HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-08-10; City Council; Minutes36 Two drainage easement offers on Ccean AverLue between the Kelly and De Pinta properties were read by the City Attorney. It was explained that the two owners had agreed to pay for the pi?e, etc. Cmn. Ede moved that the Cit accept the Kelly and DePinto offem of drainage easements to the City of Car bad. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. A letter from Mr. A. R. Stephenson to Kapr KcClellan, requesting that a letter be written to the City of Oceanside protesting the annexing of thre tracts of land in North Carlsbad to Oceanside, was read. Cmn, Ede nqved ths the 1-etter be referred to the City Attorney for his instructions.. Seconded by Cnm. Helton. A11 ayes, motion carried. Due to the lateness of the hoar and the work remaining on the agenda, Can. Sutton raved that the Council adjourn to 7:00 P. PG. on August 10th. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, meeting adjourned at U:20 P. X. Respectfully submitted, v *. . ;. .. M. 0, E'vVALD, City Clerk gv ""~~"""."""""~""""""""-""""""""""""~~""""~ x I:;IFmTT"S GF ADJOf;F@JED XXETING GF CAIiLSBAD CITY 'COUNCIL August 10; 1954 h'leeting called to order .at 7:05 P. 1.2. by Nayor McClellan. Present be- sides the Kayor were Councilmen Castorena, Ede, Helton, Sutton, City' Clerk Ewald, Public Yorks Director Anthony, and City Attorney Smith. Cmn. Ede moved that the minutes of the July 20th meeting be approved 'a: written. Seconded by Cmn. Selton. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Ewald read the following conxnunications: Letter from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Corunission.asking th; the Council negotiate for the purchase of the forner County Road Station fo: park purposes, and stating that various community groups had expressed will: ness to assist in aeveloping a City park. Cmn. Sutton stated that he had heard from Mrs. Kasland by telephone last Thursday that notice of intention to sell would be published on the 12th and a hearing set for the 21+th, at which time, if' there are no protests, the sale will be consummated. The Ci, Clerk was asked to notify the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Comission of the status of the negotiations; and also what portion of their budget ha; been approvsd. Letter from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Sonmission suggestin, the following naxes for a2pointment to the 2oL";unission to fill vacancies caused by the expiring a2pointments of Xrs. Wayne Stuart and Ben Acuna: , Kr Yayne Stuart, Mrs. E. B. Sutton, Xrs. George Fredkin, Mr, Joe Gastelum, and Nrs. Eddie Garcia. Xembers of the Council were asked to consider the sug- gested names, for e decision later in the meeting. City Clerk Ewald stated that the life guard reported that the water ha been very dirty; that there was no beach clean-up during the reporting peri that two toilets were placed last veek-end. He stated that' three volunteer had given him quite a lot of assistance: Chuck Freeburn, Jackie Eentner, and Dink Nuthall, He reported tvo assists during the period.. The Mayor suggested that at the end of the season a letter be written to each of thes deserving volunteers expressing the City's ap2reciation of their serir2ceS. Reporting on the progress of the fire and police station building, Xr. Anthony stated that he had received firm. bids on everything except the shee metal work, and that he believed construction can start next week. It was decided to have a brief conference on the matter during or after recess. Proposed Resolution accepting the civil defense fire truck was rea Smn.. Ede moved the adoption of Resolution accepting the civil defense fire truck. Seeonded by Cm. Castorena, All ayes, notion carried. Cmn. Castorena and Police Chief I?alkowski gave some comparative figure on the cost of a communication system for the Police Department, from which it appeared that the proposal of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company ?'( I. was most favor.aible to the City from an over-all standpoint. Chief PalkoB ski stated he would appreciate the Council indicating its wishes as to ne gotiating with the Telephone Company for installation of their system. Af- ter discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the City Attorney and the Chief of Poli be authorized to negotiate with Pacific- Telephone & Telegraph Company on a contract for the installation of a transmitter and two mobile units along t lines which have .been presented to the City. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Ewald read the Police Department report for the month of Ju Iy, 1954, as follows: Arrests 6 Accidents il, Traffic Cita- .. General Cases 45 1. . . tions 90 -. . Cmn. Castorena and C,hief Palkowski recommended that the agreement with the Counly of San Diego for use of county jai'l facilities be accepted. Cmn SuCton moved the adoption of a resolution authorizing the execution of an a, greement with the County of San Diego for the use of County jail facilities Seconded by Cmn. CastoEena. All ayes, motion carried, 1 4 : ing of August 17th was discussed, and it was agreed that the two remaining 'I members would meet and immediately adjourn.to the following Tuesday, August , 24th. Cmn. Sutton moved that the hearing on 'the application of E, C. Your- ell and the City Planning Commission for' rezoning from E-2 to R-1 ,of the Ce- dar Hills Addition, set for August 17rth, be re-advertised for hearing on the 24th of August at 7:30 P. 14. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion ca~ ried... The City Clerk was asked to notify BBr. Yourell of the postponement. 4 The probability that three members will be absent from the Council mee* The requ,kst of Kr. E. G, Kentner to break.out and replace the curb on Carlsbad Boulevard in front of the Twin Inns was. discussed, and Crnn. Helton moved that the Council grant the request of Mr. Kentner for permission to do the work requested. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, All ayes, motion carried, City Attorney Smith reviewed the steps necessary in the formation of a lighting district. .Maps of the code area of the sewer maintenance district and -of the lighting district were examined and discussed and comparison made of the boundaries. It was agreed that the sewer maintenance district was too.lirn$ted at the southern end to permit of matching the lighting district daries with it. After discussion, Cmn, Sutton moved that the City Clerk., Di rector of Public Works and City Attorney be instructed to proceed as rapidly as possible to form a lighting district as outlined by the San Diego Gas & Electric 'Company, informing the San Diego Gas & Electric Company that this i being done and asking that they proceed as rapidly as possible td form a lig ing district as outlined by the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, inforning the San Diego Gas & Electric Company that this is being done and asking that they proceed as rapidly as possible with the project. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried. I City Clerk Ewald read a letter signed by 69,persons of north Carlsbad askl-ng that the City of Carlsbad protest the-proposed- annexation by Oceansid of three tracts of land awned by North Carlsbad citizens, which c&.tizens we. opposed to the annexation. City Attorney Smith stated that in order to an- nex land by this means, a city must secure the consent of any city within th miles of.the land to be annexed, before they can proceed with the matter; th further procedure on the part of Oceanside, without obtaining Carlsbad's con sent, would be at their own peril. Mrs. Dorothy Gillett, Mr, Carl Matthiese. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer hfiddlestetter, Mr. and Mrs. IvIcKnight, Hr, de Creaecoeur, and other Nojdth Carlspad residents were present in support of their petition and,explained that they felt that it is just a question of time until the hole area would face annexation to OceansSde on a piecemeal basis if nothin is done to halt these proceedings. City Attorney Smith stated that it is hi understanding that an amended petition will be filed with the Oceanside City Council, which would include only three properties, the'owners of which have consented to the annexation, amending the present petitlon which includes si properties, Owners of three of which have consented and three who have not. After considerable discussion, Cm. Ede moved that the City Attorney be in- structed to arrange a conference with the City Attorney of the City of Ocean side to determine better the legal aspects of any annexation of part of Nort. Carlsbad to the City of Oceanside, so that the Council might understand the situation better. Seconded by Cmn. Eelton: All ayes, motion carried, r Second reading was gzven proposed Ordinance #6025, establishing a city sales tax, Can. Castoreaa moved the adoption of proposed. Ordinance #6025. Seconded by Cmn. Ede, Five ayes, no nays,, none absent, Ordinance adopted. ! 9.8 After a 25-rrtinute recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:2O P. hiI. There was further discussion on the fire and police station, the sug- gestion being made that the telephone company be called in to plan the tele phone installations in the new building before the slab is poured; also tha a block of' telephone nunbers be reserved for the future. The City Clerk was asked to contact the tehphone company on this matter. It was decided to add $2000,00 to the contingency fund to provide for ally unforeseen in-, crease in cost of the building. Portions of the proposed budget still remaining unapproved [were ais- cussed, .On the Fire Department budget, the salary item was reduced to' 8 3300.00, as expenditure of this item will not begin until approximate1:y ecember 1st Wkie&he station is finished; which reduction changes the Flre Department total to #13',800.00. On 'the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission, the tree trim- ming portion was approved, without change. The Planning Commission budget was approved. The Barbor Commission was allotted $1000.00 for an engineering survey. Ur. B. E. Christiansen stated that Harbbr Commiktee members had talked with Xr. Patterson, the engineer for Orange County, who stated he would do the preliminary engineering for $75.00 per day, but that he did not know how many days it would require; that he believed the work could be done in ten days. Nr. Christiansen stated that in order to get an appropriation from the Federal or State government it is necessary to have something to show these agencies. He stated he believed the City could profit by the mistakes that had been made at Newport Beach and save thousands of dollars by doing things right at the beginning. City Clerk Ewald read a portion of a letter written by Dr. Edeyer of the San Luis Rey Yacht Club to Kenneth Marshall on June 21, 1948,. stating that the railroad had given assurance of mising their bridge. Mr. Claud Fennel pointed out that on the basis of a $7,000,000,00 val- uation, a property owner would pay 148 per $100.00 taxes to raise -the 1,000.00 needed for the harbor engineering, which he considered a very low price for such an im2ortant step. Cmn. Ede summarized the budget as apgroved, as follows: Administrative - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$16,245.00 Public Works Departmeat - - - - - - - - - - - -75,045.51 Police Departnent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -30,590.50 Pire Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -l3,800.00 City Attorney - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - 4,950.00 Parks, Recreation, Beach & Tree Conmission - - -6,760.00 Planning Commission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,110.00 Harbor Conmission - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - 1,000.00 Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,000.00 Conkingency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,00-0.00 TOTAL - - - - ' -$174,501.01 . Xstimated Income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95,959.38 78,541-63 Estimated Income from city sales tax - - - - - - g,ooo.00 Total to be raised by ad valarm tax - - - - - $69,5&1.63 At-an assessed valuation of $8,831,300.00, a tax rate of approximately 80$ would be required. SANITAXY DISTRICT: Sewer bond collection fees - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500.00 Maintenance and operation - - - - - - - - - - - -3,500.00 - Postage------------ --_-_-_-_ -200 - . 00 $5,200.00 Bond to be retired - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - 3,500.00 Interest on bond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 140 . 00 3,640.00 Ifk! Cbliection Pees on bonds xeze reduced to $l25.QO _ner nonth on the possibil- ity that collection may be made by the County, or by SOineOne on the City st: Cm. Ede proposed the adoption of a resoiutim aGs;$ing the budg,et 8s revised toni?,ht, the tstjl anount to be raised being $17.!+,5Ol.01, leaving ai amount to be raised b17 tax of $69,541.63; for Sarlsbad Sanitary District T.;a: tenance District, .jj52OO.OO; for Carlsbad Sanitzry District, $3,640.00, and for Terrariar Lighting District, :$21.50. Seconded by C.mn. Helton, Five ag~ no nays, none absent, ;'esol.!ution adopted. .- Copies of financial statenent of July 31, 1-954, were passed to Council- lncn. The City Clerk was requested to order forms for the collection Of the city sales tax. I Appointments to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Comiss.ion were further discussed, and the City Glerk vas asked to write letters of appoint- ment to 1.2~~. Wd'yne Stuart and Krs. Eddie Garcia. The printing contract with the Carlsbad Journal was further discussed. ,..lAr. BUZZ Garland was present and stated that both he and his brother felt ,:.\that they should have an increase in rate to @.!joy which is the rate charge \,3 ;<+to the County. He stated they would go along with a rate of $l,OO for se- :.?.cond printing.. It was suggested that a contract be drawn providing for a i2rate of $1.50 per colurrln inch for fist printing, and $1.00 for second print- "ng, with extra copies to be provided at 5P each. Cmn. Sutt.on moved that tk City Attorney be instructed to 2repare a contract with the Carlsbad Journal providing for a rate of $1.50 per colmn inch, and providing for terminatior upon thirty days' notice by either party; and that said resolution authorize the execution by the City officials of such contract. Seconded by Can. Ede. A11 ayes, motion carried. 72 .+ Propos'ed Urgency Ordinance. #3411, amending Ordinance $3005 requiring stop signs at all railroad crossings, and further requiring stop signs on Pi0 Pic0 Drive at the intersection of Ghestnut Avenue, was rejd. Cmn. Cas- torena moved the ado3tion of Urgency Ordinance #3Oll. Seconded by Can. Ede. ,Five ayes, no nays, none absent, Cjrdinance adopted. Proposed Ordinance #3012, amending Ordinance #3005 and permitting dia- lgonal parking on Carlsbad Boulevard betmen Grand and Elm Avenues, was sum- marized. Cmn. Sutton mved that first reading of proposed Ordinance #3012 be waived, and that such waiver constitute first reading. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, no nays, none absent, Ordinance adopted. The matter of naming a IGayor _pro' tem to serve during Mayor XcClellants absence of the period August 13th to 21st, was discussed. Cmn. Sutton moved that Cmn. Manuel Castorena be designated as Acting Kayor to serve during the abseme of Mayor 12eGlellan f.rorn the City during the period August 13th to 21st. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried, asking clarifi6ation of his contract with the City as to being entitled to charge the property owner for any permits required of him by the City for sewer connections, street excavations, etc. The City Attorney was iastructe to clarify this point with Fir. Williams. A letter from Glen Feist, Attorney, written on behalf of Le.0 Williams, There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Castor. ena moved for adjou-rment., seconded by Cm. Helton. A11 ayes, meeting ad- journed at 11:lO P. X. Respectfully submitted, v l ev 2;: BJ EyJ&D, City Clerk """""""""""""""""""""-~""""""~""""""""" MITV\PJ"J'S QF ADJOT.JZT\ZD EEETIWG OF CAPLSE3AD CITY CCLETCIL August 24, 1954 LIeeting called to order at 7:05 T. M. by Xayor i\:icCleLlan, Present besides the hlayor were Councilmn Castorena, Sutton, I-Ielton, City Clerk Ewald, Public 'Jorks Director Anthony, City Attorney Smith, and Police Chief Palkowski. Absent Cmn, xde.