. tlve Offioe budget) I leaving a total in the Police Department -budget ‘of $30,790.00. Cm. Castorena .reported that within.a month it will be neces- - sary to change to FM equipment, as Oceanside, is going to m. The City Administrative Office budget was discussed. On the item of a part-time secretary, it was decided to reduce the sala.ry to $1200.00. It was also recommended that $600,00 be taken from’the Sanitary Fund to . purchase files, etc. , and the $300.00 item for this purpose was according- ly eliminated, The “Heat and Light” item was increased to $400.00 to allol $.or increased use when the new fire and police building is occupied. The donation for the Traffic Safety Council was discussed at length, some Teela ing that it should be reduced .to $50.00 and others. keeling that at leas€ $75.00 shoald be allowed, It was decided to cut the item to $75.00, leavr i’ng a balance in the City Office b-udget of $16,245.00.2 . It Was agreed that a $500.00 contingency fund be set up in’the’. bud- get. After further discussion on the possibility of levying, a city, sales tax, Cmn. Sutton moved that the City Attorney be .instructed to prepare for the consideration of the Council at its July 6th meeting, an ordinance providing for the levying of a sales tax of 3 of 1%. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motim carried... ., After a short discussion on the matter of constructing the fire and police station, Cmn. Belton lnoved that Mr. Anthony be authorized to adver- tise for bids on the proposed fire and police station,’including an alter- nate bid providing for a shell for the future jail, to be used temporar- ily as City office; bids to be opened July 20th. Seconded by Cmn. ‘Ede. All ayes, motion carried, The City Clerk was requested to Bnstruct the City Attorney to draw up contracts and resolutions‘ on all salaried employees. City Clerk was requested to see that coverage was arranged for. ing was declared adjouned at 11:10 P. M, The matter of eapiring policies of insurance was brought up, and the There being no further bus.iness to c.ome before the Council, the-meet- Respectfully submitted, Nv ,. gv M. 0. EWALB, Citg4lerk ”””””~””~”~~”~”~~”-”””-””------~----~--~-~~~~-,-~- ~WTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD. crTy COUNCIL July 6th, 1954 Meeting was called to order by Mayor McClellan at. 7:05 P. M. Present besides the .&tagor were Councilmen Castorena, Ede,. Helton, Sutton, City Cler. Ewald, City Attorney Smith, Public Works Director Anthony. Reading of the minutes of the meeting of June 22nd and the adjourned The- City Clerk read the following correspondence; Letter from Claud Fennel advising that coverage had been arranged by his office for fire protection in the.amount of $1200.00 on.the buildings of the Sanitary District until July 22, 1954. Also, .that the expiring pol- icy for .Comprehensive Bodily Injury and Property Damage has been covered until renewal. The City Clerk was requested to notify hTr. Fennel to con- tinue these two policies. meeting of June 29th was deferred until later in the meeting.